View Full Version : Eddie's lump

06-26-2011, 06:41 PM
I posted the other day about a swelling on Eddie. Thanks so much for your kind replies. I finally got a picture of it. It's bigger today and when he left the screen porch and climbed up the outside of the screen, I could really see it. Is it possible it's a Warble? We live in Virginia and it's been really hot. I'm hoping that's all this lump is. It looked like it had a dark center, which doesn't show in the pic. I thought it was too early for Warbles, but maybe it is?
Here's the pic..
Thanks for any thoughts on this. If I can, I'll try and get a pic of his underside when he's climbing up the screen. He's just so darn fast. It isn't affecting his appetite at all:)

06-26-2011, 08:27 PM
That lump is not normal. Is Eddie wild or does he live with you?

06-26-2011, 09:07 PM
I completely agree with JLM... that lump does not look normal.

It seems very red. That means inflammation and it's a sign of some sort of infection growing at the site. I strongly suspect some kind of an abscess rowing there and it would need antibiotic treatment.

I teeny tiny scratch can turn into an abscess. An abscess forms when some bacteria gets trapped beneath the skin and grows there, attacking the tissues around it. When the animal gets a tiny scratch or puncture wound it often closes fast on the surface, trapping the bacteria inside... and that's when an abscess can form. Cat claws, scratches or bites are famous for causing that.

06-26-2011, 09:09 PM
I raised him and released him about 2 months ago. He comes back to the screened in porch twice a day to eat. I can't handle him any more. He will bite. He's pretty much wild now. I didn't think Squirrels were prone to tumors, which is why I was thinking it was a Warble. Any idea what it could be? There are loads of Squirrels around here and I've never seen anything like this on any of them.

06-26-2011, 09:18 PM
I raised him and released him about 2 months ago. He comes back to the screened in porch twice a day to eat. I can't handle him any more. He will bite. He's pretty much wild now. I didn't think Squirrels were prone to tumors, which is why I was thinking it was a Warble. Any idea what it could be? There are loads of Squirrels around here and I've never seen anything like this on any of them.

Like I said... could be a scratch that caused the infection/abscess - could even be one resulting from a scrape with another squirrel during some fight or such... I suppose it could be a warble/bot fly or such but then again, it is infected it seems and it still would need treatment.

Can you get you hands on some AB's (baytril for example) and give it to him on some on some of his favorite food when he comes to feed?

I know that with Hershey I used to cut a tiny hole in a piece of avocado and put the baytril on it then reseal the hole with the avocado... and she ate that without any protest. Sometimes if I didn't have avocado I'd place a bit of peanut butter on a couple of pecans or walnuts (no shells), put the baytril drops on that and make like a little sandwich with the two nuts and feed that to her. Ten days of it and it got her rid of the infected wound on her tail.

You could also try putting it on a small piece of bread with peanut butter if he likes peanut butter.

06-26-2011, 09:40 PM
Thanks!! I'll try and get some Baytril or other antibiotic from someone I know. I'll see what I can give him to hide it in. Right now, he only wants sunflower seeds and won't eat the cookies I made him. Walnuts are a favorite, so I can try that. Thanks again..

Mrs Skul
06-26-2011, 10:36 PM
Hi Lynda B:wave123
Do you have a Vet that will see him? Do you have and Antibiotic? Best is Baytril Or SulfaTrim! Can you call a Rehabb Center and explain you have a WILD Squirrel that has a cyst or something on his Tummy and you think he needs to be sean by a Vet! Then Let them know you want him Back to be released in your yard! :D Make sure they know that. Most of them will accommodate with releasing him back in his home territory. I cant see what I am looking for to say it is a BotFly Larva. There is a very good CHANCE it is a BotFlyLarva. The cites do get really red and inflamed. You said there is a dark spot? :thinking Where did you see the spot? It would be toward the end of the swelling. (Close to his tinkle.) Is there any discharge coming out yet?
Sometimes it is YellowishBrown. Then It turns a Reddish Brown.
IR will be on in the Morning. Let's see what she and other think.
If the hair was gone, then I could see exactly what I am looking for. Hang in there.

07-01-2011, 09:41 AM
Good news! Eddie's lump has drained. It had gotten bigger in just a day. I was planning on trapping him in the morning when he came to to the door for his breakfast and I saw the lump was gone. He sat up to eat and i could see a small hole in the center where it must have popped and drained. I guess it was some sort of abscess?
Whew! Thanks for your help and just for being there for all of us..

07-01-2011, 03:09 PM
:flash3 GREAT NEWS! :wahoo :wahoo :wahoo :flash3

07-01-2011, 08:29 PM
It could have some ups and downs, but I'm so glad it drained and Eddie is on the way to recovery. It must be painful. Owwie!

07-01-2011, 11:16 PM
Coulda been a bot fly... who knows? Just glad it's gone... I'm sure he must be feeling a lot better already. Just make sure he has good food available... they are so resilient, they really amaze me. I'm certain he'll keep on improving.