View Full Version : Finally, some pics of Timber and the Gang

06-27-2011, 12:57 PM
I joined the forum a few weeks ago after searching online for some information about squirrels. I've been feeding the squirrels in my yard for several months and I noticed one of them was missing her tail. Not knowing anything really about squirrels, I looked online for answers to see what may have happened to her and if there was anything I could do to help her. I ran across this forum and had my questions answered in a flash. Thanks to everyone who helped me so fast! :D

Everyone was so nice and it looked like such a great forum that I stayed around. I'm learning a lot on the forum and I'm so thankful to have found you guys and to whoever started this awesome forum!

Timber is the squirrel that is missing her tail. In the 4-5 months I've been feeding them, Timber is the only one that will eat from my hand. Considering she's the one missing her tail, you would think she would be the most apprehensive. Nope! She has a strong personality and a pretty funny one too. My husband built a squirrel house and put it in the tree right by our deck and out of all the squirrels that come to the deck to eat, Timber is the one that claimed the house! I just love her. She claimed it the other day. We sat out on the deck and watched her spruce it up to her liking. She excised the hole to just her liking and carried some leaves and other material into the house. While sprucing up her home, she fiercely ran off some invading Viking squirrels who got too close to her house! She got settled in and laid out on the little 'porch' of her house for the longest. She seemed quite proud of her new home. My husband now calls her 'mini-dog' because when she lays out on her porch and he thinks she looks like a dog. :D

For the longest, a blue jay and a black bird sat in the tree by my deck and watched the squirrels get fed. Finally, they started landing on the deck rail and let me throw food on the deck while they sit on the rail. The blue jay (I named him Blue-not too original, I know) jumps down, grabs it and is off. The black bird (I named him Herman-from 'The Munsters') will jump down on the deck and take his time picking out what he wants and will eat some of it and carry some away. It's like watching National Geographic on my deck, it's great.

I got several requests in my initial post for pics of the squirrels but my camera was broken. So, I finally got a new camera and have taken a few shots. My new camera isn't the greatest and the pics aren't that good. I've decided to return this camera and try another. These pics will have to do for now and I'll post some more when I get my new camera.

Timber- up close and personal. Notice her little tail is gone but it's almost healed!


Timber in her house. You can barely see her head poking out of the hole. I'll have better pics of her in the house soon and pics of her laid out on her porch. My husband gave her the 'Little House on the Prarie' basic model house, but he did good when he added the deck! She seems to love laying out on her deck so much. We sit out on the porch and talk to her when she's on her porch and she just sits and listens to us. I can't wait for the day that she will come down and hang out with us outside on the deck! Or, come inside the house with us. She has acted like she wants to but I have a little 'mini-terror' dog and she doesn't trust him yet.


This is Gil, my 'mini-terror', watering his fav plant in the garden! :nono I've asked him to please not water the garden, but he just insists. Gil is a rescued terrier. We rescued him when he was 6 weeks old and he's 8 now. :D


I just love to hand feed her. She will sit on the window ledge and eat. She allows me to stand right by her and hand her food. Or, I will let her pick out what she wants from a bowl of food. Sometimes, she pops in and hangs on the window ledge and watches me cook, or hangs with us while we eat dinner. My husband is not the best photographer here!


Picky, Picky! She does have her fav food. Brazil nuts are one of her favs.


Meet Herman. He's sooo sweet. The squirrels will sometimes chase him off and he just lets them. He could take them out with one peck but he never resists, he just flies away and comes back later.


Here's Blue. He reminds me of the Road Runner- he's so fast. He definately does not dine in. :D


I will post more pics of the rest of the Gang as soon as I trade my camera for a better one. Thanks again for all the help guys!

06-27-2011, 01:17 PM
That's great that she is trusting. Isn't it relaxing just to go hang outside and watch your own National Geographic program? Brazillian nuts are not a favorite of my squirrels. I have not seen any of them actually open one. My MonkeyButt (approx. 17 mos. old) will carry one around and one time it got stuck in his mouth. I had to risk my life (it seemed like it!) to remove the nut from his mouth. Funny thing is he seemed to welcome the help. His cage is next to my desk and I finally realized that every time I turned to look at him, he had that darn nut in his mouth. At first I thought he was just being possessive but then I realized that he couldn't get it out. This happened to him one time before with a big walnut.

I don't know what price range you are looking at for a camera but I got one a few months ago at Sams Club and it is great. It is a Nikon Coolpix. Here is a link. http://www.samsclub.com/sams/shop/product.jsp?productId=prod2890164&navAction=push The price online is $119.99 and I must have paid pretty close to that.


06-27-2011, 06:49 PM
Hi Michele,
Nice to meet you. I'm glad Monkey Butt (cutest name ever :D ) was ok! That would scare me to death. Especially since I don't know if they would come to me and let me help them. I think Timber would but maybe not the other squirrels.

Timber and only 2 other of the squirrels like the Brazilian nuts. I never give them Brazilian nuts with the shell on, only shelled. Thanks for the heads up though. I only give her one of them a couple of times a week. The rest of the time it's raw veggies, homemade cookies with peanut butter or pumpkin or applesauce or other fruit with flax. I give out air-popped popcorn without salt or oils, and I give out seeds and other nuts-all the nuts I give out are shelled actually. Pecans seem to be the overall fav of the squirrels. I get mixed nuts in bulk at my market-I get macadamias, almonds, walnuts, pecans, hazlenuts, a few Brazilian and cashews. I get them all roasted without salt. Peanuts are the only nuts in the shell I give them and I roast them at home. I thought of giving them nuts with the shell closer to Winter so they can store them properly, but now I'm scared they may have a problem with the shell and I won't be able to help them or won't know about it until it's too late. I think I'll stick to shelled nuts year round! Since they come to eat everyday, I won't have to worry about them going hungry. Thanks for that warning!

I will check out the camera link you sent, thanks. I'm not sure I want to spend that much money but I may end up having to pay that much for a good pic.

Yes, it's awesome watching my very own National Geographic channel! :D