View Full Version : Pet Bearded Dragon fed live Pink Babies!!

07-08-2011, 01:29 PM

I want to tinfoil bring attention and highlight the matter.

Today, my heart soars to realize such demand supply, trading of pinkies.
You can see other related videos; many digusting hateful acts.

In this video, pet 'Bearded dragon' was fed with live adorable PINKIES

Poor O Pinkies were lively at the point, sprinkle peppered with calcium powder!

I see in it pain, pinkyscreamed for mommy and was obviously very lost


how, where he obtain pinky babies. Steal, rob?

Or conveniently purchase off counter from pet shops! If that so, they will be doing it regularly and professionally to maintain profits!

I can just IMAGINE momma sq injured or killed defending their nest.

CAN we tolerate this cruelty and behaviour

:soapbox I'm a very angry man now.....

IS THERE something we can do about it

I just wonder how many times this has been repeated !

07-08-2011, 01:30 PM
Yep it's horrifying. They get pinkies once a week at pet stores here. Poor babies are sold for food. As bad as that is, imagine the ones that don't sell. They just die slowly, cold and starving. Makes me sick.

07-08-2011, 01:39 PM
Yep it's horrifying. They get pinkies once a week at pet stores here. Poor babies are sold for food. As bad as that is, imagine the ones that don't sell. They just die slowly, cold and starving. Makes me sick.

I rather they don't sell then die the horrible dealth

The pain, horror, abuse, anxiety is gona scare the **** out of young one.

I won't want to sit, watch, and worse, watching people enjoying the show at youtube!

Definitely something has to be done. Enforced.
Alter their diets? I don' care!

Authorities MUST be alerted.

I cannot imagine this is ever okay

07-08-2011, 01:58 PM
I own 2 Bearded Dragons, 2 Chinese Water Dragons, and a Leopard Gecko all of which CAN eat pinkies as part of their diet, BUT it is NOT necessary so mine have never had them. I feed only live insects and/or healthy salads (depending on what they need). I think it's very sad to feed pinky babies to animals especially when there's a way around it. Even snakes who have to eat a diet of mice, rats, etc they do sell frozen feeders that you thaw before serving. It aggravates me that people don't use alternatives and are ok watching the babies suffer. It's quite heart breaking.

I've been trying to get a SC chain pet shop closed down due to extreme neglect of its animals and I report them quite often to animal control. One thing they hear me complain about often is the tank of live pinky mice and rats with bowl of dry food and a water bowl. Since when can pinky babies eat dry food and stand on hind legs to drink?!? If that was true, our jobs would be way easier.

07-08-2011, 02:01 PM
I meant a water bottle not water bowl.

07-08-2011, 02:09 PM
We got our bearded dragon from a guy who fed it nothing but mice. It was very aggressive due to this being the only part of her diet. It took months for her to calm down and get used to us. I refuse to buy her mice and her diet was totally changed. I hate going into pet stores and seeing baby mice not with their mommas and just blindly moving around waiting for someone to use them as food. I hate even more the idiots who go in there and brag about how many guinea pigs or rats they have to feed their huge snake. They often brag about how long it takes to kill and I give them the look of death. I almost got into an altercation with this one guy who was bragging about his snake suffocating it's prey. I ended up saying to the man, "let me put you in a rear naked choke and see how long you can last."

07-08-2011, 02:37 PM
I hate going into pet stores and seeing baby mice not with their mommas and just blindly moving around waiting for someone to use them as food. "

Precisely my point.
First they are separated with nothing to fed on.
More or less left to die.

2nd I really feel for this little creatures especially poor squirrels
with no protection from mom
alive, but treated just like pcs of meat

And imagine the horror they have to go through
before passing away.

Its sick to the stomach I tell you

I ended up saying to the man, "let me put you in a rear naked choke and see how long you can last."

I would too if I were you.

As a male, I am more likely to threaten or throw my physical prowess on him. Since theres no way I can "put him in a rear naked choke"

These people makes me feel ashamed how human race have becomed

They neglected another being for own entertainment or selfish desires

Those pinkies are wasted. If its a life cycle, I am sure those whatever beard dragons know how to hunt themselves. Definitely not trapping, storing, trading or even benefiting from sale of animal lifes


07-08-2011, 03:32 PM
I haven't watched the video (I'm at work) but are these pinky mice or pinky squirrels we're talking about? As for the video itself, there is a flag/report feature at YouTube. If they'ee slow to remove it try contacting PETA for assistance.

In the U.S. it is common practice to feed pinky mice to various reptiles (obtainable through pet shops & suppliers) but I'm quite certain that the sale of squirrel pinkies would not be permitted.


07-08-2011, 03:39 PM
Squirrels of Singapore, not that it makes this any less abhorrent, but when they refer to "pinkies" in the pet trade, it is mice babies, not squirrel or any other (though you have to be VERY CAREFUL if you turn over squirrel babies to raptor rehabbers because many just use them as food:shakehead ).

07-08-2011, 03:51 PM
Squirrels of Singapore, not that it makes this any less abhorrent, but when they refer to "pinkies" in the pet trade, it is mice babies, not squirrel or any other (though you have to be VERY CAREFUL if you turn over squirrel babies to raptor rehabbers because many just use them as food:shakehead ).

No handling of squirrel babies to raptor rehabbers


07-08-2011, 04:05 PM
I haven't watched the video (I'm at work) but are these pinky mice or pinky squirrels we're talking about? As for the video itself, there is a flag/report feature at YouTube. If they'ee slow to remove it try contacting PETA for assistance.

In the U.S. it is common practice to feed pinky mice to various reptiles (obtainable through pet shops & suppliers) but I'm quite certain that the sale of squirrel pinkies would not be permitted.


It reeeeaallllly look like a squirrel. I have seen many squirrel babies from the board. I think it is....

We can all help flag it under Repulsive content> animal abuse. Mark thumbs down...

There is also this illegal selling buying of squirrel babies from pet shops as confirmed by scoobysnack, Lulu2010.

What if i feed their babies to sharks, and make money out of it. Do any of you think it is right?

Unless they breed them like chickens, I think it is unethical to separate mums from their babies. Just because they are quiet and do not protest like us humans, doesn't mean we should take advantage of them; take away their children, whatsoever.

I urge people with means and connections to help in any ways :multi

There is no way they shld be doing this to innocent squirrels. :shakehead


07-08-2011, 05:26 PM
That baby looks like a baby ferret/kit!!! So sad!!:shakehead

07-08-2011, 06:25 PM
This is why I am completely repulsed by the keeping of snakes or other "live food only" predators. Nothing against snakes; it's their nature. But why on God's green earth would anyone want to participate in that horrible bit of nature's drama?

And yes, be extremely wary of reptile keepers/dealers who show an interest in "rehabbing" squirrels, flyers, rats, or mice.

I cannot watch the video. Do flag it. YouTube can be an awful place.
:shakehead :shakehead :shakehead

07-08-2011, 06:27 PM
My kiddo has a snake. I refuse to be a part of it. She feeds killed prey though. Yeah I don't think I'd be sending pinkies or baby anythings to a reptile person. Or a raptor person.

07-08-2011, 06:53 PM
My kiddo has a snake. I refuse to be a part of it. She feeds killed prey though. Yeah I don't think I'd be sending pinkies or baby anythings to a reptile person. Or a raptor person.

Yah, I like snakes, don't get me wrong. I like alligators too, but wouldn't want to keep one. Guess when it comes to "predator vs prey" I'm on the prey team. Go team. :tilt

07-08-2011, 07:15 PM
Yeah me too. Love my herbivores.

island rehabber
07-08-2011, 07:34 PM
As horrific as this video and the whole idea of it is, I don't think there is much we can do. Petco, PetSmart and every other large pet chain sell thousands of "feeder" mice every week to snake and lizard owners....it makes me cry when I go in those stores to buy a water bottle or some KayTee blocks and see those tiny, doomed little mice. What horror awaits them. :(. But what can we do, really? The more I rehab prey animals, the less interested I am in predators of any kind.

07-08-2011, 08:04 PM
And yes, be extremely wary of reptile keepers/dealers who show an interest in "rehabbing" squirrels, flyers, rats, or mice.

Just had to speak up for myself. I am a keeper of both. I was into reptiles years before little Benji fell into my lap two years ago and rest assured I would NEVER EVER feed Benji, Nibbles or Opie to one of my snakes.

What I have learned though, since having Benji & Nibbles, is that I lose sleep at night just thinking about "what if" one of the snakes were to escape from their LOCKED cages and crawl into the girl's LOCKED cages and *GULP!* That being the case, and having decided that, despite the snakes being beautiful (rare color phases) and mild-tempered, that my girls (and now Opie) are more important to me, are able to reciprocate love, and must be protected at all costs. That's why I've been attempting to rehome the snakes and get them into a forever home (preferably zoo or other establishment.)

Anyway, just had to stick up for myself. :thankyou


07-08-2011, 10:35 PM
Just had to speak up for myself. I am a keeper of both. I was into reptiles years before little Benji fell into my lap two years ago and rest assured I would NEVER EVER feed Benji, Nibbles or Opie to one of my snakes.

What I have learned though, since having Benji & Nibbles, is that I lose sleep at night just thinking about "what if" one of the snakes were to escape from their LOCKED cages and crawl into the girl's LOCKED cages and *GULP!* That being the case, and having decided that, despite the snakes being beautiful (rare color phases) and mild-tempered, that my girls (and now Opie) are more important to me, are able to reciprocate love, and must be protected at all costs. That's why I've been attempting to rehome the snakes and get them into a forever home (preferably zoo or other establishment.)

Anyway, just had to stick up for myself. :thankyou


Oh please don't take my remark personally....We all know once you get to know squirrels/flyers, it changes your whole perspective! I used to be a huge cat lover; they were my favorite animal. Now, I still like them but my attitude has changed a bit...I see them not just as "cute kitties" but as predators, which I never did before. Sounds like the same thing has happened to you. A lot of us are still in limbo with this; we have beloved predator pets and also a squirrel. What I was warning against was reptile breeders/dealers who start advertising for squirrels (breeding stock), or setting themselves up as rehabbers.... :peace

island rehabber
07-09-2011, 06:02 AM
Oh please don't take my remark personally....We all know once you get to know squirrels/flyers, it changes your whole perspective! I used to be a huge cat lover; they were my favorite animal. Now, I still like them but my attitude has changed a bit...I see them not just as "cute kitties" but as predators, which I never did before.

Well said....the same thing has happened to me over the years, and I was a true crazy cat lady. Now I love my cats, but I no longer delight in their simulated stalking/attacking antics. I think of the possibility of a squirrel escape and I feel stressed.....:shakehead

07-09-2011, 06:24 AM
Oh please don't take my remark personally....We all know once you get to know squirrels/flyers, it changes your whole perspective! I used to be a huge cat lover; they were my favorite animal. Now, I still like them but my attitude has changed a bit...I see them not just as "cute kitties" but as predators, which I never did before. Sounds like the same thing has happened to you. A lot of us are still in limbo with this; we have beloved predator pets and also a squirrel. What I was warning against was reptile breeders/dealers who start advertising for squirrels (breeding stock), or setting themselves up as rehabbers.... :peace

Oh I didn't. I don't think there's a person on this board that's out to get me (or I'd sic Nibbles on 'em;) ) And I know exactly what you mean about seeing the world through new eyes. Everything is a predator! Hawks, owls, cats, dogs, snakes and even frogs (and frogs were my absolute favorite!) I'll miss my pretty snakes, but I've got cute lil squirrels to love so I'll be okay. :D

07-09-2011, 04:10 PM
For those whom did not see the video,

I am sorry my focus is on Baby Squirrels, not mice....

I know we have long taken white mice for science experiments and they have basically no animal rights

But a baby squirrel? Come on.... Get a life

It is totally cold blooded. And to actually enjoy the video? Makes me totally sick

I'm speechless

island rehabber
07-09-2011, 04:13 PM
It IS sick, and heinous, and if I saw these people in person I would truly enjoy running them over with my 2004 Sebring, convertible top down, laughing my head off....BUT, all we can do is flag is the video and pray that it's removed quickly.

07-10-2011, 12:11 PM
OK, I have a snake, so I can ease your minds a little bit here. Mice are snake food in the wild, and are mass produced for that reason, in warehouses.
Cruel, yes, but some companies do it as painles as they possibly can. One company is called Rodent-pro. They raise, chicks, rabbits, rat, mice, all for reptile food. They gas them, to put them to sleep and then flash freeze them. Not much suffering.
But folks who thrive on feeding live rats and rodents, this is kind of sick to see something scared to death and then in pain.
Most reptile feed producers, grow them and try to be as humane as possible. More humane than the way beef is killed these days. But the sickos are still out there.

07-10-2011, 09:18 PM
I can only imagine what that "DJSlurp" guy looks like in real life. To come up with that name suggests evidence of inbreeding as well as consumption of large amounts of chemicals. Guarantee that clown never, ever made it as a DJ much less a productive human being.

07-19-2011, 08:52 AM
OK, I have a snake, so I can ease your minds a little bit here. Mice are snake food in the wild, and are mass produced for that reason, in warehouses.
Cruel, yes, but some companies do it as painles as they possibly can. One company is called Rodent-pro. They raise, chicks, rabbits, rat, mice, all for reptile food. They gas them, to put them to sleep and then flash freeze them. Not much suffering.
But folks who thrive on feeding live rats and rodents, this is kind of sick to see something scared to death and then in pain.
Most reptile feed producers, grow them and try to be as humane as possible. More humane than the way beef is killed these days. But the sickos are still out there.

Thanks Wonkawille, that was insightful.

Being this part of the world I hardly know whats going on. So they actually breed rodents? Cool..

I also agree with you the sick ones are there who thrives on "feeding live and watching them scared to death and then in pain".

I wish some day i can feed these sick dudes to shark and then put them on youtube and have over 1 million viewership. The title should call 'bad karma happens'

Yes and IR gets to run down any remains with 2004 Sebring convertible. :rockin

At the end of the day, I found this website posted by Nancy in NY

It concluded that rats and squirrels looks the same in the growing stage. Along side Willewonka's explaination, has brought me some inner peace.

Still, that 'DJSlurp' guy is quite sick and needs help.

Maybe he'll be born a rat next life cycle, and I'll let him meet my bearded dragon

07-20-2011, 11:10 AM
I rather they don't sell then die the horrible dealth

The pain, horror, abuse, anxiety is gona scare the **** out of young one.

I won't want to sit, watch, and worse, watching people enjoying the show at youtube!

Definitely something has to be done. Enforced.
Alter their diets? I don' care!

Authorities MUST be alerted.

I cannot imagine this is ever okay

Sadly, I found this happening in my own pet store, and I raised H E double hockey sticks. I told them flat out (in front of other customers) that this was a DIGUSTING practice and how would you like to sit there for weeks dying a slow painful death? I haven't been back since, I refuse to shop there any longer, but when I reported it to the authorities, I was told that pet store has been reported before, but there was nothing to protect the babies from suffering through this practice!!!!!!! WHAT THE HECK! What do you mean innnocent little BABIES have no protection, just because they are rodents? I hope you all know one day what it's like to starve! (talking to these people, not you guys!)

07-20-2011, 11:23 AM
I own 2 Bearded Dragons, 2 Chinese Water Dragons, and a Leopard Gecko all of which CAN eat pinkies as part of their diet, BUT it is NOT necessary so mine have never had them.AMEN!! ---same here with me when my son had two bearded dragons and when I use to breed sugar gliders - I NEVER and I mean NEVER feed my expecting or nursing mothers pinkies of any kind (even though it was encouraged) ---I found other means of other protein... three of which were Super Meal Worms & Chicken or Turkey Stage 1 Baby Food.

07-20-2011, 12:03 PM
Sadly, I found this happening in my own pet store, and I raised H E double hockey sticks. I told them flat out (in front of other customers) that this was a DIGUSTING practice and how would you like to sit there for weeks dying a slow painful death? I haven't been back since, I refuse to shop there any longer, but when I reported it to the authorities, I was told that pet store has been reported before, but there was nothing to protect the babies from suffering through this practice!!!!!!! WHAT THE HECK! What do you mean innnocent little BABIES have no protection, just because they are rodents? I hope you all know one day what it's like to starve! (talking to these people, not you guys!)

Laws are manmade.

It is time we relook into some senseless policies

like why are some animals excluded from animal cruelty act

I hope we can post a video, shoot to CNN, those news channel or something.

:soapbox It is just not right!

Laws should be revised every couple of years to stay relevant!!

Punishments should go to include the sick people

that thrives on torturing live animals too!

07-20-2011, 09:30 PM
I HATE IT ---when I walk into the local Reptile Store for worms / crickets during feeding time and I see baby pinkie mice in the cages.... :(
I know its part of nature, but I have to walk away cause I'm NOT in actual wild nature atm.

07-29-2011, 02:18 PM
Just to clarify for those of you who are confused: the baby in the video is a pinky RAT not a squirrel. Not that it's any less horrifying.

But there's no way there will ever be a market for pinky squirrels as reptile food. Not only is it totally illegal in every US state but also impractical and unnecessary when rat babies are essentially the same for those purposes and less likely to carry parasites.

It's also unsafe to feed live rodents. I've seen several snakes that were eaten alive by rats or mice. They like to go for the tissues around the spine. Snakes who are kept at inadequate temperatures and are torpid are particularly vulnerable. This is gruesome but not always fatal to the snakes.