View Full Version : Will One Stay

Lady G
07-05-2011, 05:29 PM
I have been meaning to ask?
I was wondering if one of the Eating Machines {baby squirrels} will stay on after the others have left. I am still assuming 2 are females and 1 is a male. Since 1 has already all but disappeared. The other 2 are still here along with Momma. I understand they will move on but does at least one usually stay to make a home and when do they start to leave the nest sota speak ??

07-06-2011, 02:51 AM
It depends on the food situation and how close you are to them. Ours get alot of love and usually stay close to home, others have gone like the wind. We have nest boxes in our yard & feeders, and though none seem to be regularly inhabited, they are used alot in bad weather!

07-06-2011, 05:51 AM
One of the babies born in my tree seems like she has decided to stay, she has built a nest the next tree over. I see her brother once in a while but he has moved elsewhere. The momma still comes around most every day but also lives elsewhere.