View Full Version : Need 18 gram Pinky Help
Squirrely Steve
07-12-2011, 10:03 PM
Hello Friends :wave123
I got two baby pinky squirrels in at 4:30 pm today.
a 16 gram girl ...already lost her.
and 18 gram boy.
I picked them up and got rehydrate fluid in them at
then at 7pm
Then at 9pm
lost the girl checking on them for the 9pm rehydrate feeding.
I lightly washed them during the 7pm feeding.
I may have cooled her down too much.
they were real dirty with hair.
Should I be pushing more fluids more often or is two hours ok for tonight.
I got the boy in a tank with the heating pad going.
Its going to be a long night. :crazy
Squirrely Steve :wave123
island rehabber
07-12-2011, 10:11 PM
:wave123 hi Steve!
IF the little one seems sufficiently rehydrated by midnight tonight, I would begin giving him diluted FV 32/40 every 3 hours or so. Hopefully he will take close to 1cc. If you start with 4:1 water to FV, by the 3rd feeding you will be at full strength - -sometime tomorrow morning. Go slo-o-o-o-wly with everything and remember to wrap the baby at all times so he is never exposed to the air. They chill in a heartbeat. Here's my bla-bla on Pinkies: :D
WARMTH: a heating pad on low, under half their container (not under THEM) is best. Plastic tubs or terrariums are good because the environment is more humid and their skin doesn't dry out. When feeding a pinky, if your hands are warm you can use tissue paper to wrap and hold him...if your hands are cold, WARM a cloth or glove before picking up the pinky or you will chill him instantly.
HYDRATION: pinkies need hydration in the form of formula -- or Pedialyte in the beginning -- at least every 2.5 hrs. This means getting up at least once during the night. I get up twice, and it still means they will go 3.5 hrs sometimes without food but it's usually ok. If they look flat and skinny when you get up to feed them, you are not feeding OFTEN enough. Sorry kids, it's a rough gig those first 2 weeks.
CONSISTENCY: consistent heat.....consistent feedings....if your schedule is going to make you sporadic or unpredictable in caring for these teeny-weenies, give them to someone who has the time to care for them properly. If you don't have a heating pad, GET ONE, without an auto shut-off. Microwave disks are too unpredictable for pinkies and may cook them. Hot water bottles don't last nearly long enough for these fragile babies.
PATIENCE: Feed pinkies slo-o-o--owly. Very slowly. Teeny drop by teeny drop, preferably with a 0.5 (1/2) cc syringe or a 1cc at the LARGEST. Use a nipple attachment for best results. Go very, very slowly. If it takes you 5 minutes to get half a cc of formula into a pinky, you're doing it perfectly. This is how we avoid aspiration, the #1 cause of death in pinkies and the reason why "some say" there is only a 50% success rate in saving them.
Good luck pinky papa!! :thumbsup
Squirrely Steve
07-12-2011, 10:20 PM
:wave123 hi Steve!
IF the little one seems sufficiently rehydrated by midnight tonight, I would begin giving him diluted FV 32/40 every 3 hours or so. Hopefully he will take close to 1cc. If you start with 4:1 water to FV, by the 3rd feeding you will be at full strength - -sometime tomorrow morning. Go slo-o-o-o-wly with everything and remember to wrap the baby at all times so he is never exposed to the air. They chill in a heartbeat. Here's my bla-bla on Pinkies: :D
WARMTH: a heating pad on low, under half their container (not under THEM) is best. Plastic tubs or terrariums are good because the environment is more humid and their skin doesn't dry out. When feeding a pinky, if your hands are warm you can use tissue paper to wrap and hold him...if your hands are cold, WARM a cloth or glove before picking up the pinky or you will chill him instantly.
HYDRATION: pinkies need hydration in the form of formula -- or Pedialyte in the beginning -- at least every 2.5 hrs. This means getting up at least once during the night. I get up twice, and it still means they will go 3.5 hrs sometimes without food but it's usually ok. If they look flat and skinny when you get up to feed them, you are not feeding OFTEN enough. Sorry kids, it's a rough gig those first 2 weeks.
CONSISTENCY: consistent heat.....consistent feedings....if your schedule is going to make you sporadic or unpredictable in caring for these teeny-weenies, give them to someone who has the time to care for them properly. If you don't have a heating pad, GET ONE, without an auto shut-off. Microwave disks are too unpredictable for pinkies and may cook them. Hot water bottles don't last nearly long enough for these fragile babies.
PATIENCE: Feed pinkies slo-o-o--owly. Very slowly. Teeny drop by teeny drop, preferably with a 0.5 (1/2) cc syringe or a 1cc at the LARGEST. Use a nipple attachment for best results. Go very, very slowly. If it takes you 5 minutes to get half a cc of formula into a pinky, you're doing it perfectly. This is how we avoid aspiration, the #1 cause of death in pinkies and the reason why "some say" there is only a 50% success rate in saving them.
Good luck pinky papa!! :thumbsup
Hi IR :wave123
Sounds like a Great Plan.:thumbsup
I will try some diluted FV 32/40 after midnight if he looks hydrated.
Many Thanks for all the Pinky information :thankyou
Here we go. :)
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
07-12-2011, 10:22 PM
What IR said, Steve. Don't forget to stimulate for pp and poo at each feeding. Also they like the formula very very warm. With that little bit of formula it seems to cool down before you get to the end. I usually work with 2 syringes. Keep one warm while you work with the other. Switch in and out of warmer. I find pinkies don't like cold formula one little bit. I love pinkies. They are so strong and really try to do their best for you to help them. Sweet little angels.
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 08:48 AM
What IR said, Steve. Don't forget to stimulate for pp and poo at each feeding. Also they like the formula very very warm. With that little bit of formula it seems to cool down before you get to the end. I usually work with 2 syringes. Keep one warm while you work with the other. Switch in and out of warmer. I find pinkies don't like cold formula one little bit. I love pinkies. They are so strong and really try to do their best for you to help them. Sweet little angels.
Hi Marty :wave123
I made it though the night with the little fellow. :)
I got some thinned out formula in him ok about midnight. :thumbsup
Then early this morning about 4:30 am...then at 7am
Whuuu tired but happy he is still going. :D
I got him packed up in a small crate at work with me with a heater pad plugged in. :thumbsup
Many Thanks for reminding me about stimulate for pp and poo at each feeding.:thankyou
and very good information about keeping the formula very warm.:thumbsup
I will get two syringes going...many Thanks :thankyou
I love pinkies too .....sweet little guys :Love_Icon
Boy they are fighters :D
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Best Life
07-13-2011, 08:56 AM
Thanks for posting the update! Sorry the little girl didn't make it. I'm sure it's it isn't anything you did or didn't do; they're so tiny.
Sounds like your little man is doing well. Is he peeing and pooping yet? :poop You know how we love to hear all about that!
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 09:25 AM
Thanks for posting the update! Sorry the little girl didn't make it. I'm sure it's it isn't anything you did or didn't do; they're so tiny.
Sounds like your little man is doing well. Is he peeing and pooping yet? :poop You know how we love to hear all about that!
Hi Linda :wave123
Thanks ... sorry to take so long with updates...home life so busy...
Thanks about the little girl.
Its a shock to lose them...hurts..
I tried my best...yes so tiny.....
Yes he has done a couple of micro poops :thumbsup
not sure on the peeing.
I feed him the watered down formula at 9am and he took about 0.3 cc
is this enough at a time ?
I have not ran the math yet some much going on.:crazy
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
07-13-2011, 09:29 AM
Hi Steve! I'm sorry the little girl is gone. Good luck with the little boy. You just do your best and we will help by praying the little boy will make it. Can I say how proud I am of you? Well, I am!
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 09:50 AM
Hi Steve! I'm sorry the little girl is gone. Good luck with the little boy. You just do your best and we will help by praying the little boy will make it. Can I say how proud I am of you? Well, I am!
Hi Michele :wave123
Thanks ..wished I could of saved her....
I will try my very best with the little boy. :)
Thanks for the prayers :thankyou
Awww...Thanks that means a lot to me.:)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 10:02 AM
Hi Friends
Here is a couple of pictures of the boy from this morning at 9am feeding.
He has some bruising on his legs and on his head some.
A small cut by the mouth.
Looks like everything is working. :)
No open wounds.
Next feeding I will check out more.
Go with 0.3cc to 0.4cc per feeding ?
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
island rehabber
07-13-2011, 10:16 AM
:thumbsup he looks good, Steve! I would like to see him take .8 - .9cc each time if possible. Give him Pedialyte between feedings for a couple of times, see if his appetite perks up. :thumbsup He may still be dehydrated, that's why he's not peeing yet. Always assume orphaned babies are dehydrated, because most of the time, they are. :)
Nancy in New York
07-13-2011, 10:17 AM
Hi Friends
Here is a couple of pictures of the boy from this morning at 9am feeding.
He has some bruising on his legs and on his head some.
A small cut by the mouth.
Looks like everything is working. :)
No open wounds.
Next feeding I will check out more.
Go with 0.3cc to 0.4cc per feeding ?
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Steve, do you know if these were cat caught? You may need anitibiotics. Are you putting neosporin on his cuts?
With the feedings go with 5-7% of their body weight which would be .9 cc's - 1.3 cc's every feeding. If you can get 1 cc of formula in, or a tad less, every two hours, that is an excellent amount. Go slowly though.
island rehabber
07-13-2011, 10:19 AM
With the feedings go with 5-7% of their body weight which would be .9 cc's - 1.3 cc's every feeding. If you can get 1 cc of formula in, that is an excellent amount. Go slowly though.
Great NY minds think alike, one NY minute apart. :D :Pals
Nancy in New York
07-13-2011, 10:20 AM
Great NY minds think alike, one NY minute apart. :D :Pals
Too funny.....I had to get my calculator, you probably knew the numbers off the top of your head!
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 11:10 AM
:thumbsup he looks good, Steve! I would like to see him take .8 - .9cc each time if possible. Give him Pedialyte between feedings for a couple of times, see if his appetite perks up. :thumbsup He may still be dehydrated, that's why he's not peeing yet. Always assume orphaned babies are dehydrated, because most of the time, they are. :)
Hi IR :wave123
Thanks ..worried some about the bruising ..but we got to get the right amounts of formula in for now.
Very cool thanks for the cc information :thankyou
I will give him pedialyte right now
He is hungry ..I was worried about pushing too much at so young.
Many Thanks :thankyou
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 11:16 AM
Steve, do you know if these were cat caught? You may need anitibiotics. Are you putting neosporin on his cuts?
With the feedings go with 5-7% of their body weight which would be .9 cc's - 1.3 cc's every feeding. If you can get 1 cc of formula in, or a tad less, every two hours, that is an excellent amount. Go slowly though.
Hi Nancy :wave123
I think a dog was involved..nest was blown from tree from storm and dog found.
Should I grab anitibotics from home at lunch time. ?
No not putting any thing on cut by month yet..almost looks like a birth problem...there is some small bruise bit marks like...not thur ..
Many Thanks for figuring the right amount of formula to give. :thankyou
sounds good every two hours...yes slow.
Many Thanks :thankyou
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 11:18 AM
Great NY minds think alike, one NY minute apart. :D :Pals
You NY girls are Awesome ! :wott
Squirrely Steve
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 11:36 AM
Hi Friends :wave123
I got 1.0cc of the rehydrate fluid in him.
I will give him a 1/2 hour - 45 min. then try some formula.
they go every couple of hours.
sound ok ?
Squirrely Steve :wave123
What a little sweetie...praying for his survival..and extra energy for you for all the night-time feedings:Love_Icon .
07-13-2011, 11:43 AM
So proud of you, Steve!:grouphug I know how much you wanted to do the Rehabbing!
I admire you for all of your determination!:thumbsup
I don't think I could ever be a Rehabber. Would need "therapy" each time I lost one! Also, I wouldn't want to give any of them up!!
Good luck to you!
Dana & Nos
island rehabber
07-13-2011, 11:52 AM
Hi Friends :wave123
I got 1.0cc of the rehydrate fluid in him.
I will give him a 1/2 hour - 45 min. then try some formula.
they go every couple of hours.
sound ok ?
Squirrely Steve :wave123
THAT'S what I'm talkin' about, Steve :thumbsup :alright.gif. Yes, wait 45 mins and try formula -- bet he takes more than before. Watch the milk line -- it should be halfway up the abdomen, no higher. Then wait until it's almost invisible before feeding formula again. Often with FV they don't need to eat as often as we think. :)
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 11:59 AM
What a little sweetie...praying for his survival..and extra energy for you for all the night-time feedings:Love_Icon .
Hi Gina :wave123
Thanks and Thanks for the prayers :grouphug
Squirrely Steve
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 01:20 PM
So proud of you, Steve!:grouphug I know how much you wanted to do the Rehabbing!
I admire you for all of your determination!:thumbsup
I don't think I could ever be a Rehabber. Would need "therapy" each time I lost one! Also, I wouldn't want to give any of them up!!
Good luck to you!
Dana & Nos
Yaaa...TSB is disappeared..for a time there...:crazy
Hi Dana and Nos :wave123
Awww..Thanks Dana :thankyou
I am trying my best :thumbsup
Its hard .....but I love it :D get to a point ... time to go guys ... but not just yet :grouphug
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 01:31 PM
THAT'S what I'm talkin' about, Steve :thumbsup :alright.gif. Yes, wait 45 mins and try formula -- bet he takes more than before. Watch the milk line -- it should be halfway up the abdomen, no higher. Then wait until it's almost invisible before feeding formula again. Often with FV they don't need to eat as often as we think. :)
Hi IR :wave123
Cool ...Thanks much :thankyou ... I got your post before lunch.:thumbsup
I gave him some formula at 12 noon and took about 0.9cc.
Looks like he may have peed.
I wiped him up and put him back in crate.
I forgot the med's when I went home at lunch time. :dono
7 sets of baby raccoons eyes made me forget...dang. :thinking
I got to learn about the milk line. :dono
never heard of before..I will watch and study. :thinking
Next feeding about 2-3 pm ?...coming up. :multi
I just checked on him he is nice a warm...moving a little..sleeping. :)
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
07-13-2011, 02:03 PM
Use a bright light, Steve - sort of like candling an egg. You are looking for the actual fill line on their tummy!
Looking at that pinky in your hand reminds me of what I feel like when I am trying to syringe feed baby mice...TOO SMALL! Don't you feel like your are trying to work with oven mitts on?:rotfl
I would absolutely start that baby on antibiotics. Any time there is animal involvement, even if there are NO visible wounds it is a good idea because once they start downhill it is too late...:thumbsup
Best Life
07-13-2011, 02:31 PM
Looking at that pinky in your hand reminds me of what I feel like when I am trying to syringe feed baby mice...TOO SMALL! Don't you feel like your are trying to work with oven mitts on?
CRITTERMOM - :rotfl What a perfect description! ...and in my case, add in a BLINDFOLD. I need some of those cool glasses like the dentist uses; they look like tiny binoculars!
Squirrely Steve - Keep up the good work! :thumbsup5
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 02:54 PM
Use a bright light, Steve - sort of like candling an egg. You are looking for the actual fill line on their tummy!
Looking at that pinky in your hand reminds me of what I feel like when I am trying to syringe feed baby mice...TOO SMALL! Don't you feel like your are trying to work with oven mitts on?:rotfl
I would absolutely start that baby on antibiotics. Any time there is animal involvement, even if there are NO visible wounds it is a good idea because once they start downhill it is too late...:thumbsup
Hi Critter Mom :wave123
Wow thats cool never heard of before.
I will try....go by eye with a light.
Like IR said.. "Milk Line should be halfway up the abdomen, no higher.
Then wait until it's almost invisible before feeding formula again."
Yes too small..yes good description working on them with oven mitts.
Yes I will start the baby on antibiotics...good idea.
They just called....They found one more baby from the same nest fell out.
I am running after..
be right back..
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 02:57 PM
CRITTERMOM - :rotfl What a perfect description! ...and in my case, add in a BLINDFOLD. I need some of those cool glasses like the dentist uses; they look like tiny binoculars!
Squirrely Steve - Keep up the good work! :thumbsup5
Hi Best Life :wave123
I agree :thumbsup
Thanks I am trying my best :thankyou
Squirrely Steve
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 03:50 PM
Hello Friends :wave123
Made it back....
It was the same family.
They found two more babies under the same tree of yesterday.
one had already died.
I got the other one back to the shop and got 0.5cc of rehydrate fluid in her.
She must be from the same litter.
got hungry and fell out.
She has a couple of nicks on her back.
One nick may have a splinter in it.
I will take out when I get home...and get her on antibiotics.
I got the boy feed 0.8cc of formula.
He is moving around good. :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
island rehabber
07-13-2011, 04:20 PM
you've saved his other little sister -- how wonderful! She will be even MORE dehydrated, Steve, so go even more slowly and keep her on Pedialyte only for about 8 hrs, ok? :thumbsup
07-13-2011, 04:21 PM
Steve is there any way to climb that tree to see if there are any more in the nest?
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 05:02 PM
you've saved his other little sister -- how wonderful! She will be even MORE dehydrated, Steve, so go even more slowly and keep her on Pedialyte only for about 8 hrs, ok? :thumbsup
Hi IR :wave123
Yes I think so. :thumbsup
Yes she is more Dehydrated.
I will keep her on Pedialyte only for about 8 hrs :thumbsup
Yes more slower too.
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
07-13-2011, 05:07 PM
God bless.....I remember those days! (And I am not trying to stir pot but wanted to add, as you go up from diluted, to full stregnth, if you notice these babies are having issues digesting, you may need to do goats milk, which is what we had to do. Many have done pinkies with FV and not had issues, but some have and I know goats milk worked well!)
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 05:09 PM
Steve is there any way to climb that tree to see if there are any more in the nest?
Hi Critter Mom :wave123
Not sure :dono
I am getting the pinkies second hand for a bird rehabber.
The people live in a town by us and they bring in to the other rehabber and the rehabber calls me.
there was two to start yesterday.
two more today ..a total of 4 from they ever have more ? :dono
I will find out if the tree can be climbed :dono
I got to do some supply buying and a bunch of chores at home.
maybe a little time before I get back on here...unless I run into problems then I will be a typing......
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 05:12 PM
God bless.....I remember those days! (And I am not trying to stir pot but wanted to add, as you go up from diluted, to full stregnth, if you notice these babies are having issues digesting, you may need to do goats milk, which is what we had to do. Many have done pinkies with FV and not had issues, but some have and I know goats milk worked well!)
Hi pappy1264 :wave123
Thanks Much ! ! :thankyou
I will watch them close and get some goats milk if they have any issues Digesting. :thumbsup
So far this FV has been working Great :)
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
07-13-2011, 10:14 PM
God bless.....I remember those days! (And I am not trying to stir pot but wanted to add, as you go up from diluted, to full stregnth, if you notice these babies are having issues digesting, you may need to do goats milk, which is what we had to do. Many have done pinkies with FV and not had issues, but some have and I know goats milk worked well!)
:wave123 Steve, I second that God bless. Yes , pappy1264 is right. In the Spring, several members with pinkies had trouble with the FV for the pinkies,or so it seems. The one's that had trouble were the ones that switched their pinkies to the Jackie in Tampa's Goatmilk Temporary Formula. They mixed it 50%-50% with FV 32/40. They transitioned to the 50%/50% formula in the usual way. Starting out 1 or 2 feedings, 25%GM to 75%FV, next feeding is then at the 50%GM to 50%FV. Most people stayed at the 50%/50% mix of Goat's milk to FV 32/40. Some went the full switch to 100% Goat's milk temp. formula then added back in the FV until 50/50 mixed. Confused yet???:rotfl I will include the JIT Goat's milk formula so just in case you need it quickly you don't have to look far for it.
Jackie (Jackie in Tampa) has graciously offered her Temporary Replacement Formula recipe.
Jackie's Goat Milk Recipe
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt
Mix well and keep in a covered plastic or glass container in the refrigerator. Replace after 48 hours.
Let us know how you are doing. I'm going to check out the boys now.
Marty (BTW, we all are really proud of you. You are doing great Steve. :alright.gif )
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 10:36 PM
:wave123 Steve, I second that God bless. Yes , pappy1264 is right. In the Spring, several members with pinkies had trouble with the FV for the pinkies,or so it seems. The one's that had trouble were the ones that switched their pinkies to the Jackie in Tampa's Goatmilk Temporary Formula. They mixed it 50%-50% with FV 32/40. They transitioned to the 50%/50% formula in the usual way. Starting out 1 or 2 feedings, 25%GM to 75%FV, next feeding is then at the 50%GM to 50%FV. Most people stayed at the 50%/50% mix of Goat's milk to FV 32/40. Some went the full switch to 100% Goat's milk temp. formula then added back in the FV until 50/50 mixed. Confused yet???:rotfl I will include the JIT Goat's milk formula so just in case you need it quickly you don't have to look far for it.
Jackie (Jackie in Tampa) has graciously offered her Temporary Replacement Formula recipe.
Jackie's Goat Milk Recipe
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt
Mix well and keep in a covered plastic or glass container in the refrigerator. Replace after 48 hours.
Let us know how you are doing. I'm going to check out the boys now.
Marty (BTW, we all are really proud of you. You are doing great Steve. :alright.gif )
Hi Marty :wave123
wow lots of mouths to feed.
Just got Chuck out.....Sparky about a 1/2 hour ago...
Thanks so much for getting Jackies Goat milk Recipe. :thankyou
I will get the ingredients in the morning for just in case. :thumbsup
The little boy and little girl are doing good.:D
I got them feed at 6pm and at 9pm.about each
I need Help with figures
I need to give them antibiotics
I have Sulfatrim Antibiotic 0.25cc/lb times a day ...Says on side of container.
The boy weights 16 grams
The girls weights 13 grams
Can you guys help me with the cc's to give each.
Thanks I am Trying my Best.
Many Thanks
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 11:25 PM
Hello Friends
I am up reading my Wild Mammals Babies Book.:thinking
and it says for Sulfatrim with a 25 gram babies the dose is 0.01(ML)
50 gram the dose is 0.02 (ML)
I need help with ml and cc to much room for error :dono
my guys way less too 16 gram and 13 gram about half of the 25 gram.
so whats half of 0.01(ML) ? in CC's ?
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 11:33 PM
HI Steve, I think the dose would be 0.01 for each baby. I can't find my chart right now but I am pretty sure... will check tomorrow. But for tonight I would go with that 0.01cc. Now that is the tiniest dose you can possibly give. It is the first tiny, eeny line on the syringe. To get that tiny bit in them, you have pull up more then you need because it won't come out of the tip of the syringe. When you push the plunger down it won't even come out in their mouth. Or you can pull up that teeny little bit(0.01) then add 2 or 3 tiny lines or drops up on the syringe of water. Then shake it up in the syringe and be sure they take it all to get the full dose. Still with adding a teeny bit of water it is a little tiny amount or dose.
I think you will be safe if you just give 0.01cc. Remember 1 cc= 1 mm CC and MM are the same thing.
Squirrely Steve
07-13-2011, 11:41 PM
HI Steve, I think the dose would be 0.01 for each baby. I can't find my chart right now but I am pretty sure... will check tomorrow. But for tonight I would go with that 0.01cc. Now that is the tiniest dose you can possibly give. It is the first tiny, eeny line on the syringe. To get that tiny bit in them, you have pull up more then you need because it won't come out of the tip of the syringe. When you push the plunger down it won't even come out in their mouth. Or you can pull up that teeny little bit(0.01) then add 2 or 3 tiny lines or drops up on the syringe of water. Then shake it up in the syringe and be sure they take it all to get the full dose. Still with adding a teeny bit of water it is a little tiny amount or dose.
I think you will be safe if you just give 0.01cc. Remember 1 cc= 1 mm CC and MM are the same thing.
Hi Marty
Thanks so much !:thankyou
I will give them a dose each.
I learned so much today :D
Ok feeding and giving med's here we go....
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
07-13-2011, 11:42 PM
Sorry I didn't want to edit again so will post again. Steve it is too had to try to get less than 0.01cc/ml in or out of the syringe. You could pull up the 0.01cc with a few drops of water and give half to each baby. There is a way to dilute but I will have to look tomorrow. For tonight go with the half plan or a little less than 0.01 cc.
Marty Will check in the morning.
Squirrely Steve
07-14-2011, 12:10 AM
Sorry I didn't want to edit again so will post again. Steve it is too had to try to get less than 0.01cc/ml in or out of the syringe. You could pull up the 0.01cc with a few drops of water and give half to each baby. There is a way to dilute but I will have to look tomorrow. For tonight go with the half plan or a little less than 0.01 cc.
Marty Will check in the morning.
Hi Marty
I got 0.01cc/ml of the med's in both of them.
I got 1.0cc of formula in each.
they are doing good.
Many Thanks for all your help today :thankyou :grouphug
Many Thanks for everyone's help today :thankyou :grouphug
next feeding 3:30 am
Have a good night:)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Nancy in New York
07-14-2011, 07:14 AM
Steve....Marty gave you excellent advice.
I'll tell you a little trick that CritterMom taught.
Here is a dosing syringe.
See the .05? Pull up some air to the .05
then pull up the medicine (.01) one small line above that.
It's actually just about ONE drop of medicine.
Try it on your finger with water....pull up air to .05, then pull up .01 of water which is one line above the .05.
Then plunge out the air and water onto your finger and see if you get ONE drop.
By pulling up the air first, when you pull up the medicine, the air pushes the med. all the way out.:tilt
island rehabber
07-14-2011, 07:16 AM
Steve....Marty gave you excellent advice.
I'll tell you a little trick that CritterMom taught.
Here is a dosing syringe.
See the .05? Pull up some air to the .05
then pull up the medicine (.01) one small line above that.
It's actually just about ONE drop of medicine.
Try it on your finger with water....pull up air to .05, then pull up .01 of water which is one line above the .05.
Then plunge out the air and water onto your finger and see if you get ONE drop.
By pulling up the air first, when you pull up the medicine, the air pushes the med. all the way out.:tilt
07-14-2011, 07:37 AM
If you have ever had to try to medicate a 30 gram lovebird, you would understand why I had to come up with some way to do this.:shakehead
Squirrely Steve
07-14-2011, 08:51 AM
Steve....Marty gave you excellent advice.
I'll tell you a little trick that CritterMom taught.
Here is a dosing syringe.
See the .05? Pull up some air to the .05
then pull up the medicine (.01) one small line above that.
It's actually just about ONE drop of medicine.
Try it on your finger with water....pull up air to .05, then pull up .01 of water which is one line above the .05.
Then plunge out the air and water onto your finger and see if you get ONE drop.
By pulling up the air first, when you pull up the medicine, the air pushes the med. all the way out.:tilt
Hi Nancy :wave123
Yes Marty gave some excellent advice. :)
Many Thanks for posting a picture and Critter Moms way of loading the syringe :thankyou
I will follow and do.
I have lots of questions today again...
I lost the little girl this morning...This has me messed up some...
I feel bad...I know there small and very hard to take care of.
I over slept this morning...did not feed till about 5am
There were fine ..moving and they both drank pretty good the formula.
Then before I left for work I checked before loading at 7:30 am and she passed away.....
But we got to go on for the little boy....
Dang I get tore up....
Got to get my feeding hours right on....
I just got .9cc of formula in the boy.
First of many questions today...
How many times do I give the little boy med's ?
Last time was 12 midnight last night.
Thanks :thankyou
Squirrely Steve
07-14-2011, 08:59 AM
Little boy should get his meds twice per day.
Steve, that little girl was without mama and food for at least 24-36 hours longer than your little boy, the poor little nubbin. Sometimes they just cannot come back from that much dehydration.
But yeah, if you are going to take in the ity bitty ones, you will need an industrial strength alarm clock...
Squirrely Steve
07-14-2011, 09:10 AM
Little boy should get his meds twice per day.
Steve, that little girl was without mama and food for at least 24-36 hours longer than your little boy, the poor little nubbin. Sometimes they just cannot come back from that much dehydration.
But yeah, if you are going to take in the ity bitty ones, you will need an industrial strength alarm clock...
Hi Critter Mom :wave123
Thanks twice a day sounds good. :thumbsup
Yes I thought I had her going good.
She had some issues with some blood on the tip of nose...not sure..thought it was a bump from falling...
Yes got to get a alarm clock..dang getting old....
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Nancy in New York
07-14-2011, 09:18 AM
Steve, are you using a 1 cc syringe to feed? Are you using the silicone nipples?
When I feed a pinkie, it usually takes me minimum of 15 minutes....I go so slow. I also hold them in a piece of fleece so they don't get cold, and feed UPRIGHT. You are stimulating them too, right? Pee and poop. These little ones are hard and time consuming.
And remember when they come to us, they are already compromised, and half the time, we don't really know the whole story....:shakehead
Just keep them warm, fed and pottied, and no formula coming out of the nose. Believe me, that's sometimes the hardest thing....
:Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon
Squirrely Steve
07-14-2011, 09:33 AM
Hi Friends :wave123
Ok med's twice a day for the boy.
Go every 12 hours ..?so be noon..right.
Ok got some more questions.
Tomorrow me and Sheri go to a yearly Fish fry.
We go once a year for the weekend.
we keep the same reservations and have a awesome room on lake Michigan.
I been weening the seven raccoons I have... so my brother in law can bowl feed.
I have been telling everyone I have been getting ready to go on a trip.
Told my teacher I can start taking baby squirrels in after I come back like this coming monday....but nothing goes as planned......
My teacher says there is another squirrel rehabber that is willing to try to take care of the baby..but they are so hard to keep alive she says almost imposable ...its the rehabbers second year...
or do I take the baby boy with me and feed in the car and hotel.
Sheri is ok with this..she brought it up first.
Can I do this and keep him going ?
What do you guys think ?
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-14-2011, 09:46 AM
Steve, are you using a 1 cc syringe to feed? Are you using the silicone nipples?
When I feed a pinkie, it usually takes me minimum of 15 minutes....I go so slow. I also hold them in a piece of fleece so they don't get cold, and feed UPRIGHT. You are stimulating them too, right? Pee and poop. These little ones are hard and time consuming.
And remember when they come to us, they are already compromised, and half the time, we don't really know the whole story....:shakehead
Just keep them warm, fed and pottied, and no formula coming out of the nose. Believe me, that's sometimes the hardest thing....
:Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon
Hi Nancy :wave123
Yes I bought Chris's Favorite Squirrel Nipple set from Chris Squirrels a couple of weeks ago to get ready for second wave of baby squirrels.
Its the 1 cc syringe and good nipples.
Yes we only know part of the story when these guys come to us.
I think they are getting cold while I feed them...I need to wrap them more.
I been watching so no formula comes out the nose hard..I keep the upright and try hard...been taking about 10 min each to feed...will go slower and keep warmer...
Yes I am stimulating to pee and poop by using a little warm water on a tissue ...this may have chilled them..just a little to clean them up..but I got to keep warmer...
I am trying ....
Squirrely Steve
07-14-2011, 09:49 AM
Steve, I hauled Mister P to and from work with me every day. If you can make sure that you can stick to the feeding schedule, plus make sure that the housekeeping staff stay OUT of the room so you don't have any drama at the hotel, I would bring him.
Here is what you want to do for travelling: Most outdoor sports places and places like Tractor supply sell the chemical hand warmer packs in different sizes. These are the little things that you slip in your gloves and boots in the winter to keep them warm. Buy some of those and you can use them as a heating pad under the container while doing the travelling in the car. You will want to monitor because you can't control the heat like you do an electric pad (which you will bring for in the hotel) but they do a bang up job and emit heat for anywhere from 8 all the way up to 24 hours.
You will need a thermos or something to bring very hot water so you can mix formula on the road too.
Now I wouldn't take him around to the events and stuff but if you can break away every two hours or as often as you are feeding to do that, then he will probably be okay. If not, he likely should go to the other rehabber if you feel they will do right by him...
Squirrely Steve
07-14-2011, 09:58 AM
Steve, I hauled Mister P to and from work with me every day. If you can make sure that you can stick to the feeding schedule, plus make sure that the housekeeping staff stay OUT of the room so you don't have any drama at the hotel, I would bring him.
Here is what you want to do for travelling: Most outdoor sports places and places like Tractor supply sell the chemical hand warmer packs in different sizes. These are the little things that you slip in your gloves and boots in the winter to keep them warm. Buy some of those and you can use them as a heating pad under the container while doing the travelling in the car. You will want to monitor because you can't control the heat like you do an electric pad (which you will bring for in the hotel) but they do a bang up job and emit heat for anywhere from 8 all the way up to 24 hours.
You will need a thermos or something to bring very hot water so you can mix formula on the road too.
Now I wouldn't take him around to the events and stuff but if you can break away every two hours or as often as you are feeding to do that, then he will probably be okay. If not, he likely should go to the other rehabber if you feel they will do right by him...
Hi Critter Mom :wave123
That kind of what I thought...I haul my babies to work with me.
I got the little boy by my feet at me desk right now.
I got some of those hand warmers bought already just in case we lose power.
Yes I will keep the housekeeping staff stay OUT of the room by hanging a do not disturb sign up...they are pretty good about leaving you alone there.
and Bolt a big watch to my arm....
Good idea about the thermos I will do.
We do not go to much events..can see and hear most everything from room.
I am going to take him......
Many Thanks for all the great information and advise :thankyou
Squirrely Steve :wave123
07-14-2011, 10:04 AM
Hi Nancy :wave123
Yes I bought Chris's Favorite Squirrel Nipple set from Chris Squirrels a couple of weeks ago to get ready for second wave of baby squirrels.
Its the 1 cc syringe and good nipples.
Yes we only know part of the story when these guys come to us.
I think they are getting cold while I feed them...I need to wrap them more.
I been watching so no formula comes out the nose hard..I keep the upright and try hard...been taking about 10 min each to feed...will go slower and keep warmer...
Yes I am stimulating to pee and poop by using a little warm water on a tissue ...this may have chilled them..just a little to clean them up..but I got to keep warmer...
I am trying ....
Squirrely Steve
Steve, make a teeny, skinny little rice buddy - the length of your pinky baby and just big enough for him to wrap his arms around. Nuke it until warm, plop pinky on top of rice buddy so his tummy is against it and it comes up just under his chin, then wrap up both the baby and the rice buddy together to feed him. It will give him something to hold onto and it will keep him plenty warm even if he is out for 15 minutes to feed.
Fill 2 or 3 syringes and drop them into a cup of water heated to the temp you want the formula. That way you can feed 1/4 of the syringe, drop that one into the warm water, grab another, feed a bit from that, into the cup and by that time the first one has warmed back up...and on and on until done feeding.
07-14-2011, 10:08 AM
Hi Steve, I am sorry you lost the little girl. This happens to me too. Twelve years later and I just had to learn how to get the proper dose of meds out of the syringe. :thankyou CritterMom,:thankyou Nancy. Dang and a worse word too!!! Most of my friends are Doctors and Nurses or Rehabbers, do you think any of them had that handy "pull up air first" advice??? No, they did not!!!:sanp3 So much still to learn, Steve!!.
Now, about the little girl, sometimes they have gone too long with out food and hydration. At this point, their bodies (ours too) begin to shut down the least vital organs to preserve the brain and heart's blood flow. Brain and heart control everything in our body basically., When organ failure begins to happen it is almost impossible to help these babies. We never know for sure or how long these babies have been without what they need soooooooooo we never give up!!! You do what you can to hydrate, feed , love and keep this baby warm. You can't tell just by looking most times what is going on inside this tiny little body. To do that we would have to do emergency studies, bloodwork, lab tests, start IV therapy, etc. (All beyond my scope and yours , for now anyway.) If you think you have an "iffy" one , a piece of advise my Vet always says to me is "Don't put this baby down for more then 15 min at a time in the first 24 hours if you can help it. Tuck it in your shirt over your heart, with some form of warmth, if you can." No real way to tell Steve, if this has saved some of my babies but I believe it has. I also know that you or me or anyone with a "normal" life can't always do this advice. So you just do the best you can and ask God to guide you and give you strength to do what you can. Remember you must get some sleep too. If you are not at least rested some, you can not be at your best. I find this is when I make the most errors, when I am really sleep deprived. Try to get some continuous hours in a row of sleep, if you can. I will check in again soon. Have to be out today some. That "normal life stuff gets in the way of my TSB activities. Dang, again. Steve, you are doing great!
Just saw the other posts, have been typing for a while, but interrupted twice. My advice is follow the advice that Crittermom is telling you for travel and TAKE THE BABY!!! If Sheri says ok.
(IR, Where is your poem. We need it here. I tried searching for it. Please post here if you can. It is so encouraging to all of us. You know how hard it is to lose a little eenie pinkie. ) Thanks , Marty
Squirrely Steve
07-14-2011, 10:15 AM
Steve, make a teeny, skinny little rice buddy - the length of your pinky baby and just big enough for him to wrap his arms around. Nuke it until warm, plop pinky on top of rice buddy so his tummy is against it and it comes up just under his chin, then wrap up both the baby and the rice buddy together to feed him. It will give him something to hold onto and it will keep him plenty warm even if he is out for 15 minutes to feed.
Fill 2 or 3 syringes and drop them into a cup of water heated to the temp you want the formula. That way you can feed 1/4 of the syringe, drop that one into the warm water, grab another, feed a bit from that, into the cup and by that time the first one has warmed back up...and on and on until done feeding.
Hi Critter Mom :wave123
I love the rice buddy idea...:wott
Very cool I will do !!!!! :thumbsup
and I will get 2 or 3 syringes and drop them into a cup of warm water and do like you say.... :)
I got one more question about the milk line.
been trying a good flashlight ..what do you guys use .?
look for the line ..
many many Thanks :thankyou
Squirrely Steve
07-14-2011, 10:26 AM
I usually can just see it without a bright light, but a flashlight will work until you get use to finding or knowing what you are looking for. It is a white line right down the tummy of the baby and ends at the stomach, which you can see actually fill up as you feed.
island rehabber
07-14-2011, 10:28 AM
So sorry, others said, she was just without mamma for too long... :(
Here is the poem....I hope it helps a little.
If not for you,
the babe would have lain on the cold, hard ground
If not for you,
the wind would have drowned the little sound
of his cries of pain and hurt,
If not for you,
He stood no chance. He'd never have been found.
If not for you, he never would have thrived.
To run, and leap, and squeak and cry
If not for you, he never would have known
the joy of being alive.
So if his time with you was much too short
If you feel cheated, and burned by the fate
that led you to love him, then lose him, Wait....
You gave him back his life that day!
However short, or long he stayed....
he was loved. And nurtured. Until the end.
If not for YOU......remember, Friend.
Written & submitted by Island Rehabber, 2007
07-14-2011, 10:32 AM
:thankyou , IR, Just a perfect reminder to all of us.
Steve, take this to heart, it is true.
** Will check in this afternoon
Squirrely Steve
07-14-2011, 03:54 PM
Hi Steve, I am sorry you lost the little girl. This happens to me too. Twelve years later and I just had to learn how to get the proper dose of meds out of the syringe. :thankyou CritterMom,:thankyou Nancy. Dang and a worse word too!!! Most of my friends are Doctors and Nurses or Rehabbers, do you think any of them had that handy "pull up air first" advice??? No, they did not!!!:sanp3 So much still to learn, Steve!!.
Now, about the little girl, sometimes they have gone too long with out food and hydration. At this point, their bodies (ours too) begin to shut down the least vital organs to preserve the brain and heart's blood flow. Brain and heart control everything in our body basically., When organ failure begins to happen it is almost impossible to help these babies. We never know for sure or how long these babies have been without what they need soooooooooo we never give up!!! You do what you can to hydrate, feed , love and keep this baby warm. You can't tell just by looking most times what is going on inside this tiny little body. To do that we would have to do emergency studies, bloodwork, lab tests, start IV therapy, etc. (All beyond my scope and yours , for now anyway.) If you think you have an "iffy" one , a piece of advise my Vet always says to me is "Don't put this baby down for more then 15 min at a time in the first 24 hours if you can help it. Tuck it in your shirt over your heart, with some form of warmth, if you can." No real way to tell Steve, if this has saved some of my babies but I believe it has. I also know that you or me or anyone with a "normal" life can't always do this advice. So you just do the best you can and ask God to guide you and give you strength to do what you can. Remember you must get some sleep too. If you are not at least rested some, you can not be at your best. I find this is when I make the most errors, when I am really sleep deprived. Try to get some continuous hours in a row of sleep, if you can. I will check in again soon. Have to be out today some. That "normal life stuff gets in the way of my TSB activities. Dang, again. Steve, you are doing great!
Just saw the other posts, have been typing for a while, but interrupted twice. My advice is follow the advice that Crittermom is telling you for travel and TAKE THE BABY!!! If Sheri says ok.
(IR, Where is your poem. We need it here. I tried searching for it. Please post here if you can. It is so encouraging to all of us. You know how hard it is to lose a little eenie pinkie. ) Thanks , Marty
Hi Marty :wave123
Thanks I tired my best to help her. :thankyou
Cool glad we are all learning.:thumbsup
I did NOT know the difference with CC and ML :rotfl
Yes Thanks Critter Mom and Nancy. :thankyou
I understand better about the little ones...many Thanks for writing about sad...but learned so much. :thankyou :)
Very cool teaching me about what your vet said..I will remember.... :thinking
and very good information about holding them and trying my best and ask God to guide me...:wott
I am sleep derived bad today...Thats when I make most of my errors too.:sanp3
I just got done with a bunch of shop work for the guys...
My brain is about fried.....
had to get ready to be gone tomorrow
Thanks I am trying my best to keep this little one going.:thankyou
I feed him at 11 am then his med's at 12 noon then one more feeding at next one coming up at 5pm going every 3 hours and lots of checking on...
the rice buddy is so very cool...Thanks Critter MOM !!!!! :thankyou
Thanks so much Marty :thankyou
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-14-2011, 03:58 PM
I usually can just see it without a bright light, but a flashlight will work until you get use to finding or knowing what you are looking for. It is a white line right down the tummy of the baby and ends at the stomach, which you can see actually fill up as you feed.
Hi Marty :wave123
I will watch for this close.
Many Thanks :thankyou
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-14-2011, 04:01 PM
So sorry, others said, she was just without mamma for too long... :(
Here is the poem....I hope it helps a little.
If not for you,
the babe would have lain on the cold, hard ground
If not for you,
the wind would have drowned the little sound
of his cries of pain and hurt,
If not for you,
He stood no chance. He'd never have been found.
If not for you, he never would have thrived.
To run, and leap, and squeak and cry
If not for you, he never would have known
the joy of being alive.
So if his time with you was much too short
If you feel cheated, and burned by the fate
that led you to love him, then lose him, Wait....
You gave him back his life that day!
However short, or long he stayed....
he was loved. And nurtured. Until the end.
If not for YOU......remember, Friend.
Written & submitted by Island Rehabber, 2007
Hi island rehabber :wave123
Many Thanks :thankyou Awesome poem..yes it helped.. :grouphug
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-14-2011, 04:06 PM
:thankyou , IR, Just a perfect reminder to all of us.
Steve, take this to heart, it is true.
** Will check in this afternoon
Hi Marty :wave123
Yes I will take this to heart :Love_Icon
Thanks Marty and IR :thankyou
Here is a few pictures from the last feeding at 2pm
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-14-2011, 04:31 PM
Hi Friends :wave123
I been back reading and studying :thinking
I need to make his rice buddy I use soft gloves the fingers ?
I got sheri's smallest sock....
I am getting ready to feed him then take off and head for a store then the a ton a things to set up for my poor brother in law..dang it going to be in the mid ninety's on sunday
Squirrely Steve :wave123
07-14-2011, 05:41 PM
The finger of a cotton glove would work...not sure where to find one though. A babies sock?
island rehabber
07-14-2011, 07:37 PM
Steve, I know you probably wanted to show us how adorable the pinky is :Love_Icon, but just a reminder to WRAP him while you're feeding him. Pinkies need to be covered at all times, because basically they live under their mammas until they have fur and would never be out in the air. Letting a pinky chill for even a minute can start problems -- digestive and otherwise. So get some fleece and wrap that sweet little angel up! :D
07-14-2011, 09:33 PM
Baby burrito.....(can you believe Bean was once 16 grams?????)....yup, start cutting those little fleece squares up! I am so sorry to read the other little girlie passed. Prayers continue for this little guy.....does he have a name yet?
island rehabber
07-14-2011, 09:51 PM
:Love_IconBeanie baby:Love_Icon
Squirrely Steve
07-15-2011, 05:19 AM
The finger of a cotton glove would work...not sure where to find one though. A babies sock?
Hi Critter Mom :wave123
Baby is Doing Good ! :thumbsup
We are packing away.
I will take some gloves with me and cut the fingers off.
I do no have much time for a lot of updates so much to do to get ready.
and Chuck is awake running around here somewhere.
Got the feeding down to every 3 hours like clock work.
got his med's in at midnight last night.
Got 8 seven hour heat hand packs packed..should seen the lady's face yesterday at the store when I asked where the heat packs are.
The hotel hopefully has a maybe able to do some quick up dates and got a way to get help.
Yes IR I will get the baby covered a lot better..will take some fleece cloth ...good idea.:thumbsup
ok got to go chuck is going through our packed stuff.
Thanks for all the help everyone.:thankyou
Have a great weekend everyone !
Squirrely Steve :wave123
07-15-2011, 07:29 AM
Hi Critter Mom :wave123
Baby is Doing Good ! :thumbsup
We are packing away.
I will take some gloves with me and cut the fingers off.
I do no have much time for a lot of updates so much to do to get ready.
and Chuck is awake running around here somewhere.
Got the feeding down to every 3 hours like clock work.
got his med's in at midnight last night.
Got 8 seven hour heat hand packs packed..should seen the lady's face yesterday at the store when I asked where the heat packs are.
The hotel hopefully has a maybe able to do some quick up dates and got a way to get help.
Yes IR I will get the baby covered a lot better..will take some fleece cloth ...good idea.:thumbsup
ok got to go chuck is going through our packed stuff.
Thanks for all the help everyone.:thankyou
Have a great weekend everyone !
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Congratulations on this little one! And all the best with your travels with him. Looks like you're packing everything he needs. :grouphug
If he doesn't eat or have an appetite, it could be the car ride. Sometimes traveling can make them dehydrated. He might need a re-hydration feeding if that happens. :Love_Icon
island rehabber
07-15-2011, 07:46 AM
If he doesn't eat or have an appetite, it could be the car ride. Sometimes traveling can make them dehydrated. He might need a re-hydration feeding if that happens. :Love_Icon
:goodpost Very important, Steve! (thanks Pierre :bowdown)
Car rides can really really dry them out - I have seen this, unfortunately, with my own babies who came on the road with me. Watch those hand warmers, too -- you don't want the baby getting right on top of them because they do get REALLY hot. Wrap the warmer so the baby can't burrow down on top of it. :peace
Squirrely Steve
07-16-2011, 11:25 PM
Congratulations on this little one! And all the best with your travels with him. Looks like you're packing everything he needs. :grouphug
If he doesn't eat or have an appetite, it could be the car ride. Sometimes traveling can make them dehydrated. He might need a re-hydration feeding if that happens. :Love_Icon
Hi Pierre :wave123
Thanks for the Congratulations on the little one. :thankyou
We made it here...he rode very well.
Going to name him Burtus because he is getting big already and a good fighter.:D
Yes he has been not eating very well.
I seen this a went a gave him .5 cc of re-hydration fluid.
Many thanks.:thankyou
Got a question ..what is the best way to take poop and stuff off of his skin?
Been lightly soaking with tissue and warm water..but this gets him cold...kind of do this over many feedings..but is there and oil or cream to help loosen.
I got him in a shoe box with a heater blanket.
We are having a great time will be heading home in the morning.
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-16-2011, 11:31 PM
:goodpost Very important, Steve! (thanks Pierre :bowdown)
Car rides can really really dry them out - I have seen this, unfortunately, with my own babies who came on the road with me. Watch those hand warmers, too -- you don't want the baby getting right on top of them because they do get REALLY hot. Wrap the warmer so the baby can't burrow down on top of it. :peace
Hi IR :wave123
Thanks I am watching him very close.
Feeding every three hours arounf the clock but his appitite slowed done today.
I just did some rehyde fluid hope it helps.
I will watch the hand warmer on the way home...they work great :thumbsup
Cant wait to be home.
No Place like Home :D
Thanks :thankyou
Squirrely Steve :wave123
07-16-2011, 11:53 PM
Steve I'm sorry the little girl did not make it. I know it is hard to lose a little one when you are trying so hard to pull them through. I am just so grateful that this little girl had you to help her, to love her, to feed and hydrate her and to keep her warm. Not all are so lucky. I have never yet had a pinky so when I say I am in awe of you, I truly mean it. Keep up the good work!
07-17-2011, 10:30 AM
You are doing one terrific job as a squaddy, Steve. I just had to stop by and tell you how much I admire what you're doing for this little baby. :bowdown
God Bless You.
Just a thought... can little Brutus crawl off the heater if he needs to or feels it is too warm? Since his appetite has decreased I believe you are right to keep a close watch on him and making sure he doesn't dehydrate. :thumbsup I can't help but think there always is some level of stress that comes along with a trip - for both you and the baby, and I think you're doing a great job.
Keep up the good work, and I'm keeping you and this baby in my prayers... it never hurts to ask for God's support ;)
07-17-2011, 03:08 PM
Steve, did you say you have Brutus in a shoe box? Like cardboard? You need to get him into a plastic container like that sterlite stuff they sell at walmart for home storage... The cardboard will suck the humidity out of the air and baby pinky is all skin - nothing to keep it from losing water through the skin because no fur...
Get a little plastic cup - like one of those things they put ketchup in at take out places - put a cotton ball or some wadded up toilet paper in it and pour water over it until the stuff inside is soggy, then tuck it into a corner of the container (PLASTIC) the baby is in and it will help bring the humidity in the container up. He won't dehydrate so fast.:thumbsup
island rehabber
07-17-2011, 03:30 PM
Get a little plastic cup - like one of those things they put ketchup in at take out places - put a cotton ball or some wadded up toilet paper in it and pour water over it until the stuff inside is soggy, then tuck it into a corner of the container (PLASTIC) the baby is in and it will help bring the humidity in the container up. He won't dehydrate so fast.:thumbsup
Nancy in New York
07-17-2011, 07:18 PM
This is what I use. Here are the dimensions: 13"l x 8"w x 7.5" high.
Here is the site, these are fantastic. And the price is right. I would get the large, it's probably about a foot long....:thumbsup
07-17-2011, 08:02 PM
How are all tonight? Instead of a shoe box you can also use a clear plastic critter box. I have all sizes. I really like them and the pinkies (Or 2-3 week old's can't climb out of them) . Here is a link to a good sight. I use the Pla-House by Tom as listed below. Look at this sight lots of great and useful rehab stuff. great prices too. I most often use the Med. and Large one's. I have the little mini one but it only fits 1-3 small pinkies for a few days. Too small. Small size is ok for 1-4 pinkies for a few weeks. I love my clear plastic boxes.:rotfl . Take a look as you can.
Pla-House Plastic Keepers by Tom
larger image Starting at: $1.79
Model: OE 01001 - 01128
select: OE 01001 Tom Pla-House Mini 7"x4.35"x 5.75" high ($1.79) (+0.75 lbs)OE 01013 Tom Pla-House Small 9"x6"x 6.75" high ($3.19) (+1 lbs)OE 01023 Tom Pla-House Medium 11.5"x7.75"x 8" high ($5.79) (+1.5 lbs)OE 01033 Tom Pla-House Large 14.5"x8.6"x 9.5" high ($8.19) (+2.5 lbs)OE 01128 Tom Pla-House Jumbo 17"x11"x 11.5" high ($22.99) (+5 lbs)
Hope you and Sheri and the little pinkie had a great week-end. Yes, like Dorthy, "There's no place like home, there's no place like home...." Always good to get home.:Love_Icon
07-18-2011, 07:09 AM
Critter keepers work great for pinkies! (take a mayonaise lid, put a small piece of a wet sponge in it, over the heating pad side, and it will help keep enough moisture in there. I use them, and also have a reptile keeper for when they get a big bigger before going to a cage!!)
Squirrely Steve
07-18-2011, 01:40 PM
Steve I'm sorry the little girl did not make it. I know it is hard to lose a little one when you are trying so hard to pull them through. I am just so grateful that this little girl had you to help her, to love her, to feed and hydrate her and to keep her warm. Not all are so lucky. I have never yet had a pinky so when I say I am in awe of you, I truly mean it. Keep up the good work!
Hi mpetys :wave123
Thanks :thankyou
Its so hard to lose them.
I got the two baby girls buried Friday Morning before we left.
Put them in the same grave together.
Thanks I tried my best.:thankyou
When you have a pinky your whole world changes.
The pinky comes first..taking total care housing and feeding and taking care of.
every 2-3 hours is feeding time and where ever you are at that time its time. :crazy
It is a very cool experience:D
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-18-2011, 01:47 PM
You are doing one terrific job as a squaddy, Steve. I just had to stop by and tell you how much I admire what you're doing for this little baby. :bowdown
God Bless You.
Just a thought... can little Brutus crawl off the heater if he needs to or feels it is too warm? Since his appetite has decreased I believe you are right to keep a close watch on him and making sure he doesn't dehydrate. :thumbsup I can't help but think there always is some level of stress that comes along with a trip - for both you and the baby, and I think you're doing a great job.
Keep up the good work, and I'm keeping you and this baby in my prayers... it never hurts to ask for God's support ;)
Hi Scooterzmom :wave123
Thanks I am trying my best :thankyou
Yes I had a area that he could go if the heater got to hot.
Yes I checked on Brutus all the time on the way home.
He did good.:thumbsup
When ever we went inside or left the van to get gas or food we left the van going and air going it was close to 100 degrees.
I got him back to 1.0 cc of formula every three hours.
Yes lots of stress on a trip with a little one.
Thanks for the prayers :grouphug
Yes it never hurts to ask for God's support :thumbsup
Thanks :)
Squirrley Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-18-2011, 02:04 PM
Steve, did you say you have Brutus in a shoe box? Like cardboard? You need to get him into a plastic container like that sterlite stuff they sell at walmart for home storage... The cardboard will suck the humidity out of the air and baby pinky is all skin - nothing to keep it from losing water through the skin because no fur...
Get a little plastic cup - like one of those things they put ketchup in at take out places - put a cotton ball or some wadded up toilet paper in it and pour water over it until the stuff inside is soggy, then tuck it into a corner of the container (PLASTIC) the baby is in and it will help bring the humidity in the container up. He won't dehydrate so fast.:thumbsup
Hi Critter Mom :wave123
Yep had him in a shoe box and the shoe box on top of the heater. :sanp3
I can get a plastic container. :thumbsup
it make sense.
I bought a mesh gym bag that I have him in now.
Got a heat blanket under the bag and he is in a little nest we bought a pet store last night
I will figure a way to get some water on some cotton balls on a lid by him. :thinking
I will probably go to a real small glass fish aquarium 1-2 gallon I bought for 7 dollars at the resale store last weekend.
would this work ?
It has a cool metal top.
I have to worry about a shop dog that is at the shop one of the guys has.
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-18-2011, 02:07 PM
Yes Good Posting :thumbsup
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-18-2011, 02:10 PM
This is what I use. Here are the dimensions: 13"l x 8"w x 7.5" high.
Here is the site, these are fantastic. And the price is right. I would get the large, it's probably about a foot long....:thumbsup
Hi Nancy :wave123
That's Awesome ! ! ! :thumbsup
Perfect size :)
Thanks for the link and picture :thankyou
I will order one or two .:thumbsup
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-18-2011, 02:24 PM
How are all tonight? Instead of a shoe box you can also use a clear plastic critter box. I have all sizes. I really like them and the pinkies (Or 2-3 week old's can't climb out of them) . Here is a link to a good sight. I use the Pla-House by Tom as listed below. Look at this sight lots of great and useful rehab stuff. great prices too. I most often use the Med. and Large one's. I have the little mini one but it only fits 1-3 small pinkies for a few days. Too small. Small size is ok for 1-4 pinkies for a few weeks. I love my clear plastic boxes.:rotfl . Take a look as you can.
Pla-House Plastic Keepers by Tom
larger image Starting at: $1.79
Model: OE 01001 - 01128
select: OE 01001 Tom Pla-House Mini 7"x4.35"x 5.75" high ($1.79) (+0.75 lbs)OE 01013 Tom Pla-House Small 9"x6"x 6.75" high ($3.19) (+1 lbs)OE 01023 Tom Pla-House Medium 11.5"x7.75"x 8" high ($5.79) (+1.5 lbs)OE 01033 Tom Pla-House Large 14.5"x8.6"x 9.5" high ($8.19) (+2.5 lbs)OE 01128 Tom Pla-House Jumbo 17"x11"x 11.5" high ($22.99) (+5 lbs)
Hope you and Sheri and the little pinkie had a great week-end. Yes, like Dorthy, "There's no place like home, there's no place like home...." Always good to get home.:Love_Icon
Hi Marty :wave123
We are hanging in there. :crazy
We did not get home till 8pm last night.
Boy what a drive it was SSSSsoooooooo hot. :sanp3
Wow Awesome clear plastic critter BOXES! ! ! !:wott
I will order some of each size. :thumbsup
Awesome prices :thumbsup
Thanks for the information and link :thankyou
Thanks we had a good weekend.:thankyou
Hope you had a good weekend too. :thumbsup
Yes like Dorthy :) "There's no place like home" :thumbsup
I brought Chuck and Sparky some green acorns home.... boy they were happy to see me. :D :D
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-18-2011, 02:30 PM
Critter keepers work great for pinkies! (take a mayonaise lid, put a small piece of a wet sponge in it, over the heating pad side, and it will help keep enough moisture in there. I use them, and also have a reptile keeper for when they get a big bigger before going to a cage!!)
Hi pappy1264 :wave123
Thanks I am going to order some :thumbsup
A good idea I will get a new sponge at the store tonight and give it a try...Thanks :thankyou
My teacher has some of the cloth reptile keepers and she loves them.
Just got to get them in metal cages before the teeth come out or they make new doors she says.:sanp3
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-18-2011, 02:42 PM
Hi Friends :wave123
Thanks for all your help this past week and weekend.:thankyou
You guys are the Best friends ever :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
I have learned so much :thumbsup
I got Burtus home ok and got him with me right now.
He is doing good. :)
Eating 1.0cc every three hours.
and got him on the med's two times a day.
I got some pictures from the last few days and today.
I think he is out of danger if you want to move us to the baby area to clear up the ER area or if you want us to hang here......
I will keep posting as he grows up.
I think he is going to be a Black Squirrel......
He has a black beard already like brutus :rotfl
Thanks Much :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
07-18-2011, 02:54 PM
Steve, if you have a Walmart or Target or the like nearby, go to the Housewares department and walk around until you find all of the plastic bins - every size and color imaginable and only a couple bucks each. You don't need anything big, when this little one starts to move around you will be moving up to a cage anyway, or something like Nancy put a pic of. You want a container with a good fitting plastic lid. When you get home, drill a bunch of good sized holes in the top of the container - use a big drill bit or a small hole saw. The plastic will tend to keep humidity in, even with the vent holes. Easy to clean, light, they work great. For humidity you just need a little cup - even a custard cup would work - something little that can be tucked away in the corner of the container where he won't stumble into it and get damp (which is why I use something with sides instead of a jar lid or something). In the cup you just want something to hold the water so it won't slosh - a couple cotton balls, some kleenex, a piece of sponge, a little piece of cloth - just something to hold the dampness.
Squirrely Steve
07-18-2011, 03:11 PM
Steve, if you have a Walmart or Target or the like nearby, go to the Housewares department and walk around until you find all of the plastic bins - every size and color imaginable and only a couple bucks each. You don't need anything big, when this little one starts to move around you will be moving up to a cage anyway, or something like Nancy put a pic of. You want a container with a good fitting plastic lid. When you get home, drill a bunch of good sized holes in the top of the container - use a big drill bit or a small hole saw. The plastic will tend to keep humidity in, even with the vent holes. Easy to clean, light, they work great. For humidity you just need a little cup - even a custard cup would work - something little that can be tucked away in the corner of the container where he won't stumble into it and get damp (which is why I use something with sides instead of a jar lid or something). In the cup you just want something to hold the water so it won't slosh - a couple cotton balls, some kleenex, a piece of sponge, a little piece of cloth - just something to hold the dampness.
Hi Critter Mom :wave123
We have a Walmart right by the shop. :thumbsup
I will stop by there at 5pm today when I get off work and get a couple and a new little sponge :wahoo
I would like to get a temperature and humidity gauge in there somewhere or a probe tip to a gauge and check it more closer ....what would be a target temperature and humidity to go for ?:dono
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
07-18-2011, 03:18 PM
Hi Critter Mom :wave123
We have a Walmart right by the shop. :thumbsup
I will stop by there at 5pm today when I get off work and get a couple and a new little sponge :wahoo
I would like to get a temperature and humidity gauge in there somewhere or a probe tip to a gauge and check it more closer ....what would be a target temperature and humidity to go for ?:dono
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Oh, my, you will need to talk to one of the OTHER rehabbers on here - I bet that info is in a book somewhere.
Here is a tip: I clustered all of the airholes that I drilled in the middle of the lid - I didn't drill any around the edge. That way, little climbers that push themselves up the sides of the container can't stick a head or anything out of the holes because they are too far away.:thumbsup
07-18-2011, 03:43 PM
Hi Steve:
Go to Petsmart (or Petco) and get a reptile therm (the one that has the probe, you can put in right into where he is lying to keep an eye on his temp). I believe ZooMed makes them. I found my little ones happiest around 90-93, even though I know his nautural mom would have a higher temp, I found that was a good temp. I believe you want to go for 60-65% humidity level. I keep a couple lids with sponges (I had multiple ones so I could run them through the dishwasher to keep bacteria at bay!) I see he is getting dry skin. Here is what I did. I went to a place here called Common Crow (it is all natural foods and stuff) and bought Aloe Vera juice. I would mix some with warm water, take a soft tissue and sort of get her skin just slightly damp, wrap them up good and put them on the heat. Obviously you don't want to get them chilled (I kept a second critter keeper for this purpose, that I would run hotter, so after they were damp, I put them into the warmer enclosure so their skin could absorb the moisture). I don't know what others do, but that is what I did, but you have to be very careful to not let them chill, I always used pretty warm water, took only a few seconds and they were bundled up right away. The aloe juice is very soothing and mixed with the water, it also helped to get the dry skin off so they did not itch.
Squirrely Steve
07-18-2011, 04:22 PM
Oh, my, you will need to talk to one of the OTHER rehabbers on here - I bet that info is in a book somewhere.
Here is a tip: I clustered all of the airholes that I drilled in the middle of the lid - I didn't drill any around the edge. That way, little climbers that push themselves up the sides of the container can't stick a head or anything out of the holes because they are too far away.:thumbsup
Hi Critter Mom :wave123
I will have to check out my books to see.:thinking
pappy1264 just made a awesome post with some great information :wott
Thanks on the hole drilling tip :thankyou
Makes sense I will drill the holes in the middle. :thumbsup
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-18-2011, 04:32 PM
Hi Steve:
Go to Petsmart (or Petco) and get a reptile therm (the one that has the probe, you can put in right into where he is lying to keep an eye on his temp). I believe ZooMed makes them. I found my little ones happiest around 90-93, even though I know his nautural mom would have a higher temp, I found that was a good temp. I believe you want to go for 60-65% humidity level. I keep a couple lids with sponges (I had multiple ones so I could run them through the dishwasher to keep bacteria at bay!) I see he is getting dry skin. Here is what I did. I went to a place here called Common Crow (it is all natural foods and stuff) and bought Aloe Vera juice. I would mix some with warm water, take a soft tissue and sort of get her skin just slightly damp, wrap them up good and put them on the heat. Obviously you don't want to get them chilled (I kept a second critter keeper for this purpose, that I would run hotter, so after they were damp, I put them into the warmer enclosure so their skin could absorb the moisture). I don't know what others do, but that is what I did, but you have to be very careful to not let them chill, I always used pretty warm water, took only a few seconds and they were bundled up right away. The aloe juice is very soothing and mixed with the water, it also helped to get the dry skin off so they did not itch.
Hi pappy1264 :wave123
AWESOME Post ! ! ! :goodpost
Petsmart and Walmart is on my list of stores to go tonight :thumbsup
Very Good Information !
I will get some Aloe Vera juice and a reptile therm. and a couple of new clear plastic boxes and sponges:thumbsup
I copied and printed this information off and will follow. :wott
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
07-20-2011, 12:57 PM
How is this little guy doing????
Squirrely Steve
07-20-2011, 02:50 PM
How is this little guy doing????
Hi Pappy1264 :wave123
He is doing ok I think.? :dono
He is eating good 1.0cc of formula every three hours.
and med's every 12 hours.
Poop and peeing good.
He may be on the cold side...not real pink...kind of purple..
I went a bought a reptile heater and temperature and humidity gauge.
I mounted it on a 3-5 gallon reptile tank I bought last weekend.
I have a Conair Moist Heat pad that I am using stays on all the time.
I left this tank here last night at the shop and ran the reptile heater all night to stable the tank temp...its was only in the high 80's so I added the heat pad.
He is in a little critter sack most of the time.
I put the gauge around the tank getting different temps...the most important is in the sack right..its been 90-92 with humidity around 40-50.
I put wet paper towels on the top to bring the humidity up..thats been working good.
He has another tank at home...I bring the gauge home and I am getting all kinds of crazy temp's from 85-105...most of the time got in the 90's.and the humidity around 55
The tank at home is a 10 gallon with heat pad.
I am going crazy watching this temperature and humidity gauge.
its 101 outside right now
and my ride I have now has no air.
The shop has air its in the mid 70's
Home we have two window airs ...its still hot in the 80's
so he goes threw many changing temp's during the day.
I have no to take with me.
I have to use the reptile tanks because I have 4 dogs and 6 cats that are around the tank at home.
And there is dogs around at the got to be strong to keep them out....
His color and him staying in the critter bag is worrying me.
should I get him in the upper 90's ?
Here is some pictures ....
the milk line picture is from a couple of days ago.
when I had him in the stable hotel environment...
The last ones are from lunch time.
I need to get a new weight of him tonight.
Thanks :thankyou
Squirrely Steve :wave123
07-20-2011, 03:22 PM
His color is normal. As he gets older and older, he will darken....eventually you will see fur! Heating pads can do that (the reptile pads I think are a little more stable, but don't get as hot, I believe as a heating pad can/does.) He can move around a bit. What I did was a couple layers of fleece, so they could move up or down a layer if they got too warm/too cool, which they did. He looks good from what I can see. You are doing great!!!
Go back to my post (67) with the pic of Bean....look very much alike! lol
Squirrely Steve
07-20-2011, 03:44 PM
His color is normal. As he gets older and older, he will darken....eventually you will see fur! Heating pads can do that (the reptile pads I think are a little more stable, but don't get as hot, I believe as a heating pad can/does.) He can move around a bit. What I did was a couple layers of fleece, so they could move up or down a layer if they got too warm/too cool, which they did. He looks good from what I can see. You are doing great!!!
Go back to my post (67) with the pic of Bean....look very much alike! lol
Hi pappy1264 :wave123
Whuuuu.... sounds good. :D
I was worried some. :crazy
He is starting to get some hair around his nose.:thumbsup
I did the aloe juice on him last night it helped his skin out good...Thanks :thankyou
Good idea about the layers of fleece ..I will add some...Thanks :thankyou
He just crawled out of his bag and went back in so he is doing good. :)
Thanks I am trying my best :thankyou :D
Yes he does look like your bean in that picture :thumbsup
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
07-20-2011, 03:55 PM
I'm all teary-eyed just looking at this beautiful baby... Ohhhh the memories this brings back. :Love_Icon He looks just great, Steve. A total darling, and his color is great - as pappy said :) You're doing an awesome job. :thumbsup
I'm so looking forward to tons of pics as he grows up.
07-20-2011, 09:07 PM
:wave123 Hi Steve, You are doing great with your little one. Pinkies are not easy. You are doing perfectly. How much does he weigh? He may need a bit more formula. Just checking on the % of formula to weight. Is he gaining weight? How much has he gained this week?? It is scary when they get their 5 o'clock shadow and don't look as pink. You think , Oh noooooooooo what is wrong??? It's all good, though!! The pictures are great as always :thankyou for sharing your baby with us.
07-20-2011, 10:54 PM
Steve, did you say you have Brutus in a shoe box? Like cardboard? You need to get him into a plastic container like that sterlite stuff they sell at walmart for home storage... The cardboard will suck the humidity out of the air and baby pinky is all skin - nothing to keep it from losing water through the skin because no fur...
Get a little plastic cup - like one of those things they put ketchup in at take out places - put a cotton ball or some wadded up toilet paper in it and pour water over it until the stuff inside is soggy, then tuck it into a corner of the container (PLASTIC) the baby is in and it will help bring the humidity in the container up. He won't dehydrate so fast.:thumbsup
Hi CritterMom. So, does this mean cardboard is a bad idea if I find a non-pinky critter on the road (a few of which I have found recently)? Will that sap their hydration too, especially in light of the fact that these are usually injured ones I'm finding. I do try to make lots of air holes ahead of time. If they don't seem to be in a position to get away, I often just keep the top open. I appreciate the info and definitely want to do what's best for them. :)
07-20-2011, 11:08 PM
Steve, did you say you have Brutus in a shoe box? Like cardboard? You need to get him into a plastic container like that sterlite stuff they sell at walmart for home storage... The cardboard will suck the humidity out of the air and baby pinky is all skin - nothing to keep it from losing water through the skin because no fur...
Get a little plastic cup - like one of those things they put ketchup in at take out places - put a cotton ball or some wadded up toilet paper in it and pour water over it until the stuff inside is soggy, then tuck it into a corner of the container (PLASTIC) the baby is in and it will help bring the humidity in the container up. He won't dehydrate so fast.:thumbsup
Oh, I guess I should also mention that so far, I only have them long enough to get them to a rehabber. I know I don't have the time or knowledge to really do them much good on my own yet. Thanks again.
07-21-2011, 03:16 AM
Furred babies have some protection, the littke naked ones are just bare skin waiting to dehydrate. If you have ever stored cardboard boxes in a cellar, you know that cardboard sucks humidity right out of the air to get soggy, so it stands thatot would do the same to a naked pinky. For furred babies, short term in cardboard is okay. Thos plastic vins are only a couple bucks though and are very easily cleaned, so you might want to grab a couple the next time you are at Walmart, just to have on hand...
07-21-2011, 05:23 AM
Furred babies have some protection, the littke naked ones are just bare skin waiting to dehydrate. If you have ever stored cardboard boxes in a cellar, you know that cardboard sucks humidity right out of the air to get soggy, so it stands thatot would do the same to a naked pinky. For furred babies, short term in cardboard is okay. Thos plastic vins are only a couple bucks though and are very easily cleaned, so you might want to grab a couple the next time you are at Walmart, just to have on hand...
Thanks for this info. I have pretty good access to smallish cardboard boxes at work and usually have some ready if I find someone. I guess this also helps with the fact that, once I get a critter to a rehabber, it's usually easiest to just leave the critter, in the box, with them. I probably *should* get a plastic box or two in case I ever do find a pinkie(s). :)
Squirrely Steve
07-22-2011, 04:17 PM
I'm all teary-eyed just looking at this beautiful baby... Ohhhh the memories this brings back. :Love_Icon He looks just great, Steve. A total darling, and his color is great - as pappy said :) You're doing an awesome job. :thumbsup
I'm so looking forward to tons of pics as he grows up.
Hi Scooterzmom :wave123
Awwwwww..... Thanks Scooterzmom :thankyou
Thanks I am trying my best :D
Yep you know happy Squirrely Steve :camera :)
I have been taking a bunch :thumbsup
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-22-2011, 04:27 PM
:wave123 Hi Steve, You are doing great with your little one. Pinkies are not easy. You are doing perfectly. How much does he weigh? He may need a bit more formula. Just checking on the % of formula to weight. Is he gaining weight? How much has he gained this week?? It is scary when they get their 5 o'clock shadow and don't look as pink. You think , Oh noooooooooo what is wrong??? It's all good, though!! The pictures are great as always :thankyou for sharing your baby with us.
Hi Marty :wave123
Thanks I am trying my best :thankyou
Yes pinkies are hard .....but so cute and need the extra special love care :Love_Icon
They melt me.:tilt
He weights 30 grams today.
when I started he weighted 18 grams.
so he is gaining.
I am trying to push more formula ..not easy hits the 1.0cc and wants to sleep.
Yes very scary when they get their 5 o'clock shadow and don't look as pink.:sanp3
I almost panicked :sanp3
It was so good to read he was ok. :thankyou
Thanks I love sharing pictures with you guys :thumbsup
Helps us all talk better and its a way I can give back.:thankyou
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-22-2011, 04:38 PM
Thanks for this info. I have pretty good access to smallish cardboard boxes at work and usually have some ready if I find someone. I guess this also helps with the fact that, once I get a critter to a rehabber, it's usually easiest to just leave the critter, in the box, with them. I probably *should* get a plastic box or two in case I ever do find a pinkie(s). :)
Hi Twi_prime and Critter Mom :wave123
I read this yesterday....and I had to get my plastic Critter Box done last night before I came back here :nono
I was still using my Cardboard shoe box to transport back and forward from home to work. :nono
Not enough time in the day.:crazy
But we got the Pinkie Express done last night and using today :D
Thanks for all the great questions and information :thankyou
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-22-2011, 04:49 PM
Hi Friends :wave123
Brutus is doing good up to 30 grams now :thumbsup
I got one more pinky at noon today.
I think a little boy only had him out a couple times pushing hydrating fluids and once for med's.
we weights 13 grams
The family said they found a couple of days ago in the yard.
he still had is cord hanging so he is only days old.
he has a couple of nicks on his legs ..not sure what those are.
and his face is a little blue.
They had him on a heating pad and was giving water with a dropper.
He got weak and they got scared and called my teacher and my teacher called me.
so push hydrating fluids 2-3 hours and med's every 12 hours ?
Here is some pictures from the last few days.
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Nancy in New York
07-22-2011, 06:26 PM
Steve, you are doing wonderful. Brutus looks so content. Being 30 grams he should be eating 1.5 cc's to 2.1 cc's. I know that you said that he likes to go back to sleep though...Hmmmmm
Steve, does Brutus look a little bloated in that first picture of him with his little arms up? It may just be the angle. I know that you already know this, but if their tummy looks bloated, you HAVE to get it down before any more fluids are given, and bloat can kill a pinkie.
Looks like you have another little boy there. That sure is a tiny one. You have him on antibiotics? Who knows what those marks are, but better safe than sorry, just in case he was cat caught. I'm so glad that you got him, but don't be shy in telling your rehabber friend that you are working with, that this is new to you, and don't take on too many. The pinkies are really time consuming....and with you working full time and all....she has to cut you some slack your first year.:D
Steve, I am posting a link from Chris Clark's site, Squirrels and More, which will tell you many useful things. They have a photo of a squirrel with bloat and what to do if your little one does bloat. Just in case, do you have any infant gas X? (Simethicone)
07-22-2011, 06:36 PM
Steve, I am so happy that Brutus is up to 30 grams.You a doing grrrrrrrrrreat!!! If he is gaining weight steadily then he will pick up eating on his own most likely. I would not push more for now. The other little boy is really little, Steve. I have only 2 times had them 13 or less grams. I have had lots of pinkies. Usually they are around 16 grams and up. He is so teeny, tiny. You will do great. Brutus seems like a ... well.... brut of a baby compared to this new little boy. Hope all is well at the farm and office. It was 104 degrees where I live today. Just miserable, even for me. I don't mind heat but heat index made it feel like 115 degrees. Whooooooo. I bet it is hot where you are too. Have a great night. Scritchens to Chuck and Sparky too.:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
07-22-2011, 07:19 PM
Hi Steve:
Just my grain of salt here... The bloat is something the rehabbers and experts here would know more about than I could, for sure. I might have a suggestion about the falling asleep during the feeding thing though.
When Scooter was a pinky he too at times would fall asleep during his feeding or after having very little formula. So, i did what we do with human babies... i massaged him very gently and tried to make him sort of burp :dono Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. If it worked then he'd resume his drinking fine after his burp. If it didn't work, then I tried to stimulate him to poop and/or pee. When he had relieved himself then I'd try feeding him some more and usually that worked. Even at the age of 5 or 6 weeks they sometimes fuss in mid-feeding and often times it's just because they want to poop and they don't want to poop while you hold them or where they lay down to eat (makes sense when you think of it... like "don't crap where you eat" sort of thing :)... they (some of them at least) want to be put down to do it.
If after all this he still prefers to sleep, then it's probably because he's not really hungry at that time and I wouldn't be overly concerned as long as he'd keep gaining weight steadily and seemed well and hydrated. :D
07-22-2011, 07:25 PM
Hi Steve:
Just my grain of salt here... The bloat is something the rehabbers and experts here would know more about than I could, for sure. I might have a suggestion about the falling asleep during the feeding thing though.
When Scooter was a pinky he too at times would fall asleep during his feeding or after having very little formula. So, i did what we do with human babies... i massaged him very gently and tried to make him sort of burp :dono Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. If it worked then he'd resume his drinking fine after his burp. If it didn't work, then I tried to stimulate him to poop and/or pee. When he had relieved himself then I'd try feeding him some more and usually that worked. Even at the age of 5 or 6 weeks they sometimes fuss in mid-feeding and often times it's just because they want to poop and they don't want to poop while you hold them or where they lay down to eat (makes sense when you think of it... like "don't crap where you eat" sort of thing :)... they (some of them at least) want to be put down to do it.
If after all this he still prefers to sleep, then it's probably because he's not really hungry at that time and I wouldn't be overly concerned as long as he'd keep gaining weight steadily and seemed well and hydrated. :D
:goodpost Not only good ... great posting!!!!!!
Nancy in New York
07-22-2011, 07:31 PM
Steve, sorry to keep bugging you...:D
Do you have these kinds of nipples?
If not I will put some in the mail tomorrow for you.
I think that your little one would do well with this type of nipple.:thumbsup
Squirrely Steve
07-25-2011, 03:06 PM
Steve, you are doing wonderful. Brutus looks so content. Being 30 grams he should be eating 1.5 cc's to 2.1 cc's. I know that you said that he likes to go back to sleep though...Hmmmmm
Steve, does Brutus look a little bloated in that first picture of him with his little arms up? It may just be the angle. I know that you already know this, but if their tummy looks bloated, you HAVE to get it down before any more fluids are given, and bloat can kill a pinkie.
Looks like you have another little boy there. That sure is a tiny one. You have him on antibiotics? Who knows what those marks are, but better safe than sorry, just in case he was cat caught. I'm so glad that you got him, but don't be shy in telling your rehabber friend that you are working with, that this is new to you, and don't take on too many. The pinkies are really time consuming....and with you working full time and all....she has to cut you some slack your first year.:D
Steve, I am posting a link from Chris Clark's site, Squirrels and More, which will tell you many useful things. They have a photo of a squirrel with bloat and what to do if your little one does bloat. Just in case, do you have any infant gas X? (Simethicone)
Hi Nancy :wave123
Thanks I am trying hard for these little ones. :thankyou
I lost the 13 gram little one saturday about noon.
He was doing so good friday night...
I must have some things not quite temperatures..electrolyte..rehydrate mix..feeding times ....dang
This loss of this one got to me some..
lost 3 out 4 pinkies now...:shakehead
Brutus is doing pretty good I think :)
I read your post saturday and checked him out more and he looked bloated and I went into town and got him some infant Simethicone drops.
I gave a couple of drops to him in the afternoon on saturday.
I cut his formula feedings back.
I went though and cleaned all the formula mix jars up.
He may have got some formula 2-3 days old.
I got smaller mix jars now so I only mix one days worth.
And gave him some massages like Scooterzmom said too.
It helped him poop some.
I think I got his bloating down some.
I did not give him any Simethicone yesterday or today.
He is still fussing with eating more than 1.0 cc
so I been giving 1.0cc of formula every 3 hours.
and antibiotic med's every 12 hours.
I did put the little boy on antibiotics right off.
Yes these pinkies are are really time consuming and very hard to take care of but I can do it.
I will not take on too many...
Just some of these guys will have no chance.
Not many here with pinkie experience or want to learn they tell me if too small take and put them down...
the animal control here was doing that with all pinkies till I told them I would help.
What kind of electrolyte or rehydrate mix do you use ?
Thanks so Much for posting a link from Chris Clark's site... Squirrels and More..the pictures and information helped out a lot. :thankyou
Here is some new pictures from the last few days.
I think he is not bloated any more. :dono
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-25-2011, 03:12 PM
Steve, sorry to keep bugging you...:D
Do you have these kinds of nipples?
If not I will put some in the mail tomorrow for you.
I think that your little one would do well with this type of nipple.:thumbsup
Hi Nancy :wave123
I am not sure :thinking
I will go through my supplies tonight and check and see.
Many Thanks :thankyou :grouphug
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-25-2011, 03:27 PM
Steve, I am so happy that Brutus is up to 30 grams.You a doing grrrrrrrrrreat!!! If he is gaining weight steadily then he will pick up eating on his own most likely. I would not push more for now. The other little boy is really little, Steve. I have only 2 times had them 13 or less grams. I have had lots of pinkies. Usually they are around 16 grams and up. He is so teeny, tiny. You will do great. Brutus seems like a ... well.... brut of a baby compared to this new little boy. Hope all is well at the farm and office. It was 104 degrees where I live today. Just miserable, even for me. I don't mind heat but heat index made it feel like 115 degrees. Whooooooo. I bet it is hot where you are too. Have a great night. Scritchens to Chuck and Sparky too.:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Hi Marty :wave123
Yes Brutus is growing good. :thumbsup
I weighted him again this morning and he is holding the 30 grams.
at least did not lose any.
He got were he would not eat very good saturday.
I think he was bloated.
Sunday was better he is back eating good.
I will kind of stop at 1.0cc for today..
edge him up as we go
The little 13 gram boy was so small.
boy he was doing good a fighter ....
I need to go though my ways something is wrong..
still do not like my tank and heating way....temps all over the place...felt like the baby was way to hot...he was showing signs of weakness early saturday morning..I keep pushing electrolyte or rehydrate mix ..I may have this wrong..dang
I was very hot on the farm all last week it was 104 here a couple of days too ..yesterday it cooled down some were we could turn the air off. :D
Hope it cooled down were you live too.:thumbsup
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
07-25-2011, 03:36 PM
Hi Steve:
Just my grain of salt here... The bloat is something the rehabbers and experts here would know more about than I could, for sure. I might have a suggestion about the falling asleep during the feeding thing though.
When Scooter was a pinky he too at times would fall asleep during his feeding or after having very little formula. So, i did what we do with human babies... i massaged him very gently and tried to make him sort of burp :dono Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. If it worked then he'd resume his drinking fine after his burp. If it didn't work, then I tried to stimulate him to poop and/or pee. When he had relieved himself then I'd try feeding him some more and usually that worked. Even at the age of 5 or 6 weeks they sometimes fuss in mid-feeding and often times it's just because they want to poop and they don't want to poop while you hold them or where they lay down to eat (makes sense when you think of it... like "don't crap where you eat" sort of thing :)... they (some of them at least) want to be put down to do it.
If after all this he still prefers to sleep, then it's probably because he's not really hungry at that time and I wouldn't be overly concerned as long as he'd keep gaining weight steadily and seemed well and hydrated. :D
Hi Scooterzmom :wave123
Awesome Post :thumbsup
Makes a lot of sense :thumbsup
I read this saturday and been doing after each feeding.
Its been helping Brutus a lot..he is pooping a lot better.
not sure on the eating because he may have had gas and was bloated.
After a few more days I will start to edge his CC's up some.
He loves to be touched and massaged:Love_Icon
Many Thanks :thankyou :grouphug
Squirrely Steve
07-25-2011, 05:56 PM
Steve, is it possible that our formula is cooling down and that is the reason he is stopping at 1cc? I have never raised a pinkie but I have read, read, read on here and they seem to like the formula warmer than we think they should want it. Try heating it up a few more degrees and make sure it isn't cooling down (keep swapping out warm syringes) and see if anything happens.
07-25-2011, 06:11 PM
I need to go though my ways something is wrong..
still do not like my tank and heating way....temps all over the place...felt like the baby was way to hot...he was showing signs of weakness early saturday morning..I keep pushing electrolyte or rehydrate mix ..I may have this wrong..dang
I was very hot on the farm all last week it was 104 here a couple of days too ..yesterday it cooled down some were we could turn the air off. :D
Hope it cooled down were you live too.:thumbsup
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Hi Steve! I'm so sorry to hear the littlest one did not make it. :grouphug :grouphug
When I saw your concerns about the tank, I wanted to pass on my thoughts. Over a year ago, when I had my first set of babies, I had no experience whatsoever and I had no idea that TSB existed. I went to the pet store and bought a 10 gallon aquarium and a reptile heater like you have. What I found was that while the reptile heater heated well, the glass was always cold. The air in the aquarium was always cool as well. I had plenty of t-shirts in there but as soon as the babies came out from the t-shirts or ventured to an area away from the reptile heater, it was cold. I fought with that setup for quite some time, trying to keep it warm. Then when I found TSB, I found that a lot of people were using the plastic containers with holes drilled in them. So I changed to that and was so happy with that set up. The inside of the container was always so nice and toasty warm. Even if the baby ventured off the heating pad area (I did switch to a regular heating pad), the air was warm not cool like it was in the aquarium.
Keep up the good work Steve! As you are learning more and more and sharing with us, you are helping me learn so much more as well.
07-25-2011, 06:23 PM
One suggestion for keeping the formula warm...
I usually warm up a small glass FIRST before I put the formula itself in it ... i.e. I put water in the glass, heat it up in the microwave till the glass is nice and hot. Then I place the formula in the glass and heat it up - that way you don't need to heat up the formula as long and you don't risk OVERheating the formula. I fill up a separate container (one in which I can pace the small glass) with REALLY HOT water and I bring that with me along with the glass. I don't put the glass in there right away as it may oberheat the formula, but... if I have to go very slow to feed even 1cc to the baby then after filling the syringe I place the glass in the container and it keeps the formula warm while the baby eats. Make sure to have a little stick or spoon to stir the formula while is sits in the glass - it can make a film on top otherwise.
Maybe you can see what I mean in the pic.
Squirrely Steve
08-08-2011, 04:57 PM
Steve, is it possible that our formula is cooling down and that is the reason he is stopping at 1cc? I have never raised a pinkie but I have read, read, read on here and they seem to like the formula warmer than we think they should want it. Try heating it up a few more degrees and make sure it isn't cooling down (keep swapping out warm syringes) and see if anything happens.
Hi Critter Mom :wave123
I think I got the right warmness for the formula temperature now. :thumbsup
I had to go to the Jackie's Goat Milk Recipe with 2 TSBP FV 32/40 and 4 TSBP water added to the mix.
He started getting bloated bad and I think the antibiotics were part of what was going on...I took him off the antibiotics and he is growing good now.
Eating 3.0cc per feeding and every 3-4 hours
He is up to 54 Grams :D
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-08-2011, 05:05 PM
Hi Steve! I'm so sorry to hear the littlest one did not make it. :grouphug :grouphug
When I saw your concerns about the tank, I wanted to pass on my thoughts. Over a year ago, when I had my first set of babies, I had no experience whatsoever and I had no idea that TSB existed. I went to the pet store and bought a 10 gallon aquarium and a reptile heater like you have. What I found was that while the reptile heater heated well, the glass was always cold. The air in the aquarium was always cool as well. I had plenty of t-shirts in there but as soon as the babies came out from the t-shirts or ventured to an area away from the reptile heater, it was cold. I fought with that setup for quite some time, trying to keep it warm. Then when I found TSB, I found that a lot of people were using the plastic containers with holes drilled in them. So I changed to that and was so happy with that set up. The inside of the container was always so nice and toasty warm. Even if the baby ventured off the heating pad area (I did switch to a regular heating pad), the air was warm not cool like it was in the aquarium.
Keep up the good work Steve! As you are learning more and more and sharing with us, you are helping me learn so much more as well.
Hi mpetys :wave123
Thanks I tried my best :thankyou
Awesome posting ! ! ! Many Thanks :thankyou
You are right about reptile heater heated aquarium...
Its driving me nuts ...I made a plastic container and Nancy sent me a cool carrier that is working out great.:thumbsup
Will the reptile heater heated aquarium work when the babies get older were they are not so sensitive to the heat ?
Thanks you guys have taught me so much ...many Thanks :thankyou
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-08-2011, 05:10 PM
One suggestion for keeping the formula warm...
I usually warm up a small glass FIRST before I put the formula itself in it ... i.e. I put water in the glass, heat it up in the microwave till the glass is nice and hot. Then I place the formula in the glass and heat it up - that way you don't need to heat up the formula as long and you don't risk OVERheating the formula. I fill up a separate container (one in which I can pace the small glass) with REALLY HOT water and I bring that with me along with the glass. I don't put the glass in there right away as it may oberheat the formula, but... if I have to go very slow to feed even 1cc to the baby then after filling the syringe I place the glass in the container and it keeps the formula warm while the baby eats. Make sure to have a little stick or spoon to stir the formula while is sits in the glass - it can make a film on top otherwise.
Maybe you can see what I mean in the pic.
Hi Scooterzmom :wave123
I love this idea ...Awesome posting :goodpost
I tried this and it works great :thumbsup
Love the picture and so Cute baby ...awwwwww :Love_Icon
Many Thanks :thankyou
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-08-2011, 05:18 PM
Hi Friends :wave123
Sorry I have not been around :crazy
Work and farm work has been crazy :shakehead
I got some questions ...
I got Brutus on Jackies Goat Milk Recipe with 2 TBSP FV32/40 and 4 TBSP Water long do I keep him on ?
Edge up the FV32/40 after awhile ? :dono
I had some more questions but the bat scrambled my brain some :rotfl
Here is some pictures of Brutus.
He looks like a Grey Squirrel now :thinking
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
08-08-2011, 05:19 PM
BRUTUS looks fantastic.... He's gonna be a BIG BOY some day...
Squirrely Steve
08-08-2011, 05:25 PM
BRUTUS looks fantastic.... He's gonna be a BIG BOY some day...
Hi Stosh :wave123
Thanks :thankyou
Brutus is growing so fast now. :wahoo
He is going to be a BIG BRUTUS :rotfl
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
island rehabber
08-08-2011, 05:27 PM
Brutus! You're adorable! Papa is taking very good care of you!!:thumbsup:thumbsup
Nancy in New York
08-08-2011, 05:32 PM
Oh Steve, Brutus looks fantastic. Great weight, great feeding schedule, and the amount he is taking is spot on. He isn't bloated at all. You sure are doing everything right!!!!
Keep up the great work, you sure have your hands full....but are managing perfectly.:Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon
Yes, I would edge up the FV after a while, go slowly watch for bloat, and let us know if there are problems....we're right here to help!
08-08-2011, 05:36 PM
Hi Stosh :wave123
Thanks Brutus is growing so fast now. :wahoo
He is going to be a BIG BRUTUS :
Thanks Squirrely Steve
I think you're right--Gonna be a Hefty Boy...In Latin...BRUTUS sometimes translates as HEAVY
island rehabber
08-08-2011, 06:12 PM
I love the name Brutus....Brutus was my Doberman, the last dog I ever had, and the BEST. :Love_Icon
08-08-2011, 08:22 PM
I'm glad my suggestion helped, Steve... as long as it helps the babies that's what we like to hear :)
Brutus looks just FANTASTIC! What a sweetie... :Love_Icon I love how he has a roman name and a roman nose too. So cute! Just adorable. :Love-Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
08-08-2011, 10:29 PM
Brutus looks great Steve!
Squirrely Steve
08-10-2011, 04:30 PM
Brutus! You're adorable! Papa is taking very good care of you!!:thumbsup:thumbsup
Hi island rehabber :wave123
Thanks :thankyou
I am trying my best :D
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-10-2011, 04:49 PM
Oh Steve, Brutus looks fantastic. Great weight, great feeding schedule, and the amount he is taking is spot on. He isn't bloated at all. You sure are doing everything right!!!!
Keep up the great work, you sure have your hands full....but are managing perfectly.:Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon
Yes, I would edge up the FV after a while, go slowly watch for bloat, and let us know if there are problems....we're right here to help!
Hi Nancy :wave123
Thanks :thankyou
I found by making notes of his feeding and weight helps me a lot. :thumbsup
Nothing like writing it down as you go.
I am trying hard to make this all work.
Cool I will edge up the FV
But today he looks kind of big ..not sure if he is bloated ..maybe getting fat ?
The goats milk recipe pours on the weight right ?
on the 8-5-11 he weighted 54 grams
today 8-10-11 he weights 72 grams
18 gram gain to 5 this ok ?
Dang he looks big..he is always hungry.
I am feeding him 3.5cc per feeding today about every 3-1/2 hours
about every day I get 7 feedings this ok ?
I am still doing one feeding in the middle of night...wean off ?
He is eating a lot all of a sudden ...poop is still light brown..:crazy
Thanks so much for all your help. :thankyou
Should I start a new thread yet ?
or can this one be transfered ?
I will hang out were ever you guys want..I just do not want to take any valuable time from ER patients.
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-10-2011, 04:54 PM
I think you're right--Gonna be a Hefty Boy...In Latin...BRUTUS sometimes translates as HEAVY
Hi Stosh :wave123
Thanks :thankyou
Looks like I picked the right name ..Brutus is up to 72 grams Today :D
I think he is going to be HEAVY :thumbsup
Thanks for the picture :thankyou
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-10-2011, 04:56 PM
I love the name Brutus....Brutus was my Doberman, the last dog I ever had, and the BEST. :Love_Icon
Hi island rehabber :wave123
I bet your Brutus was a Great Dog :thumbsup
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-10-2011, 05:01 PM
I'm glad my suggestion helped, Steve... as long as it helps the babies that's what we like to hear :)
Brutus looks just FANTASTIC! What a sweetie... :Love_Icon I love how he has a roman name and a roman nose too. So cute! Just adorable. :Love-Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Hi Scooterzmom :wave123
Yes it helped out a lot ...Thanks :thankyou
It is a great idea :thumbsup
Thanks I am trying hard with him.:D
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-10-2011, 05:02 PM
Brutus looks great Steve!
Hi Michele :wave123
Thanks :thankyou
Thanks :)
Squirrely Steve :wave123
08-10-2011, 09:53 PM
Steve, Brutus looks great. Wow he is getting big. :D At times they can gain 5,6,7,8, or more grams a day. For my babies, I usually feed every 3-3.5 hours. I start a 6-6:30 am and last feeding at 11-12 pm however it works out. Usually at this age and weight, I do not feed the night feeding. I think you can stop that now. He is gaining plenty of weight. I usually let them go 6 hours through the night. It will help you get some rest too. You are doing a great job with him. Great pictures too.
Squirrely Steve
08-11-2011, 03:53 PM
Steve, Brutus looks great. Wow he is getting big. :D At times they can gain 5,6,7,8, or more grams a day. For my babies, I usually feed every 3-3.5 hours. I start a 6-6:30 am and last feeding at 11-12 pm however it works out. Usually at this age and weight, I do not feed the night feeding. I think you can stop that now. He is gaining plenty of weight. I usually let them go 6 hours through the night. It will help you get some rest too. You are doing a great job with him. Great pictures too.
Hi Marty :wave123
Thanks :thankyou
Yes he is getting big fast :thumbsup
Cool that's good news...he gained 4 grams yesterday.
I will go to those hours for feeding :)
Sounds good I need more sleep too :D
Thanks I am trying my best and learning as much as I can. :thumbsup
Thanks about the pictures :thankyou
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-11-2011, 04:03 PM
Hi Friends :wave123
Brutus is doing great ! :wott
I found Powdered Goats milk yesterday ..What a find :thumbsup
I made up a new batch of formula last night using Jackie's Goat Milk recipe and I added more FV 32/40 up to 4 tbsp FV and 8 tbsp water now added to the mix.
Here is a few pictures from the last few days. :)
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve
Nancy in New York
08-11-2011, 04:22 PM
Oh Steve, you are doing wonderful! He is such a little cutie, and he sure looks the picture of health. Does Sheri ever hold him? She may fall in love with him too!!!
Glad all is well and thanks for the update.:grouphug
Squirrely Steve
08-11-2011, 07:39 PM
Oh Steve, you are doing wonderful! He is such a little cutie, and he sure looks the picture of health. Does Sheri ever hold him? She may fall in love with him too!!!
Glad all is well and thanks for the update.:grouphug
Hi Nancy :wave123
Thanks :thankyou
I am trying my best :tilt
Yes Sheri is holding him here and there and she is falling in love with him. :Love_Icon
Thanks but I need some more help ..Please :bowdown
I got two more babies.:crazy
I think two Grey Girls.:thinking :dono
One about 62 grams been feed FV 32/40 from a pinkie to 62 gram size from a rehabber.
and the other girl a lot bigger no weight yet ..a lot bigger than Brutus ..Eyes still close was found yesterday and been feed a low concentrate of FV 32/40 and is taking ok
I got them from my teacher ...there was a overload ...and I took the smallest ones to help lighten there load.
My question... Do I feed them the same as Brutus the Goat Milk FV Mix ? :thinking
or Do as three formula batches ?
Custom for each squirrel ? :dono
Dang its feeding Time ! ! :sanp3
Anybody have any ideas or suggestions ?:dono
Squirrely Steve
Nancy in New York
08-11-2011, 07:48 PM
Hi Nancy :wave123
Thanks :thankyou
I am trying my best :tilt
Yes Sheri is holding him here and there and she is falling in love with him. :Love_Icon
Thanks but I need some more help :bowdown
I got two more babies.:crazy
I think two Grey Girls.:thinking :dono
One about 62 grams been feed FV 32/40 from a pinkie to 62 gram size from a rehabber.
and the other girl a lot bigger no weight yet ..a lot bigger than Brutus ..Eyes still close was found yesterday and been feed a low concentrate of FV 32/40 and is taking ok
I got them from my teacher ...there was a overload ...and I took the smallest ones to help lighten there load.
My question... Do I feed them the same as Brutus the Goat Milk FV Mix ? :thinking
or Do has three formula batches ?
Custom for each squirrel ? :dono
Dang its feeding Time ! ! :sanp3
Anybody have any ideas or suggestions ?:dono
Squirrely Steve
OK Steve, the one that is 62 grams, keep her right on the Fox Valley, no goats milk unless we run into a problem. She should eat approximately 3 -4.2 cc's every 3-4 hours.
The other girl that is larger, we will need a weight, but let's guess 80 grams....feed her the same FV and we will say about 4-5 1/2 cc's every 3-4 hours.
You can keep these two on the same schedule with the larger girl getting a bit more. We don't have to complicate things more for you....:)
So the only one that you will keep on the goat's milk mixture is Brutus.
If you can get all of them to eat around the same time, that would be great for you!
08-11-2011, 07:51 PM
How about two, Steve - feed the oldest baby - the one raised on FV - just straight old regular FV, since she is used to it, and use the goats milk/FV mix for the two little ones?
Kelly Brady
08-11-2011, 07:52 PM
Brutis is adorable. He looks so beautiful and happy and healthy.
It has been a while since I have posted on your thread but I keep up. your a busy guy:wave123
Nancy in New York
08-11-2011, 07:54 PM
How about two, Steve - feed the oldest baby - the one raised on FV - just straight old regular FV, since she is used to it, and use the goats milk/FV mix for the two little ones?
I think the little 62 grams one was raised on all FV....
(too many squirrels tonight CritterMom):shakehead hehehehe
Squirrely Steve
08-11-2011, 08:03 PM
OK Steve, the one that is 62 grams, keep her right on the Fox Valley, no goats milk unless we run into a problem. She should eat approximately 3 -4.2 cc's every 3-4 hours.
The other girl that is larger, we will need a weight, but let's guess 80 grams....feed her the same FV and we will say about 4-5 1/2 cc's every 3-4 hours.
You can keep these two on the same schedule with the larger girl getting a bit more. We don't have to complicate things more for you....:)
So the only one that you will keep on the goat's milk mixture is Brutus.
If you can get all of them to eat around the same time, that would be great for you!
Hi Nancy and Friends :wave123
Cool I just got Brutus feed.
I will Mix up some FV and follow your instructions :thumbsup
Wow girl babies hungry back later up pictures and weights. :D
Many Thanks :thankyou
Squirrely Steve
Squirrely Steve
08-11-2011, 08:53 PM
Hi Friends :wave123
Feeding time not going good with the two new girls.
the little girl that been raised on fv weights 71 grams
She only ate 1.5 cc of full fv
the big girl that was found yesterday and was feed weak fv weights 120 grams eyes not open did not eat a drop.
Dang :thinking
hey I still run the heating pad yet ?
till there older ? 6-7 weeks...
...thinking ....i am putting them back and got to feed the raccoons and chuck and sparky ..i will try again...1/2 hour about...i did get pictures no time yet...this big girl has the hic ups ?
Squirrel Steve
08-11-2011, 09:20 PM
Hi Friends :wave123
Feeding time not going good with the two new girls.
the little girl that been raised on fv weights 71 grams
She only ate 1.5 cc of full fv
the big girl that was found yesterday and was feed weak fv weights 120 grams eyes not open did not eat a drop.
Dang :thinking
hey I still run the heating pad yet ?
till there older ? 6-7 weeks...
...thinking ....i am putting them back and got to feed the raccoons and chuck and sparky ..i will try again...1/2 hour about...i did get pictures no time yet...this big girl has the hic ups ?
Squirrel Steve
Hi Steve, When was the last time they were fed? They may not be hungry yet. Try again in 30 minutes to 1 hour, if no luck try some pedialyte or plain water or flavored weak apple juice water. They will be hungry at the next feeding. Don't forget Steve, sometimes these babies need time to "recover" from the ride home and different sounds, smells and touches from someone different. They should do better the next feeding. If not, be sure to keep them hydrated, regardless. You may have to offer a night feeding tonight if they don't eat at the last feeding at whatever time it is scheduled.
Yes, keep the heating pad going. Like you said 6-7 weeks. I keep it on until they have fur development and can regulate their own heat. For the hiccups just hold her upright and pat her back gently, like you would burp a baby human. That usually helps to scare those silly old hiccups away. :tilt
Squirrely Steve
08-12-2011, 09:30 AM
Hi Steve, When was the last time they were fed? They may not be hungry yet. Try again in 30 minutes to 1 hour, if no luck try some pedialyte or plain water or flavored weak apple juice water. They will be hungry at the next feeding. Don't forget Steve, sometimes these babies need time to "recover" from the ride home and different sounds, smells and touches from someone different. They should do better the next feeding. If not, be sure to keep them hydrated, regardless. You may have to offer a night feeding tonight if they don't eat at the last feeding at whatever time it is scheduled.
Yes, keep the heating pad going. Like you said 6-7 weeks. I keep it on until they have fur development and can regulate their own heat. For the hiccups just hold her upright and pat her back gently, like you would burp a baby human. That usually helps to scare those silly old hiccups away. :tilt
Hi Marty :wave123
I picked them up yesterday at 5:30 pm.
The teacher said said that they were fed not to long before I got there.
Brutus next feeding was about 7:30 pm to 8 pm.
So I thought I would get them all to eat about then.
8 pm feeding time...
Brutus ate 4.0cc Goat Milk FV Mix
The little girl that been raised on fv weights 71 grams
She only ate 1.5 cc of full fv
The big girl that was found yesterday and was feed weak fv weights 120 grams eyes not open did not eat a drop.
so after Raccoon feeding time...and hugging Chuck and Sparky some...
9 pm feeding time...
120 gram girl tried FV and again no luck...fights and will not take...tried dabbing FV on finger and would not try..made sure warm..checked mix information...say 1 portion to 2 portions that.. had to get some formula in should have tried electrolyte or juice like you said but I did not get my computer back on so much was going on. I gave the 120 gram girl I gave a sample of Brutus mix and he jumped on it and ate it good..she ate 3.0cc
she is the only one I fed at this time.
2:30 am feeding time...
Brutus ate 4.0cc Goat Milk FV Mix
The girl 71 grams ate 1.5 cc of full fv
The girl 120 grams ate 5.0 cc Goat Milk FV Mix...I tried offering the FV again and she would not take before feeding the Goat Milk FV Mix.
6:30 am feeding time...
Brutus ate 4.0cc Goat Milk FV Mix
The girl 71 grams ate 1.5 cc of full fv
The girl 120 grams ate 5.0 cc Goat Milk FV Mix
I agree with the Babies need time to "recover" from the ride home and different sounds, smells and touches from someone different.
They are a little jumpy with me...different than Brutus.
I got a feeding time coming up...9:30 am to 10 am
What do you think about the girl 71 gram that is eating only 1.5 cc of full fv
at a time.?
seems like it stops ?
I give it lots of chances to eat...I keep warming the formula up..
I got the FV mix right for this age...I think.
I am thinking about putting her on Goat Milk FV Mix too.:thinking :dono
Sounds Good about the heating Pad :thumbsup
I will remember the hiccup cure :thankyou
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
08-12-2011, 09:35 AM
Steve, if they prefer the goats milk mix and will eat that when they won't eat straight FV, by all means, feed them all the goars milk mix! You can ever so slowly start reducing the amount of the goats milk and increasing the FV until eventually they are all on FV but getting them to eat well now is the key.
Nancy in New York
08-12-2011, 09:41 AM
I totally agree with CritterMom. What I sometimes do with babies that seem a little skittish, is to cover them completely with fleece and then try to feed. They sometimes feel more protected if the fleece is covering them completely particularly the head...:dono
Don't worry Steve, some of this is all hit and miss for us. Darn squirrels never come with an owners manual....:shakehead We're ALL learning here, and trying whatever it takes....:thumbsup
Squirrely Steve
08-12-2011, 10:48 AM
Steve, if they prefer the goats milk mix and will eat that when they won't eat straight FV, by all means, feed them all the goars milk mix! You can ever so slowly start reducing the amount of the goats milk and increasing the FV until eventually they are all on FV but getting them to eat well now is the key.
Hi Critter Mom :wave123
At 10 am I gave the Goat Milk FV Mix a try with the girl 71 grams.
and She loved it :Love_Icon :D
10 am feeding time...
Brutus ate 4.0cc Goat Milk FV Mix
The girl 71 grams ate 4.0cc Goat Milk FV Mix
The girl 120 grams ate 5.0 cc Goat Milk FV Mix
Whuuuu Squirrely Steve a happy camper :D
I understand most important part they eat well now :thumbsup
Thanks much :thankyou
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-12-2011, 10:55 AM
I totally agree with CritterMom. What I sometimes do with babies that seem a little skittish, is to cover them completely with fleece and then try to feed. They sometimes feel more protected if the fleece is covering them completely particularly the head...:dono
Don't worry Steve, some of this is all hit and miss for us. Darn squirrels never come with an owners manual....:shakehead We're ALL learning here, and trying whatever it takes....:thumbsup
Hi Nancy :wave123
Yes I agree with Critter Mom too :thumbsup
I did the idea with the fleece and it worked real good..Awesome :thumbsup
Every Day is a learning Day...a challenge..But I totally Love it :Love_Icon :D
I love what you said ...
Darn squirrels never come with an owners manual....:shakehead We're ALL learning here, and trying whatever it takes....:thumbsup [/I][/B][/QUOTE]
Very Cool :tilt
I got to get some Friday work done.....
I will be back this afternoon with new baby pictures and hopefully same girl names :D
and I can not forget Chuck and Sparky :flash3
Many Thanks :thankyou
Squirrely Steve :wave123
08-12-2011, 11:10 AM
:thumbsup Yay Steve!! Great Job!! :bowdown
Squirrely Steve
08-12-2011, 04:10 PM
Brutis is adorable. He looks so beautiful and happy and healthy.
It has been a while since I have posted on your thread but I keep up. your a busy guy:wave123
Hi Kelly :wave123
Thanks :thankyou
He is getting so cuddly and lovable :Love_Icon
Thanks some days I dont know if its day or night or what day it is ..lose track :crazy
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-12-2011, 04:12 PM
:thumbsup Yay Steve!! Great Job!! :bowdown
Hi Pierre :wave123
Thanks :thankyou
I am so Happy :) ...... everyone is eating now :D
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-12-2011, 04:31 PM
Hi Friends :wave123
Whuuu what a is busy...busy..finally its winding down. :crazy
I got the girls named....
The Grey Girl 71 gram ..I named "Grace"
The Grey Girl 120 gram ..I named "Hope"
it was driving my crazy :crazy ..this girl and this girl .. need names :rotfl
They all did pretty good at last feeding time..:thumbsup
1:30 pm feeding time...
Brutus ate 4.0cc Goat Milk FV Mix
Grace ate 3.5cc Goat Milk FV Mix
Hope ate 5.0 cc Goat Milk FV Mix
With Hope weighing 120 grams last night I need to feed her more..right ..I will try to go to 6.0cc next feeding...does this sound ok ?:thinking
I think everyone is peeing and pooping ok doing the warm wet wipes at the end of each feeding ..tummy's are look good. :thumbsup
Here is some pictures from last night and today. :)
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
08-12-2011, 10:13 PM
Steve, if they prefer the goats milk mix and will eat that when they won't eat straight FV, by all means, feed them all the goars milk mix! You can ever so slowly start reducing the amount of the goats milk and increasing the FV until eventually they are all on FV but getting them to eat well now is the key.
Hi Steve, :thumbsup This is perfect info. Eating is good. Makes Squirrely Steve very happy. I love Hope and Grace too. Looks like their eyes are going to pop open any day now. So glad Brutus has some sisters. Sisters are good!!:D I was out all day today but so glad to see the babies are eating now. It is easier to have them all on the same formula. Funny, Steve, if you are anything like me, pretty soon I would make a mistake and feed them all the same accidentally anyway soooo might as well just go ahead and feed them all the same formula.:rotfl You are doing great. Happy day!!
08-12-2011, 11:12 PM
I'm totally, absolutely, madly in love... :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon They are just too adorable, Steve. You're doing a WONDERFUL job! I cannot believe how much Brutus has grown already, seems like just a teeny pinky yesterday and now... the cutest fuzz coming out on him!!!! Soooo CUTE!
You have yourself a handful of adorable there :D
08-12-2011, 11:24 PM
Steve, I am so glad that Brutus has siblings now! They look great. I'll be following your thread more closely now, I have three babies myself and it all feels new to me!
Squirrely Steve
08-15-2011, 06:13 PM
Hi Steve, :thumbsup This is perfect info. Eating is good. Makes Squirrely Steve very happy. I love Hope and Grace too. Looks like their eyes are going to pop open any day now. So glad Brutus has some sisters. Sisters are good!!:D I was out all day today but so glad to see the babies are eating now. It is easier to have them all on the same formula. Funny, Steve, if you are anything like me, pretty soon I would make a mistake and feed them all the same accidentally anyway soooo might as well just go ahead and feed them all the same formula.:rotfl You are doing great. Happy day!!
Hi Marty :wave123
Yes its Great Information and was perfect timing ..Thanks Critter Mom :thankyou
Yes lots of eating makes a very happy Squirrely Steve :D
Hope eyes popped open Friday when I got home from work. :)
It was so precious so see a animal first see..makes your heart Glow :Love_Icon
Yes so glad Brutus has some sisters now..Yes sisters are good...:thumbsup
Yep your very right I was already getting messed up when I first started with the different formula's :thinking :dono :jump
Thanks I am trying hard to learn :thankyou
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-15-2011, 06:18 PM
I'm totally, absolutely, madly in love... :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon They are just too adorable, Steve. You're doing a WONDERFUL job! I cannot believe how much Brutus has grown already, seems like just a teeny pinky yesterday and now... the cutest fuzz coming out on him!!!! Soooo CUTE!
You have yourself a handful of adorable there :D
Hi Scooterzmom :wave123
Thanks they are so cute and fun to take care of:thankyou
Thanks I am trying my Best :D
Yes Brutus is growing so fast ..every feeding time he looks bigger and bigger :thumbsup
The softest fuzz ever :D
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-15-2011, 06:34 PM
Steve, I am so glad that Brutus has siblings now! They look great. I'll be following your thread more closely now, I have three babies myself and it all feels new to me!
Hi Michele:wave123
Thanks I am glad he has some siblings now too. :thumbsup
Cool you have three babies too :thumbsup
Yes this is new to me too...I am starting to have questions and concerns :thinking
Are all your babies the same age ?
Hope is a little older than Grace and Brutus..
They are all getting there Teeth in.
Hopes Eyes opened last Friday.
Grace and Brutus eyes will be opening real soon.
Hope is bigger because she had a real mom raise him till last Wednesday.
Hope is moving around a lot and is starting to chew on everything...
Teeth look long and all in already...
I put a stick and a Deer anther for them to chew on.
But Hope is chewing on Brutus and Grace there legs and face ect...
They are not complaining yet..just looks scary to me...
Do I put Hope back in with them all ?
I will be in and out its crazy here tonight.
Thanks :thankyou
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
08-15-2011, 07:59 PM
Hi Michele:wave123
Thanks I am glad he has some siblings now too. :thumbsup
Cool you have three babies too :thumbsup
Yes this is new to me too...I am starting to have questions and concerns :thinking
Are all your babies the same age ?
Hope is a little older than Grace and Brutus..
They are all getting there Teeth in.
Hopes Eyes opened last Friday.
Grace and Brutus eyes will be opening real soon.
Hope is bigger because she had a real mom raise him till last Wednesday.
Hope is moving around a lot and is starting to chew on everything...
Teeth look long and all in already...
I put a stick and a Deer anther for them to chew on.
But Hope is chewing on Brutus and Grace there legs and face ect...
They are not complaining yet..just looks scary to me...
Do I put Hope back in with them all ?
I will be in and out its crazy here tonight.
Thanks :thankyou
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Hi Steve, I would put Hope back with them. I also would put some kind of rodent block in with them all. Hope will like to begin to chew on it. Not Boo Balls just yet. Just some kind of rodent block. What does your Rehab teacher use??? Hope needs to exercise her teeth and start to get use to rodent block. Somewhere IR posted that she does not put ANYTHING in with her babies to eat for the first 3 weeks or so except rodent block. I also do this.You can use KayTee Forti diet Rat and Mouse block, Mazuari rodent (sp) block, any kind for now. If you put in anything else (apple, sweet potato, grapes, or nuts, anything else ) you are dead in the water. They will not touch rodent block. Trust me on this. For now formula as scheduled, and rodent block. The antlers are ok. Talk to your teacher on this to be sure she agrees.
They look great.
Squirrely Steve
08-15-2011, 09:02 PM
Hi Steve, I would put Hope back with them. I also would put some kind of rodent block in with them all. Hope will like to begin to chew on it. Not Boo Balls just yet. Just some kind of rodent block. What does your Rehab teacher use??? Hope needs to exercise her teeth and start to get use to rodent block. Somewhere IR posted that she does not put ANYTHING in with her babies to eat for the first 3 weeks or so except rodent block. I also do this.You can use KayTee Forti diet Rat and Mouse block, Mazuari rodent (sp) block, any kind for now. If you put in anything else (apple, sweet potato, grapes, or nuts, anything else ) you are dead in the water. They will not touch rodent block. Trust me on this. For now formula as scheduled, and rodent block. The antlers are ok. Talk to your teacher on this to be sure she agrees.
They look great.
Hi Marty :wave123
Sounds Good ! ! :thumbsup
I held Hope for a bit then put her back in the cage with Brutus and Grace.:)
I just put some Rodent Blocks in with them all. :thumbsup
Makes a lot of sense....Thanks :thankyou
Rodent Block only :thumbsup
I have KayTee Forti diet Rat and Mouse block.
My teacher gave some of her blocks when I picked up Grace and Hope last Thursday..My teacher must of known I would need them soon.
Not sure what brand they are.:dono
I will ask her. :tilt
She also gave me some monkey biscuits to try ..I never had seen them before ...strange looking ..wonder if the boys will like them :dono
Is the maple stick ok to put in ? :thinking :dono
Antler is ok Cool :D
...Chuck...Chuck is getting into things I got to go. :nono
Have a Great Night :tilt
Many Thanks :thankyou
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-30-2011, 12:18 PM
Hi Friends :wave123
Yesterday I got two more babies....
A boy that weights 110 grams in good shape.
and a girl that weights 113 grams that needs some help.
They fell out of a tree two days ago.
The finder had for a day and gave them some kitten milk.
Then called my Rehab teacher and she got them and gave them electrolyte/rehydrate fluids then later some formula.
I got them last night and been feeding them 4.0cc - 5.0cc Formula four times now...every 3-4 hours.
The girl has a dark nose and eyes that are dark or grey like around the lids and has the sniffles .
My teacher said she must of hit her nose on the fall.
its almost blood anywhere.
can tell she is in pain doing shivers ...
She is eating good.
Last time I got her up one of her eyes was pasted shut.
she got it open while she ate.
I am at home trying to catch up here....
I left my camera cord at work...trying to find a way to show pictures.
I need advise.....
I mixed the other four babies together and there sleeping fine.
New little girl on my lap...
med's ?...pain or antibiotics ?
Keep separate from others ?
Her eyes look strange ..... puss and grey..
is this a cold or a fall related injury ?
She is whimper in pain some when she is awake.
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Jackie in Tampa
08-30-2011, 12:21 PM
metacam steve...pain and anti inflammatory:thumbsup
Squirrely Steve
08-30-2011, 12:28 PM
metacam steve...pain and anti inflammatory:thumbsup
Hi Jackie :wave123
I do not have metacam.
I have infants Ibuprofen and sulfatrim antibiotic.
Should I go after some metacam ?
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-30-2011, 12:43 PM
metacam steve...pain and anti inflammatory:thumbsup
Hi Jackie :wave123
Metacam do I get from a vet ?
I am trying to find information .
I never heard of before.
Thanks :thankyou
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Squirrely Steve
08-30-2011, 02:28 PM
Hi Friends :wave123
I did some reading about Metacam/Meloxicam and looks good to use for the little girl.:thumbsup
I got a call into my Vet for some Metacam/Meloxicam but she is gone for today.
I can not get till tomorrow morning.
so I gave the new 113 gram girl named her lilly some infants Ibuprofen.
Here is some pictures.
Squirrely Steve :wave123
08-30-2011, 02:44 PM
0.028cc every 4 hours as needed on the ibuprophen:thumbsup Isn't she pretty - a little "dirtyface" gray!
Squirrely Steve
08-30-2011, 02:54 PM
0.028cc every 4 hours as needed on the ibuprophen:thumbsup Isn't she pretty - a little "dirtyface" gray!
Hi Critter Mom :wave123
Good to hear from you :D
Been worried about you guys out on the east coast:grouphug
Thanks very much for the dose information :thankyou
I was wondering and worrying :thinking
Thanks :tilt
Squirrely Steve :wave123
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