View Full Version : Turtle found on road - carapace cracked

07-09-2011, 04:38 PM
Found a small turtle on the highway. His carapace is cracked near his head. When I found him he was completely closed up in his shell without his legs or his head sticking out. I don't think his plastron is cracked - I think I'm just seeing a hinge in his plastron. He is alive and is sticking his head out a little now. I'm on the road and can't check the forums, so if you could please call my cell at: xxxxxxxxxxx. I'm on the road to St. Augustine and after 6:30 you can definitely reach me atxxxxxxxxx I have a call into HAWKE, but if I don't hear back from them, I could definitely use advice and referalls on where to take him to today or tonight or tomorrow. Thanks a lot!

07-09-2011, 06:59 PM
tryed to call you.call foothills and ask for Tresa or John I know they do turtles and would be glad to give you advice.

Foothills Animal Rescue - we are a federally permitted volunteer group dedicated to the rehabilitation and release of injured and orphaned wildlife encompassing the entire area of upstate South Carolina and part of Hendersonville, North Carolina. USDA Licensed and Federally Permitted to handle all wildlife.
Calls accepted 24/7 (864)282-1917

Tickle's Mom
07-09-2011, 07:21 PM
HAWKE called her back and the turtle is with a rehabber:thumbsup :thumbsup

07-09-2011, 07:53 PM
Hi Lilidukes and Tickle's Mom! Thanks for your help. Sorry it took me so long to jump online. Saturday is the busiest day of my week, so I've been running. As Tickle's Mom kindly posted, the turtle has gone to Hawke in Elkton, who thought he could use some care, since the crack could possibly crack more and he might need some re-enforcement for it. She said if he turned out to be non-releasable (and I personally don't think that would happen because he looked pretty great once he started peeping his head out), he could go to her permanent tortoise habitat.

Also, Lilidukes, I'm sorry I didn't have my phone by me when you called. Tickle's Mom, thanks for the call and sorry if I was a little distracted. I'm doing a volunteer thing right now and I'm a terrible multi-tasker. My fault entirely.

Essentially, thanks, thanks, thanks! :)