View Full Version : Possible head trauma ???

07-01-2011, 11:12 PM
I just got home from a friends house who found a squirrel monday rolling around the road . I asked to look at it and I am very concerned for her . She is a full size female no obvious signs of truama . Seems alert but also seems to go into seizures ??He handled her with gloves so I could look her over but when he put her down she pushed herself over and twisted with her head almost under her . It was 11 pm when I saw her and having rehalbed my own squirrels I am frantic for this girl ! He told me he had been trying to feed her but I saw no water .There was corn on the cob in there so I held it in front of her face and she ate even being twisted almost upside down. I told him to try and give her water with a small syringe and go to the vet in the morning ! He wouldn't let me take her ! Does her prognosis sound promising . I have two permanent residents here with me and have rehabilitated several more . All have been healthy so injuries are new and hard for me to diagnose , I have only been handling squirrels about four yrs (all healthy ,never any issues ) . I am glad to have found this site tonight for future needs .Thanks for any advice , we are in florida almost to georgia and if a rehalb is near by for squirrels this may be a great alternative for this girl . If we can pry her from him !

07-01-2011, 11:16 PM
oh, Gosh, she definitely needs to be taken from him...
will he take money?... or is he sensitive enough to give in if told that she needs very specialized professional care? (although, the fact that he rejected your suggestions about the vet answers my question, I guess)
Where does he keep her?... Is there a way to steal her?... Or just grab and leave?...

07-01-2011, 11:24 PM
I am sure he will take her in the morning , he seemed scared to take her because he thought they would keep her and kill her . He thinks he is doing good for her but he just doesn't know any better . He did take my advice , and I am going to check in the morining to make sure he is going to the vet . I even offered to pay for it . My vet who sees mine has a 45$ fee plus if any meds are needed , so very reasonable and they see alot of squirrels locally .

07-01-2011, 11:26 PM
Welcome to T.S.B.Sounds like your Little Friend needs a rehabber-NOW...
Please try to get him from where he is, and get him the help he needs.

07-01-2011, 11:27 PM
I think he tonight he was not ready to let go . He has been caring for her all week . She seemed to have strength in all four limbs and seemed alert but could not keep herself upright .

07-01-2011, 11:34 PM
Thanks Stosh , I know . It's midnight , I have never found a rehabber near me since caring for squirrels and I did what I could tonight since he would not let me take her then . I can only hope in the morning he goes straight to the vet ! I want to know if this sounds like something she can recover from from?

07-02-2011, 12:51 AM
Hi and welcome. Thank you for trying to help this squirrel. It sounds like your friend does care for her so hopefully he will take her to the vet. Perhaps if it could be explained to him that if she lives, she will more than likely be a non releasable squirrel and will need a good home. If he wants to give that to her, he needs to not only get her the care she needs now, but he needs to learn everything he can about squirrels and the proper care and nutrition for squirrels. Perhaps you could tell him about this website and we could help him as well.


07-02-2011, 04:43 AM
Hi and welcome. Thank you for trying to help this squirrel. It sounds like your friend does care for her so hopefully he will take her to the vet. Perhaps if it could be explained to him that if she lives, she will more than likely be a non releasable squirrel and will need a good home. If he wants to give that to her, he needs to not only get her the care she needs now, but he needs to learn everything he can about squirrels and the proper care and nutrition for squirrels. Perhaps you could tell him about this website and we could help him as well.


:goodpost :goodpost Michele

With a little guidance and help your friend if willing can care for this injured baby correctly. We all had our first squirrel and started somewhere. But this squirrel does need special help. Florida is a wonderful state for wildlife care so many vets that can help. Many loving and caring experienced rehabbers nearby too. Please ask him to join us here at TSB. We can and will help.:grouphug

Welcome to TSB :wave123 and thank you for caring. Looking forward to hearing about your experiences. We love pictures :poke .

island rehabber
07-02-2011, 05:16 AM
:Welcome Michele! Sorry it's under sad circumstances, but Welcome!

This sounds like head trauma, for sure...she may have been hit by a car. These cases are very dicey and don't often improve to any significant degree, but it's sure worth trying, especially in FL with vet care available to the general public. :thumbsup The only other possibility is, IF there are raccoons in that area, she has raccoon roundworm. The symptoms match, and unfortunately there is no cure. :(
At any rate I know our Florida members will be able to steer you to a great vet if you can convince this gentleman to let you help. :thumbsup :)

07-02-2011, 06:04 AM
Morning Ladies ! Thank you for all the welcoming !
First , if you guys know of a rehab near us that would be great we can private message numbers or just give me a idea where to go look . I have tried to find someone in the past and could not which is how I ended up with my male squirrel , no one to take him .
Two , he does have the best interest of the squirrel at heart . He lives alone and really taken with the squirrel , why I did not push to hard about taking her just yet . I am about to call and see if they are headed to the vet . I sure hope he is !

3 ... I have never heard of round worm ,what is it ? Also the symptoms match but no cure ...This is a aweful thought ,yes raccons in the area probably. We are rural ,lots of farm land around. I am going now to look it up but is there absolutely no cure !??

island rehabber
07-02-2011, 06:09 AM
3 ... I have never heard of round worm ,what is it ? Also the symptoms match but no cure ...This is a aweful thought ,yes raccons in the area probably. We are rural ,lots of farm land around. I am going now to look it up but is there absolutely no cure !??
The technical term is baylisascaris procyonis, a parasite that lives in raccoons' bodies and doesn't harm them, but is deadly to other animals who ingest raccoon feces while foraging on the ground for other foods. (Like squirrels, who dig up their nuts from areas where raccoons pooped :shakehead.) The worm eventually makes it way into the brain, causing blindness and severe neuro symptoms before killing the animal. I truly hope this is not the case.....:(


07-02-2011, 06:17 AM
Ugh , My goodness ! I am speechless ... Her tail was missing hair and her belly did (to me ) look a little distended but that could have been trauma . She did growl at him a time or two , but there was one more thing . She seemed to convulse after eating ? her breathing did not seem rapid or shallow . He did not answer so I am hoping he is on his way ! He did tell me last night when I asked him if he noticed improvement in her and he said he did , every day he thought she was doing a little better .

07-02-2011, 06:20 AM
While there is no known treatment for VLM or NLM, there are several drugs that can treat the parasite in raccoons. They include piperazine, pyrantel pamoate, or fenbendazole. Following is an abstract from a study testing the efficacy of six anthelmintics against luminal stages of Baylisascaris procyonis in naturally infected raccoons (Procyon lotor) [JOURNAL. Bauer, C; Gey, A. Veterinary Parasitology, v.60, n.1-2, 1995:155-159] "Abstract: The efficacy of six anthelmintics against natural infections of Baylisascaris procyonis in raccoons (n = 7 per drug) was determined in a series of critical tests. The drugs were given via moist cat food as a single dose or once daily for three consecutive days. Raccoons treated with pyrantel embonate (1 times 20 mg base kg-1 bodyweight (bwt.)), ivermectin (1 times 1 mg kg-1 bwt.), moxidectin (1 times 1 mg kg-1 bwt.), albendazole (3 times 50 mg kg-1 bwt.), fenbendazole (3 times 50 mg kg-1 bwt.) or flubendazole (3 times 22 mg kg-1 bwt.) expelled 1-198, 2-24, 2-14, 3-80, 2-70, or 2-35 B. procyonis stages, respectively, within the faeces. No roundworm was detected in any raccoon at post mortem examinations 7 days after the end of treatment. These results suggest that any of the six anthelmintics can be used at the dose rates tested in a deworming programme for captive raccoons."

Have you heard about this , I just found it . I hope she does not have and I am a paramedic so am aware of her chances if it is to this point of roundworm . Now that I am mildly educated on it . Does anyone think it is possible to lower these doses and try ?

07-02-2011, 06:30 AM
Don't assume it is roundworm yet. I really think that head trauma is far more likely. They don't need to be hit by a car; squirrels do fall and hit their heads on branches, etc. I wish he had gone for medical treatment right away - a couple injections of dexamethalone can do wonders for head trauma but you have a short window to administer it.

Does this man have a computer? If so, send him here! All of us started somewhere and we all understand how they wrap your hearts around their little squirrel fingers... If he REALLY wants what is best for her it will be found on this board; if his mind is open the people here will give him a post-graduate course in all things squirrel.

Oops - I gotta ask... Are you a horse person or an Aussie?

07-02-2011, 07:15 AM
We have a couple of members in the Jacksonville area. If you start a off topic thread asking about peeps in your area I think you will be amazed at the response. But being a holiday weekend it is apt to be kinda quiet here until Tuesday.

07-02-2011, 07:59 AM
Hi Crittermom , I am a horse person . Pharlap is my all time favorite race horse and not because of his movie , he was a great horse .
I will try another post later , I know it being a holiday responses will be slow . I haven't heard from him this morning , I am going to try him one more time . He lives with my aunt , he is her brother-in-law , you would think they would have called me right away but no one did . He does have a computer and I will forward the link onto him provided there is a chance she can live her days out comfortably . She almost seemed normal until she seemed to have a seizure and he set her down and she just about rolled over . She pushed forward with her hind legs over her head and rolled slightly . When he first picked her up she tried to run and was able to grab a hold of the cage with her front feet and held on good .
I have to go call ...Be back in a few !

07-02-2011, 08:37 AM
Pharlap780, I am a licensed rehabber and live in Orange Park. PM or email me your phone number and we will talk.
Unfortunately, if it is head trauma, she should have started on medications the second she was found, but that doesn't mean that there is no hope for her improvement. There are several squirrel vets in our area, some are more reasonable than others. Please do get in touch with me so we can help this squirrel.

07-02-2011, 08:52 AM
HI Anne , I tried to send you a message and it said I do not have permission and then I tried the email and the same message ...my email is quarterhorsedocbar@yahoo.com . I just left a message and I am waiting a response from him or anyone as I called the house !!

07-02-2011, 12:17 PM
I just emailed you my phone number. Look for an email from snicklemom@gmail.com!!