View Full Version : SickHELP: Squirrel Possibly Constipated, Very Lethargic

07-19-2011, 12:04 AM
Hi I am new to these forums but when my squirrel Skip started acting weird the other day I looked up the site.
So a little bit of background on Skip, she is going on 8 years old in a few weeks and I found her when she was a pinky during a hurricane. I nursed her back to health over a few months and tried to help release her to the wild. She froze right when it happened and ra back to me, so i tried it a few more times and always the same result. A little over a week after that experience, I woke up one morning and found her in her cage not moving. It ended up that from her back legs down she had become paralyzed. So we took her to the vet and I think she was given some sort of steroids or something to help her but the vet sad she had an awful chance of surviving the night, but she pulled through and after extensive rehab with her legs, We got them to move again. That was almost 7 years ago and today she can walk on her hind legs but can no longer jump or sit up to eat like a normal squirrel so she has had to stay with me ever since.

Ok so about the problem, I noticed on sunday that she was not being her active self, she was sitting in the corner of the cage with her head down and was hardly moving. She was even letting my sister pet her when normally if she gets close she chatters her teeth at her, so it was very unusual. I picked her up and felt her stomach and she seemed to be very bloated so I figured that she must be constipated from just knowing her habits, I put her lower half in warm water and massaged her for ten minutes but nothing happened, so then I finally took a warm rag and rubbed it by her butt. She peed a little when I did that and after a few minutes she finally went poop (sorry for being kind of gross). And she went Alot! The first little bit had a little red in it but besides that it was normal color.
Now that was about 24 hours ago and since it happened I have seen a few more poops around the cage so I dont believe she is backed up anymore. But she is still VERY lethargic, she has been sitting in the same spot in her little shoe box bed curled up for almost an entire day. She has not drank any fluids since going poop but had a very small bit of honeydew.
I am very worried about Skip and as you can see we have been through alot over many years. Is she lethargic because of the trauma she went through the other day or could there be something more. Please Help.
Thank you all (Sorry for it being so long):thankyou

07-19-2011, 12:12 AM
:Welcome Skip,
Sorry to hear about your baby and I hope someone with more experence will get back to you soon with some ideas. It is late but hang in here, there are many members here that may have a better idea of what you are dealing with and can help you.

07-19-2011, 12:30 AM
holding grand baby hard to type would you call me 864 285-0911


07-19-2011, 12:38 AM
:bowdown to the night owls!

:thumbsup lilidukes!

07-19-2011, 01:56 AM
I understand not calling strangers....quick here..pumpkin (not pie filling)canned, fresh or pumpkin organic baby food for constipation. Green veggies, veggies, veggies. I would in crease her calcium, give her Ensure Pecan or vanilla flavored warmed add a touch of yogurt syringe feed if necessary.

Offer hear a sock filled with rice nuked for 30-45 secs to lay on or Heating pad. You can also give a little baby gas drops.

Sorry so short, peeps with more free hands in the am.

Keep us posted

Hang in there Skip:grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
07-19-2011, 06:43 AM
Skips parents...I am in Tampa and want to help.
Hoping others will vouche for me...I have alot of experience with sqs and love them with every cell in my body.
I also have a pet grey, Rocky, 9 years old. He is everything to me.
I tend to think your Skip needs calcium, and probably diet corrections/suppliments.
Please read the stickys on Metabolic Bone Disease.
Be leary of store bought vitamins, none are targeted at sqs and may do more bad than good.
I am in south Tampa near the Air Base...
I have great vets and years of hands on sq care.
I will do whatever it takes and all I can to help:grouphug
Hoping we can get this taken care of super asap.
hugs and prayers for you both.
I am here if needed.:Love_Icon

07-19-2011, 06:57 AM
Skip, take advantage of Jackie's offer - you absolutely will NOT get a better one. You are extremely lucky to have her so very close!

07-19-2011, 07:15 AM
Skip, I second what Crittermom said. Jackie is THE BEST with these guys and she will do whatever she can to help. Please talk to her and let her help you!! Sending tons of prayers.

07-19-2011, 07:48 AM
Jackie in Tampa Loves squirrels. Best of the best with their care and experience.:alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif

07-19-2011, 10:22 AM
Skip you came to the right place for help and you even have one of the best right there in your own area, please let us know what is going on!

Jackie in Tampa
07-19-2011, 10:34 AM
just talking about this thread/squirrel...
hoping mommy is at work and will ck back in soon.

TY TSB...I am not a licensed rehabber, but sqs have taken over my life...
I never say no to a sq if I can help it...
sending out good vibes to Skip

07-19-2011, 10:54 AM
Sorry everyone I went to bed late last night and just got over to the computer. Thank you all for the responses so fast.
Jackie I am not far from you, Skip is in clearwater. I would love to maybe get her to you as soon as possible if that is ok, the only problem is that I am in orlando for school. My mom has her right now and I told her about you and she would love to talk to you if possible. Not sure if you could send me your number in a private message or what but I will try to get into contact with you as soon as possible.
Thank you all again.

And update on skip, she drank a little water and had a small bite of watermelon, she didnt eat any of her greens and is still hiding in her cage.

07-19-2011, 11:22 AM
Good to hear back from you Skip, I'm sure Jackie will be in touch with you soon. Both of you please keep us informed, we all loose sleep over a squirrel in need. :grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
07-19-2011, 11:27 AM
sent my number

07-19-2011, 11:34 AM
sent my number

Jackie in Tampa
07-19-2011, 11:54 AM
Spoke with Colton...who is in Orlando...he is giving instructions and my info to his mother and sister who are caring for Skip...:bowdown
Colton, have them call me if they don't see results within the time frames we spoke of..
sendig good vibes..
I know you are worried sick, but I think we have this figured out and positive will follow.
:poke You're going to owe your sister big time!:thumbsup
See you this weekend with supplies...and tell your mom and sis to call if they need help...
I will go to them.:)
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

07-19-2011, 11:59 AM
Thanks again everyone for helping. I talked to Jackie and she is confident we can get Skip through this. I am going to give her the crushed tums soon and will keep you all updated on how she is doing.
Thanks sooo much. :jump

07-19-2011, 12:01 PM
Spoke with Colton...who is in Orlando...he is giving instructions and my info to his mother and sister who are caring for Skip...:bowdown
Colton, have them call me if they don't see results within the time frames we spoke of.. sendig good vibes..
I know you are worried sick, but I think we have this figured out and positive will follow.
:poke You're going to owe your sister big time!:thumbsup
See you this weekend with supplies...and tell your mom and sis to call if they need help...I will go to them.:)
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

That is awesome Jackie!! :wott
I hope to hear details as recovery progresses.

07-19-2011, 12:25 PM
:multi :multi :multi :multi :multi

Jackie in Tampa
07-19-2011, 01:03 PM
Colton,this is the link to emergency MBD treatment...
have your sister and mom read this also..
500mg of calcium in 24 hours is a good place to start...make sure she has plenty of water...
as I said, I think the sudden poop explosion was just from her being lethargic...no need to treat with anything...imo.

hjere's the link to the food she needs to have daily...
you can make them yourself, or order them...
they have the RDA that Skip needs.
The site sells syringes and lots of supplies...

TSB will help you thru this...:Love_Icon

07-23-2011, 10:58 AM
Hi Everyone, sorry it took me so long for an update (Long week). But I just got back in town and she is doing MUCH better. The tums boost of calcium helped alot! She is no longer sitting in a corner all day, but she is sleeping quite a bit. She now comes over to me when shes awake and I go to see her :D . Her appitite isnt quite what it was but it is much better, she loves her fruits and veggies (especially broccoli stems and cantelope).
Jackie, I plan on probably making those block things you told me about and was just wondering, besides that what would make up a well balanced diet for her?
Thanks again everyone for your thoughts and prayers, Skip and I truly appreciate every single one.:flash3

Jackie in Tampa
07-23-2011, 11:15 AM
Hi Colton and Skip!
glad all seems to be improving...calcium is the key to a healthy sq...
I am posting the link to the nutrition forum, start by reading the stickys..
there is a sticky called something like...THE HEALTHY DIET...that has veggies listed with their calcium to phosphorus ratios...
ideally we want high cal, low phos...they work hand in hand and phos will deplete cal...so in other words, corn, high in phos fed often will deplete the valued cal in the GOOD foods...
yes corn is ok as a rare treat, but JUST because they like it ...doesn't mean they can have it...
there is so m uch info on TSB...no other place in the entire world ...no book, no vet can give as much. Although I have almost ten years with sqs...no one person has all info...
However we as a group have put so much heart and soul into our experiences and have shared them, we have all learned what DOES work for healthy sqs in captivity.
The tumms is a quick fix, it cannot and should not be relied on as a forever source...
feeding the good healthy diet and the blocks as a suppliment for what we cannot get them is the only way...
I highly recommmend HHBs ...and I am the biggest skeptic you will ever meet..and I also care for more sqs than any current member...{that does not make me special, it makes me loco}
I however have my heart tied up forever with sqs and have no regrets so far...except for the hole in the bottom of my purse...:D
Colton READ...and READ some more!:)
Skip will live a better healthier long life because you found this site...I know!
thanks guy...keep us updated...give your family my number...
I will walk a mile for a sq!
{you may be too young to remmeber cigarette commercials...but smokers would walk a mile for a Camel} get it!!!!:wave123

08-22-2012, 02:12 PM
Hi. I don't know where to post. My daughter found a baby squirrel yesterday whose mother was killed about 4 days before and the baby fell out of a tree near her and she heard it cheeping/crying. It is about 4 weeks old, eyes open, very tiny, the size of a large mouse. She has tried puppy formula, goat,yogurt and whipping cream mixture, grapes, apple, and an oatmeal mix recommended. She has made a mixture of water, sea salt, and sugar, and she drinks only 1/2 - 1 teaspoon every 4 hours, and she has only been able to get her to pee once that she knows of. The first night she drank about a tablespoon and peed once. Today she has gotten her to eat half a peeled grape. Is there anything else to do for her? We have a infrared space heater set at 86 degrees in the room and a neck pad and rice filled sock that we heat in the microwave, and a flannel pillowcase to nest in. Her body does not feel cold, though she burrows into a little ball. Is there anyone in Orlando who has experience with baby squirrels or who does squirrel rescue?

Jackie in Tampa
08-22-2012, 02:19 PM
Hi. I don't know where to post. My daughter found a baby squirrel yesterday whose mother was killed about 4 days before and the baby fell out of a tree near her and she heard it cheeping/crying. It is about 4 weeks old, eyes open, very tiny, the size of a large mouse. She has tried puppy formula, goat,yogurt and whipping cream mixture, grapes, apple, and an oatmeal mix recommended. She has made a mixture of water, sea salt, and sugar, and she drinks only 1/2 - 1 teaspoon every 4 hours, and she has only been able to get her to pee once that she knows of. The first night she drank about a tablespoon and peed once. Today she has gotten her to eat half a peeled grape. Is there anything else to do for her? We have a infrared space heater set at 86 degrees in the room and a neck pad and rice filled sock that we heat in the microwave, and a flannel pillowcase to nest in. Her body does not feel cold, though she burrows into a little ball. Is there anyone in Orlando who has experience with baby squirrels or who does squirrel rescue?

I will copy paste this into a new thread in non emergency forum, afraid you will get lost here.
Yes we have orlando members that will help:thumbsup
I will send private messages to a few that are currently on the board...
look for a new thread by clicking on todays posts on the header bar above the threads...

08-22-2012, 03:00 PM
Gardensprite, I sent you a PM and email with my number.
Please call me if you haven't found help.

08-22-2012, 07:53 PM
Just an update, got her to eat a blueberry, and put about 10 drops of watered down pedialyte on it. Still no pee. She wont drink from the dropper or the syringe or newborn baby nipple. Found a wildlife rescue about 22 miles away and will be trying to keep her well until we can bring her tomorrow. You ladies are doing a marvelous thing, this little squirrel is so precious, I hope she can hang in there another night! Her brother got killed and there were no other squirrels she could find nearby, mother was also killed. If she still doesn't pee, should we try a gentle bladder massage on her, or do you think she will be ok until morning, last pee was last night a few hours after she found her. (Tues. 10pm) Thanks for any suggestions should anyone read this!

08-22-2012, 08:24 PM
I can't mince words when I know this baby is slowly starving and dehydrating.
A grape and a blueberry and 10 drops of fluid are not what this baby needs to survive.
Waiting until tomorrow could be too late.
Please allow me to help her right away.
I can come right now if you would just call me.

Jackie in Tampa
08-22-2012, 08:30 PM
I can't mince words when I know this baby is slowly starving and dehydrating.
A grape and a blueberry and 10 drops of fluid are not what this baby needs to survive.
Waiting until tomorrow could be too late.
Please allow me to help her right away.
I can come right now if you would just call me.
gardernsprite, due to the size of these little ones, they go downhill very fast..
Djar has offered to come get the baby...tonight would be best.
I know djar and she is fabulous and very committeed..
sqs are her life:thumbsup
thank you so much for reaching out..
please let this baby have proper nutrition immediately in her care..

Nancy in New York
08-22-2012, 08:37 PM
There are two threads going on here.Sorry I forgot how to merge posts. Please refer to the thread below and post in that one.


Jackie in Tampa
08-22-2012, 08:40 PM
:D oh shoot, and I even started the second thread...go figure...

Nancy in New York
08-22-2012, 08:41 PM
:D oh shoot, and I even started the second thread...go figure...

No Jackie, that is a good thing.
This would have been lost otherwise....now if I could just get the two together....:tilt