View Full Version : question about issue back legs

07-14-2011, 12:20 AM
Hi everyone, I have 3 squirrels. Same is the oldest and a NR. Comet and Pocket are the next two. I got them in mid-late March. we are working on releasing Comet. But poor Pocket is not releasable. he seems to have no feeling in his tail. He never moves it and it is in the water bowl all the time and he never relaizes it. he also has something wrong with his hind legs or hips. He can not run like a "normal" squirrel. The best way to describe how is runs is like a bunny. He kind of hops. he is avle to kind of climb and never ever jumps. I would like to have him checked out by someone to make sure there is nothing that needs to be taking care of. When is he out of the cage he dose not like to move around alot at all. He would prefer to be in his cage. When you touch hind hind legs or back or tail there is no reaction of pain, But he does shake alot for a little while when we first take him out. Any opinions on what is could be, what or where I can bring him???? I live in Tampa, Florida..... I look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance.

07-14-2011, 04:02 AM
Hi everyone, I have 3 squirrels. Same is the oldest and a NR. Comet and Pocket are the next two. I got them in mid-late March. we are working on releasing Comet. But poor Pocket is not releasable. he seems to have no feeling in his tail. He never moves it and it is in the water bowl all the time and he never relaizes it. he also has something wrong with his hind legs or hips. He can not run like a "normal" squirrel. The best way to describe how is runs is like a bunny. He kind of hops. he is avle to kind of climb and never ever jumps. I would like to have him checked out by someone to make sure there is nothing that needs to be taking care of. When is he out of the cage he dose not like to move around alot at all. He would prefer to be in his cage. When you touch hind hind legs or back or tail there is no reaction of pain, But he does shake alot for a little while when we first take him out. Any opinions on what is could be, what or where I can bring him???? I live in Tampa, Florida..... I look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance. Carrie

:wave123 Carrie, :Welcome
How long has Pocket been like this? Can you tell us what his diet has been? It sounds very much like he is suffering from MBD. This is life threatening and you will lose him if you don't rectify his situation! There is an emergancy treatment for MBD that I would get him started on like yesterday!
You hang in here with us, others will be along. We have many memebers in the Fla. area that I'm sure can offer you assistence.


Emergency Treatment for MBD

Get calcium into the squirrel IMMEDIATELY, not later, not tomorrow, NOW.
Delaying treatment can cause death or permanent paralysis.

You will need:
-Tums, rolaids, or calcium supplement (any kind)
-a syringe or spoon
Crush one pill and add a little water or fruit juice to make a paste. Use the syringe or spoon to force-feed the mixture, a little at a time, until it is all gone. The first day, give a total of 600-800 mg of calcium, spread throughout the day/night to maintain blood calcium levels.


1. Any kind of calcium pill is okay for the initial dose. But you must use PLAIN calcium pills (without Vit D) from then on.
2. Try to give many small doses of calcium throughout the day/night to keep blood calcium levels as steady as possible.
3. If seizures or paralysis worsen or return, give another emergency dose, and make sure you check back in to TSB for help as relapses can be very serious.

The acute symptoms (weakness, lethargy, seizures, paralysis) will usually improve within a few hours, but this does not mean the squirrel is cured. It will take many months to rebuild the calcium in the bones. (See the "Long-Term Treatment for MBD" http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/s...ad.php?t=28007)

More Tips
MBD causes brittle bones that break easily. Try to keep your squirrel confined to a small cage and away from high places, where he might jump and break a bone.

Heat is very soothing for a squirrel with MBD. A heating pad turned to low and placed so they cannot chew the pad or cord, or a rice buddy (a sock filled with dry rice/beans and microwaved for about 20 seconds) will work.

Be sure to check in with TSB on a regular basis; this is key to avoid relapses.

07-14-2011, 04:30 AM
Carrie, I'm a big newbie, but MBD is just what I first thought of too.

07-14-2011, 04:50 AM
Carrie, I'm a big newbie, but MBD is just what I first thought of too.

The symptoms Carrie described are exactly the same as my Annie suffered with her MBD. The reason I first came to TSB and the reason she is still with me today. Healthy and normal. I listened!

07-14-2011, 07:05 AM
It is possible that this baby also has some sort of neural damage but I sure would like to rule out MBD right away,

Get 500mg of calcium into him through the day. An easy way is to try the fruit flavored Tums antacids, available at every drug and grocery. I know my squirrel lovs them more than nuts! Break the tablet into four pieces and try just giving him one. If he will not eat it, you will have to dissolve in water and sryinge it into him. If he will, Give him 1/4 of that tablet at different times through the day and continue or the next few at this rate. If you start to see a little improvement we know he is on the right track.

If this IS MBD it means there are dietary deficiencies in key minerals and that your other squirrels should also be on the same calcium therapy. It also means that a diet change is needed.

Please try the calcium and come back here and tell us what the diet for these guys is. Make no mistake, MBD can and will kill, so please don't wait.

BTW, that is Metabolic Bone Disease we keep referring to as "MBD." Due to their specialized dietary needs, we see an awful lot of it here.

island rehabber
07-14-2011, 07:15 AM
Carrie, you've gotten perfect advice here and I hope you've started the MBD emergency treatment already. :thumbsup I am moving your thread up to Life-Threatening so we can all keep close tabs on your little guy. He CAN get better, and be releasable, but you must help him with consistency and all the right foods. We're here with ya! :thumbsup

07-14-2011, 10:15 AM
thank you for all of the responses. I do not think it is MBD. My older one Sam had it when he was younger and it is not the same thing. They all get cal-quick and fox valley along with fresh greens and a healthy squirrel diet. he has been like this since we got him in March only we did not realize it at first. We just thought it was how he was learning to walk and climb. Then one day we just noticed something was different with him. I tried to find a vet or someone to look at him just doesn't seem like there are very many squirrel frinedly vets. It doesn't seem like it is getting worse my heart just breaks for him. I really think it is something with his hips or legs. It is so sweet and sad to see him hop around. everything else about his development seems to be normal.

07-14-2011, 10:29 AM
Are your babies getting any type of rodent block in their diet?

The shaking that you mentioned is not normal. I'm really hoping there is a member here in your area that may be able to help you get him evaluated. Stay with us...

07-14-2011, 10:57 AM
The shaking seems to be that he is scared, or at least what i thought. He shakes when you first pick him up after a little bit he calms down. he calms down much quicker with my husband then me. Once he calms down if you are holding him he just sits there. Likes to hide in my hair and he will stay there. No they are not getting rodent block. Where can I get that and what is it? The have antlers though. I read somewhere that is good for both the teeth and calcium to, is that correct?

07-14-2011, 11:11 AM
If he isn't eating any sort of rodent block, unless you are supplementing very heavily with the cal-quick he may still not be getting the minerals he needs. The MBD protocol is for 500mg per day to start. If you don't want to go the Tums route, start giving him 500mg of cal-quick a day. Antlers have lots of calcium - if they are being consumed. The additional calcium we are suggesting will not hurt him, and we won't know if it will help him unless you will try it.

Mazuri makes a rodent (rat) block. So does Kaytee (Forti-Diet) and Sunseed (critter cubes) and Harlan Teklad and we have a member here who makes and sells a block.

Jackie in Tampa
07-14-2011, 12:24 PM
Hi carrie:Welcome :wave123
some times an injury will occur and healing is compromised due to lacking correct diet...healing is slow and sometimes not adaquate bone growth is accomplished. Needs Rodent block of some sort.
:poke if your sqs will still take formula, push that..
I am in south Tampa near AFB, I will see your sq if you need some advise and I also have a vet that will let me get Xrays if needed...
You are getting great advise...MBD or injury comes to mind from your description.
I have had several MBD sqs and the bunny hop is so typical of this calcium deficency...
let me know...
:dono not sure why NO ONE has shared my info with you.. I have experience and support.
Let me know if I can help:Love_Icon

07-14-2011, 03:35 PM
:dono not sure why NO ONE has shared my info with you.. I have experience and support.
Let me know if I can help:Love_Icon

Sorry Jackie, :( oversight on my part. I'm not from your area but knew there were/are experenced members there. I know you are very involved with the babies. I just have to get the members and locations pounded in my "mental" database. :bash

07-15-2011, 03:03 AM
Hi carrie:Welcome :wave123
some times an injury will occur and healing is compromised due to lacking correct diet...healing is slow and sometimes not adaquate bone growth is accomplished. Needs Rodent block of some sort.
:poke if your sqs will still take formula, push that..
I am in south Tampa near AFB, I will see your sq if you need some advise and I also have a vet that will let me get Xrays if needed...
You are getting great advise...MBD or injury comes to mind from your description.
I have had several MBD sqs and the bunny hop is so typical of this calcium deficency...
let me know...
:dono not sure why NO ONE has shared my info with you.. I have experience and support.
Let me know if I can help:Love_Icon

I was actually just catching up on the thread and thinking, maybe I should tell her about Jackie, but then I felt a little awkward about just up and volunteering you to help. Next time, though, I'll spit your info right out. :)