View Full Version : my 6 month old squirrel is sick please help!!!!
07-10-2011, 03:55 PM
My pet squirrel Elvis is sick,he is shaking uncontrolably and makes this noise like he is hurting,he only does this everynow and then,after that he will just lay there like he can't move...i just noticed he starts jerking on one side only and he will raise his head for just a second then lay it back down.I took him to an emergency vet and they wouldn't see him.please help i dont know what to do.
island rehabber
07-10-2011, 03:59 PM
First, try massaging a little maple syrup or honey right on his gums - -he may be having a hypoglycemic episode (low blood surgar). Second: is he overheated? Where is he when this is happening, in the house or outdoors? Most importantly? What is his diet like? Most pet squirrel problems come from dietary issues. Sorry for all the questions, but it will help us to help you and elvis!
island rehabber
07-10-2011, 03:59 PM
I will also alert our Georgia rehabbers for you --
Nancy in New York
07-10-2011, 04:09 PM
OK Before we even know what the diet is, get some calcium into your squirrel. Crush up a tums really fine, and put it into a small amount of water or apple juice and syringe feed him. IF this is MBD he needs calcium NOW.
Please let us know what he eats, as IR mentioned. AND refresh your screen periodically so that you can see the new posts...:D .
07-10-2011, 04:14 PM
he is indoors,no he isnt overheated,we feed him nuts and dried fruits and some vegs.....he is now getting all tinsed up almost like he is drawing up when he starts shaking and also crying...he is have this episodes about every 2 to 3 mins.....its like a sezuire not sure because i dont know what to look for....
07-10-2011, 04:18 PM
he is indoors,no he isnt overheated,we feed him nuts and dried fruits and some vegs.....he is now getting all tinsed up almost like he is drawing up when he starts shaking and also crying...he is have this episodes about every 2 to 3 mins.....its like a sezuire not sure because i dont know what to look for....
if all he eats are nuts and dried fruits and some veggies, he is not getting enough calcium and most likely it is MBD, which, if not treated, will be either fatal or irreversibly crippling.
Read this:
and yes, keep refreshing the window - ppl will be helping you along the way~~
PS First give him the Tums, then read ;-)
island rehabber
07-10-2011, 04:24 PM
Agreed -- if he is having seizures then unless he ate something toxic, diet is most likely the cause, especially if it consists mostly of nuts. Please begin the MBD emergency procedure now, as everyone says -- it will stabilize him, THEN we can take time to talk more. :)
07-10-2011, 04:31 PM
Listen to these wonderful experts! They saved my Sammy and MANY more! It may seem like Tums couldn't be that urgent, but it is amazing how quickly the calcium begins to help. It is a LONG road to full recovery but it definitely begins with immediate calcium. Good luck...this board will save your little one if you follow instructions TO THE LETTER. :grouphug
07-10-2011, 04:49 PM
ok i've give him the tums and ive sent someone out for calicum when should i give him more...
Nancy in New York
07-10-2011, 05:00 PM
ok i've give him the tums and ive sent someone out for calicum when should i give him more...
This is copied from our board, we will direct this to you later, I don't want to overload you. This may take hours at intervals of perhaps 15 minutes or so....DO NOT give this to him all at once
This could mean the difference of life or death, if this is MBD this has killed many squirrels, please be vigilent.
-Tums, rolaids, or calcium supplement (any kind)
-a syringe or spoon
Crush one pill and add a little water or fruit juice to make a paste. Use the syringe or spoon to force-feed the mixture, a little at a time, until it is all gone. The first day, give a total of 600-800 mg of calcium, spread throughout the day/night to maintain blood calcium levels.
1. Any kind of calcium pill is okay for the initial dose. But you must use PLAIN calcium pills (without Vit D) from then on.
2. Try to give many small doses of calcium throughout the day/night to keep blood calcium levels as steady as possible.
3. If seizures or paralysis worsen or return, give another emergency dose, and make sure you check back in to TSB for help as relapses can be very serious.
07-10-2011, 05:06 PM
ok thank you....
07-10-2011, 05:06 PM
Remember that the Tums are calcium supplements too. This is confusing especially when you are upset and worried. The Squirrel Board is right where you need to be to get the help Elvis needs and to help you to stay calm and clearheaded.
07-10-2011, 05:18 PM
again thank u very much my daughters were so upset.I will check back later with an update...
Nancy in New York
07-10-2011, 05:23 PM
again thank u very much my daughters were so upset.I will check back later with an update...
Perfect please do that, and let us know how he is doing...:thumbsup
Do you want us to try to find a rehabber for you?
07-10-2011, 06:24 PM
thank you all for the advice earlier with my elvis he doing so much better almost a 180 degree turn around...question at to what i should have been feeding him....
Nancy in New York
07-10-2011, 06:29 PM
thank you all for the advice earlier with my elvis he doing so much better almost a 180 degree turn around...question at to what i should have been feeding him....
Again I took this from out nutrition section. Thank you 4S
#1 04-22-2011, 04:59 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Florida
Posts: 10,751
Long-Term Treatment for MBD (Rev. 4/22/11)
Long-Term Treatment for MBD
The next step to curing MBD is to fix the diet.
1. Remove ALL seeds, nuts, corn, and treats.
2. Follow the Healthy Diet For Pet Squirrels, which can be found at the top of the “Squirrel Nutrition” forum. (
Your squirrel MUST eat rodent block or squirrel blocks every day. If your squirrel doesn't like rodent blocks, you can try crushing them up with peanut butter or avocado temporarily. You can either buy them or make your own squirrel blocks using the recipe at the top of the Squirrel Nutrition forum.
3. In addition to the Healthy Diet, you will need to continue giving extra calcium every day for several months. Use a syringe or spoon, or you can try putting the calcium on a small piece of fruit.
Start with 500-600 mg calcium per day.
Monitor the squirrel's symptoms carefully.
If acute symptoms—weakness, lethargy, seizures, paralysis—return at any time, you will need to give a 50-mg emergency dose of calcium.
If the squirrel is stable for two weeks, you can begin to slowly reduce the amount of calcium.
More Tips
MBD causes brittle bones that break easily. Try to keep your squirrel confined to a small cage and away from high places, where he might jump and break a bone.
Heat is very soothing for a squirrel with MBD. A heating pad turned to low and placed so they cannot chew the pad or cord, or a rice buddy (a sock filled with dry rice/beans and microwaved for about 20 seconds) will work.
Be sure you check in with TSB every day so we can monitor the situation and adjust the treatment if needed.
Here is a link that will help you in the future: Healthy Diet For Pet Squirrels....You will need to keep up this treatment with the calcium too, IF he has MBD this takes a long long time to get over the hump. It must become a new lifestyle.
07-10-2011, 06:50 PM
thank you i have saved the link and sent someone out for a few of the items on the list because elvis is bouncing off the walls now still a little shaky but he is fisty.....
07-10-2011, 07:10 PM
thank you i have saved the link and sent someone out for a few of the items on the list because elvis is bouncing off the walls now still a little shaky but he is fisty.....
so good to hear he has improved.
The fact that his improvement followed tums immediately strongly indicates that it's MBD most likely.
So, now you need to follow those diet instructions to the letter, as Sammysmom said.;-) This visible improvement is only that - visible.
For a full long-term recovery (that can take rather long, depending on the damage done) he will need to eat as suggested.
So glad tums worked.
Please post the updates on how he is doing.;-)
07-10-2011, 07:36 PM
It looks, hopefully, like you have caught this in time. Here is what happened:
Squirrels have some pretty specific dietary needs, and one of those needs is an overall ratio of 2:1 of calcium to phosphorus. In other words, they need twice as much calcium as phosphorus.
Their formula as babies gives them this but when they wean, it is often onto foods such as nuts, sunflower seeds and corn (all of which they love BTW). All of these are VERY high in phosphorus and very low in calcium - just the opposite of what they require. Since they are not getting what they need from their diet, their body begins to leach the calcium it needs from their bones. Think of it as fast-onset osteoporosis - the bones become brittle and easily broken. After that, when there is no more available calcium in the bones, you begin to see the symptoms of low calcium, including seizures and eventual death.
I tell you this so you can understand that it is going to take some time to turn your squirrel around and re-grow that bone. He will need a new diet. I mentioned only the calcium but there are other minerals involved in bone growth. You will need to hang around and keep us updated so we can spot problems. We see this a LOT, and they can get better, and you have lots of people here to help.
07-10-2011, 07:47 PM
Glad you came to tsb when you did for help with Elvis and happy to hear there has already been some improvment, but please don't think your over the hill! Diet is very important with captive squirrels and has proven itself time and time again to be the key to their survival! As stated; "Your squirrel MUST eat rodent block or squirrel blocks every day." This is very important! Ask questions, read all you can! Tsb is here to help and guide you and Elvis to a brighter future... :grouphug
07-10-2011, 08:26 PM
Oh I am so happy to read this! Another save by the experts! :thumbsup
07-10-2011, 08:43 PM
TSB is my new home i promise to stay in touch with how he is doing and we have started his diet already we wrote everything down and have already made a store run for a few items to see how is going to do with it so far he doesnt like it but he will come around i know it. I am so glad i found this site i just know yall saved our squirrel otherwise he would gone...if i see any change or question about him i will be back real quick...again thank you and god bless....
07-10-2011, 08:48 PM
Sammy was a big jerk about the healthy diet, but boo balls were a lifesaver. They are so simple to make and he still loves them daily. Here' the recipe.
Here is the recipe and instructions (it is equal amounts of powdered rodent block, FV dry formula, crushed pecans):
50 grams rodent block (crushed to a fine powder) I use two (25 grams each) , Kaytee Forti-diet and Harlan Teklad 2014 or 2018.
50 grams powdered Fox Valley squirrel formula
50 grams crushed pecans
Mix ingredients together.
Mix organic baby food fruit (100 grams) and 20 grams Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil together and warm for 20 seconds in the microwave. Add this wet mixture to your dry ingredients until well blended. It will seem very wet. (I use Earth's Best Organic Apples & Plums).
Put in the refrigerator for 5 hours (Overnight is even better). This lets it set up. It softens/moistens the rodent block and dissolves the FV.
Once you are ready to serve it take out about a 1/2 tsp (5 grams) of the mixture and roll is in your hands but not so much that it will melt the coconut oil. Give it to your squirrel. This recipe feeds two squirrels for about a week.
07-10-2011, 08:54 PM
so far he doesnt like it but he will come around i know it.
is it any surprise?...:) eating squirrel 'candy' all the time and now a sharp switch to "broccoli"?... of course, he won't like it. Most of them don't at first, but they do come around.
You will need to practice some tough love, as tough as needed.
Sometimes it is suggested to give them blocks first thing in the morning when they are the hungriest. Once they eat the block - they can get a piece of fruit or whatever their favorite food is. But since he is an MBD - whatever the instructions say.
You might have to be creative, patient and very firm about making sure he eats the healthful stuff.
If you are having difficulties - ask here: lots of ppl have been through this and will share what worked for them.
07-10-2011, 08:55 PM
Astra, do you agree that boo balls would help or are they not a good idea at this point?:dono
07-10-2011, 09:14 PM
Astra, do you agree that boo balls would help or are they not a good idea at this point?:dono
this question often raises debates here ;-)...:peace :)
I'll just say that on numerous occasions I've read posts in which different people shared their positive experiences with BooBalls.
From what people shared it looks like BooBalls help introduce the "block" taste/texture/etc to those squirrels who have never eaten a block before and have a hard time eating it.
So, BooBalls can help with transitioning to squirrel block (or rodent block in general).
Also, BooBalls seem to be a lifesaver for those squirrels who absolutely refuse any kind of blocks, or who are having a very hard time eating their blocks no matter what. In this situation, BooBalls seem to be the only way to get the "block/FV/etc" nutrients into them.
I, personally, had to use BooBalls for a wild squirrel who would not, not for anything have a squirrel block or any rodent block. BooBalls saved the situation because that was the only "blocky" food he ate.
Again, I am no expert. But given all of the above, I, personally, think BooBalls should be fine and could be a great help since he has never tasted anything "blocky".
Even if he comes to like eating his 2-3 HHBs per day, BooBalls can still be given as a treat and/or variety (at least that's what I read that some ppl do, whose squirrels seem to be healthy and thriving).
But again, that's just what I think and what I'd do (and did;-):) ).
EDIT: just would like to add that at this point it will be best to try and get him to eat regular HHB/rodent block, as well as use BooBalls since it's crucial he gets his calcium (and whatever other nutrients are important for his recovery) right now.
He doesn't like blocks right now. But don't let that make you sort of resign to his dislike and resort to BBalls only, you know what I mean?... Keep giving him both, because it will be best for him if he comes to like HHB/rodent block, as well as BBalls. As I said before, a lot of creativity and firmness will be needed to balance his preferences with his immediate nutritional needs.
It will be best if he takes to eating HHBs/block regularly,as well as likes BBalls.
07-10-2011, 09:22 PM
I would agree with Astra. Any "port in a storm". At least until you can try to persuade your baby to eat block or HHB's. Try anything containing the block.
07-10-2011, 09:26 PM
Boo balls have saved Sammy for sure! He is such a pia about blocks and I have tried every kind as well as baking my own. He will usually eat boo balls though..thank goodness!
Naysayers can debate worked for :thumbsup
07-10-2011, 09:28 PM
this question often raises debates here ;-)...:peace :)
I'll just say that on numerous occasions I've read posts in which different people shared their positive experiences with BooBalls.
From what people shared it looks like BooBalls help introduce the "block" taste/texture/etc to those squirrels who have never eaten a block before and have a hard time eating it.
So, BooBalls can help with transitioning to squirrel block (or rodent block in general).
Also, BooBalls seem to be a lifesaver for those squirrels who absolutely refuse any kind of blocks, or who are having a very hard time eating their blocks no matter what. In this situation, BooBalls seem to be the only way to get the "block/FV/etc" nutrients into them.
I, personally, had to use BooBalls for a wild squirrel who would not, not for anything have a squirrel block or any rodent block. BooBalls saved the situation because that was the only "blocky" food he ate.
Again, I am no expert. But given all of the above, I, personally, think BooBalls should be fine and could be a great help since he has never tasted anything "blocky".
Even if he comes to like eating his 2-3 HHBs per day, BooBalls can still be given as a treat and/or variety (at least that's what I read that some ppl do, whose squirrels seem to be healthy and thriving).
But again, that's just what I think and what I'd do (and did;-):) ).
EDIT: just would like to add that at this point it will be best to try and get him to eat regular HHB/rodent block, as well as use BooBalls since it's crucial he gets his calcium (and whatever other nutrients are important for his recovery) right now.
He doesn't like blocks right now. But don't let that make you sort of resign to his dislike and resort to BBalls only, you know what I mean?... Keep giving him both, because it will be best for him if he comes to like HHB/rodent block, as well as BBalls. As I said before, a lot of creativity and firmness will be needed to balance his preferences with his immediate nutritional needs.
It will be best if he takes to eating HHBs/block regularly,as well as likes BBalls.
I agree. Try the HHBs plain, and if he won't eat them, try crushing them up with extra nuts, peanut butter, or whatever will make them tasty. Then you'll want to transition to plain blocks slowly. I wouldn't add the coconut oil though, especially with an MBD squirrel, because extra fat blocks calcium absorption.
You got great advice here. Keep up with the calcium every day, fix the diet, and stay with it for the months to come, and hopefully your squirrel will recover fully. Please feel free to call me any time if you have questions; my phone number is on the Henry's website. :)
07-10-2011, 10:02 PM
I agree. Try the HHBs plain, and if he won't eat them, try crushing them up with extra nuts, peanut butter, or whatever will make them tasty. Then you'll want to transition to plain blocks slowly. I wouldn't add the coconut oil though, especially with an MBD squirrel, because extra fat blocks calcium absorption.
You got great advice here. Keep up with the calcium every day, fix the diet, and stay with it for the months to come, and hopefully your squirrel will recover fully. Please feel free to call me any time if you have questions; my phone number is on the Henry's website. :)
I would follow all advice to the letter. All those who have posted know what to do for your MBD squirrel. Life saving advice from all involved. You and your baby are in my prayers. This regime works. I have used it many times when someone brings me a baby in trouble with diet and MBD. It takes months but it works to gain bone strength and return to good health.
island rehabber
07-10-2011, 10:56 PM
Way to go, Rhondac and team TSB :thumbsup. Work took me away from the computer today but I couldn't wait to check on this squirrel soon as I got home -- I am SO glad he's better. It will be a long road, but with your loving care he'll make it!
07-11-2011, 06:14 PM
Here is an update on Elvis,He is doing much better,eating his veggies and we got him some roddent blocks today,some of the ensure peacan flavored that im switching it up and giving him a little with his calicum pill or i give water and or apple juice.He ate a little moth lastnite.No sweets or nuts yet...I want him to eat his veggies and get use to them first before i let him have fruit.Please let me know if im doing anything wrong...
Nancy in New York
07-11-2011, 06:21 PM
Here is an update on Elvis,He is doing much better,eating his veggies and we got him some roddent blocks today,some of the ensure peacan flavored that im switching it up and giving him a little with his calicum pill or i give water and or apple juice.He ate a little moth lastnite.No sweets or nuts yet...I want him to eat his veggies and get use to them first before i let him have fruit.Please let me know if im doing anything wrong...
No sweets and no nuts yet......YOU are doing fantastic, and don't give into that trembling lip and those little brown eyes. :)
What kind of calcium pill are you using?
07-11-2011, 06:27 PM
its a calicum supplement it's 600mg but i do half during the day and the other in the evening and nite it's called caltrate is that ok....
07-11-2011, 09:59 PM
Yes , I believe it is calcium citrate? Yes, no, maybe so?:dono
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