View Full Version : My squirrel lost her wrist

07-06-2011, 04:54 AM
My squirrel who is 4 months of age now lost her wrist today...wen she pulled a vase n it fell on het hand......now it has become flat n d nails r gone....i tried to pun on some turmeric..but it burns..n she runs away.....i think its paining a lot coz her hand is vibrating....
plzzz help.....wat should i do?
a little blood is also coming out....
plzzzzzz help

Jackie in Tampa
07-06-2011, 05:26 AM
please post a pic...
I would contain her and try to keep her calm and quiet. A small cage is best.
With all wounds, weeping occurs, please keep her hydrated.
If you can get her to a veternarian, they would be able to asess her wrist.
I am so sorry this has happened, a pic will help the rehabbers to give you the best info.
Good Luck

07-06-2011, 11:02 AM
here is the picture...it seems her nails r der but dey r completely flattened by d impact

07-06-2011, 11:04 AM

07-06-2011, 11:10 AM
Here is one more pichttp://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i432/thegodfather5/DSC00983.jpg...administrators or an rehabber pls help

07-06-2011, 11:20 AM
So her little fingers were mashed by the vase falling on them, right? It didn't actually cut anything off if her, did it?

If you cannot get her to a vet, you need to keep her little foot nice and clean and if you can find some antibiotic ointment without zinc in it you can put some on her toes.

This hurts a LOT I am sure - I slammed my finger in my car door this weekend and thought I was going to die! Can you purchase INFANT IBUPROPHEN there? The big name brand is Motrin but many companies make it - it is for sick human babies. If you can get infant ibuprophen and give us a weight on your squirrel I can tell you how much to give her. It will help with the pain.

If this is bad enough she could lose her toes. A vet would be a REALLY GOOD idea. You could get antibiotics that would help prevent infection.

Poor baby.

07-06-2011, 11:32 AM
Forgive me for butting in but I thought ibuprofen was toxic to squirrels?! Please check first before giving the little one any.

I'm on my Droid so I can't cut & paste the thread link, but it was "Oh crap, Jackie got ahold of a bottle of Ibuprofen." There was quite a bit of discussion about the toxicity levels of ibuprofen.


07-06-2011, 12:11 PM
Forgive me for butting in but I thought ibuprofen was toxic to squirrels?! Please check first before giving the little one any.

I'm on my Droid so I can't cut & paste the thread link, but it was "Oh crap, Jackie got ahold of a bottle of Ibuprofen." There was quite a bit of discussion about the toxicity levels of ibuprofen.


Too much isn't good and you don't want them eating whole adult capsules, but the infant version is a good, safe pain med.:thumbsup

island rehabber
07-06-2011, 12:16 PM
Too much isn't good and you don't want them eating whole adult capsules, but the infant version is a good, safe pain med.:thumbsup
Yes, agreed. My vet recommended Children's Liquid Motrin for pain, for an 8-wk old squirrel. Worked very well. :thumbsup
Is there any way you can hold her and put some ice on the paw? To reduce the swelling.....and help with pain as well.

07-06-2011, 12:21 PM
This injury is called a crushing injury, of a foot. It has been studied a lot in human medicine.

It is a very serious injury and your little adorable squirrel really needs to see a vet.

Crushing injuries can cause an incredible amount of damage to the foot. Things that can happen include:

Shattered bones

Damaged tissues, ligaments, tendons, vessels and fatty padding

Assume there could be one especially if you see any break in the skin

Compartment syndrome:
This occurs when the fascia swells so much that it squeezes arteries and veins closed and cuts off circulation to the toes and foot.
This can happen right away or over a couple of days. Compartment syndrome is incredibly painful [as is this whole injury]. Darker skin color, painful movements, and swelling that stretches the skin are signs.

Please watch out for swelling, and note any cuts in his skin.
As was said, you really need to get this sweet baby to a vet. He/she needs pain medications and antibiotics. Is this possible? If absolutely impossible, please collect any antibiotic pills you can find, as well as a list of possible pain medications you can find. Rehabbers on here can help you dose the right ones.

Pain meds often reduce swelling as well, which is very important.
Aspirin [or Ascriptin] is generally safe for mammals, and acetaminophen [tylenol] is generally safe for rodents [not cats or ferrets].

I'm not sure about ibuprofen in squirrels. It can be safely used in rats.

:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

07-06-2011, 12:29 PM
Yes, agreed. My vet recommended Children's Liquid Motrin for pain, for an 8-wk old squirrel. Worked very well. :thumbsup
Is there any way you can hold her and put some ice on the paw? To reduce the swelling.....and help with pain as well.

I will of course defer to those more experienced on this one. I just remembered the other ibuprofen thread and wanted to err on the side of caution. Naturally my first instinct would be to get that little guy to a vet for professional treatment.



07-06-2011, 02:28 PM
oh the poor thing.. :shakehead
thanks for bringing attention to her
I hope help is on way, and appropriate
course of actions to be taken swiftly


07-06-2011, 07:24 PM
That is an amazingly gentle, little squee that you have there to calmly let you touch so close to such an injury... I really hope that things will turn out ok for the little one, and if not, at least s/he has a good person to help out. :Love_Icon