View Full Version : How do I convert tablet ABs into a liquid solution?

06-23-2011, 10:21 AM
I have sulf.-trim tablets (480mg?). Into how much water do i dissolve them in order to create an appropriate solution (Irene Ruth's book gives the doses, but not how to "concert" tablets into liquid.

06-23-2011, 03:11 PM
SMZ tabs will desolve easily in water BUT...... you could never get a correct dose with it in water as the SMZ sinks to the bottem almost right away after shaking it. It must be disolved in an oral suspension liquid. I asked my pharmasist for some and because it is not a drug, he sold me some. I know the guy and he knows I do a lot with animals.
oral suspention liquid is thicker than water and it kind of holds the meds more evenly. Maybe you have a pharmacy near you?
Then you would need to take a certain amount of the liquid and mix it with one tablet. Take the dosage of the tablet and figure out a break down in your amount of liquid you disolved it in. lets say you use 5cc to disolve it and it was 450MG tablet. This would be 90MG for each 1cc. Then you could break down that 1 cc dose in tenths. .1cc would be 9MG of SMZ. Get it?
Not sure of the dose of SMZ for a squirrel but I bet someone hear could tell you.

06-24-2011, 03:05 PM
Thank you. That was most helpful - you're right, it does just sink to the bottom when using water.