View Full Version : HELP! My squirrel is urinating drop by drop..What can I do?

06-22-2011, 07:18 PM
Hello to everyone! I have a two year old squirrel. I noticed for the past couple of days that she is less active than she normally is. She looks OK but today when I put her out of her cage I noticed that she is urinating drop by drop, by drop, almost pushing for the urine to come out. She usually "sprays" when she urinates. She has been eating Henry's Healthy Blocks for about 20 months now..I also give her 2 nuts a day, some greens, fruits. I also started putting calcium in her water bottle. I love her so much! Please help me.


06-22-2011, 07:35 PM
She will need a vet. Possible UTI, but always the risk of a blockage, as well. This is is serious, I just went through this a few weeks ago (his was a blockage, unfortunately and it seemed to just come out of nowwhere.) Since she is older, it is more likely a UTI, but she will still need meds (antibiotics and pain meds, as well).

Tickle's Mom
06-22-2011, 07:39 PM
Sent private messages to some of the Florida group-hang on. Someone should be on shortly. :thumbsup

And Pappy, I think you are right

06-22-2011, 07:48 PM
Too much calcium in her diet. If she eats the HHBs she is all set - does not need the additional calcium.

If you have a vet, ideally you get the urine checked for crystals.

Right now, I would push fluids and see if you can increase her urine flow. Call around to the health food stores in your area - Twinlabs makes a potassium/magnesium liquid supplement that you can add to her water that will help with kidney issues like crystals in the urine (which clump and form kidney stones which must be surgically removed).

So, vet for urinanalysis and possible x-ray if you can. Start pushing fluids tonight - I would do a straight rehydration fluid for the night and then switch to either plain water or water/apple juice mixture tomorrow.

Rehydration fluid:
1 teaspoon salt
3 Tablespoons sugar
1 quart water

Warm and give by syringe.

If you are able to get her peeing normally again, please, TWO Henrys Bites (not three or four) per day, fresh veggies and fruits, and no additional calcium from now on.

06-22-2011, 07:57 PM
CritterMom's post to you is right on target. Your squirrel needs a vets care and to be started on antibiotics and pain medicine. Dr. Emerson in Port Orange is a squirrel specialist and probably the closest to you. Their are a few other good wildlife vets, but all in the southwest (Tampa area).
Give her as much hydration fluid as you can get in her. Do you have any syringes? Syringe feeding is one way to get reluctant squirrels to take in fluids. Get her to a vet first tomorrow, or at least an appointment scheduled soon.
Good luck.

06-22-2011, 08:09 PM
CritterMom's post to you is right on target. Your squirrel needs a vets care and to be started on antibiotics and pain medicine. Dr. Emerson in Port Orange is a squirrel specialist and probably the closest to you. Their are a few other good wildlife vets, but all in the southwest (Tampa area).
Give her as much hydration fluid as you can get in her. Do you have any syringes? Syringe feeding is one way to get reluctant squirrels to take in fluids. Get her to a vet first tomorrow, or at least an appointment scheduled soon.
Good luck.


(386) 788-1550 Alicia Emerson
She is the absolute best around! She sees my squirrels and Fallensmommy's squirrel. You will very pleased with her. You want to take I4 to 95 North. Exit at the Port Orange exit and head east. You want to make a left on Clyde Morris Blvd. She is up on the left past a small strip mall on the same side. Ravenwood is located on the corner.

You will LOVE Dr. E. TSB loves her too!

06-22-2011, 08:15 PM
Also, you can manually stimulate an adult squirrel to pee like you do a baby. Holding her front end up and gently massaging the tummy for a bit, then stimulate to pee.

06-22-2011, 08:16 PM
Thanks so much to all of you. I knew I could find someone here that could tell me something. I found a vet that loves exotic and wild animals and actually his office is less than ten minutes away. I will call tomorrow morning to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. I am going to try the re hydration fluid that Critter Mom posted right now.

Thanks so much, I will keep coming back and post how she is doing. I am going to try to post her picture.

Tickle's Mom
06-22-2011, 08:19 PM
Thanks so much to all of you. I knew I could find someone here that could tell me something. I found a vet that loves exotic and wild animals and actually his office is less than ten minutes away. I will call tomorrow morning to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. I am going to try the re hydration fluid that Critter Mom posted right now.

Thanks so much, I will keep coming back and post how she is doing. I am going to try to post her picture.

Please share the name of that vet with us too :D

06-22-2011, 08:20 PM
:Welcome Will be praying for your lil girl and looking for updates. :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

06-22-2011, 09:16 PM
Praying for the the best for you and your girl. I hope it's just a simple UTI and can be dealt with quickly. Please keep us posted :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

Mrs Skul
06-22-2011, 09:28 PM
:wave123 orquid009
What kind of CALCIUM are you using? :dono
The calcium will settle at the bottom of the water bottle, and your Squirrel can't get to the water.
Not drinking enough water will cause a KIDNEY/BLADDER INFECTION! :shakehead
When a Squirrel gets to much calcium they usually Pee & Pooh it out. If it is not ground up to a fine powder.
The grains will slice and cut while passing throw the system. (That means the Kidney, Bladder, the tubs connecting them, and the Intestines.)
All of this will get inflamed. It can cause Kidney Stones and Bladder Stones. :shakehead This is very bad for your Squirrel.
Do you have any Cranberries, Cranberry Juice or CranGrap Juice? :D Offer her a few drinks. This will help until the Vet can see her tomorrow. :thumbsup3
Try giving her extra water to flush her kidneys out. If you start seeing Blood let us know. Good Luck

The only time Calcium should be given in the water is When you are Syringe Feeding the Water Calcium mix.
You would not like drinking the water like that. :nono
If she is eating the HHB that should be enough with her Leafy greens and Veg.
Do you have a Calcium mineral block or Ice Cream Cone in the cage with her? What about Cuddle Bone?
You also can mix some FoxVally or Calcium in with her Yogurt when you give it.
Mine like it hand feed to them as a treat. I will keep her in my Prayers. CM918

06-22-2011, 09:31 PM
Mrs Skul;

Thanks so much. It seems like I have been the one that caused this to my little friend, her name is Ardilla (Squirrel in Spanish). Can I put the Rehydration fluid formula in her water bottle?

06-22-2011, 09:34 PM
Ice cream cone? Any kind? Is that good for them?


I will provide the name and address of the vet tomorrow.

06-22-2011, 09:44 PM
This is the vet info

Dr. Orlando Diaz


06-22-2011, 11:05 PM
Ice cream cone? Any kind? Is that good for them?


I will provide the name and address of the vet tomorrow.

No,no,no. That is an entirely different kind of ice cream cone!! What you want is a calcium/mineral block that you can get at the pet store - they are flavored, and your squirrel will eat on them when, and if, she needs to. Sorry for the mix-up - we tend to forget that not everyone knows they make ice cream cones for small mammals! :D :D :D

Hope she gets better really soon. The people here know what they are doing, and give good advice. Just keep reading, asking questions, and taking advice and you should do just fine.


06-22-2011, 11:20 PM
Thanks Muffinsquirrel,

I will try to find those ice cfeam cones you guys talk about.

I know this people know what they say. Since I got my squirrel, I found this website and it has helped me many times.

06-23-2011, 04:35 AM
Too much calcium in her diet. If she eats the HHBs she is all set - does not need the additional calcium.

If you have a vet, ideally you get the urine checked for crystals.

Right now, I would push fluids and see if you can increase her urine flow. I 100% AGREE - :thumbsup :thumbsup

Thank YOU CritterMom for such WONDERFUL ADVICE!!

06-23-2011, 04:54 AM
Thanks Muffinsquirrel,

I will try to find those ice cfeam cones you guys talk about.

I know this people know what they say. Since I got my squirrel, I found this website and it has helped me many times.

Again, let me stress: If your squirrel is actually EATING the 2 HHBs a day, the little ice cream cones are a calcium/mineral supplement - and YOU DON'T NEED IT with the HHBs - not only do you not need it, it is too much together. HHBs are designed to be eaten in pretty specific amounts with other healthy food and to supply EVERYTHING if eaten that way. Too much calcium is as bad as too little. We read about MBD again and again and the paranoia creeps in and the desire to hold all of our squirrels down and pump calcium into them "just in case" sets in. I have fallen victim to it myself. Don't do it! More is most definitely NOT better and is most likely the cause of the current problems.

Wow. It is way to early for a rant! Now I need a nap...:shakehead

island rehabber
06-23-2011, 06:49 AM
:goodpost :thumbsup

06-23-2011, 08:00 AM
I give Dr. Diaz two thumbs up :thumbsup :thumbsup
Very attentive and caring.
He has treated one of my squirrels and if he was closer to me I'd see him more!

Please keep us posted!

06-23-2011, 10:12 AM

Last night I gave her the rehydration fluid you guys told me. I called the vet, but he is not in today. Tomorrow his schedule is full, so they told me if I want him to see her, I would need to drop her off and he will call me to let me know. If not I have to wait until Saturday. I would really prefer to take her myself, but I would like your advise.

I just took her out of her cage and she was urinating fine, seems more active.

what about Pedialite, instead of water? Or should I just continue with the formula posted here?

Thanks so much, many blessings.

06-23-2011, 10:35 AM
Please be very catious in this matter. My poor Charley had the same exact problem. he was urinating drop by drop and every once in awhile he would pee normally, but it would always go back to drop by drop. Just be very careful, I still don't know what was wrong with him, since he passed away not long after blood began to show up in his urine. I had almost no time to bring him to the vets. Sorry, but I would just hate to hear of what happened to my baby happening to anyone else's. :Love_Icon

06-23-2011, 10:41 AM
I would still get her in to be check as soon as you can. I agree with Charley's mom, I lost poor Furter to a blockage and it came out of nowhere, seemingly.

06-23-2011, 10:55 AM
How close to the vet are you? If it is a 15 minute trip, would they be willing to call you and you could drop everything and run right over there? I don't like the idea of having to wait a long time to get in but I don't much like leaving a squirrel to sit in a carrier and wait all day with cats meowing and dogs barking in the background - REALLY stressful.

Whether it be the homemade rehydration fluid or pedialyte, you don't ant to leave them on it for more than 24 hours due to the amount of salt. If plain water doesn't tempt her to drink a lot, you can try some apple juice in the water, or even make up the rehydration fluid without the salt. I wouldn't keep her on sugar water forever but if it makes her suck down the water a couple days will not give her diabetes!

I am hoping that you can flush her out and get rid of the majority of any crystals that may be forming in her urine causing the problem, and that cutting the calcium in her diet to just what she needs and no more will prevent them from re-forming.

Get a urine sample BEFORE you go to the vet - so you aren't frantically trying to get her to pee on cue!

06-23-2011, 12:27 PM
Ice cream cone? Any kind? Is that good for them?


I will provide the name and address of the vet tomorrow.

I think they were talkin about calcium ice cream cone from a pet store for rodents or maybe birds......please correct me if I am wrong

06-23-2011, 12:34 PM
my little girls just went through them same.......the vet should get her up and healthy again with antibz. My Sarah is doing well and its been 4 days , thank god!!!!! The more green veggies the better. I understand the over doing of calcium , I have always feared MBD however with a healthy diet I think our little munchkins get what they need. I do not know as much as most people here ......this is where I run for help, everyone is amazing here and has helped me in many ways so you are in good hands til you see the vet

06-23-2011, 01:00 PM
I will PM you another vet in the area that is great with squirrels...

06-23-2011, 01:46 PM
What does PM means? I got cranberries and she ate one. About leaving Ardilla at the vet's office, I am a worried about that too. I am going to call and see if they can arrange something else. They do have appointments for Saturday...now my question is... should I leave her tomorrow even if they don't give me the chance to just take her, or should I wait until Saturday and take her myself? Please help me with this predicament.

I will definitely take an urine sample before I leave the house, thanks for that advice. I will also print out your advices and show them to Dr. Díaz.

I've been trying to post her picture but haven't been able to.

06-23-2011, 02:27 PM
Again, let me stress: If your squirrel is actually EATING the 2 HHBs a day, the little ice cream cones are a calcium/mineral supplement - and YOU DON'T NEED IT with the HHBs - not only do you not need it, it is too much together. HHBs are designed to be eaten in pretty specific amounts with other healthy food and to supply EVERYTHING if eaten that way. Too much calcium is as bad as too little. We read about MBD again and again and the paranoia creeps in and the desire to hold all of our squirrels down and pump calcium into them "just in case" sets in. I have fallen victim to it myself. Don't do it! More is most definitely NOT better and is most likely the cause of the current problems.

Wow. It is way to early for a rant! Now I need a nap...:shakehead

I completely agree - too much calcium is as bad as not enough. BUT...I keep the calcium/mineral blocks or cuttlebone available in their cages in case they need it. Squirrels know what they need, and will not chew on it if they don't need it. It may sit in there for a year and only have a scrape or two on it. The babies use it more, (and the momma flyers), and I know their calcium requirements are higher than usual. By keeping the cuttlebone, or calcium/mineral block, in the cage, I have peace of mind knowing that it is there if they need it. It's worked for me for better than 10 years. (I use the cuttlebone because it is very inexpensive. It is not flavored, so I know that they don't eat it just for the taste.) I feed a healthy diet, HHBs, yogurt/FV mixture, and additional protien and have not had any problems with too much or too little calcium. Maybe I'm just lucky, but it works for me, and I'm a great believer in "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"!


06-23-2011, 05:44 PM
How close to the vet are you? If it is a 15 minute trip, would they be willing to call you and you could drop everything and run right over there? I don't like the idea of having to wait a long time to get in but I don't much like leaving a squirrel to sit in a carrier and wait all day with cats meowing and dogs barking in the background - REALLY stressful.

Whether it be the homemade rehydration fluid or pedialyte, you don't ant to leave them on it for more than 24 hours due to the amount of salt. If plain water doesn't tempt her to drink a lot, you can try some apple juice in the water, or even make up the rehydration fluid without the salt. I wouldn't keep her on sugar water forever but if it makes her suck down the water a couple days will not give her diabetes!

I am hoping that you can flush her out and get rid of the majority of any crystals that may be forming in her urine causing the problem, and that cutting the calcium in her diet to just what she needs and no more will prevent them from re-forming.

Get a urine sample BEFORE you go to the vet - so you aren't frantically trying to get her to pee on cue!

Crittermom, I would like to know what you think, should I drop her off if they don't give me the option of going over there or should I wait until Saturday and take her myself?

06-23-2011, 06:10 PM
What does PM means?
I sent you a Private Message with two other squirrel-friendly vets in the area.
Let me know if you need anything else....I too live in Orlando (though I'm moving this weekend...so I can't say that for much longer...:D )

06-23-2011, 07:29 PM
Crittermom, I would like to know what you think, should I drop her off if they don't give me the option of going over there or should I wait until Saturday and take her myself?

This is what I would do - but I would do pretty much anything for my critters. I would be there tomorrow when they open, go in, and when they try to take the carrier, tell them "Oh, that isn't necessary; I have cleared the entire day so I can keep him calm if he gets upset waiting" and I would plop my butt down in the waiting room, dig out my book, smile, and start reading. If they tell you it will be a while, smile and say "I know, that's why I cleared the day." They won't throw you out but they will want you to leave and the quickest way will then be to see your squirrel.

That's me. If you aren't quite that bold you can assess his condition tomorrow morning and decide then. I won't leave my animals at the vet unless they are getting some kind of 24 hour round the clock care and that is almost never the case, But like I said, I would get him looked at tomorrow and I would NOT leave him there to accomplish it.

06-23-2011, 08:04 PM
This is what I would do - but I would do pretty much anything for my critters. I would be there tomorrow when they open, go in, and when they try to take the carrier, tell them "Oh, that isn't necessary; I have cleared the entire day so I can keep him calm if he gets upset waiting" and I would plop my butt down in the waiting room, dig out my book, smile, and start reading. If they tell you it will be a while, smile and say "I know, that's why I cleared the day." They won't throw you out but they will want you to leave and the quickest way will then be to see your squirrel.

That's me. If you aren't quite that bold you can assess his condition tomorrow morning and decide then. I won't leave my animals at the vet unless they are getting some kind of 24 hour round the clock care and that is almost never the case, But like I said, I would get him looked at tomorrow and I would NOT leave him there to accomplish it.

Got it!!! That is what I will do! Thanks so much!

06-23-2011, 08:18 PM
Just checking in to see how your little girl is doing. Hoping for the best for both of you :grouphug

I totally agree with Crittermom, I would go to the vet's office and sit and wait. I wouldn't want to leave my baby, particularly a squirrel who's easily stressed. Just my 2 cents.

06-23-2011, 08:18 PM
This is what I would do - but I would do pretty much anything for my critters. I would be there tomorrow when they open, go in, and when they try to take the carrier, tell them "Oh, that isn't necessary; I have cleared the entire day so I can keep him calm if he gets upset waiting" and I would plop my butt down in the waiting room, dig out my book, smile, and start reading. If they tell you it will be a while, smile and say "I know, that's why I cleared the day." They won't throw you out but they will want you to leave and the quickest way will then be to see your squirrel.

That's me. If you aren't quite that bold you can assess his condition tomorrow morning and decide then. I won't leave my animals at the vet unless they are getting some kind of 24 hour round the clock care and that is almost never the case, But like I said, I would get him looked at tomorrow and I would NOT leave him there to accomplish it.


Love it!

06-23-2011, 08:19 PM
Got it!!! That is what I will do! Thanks so much!

A trip through Dunkin Donuts for a dozen before you get there might be a good idea too. There are few things you can't get if you are nice, polite, and frighteningly persistent.:D

06-23-2011, 08:24 PM
A trip through Dunkin Donuts for a dozen before you get there might be a good idea too. There are few things you can't get if you are nice, polite, and frighteningly persistent.:D
That is awesome!!! You are something else!!! Ardilla is doing well.

I'll keep you guys posted.


06-24-2011, 03:06 PM

Here I am reporting about Ardilla, my loving squirrel. Took her to Dr. Diaz this morning. I did just as Crittermom told me...went there I said that I had cleared up my schedule so that I could stay with my pet. I sat down and in about half an hour we were in a room. Another half hour went by and Dr. Diaz was seeing Ardilla. Thanks Crittermom!

Dr. Diaz is so nice and so gentle with the animals, I so happy I have found him.

He said Ardilla is definitely overweight, so no nuts for now. She has UT and he gave me antibiotic and and anti-inflammatory...(metacam) he noticed her genitals a little inflamed and red. Antibiotic twice a day for 14 days and metacam once a day for 10 days.

I want to thank all of you for your advice. That is why I posted everything the doctor said, so that other people can use this information.

Ardilla looks well and she is drinking and eating well, no more extra calcium, I promise.


06-24-2011, 03:43 PM
Excellent! What antibiotic did they prescribe, just for the record?

06-24-2011, 04:21 PM
Excellent! What antibiotic did they prescribe, just for the record?

He prescribed ENROFLOXACIN 11.3MG PER ML (0.6cc)

Not easy to give these medications to a pet squirrel!!!:jump mjs

The visit to the vet and medicines $103.00...not bad around here...

06-24-2011, 05:30 PM
How do I post a picture for you guys?:tilt

06-29-2011, 06:43 PM
Hi I have a year an five month foxer squirrel he has been scenting I believe do to the time. But his pee looks redish orange. I was wondering if he might have a urine track infection. He is very active and eats very good for me he not sluggish. He will pee and rub his cheeks on stuff when he is out I think when they rub their cheeks he is trying to scent as well. This is what made me think he just was scenting. So I am confused by the color of pee. Is it possible that this is normal color for squirrel pee? Normally he potties in his cage so you cant really see color due to the colored bedding. If someone could please tell me if this is normal.

06-29-2011, 11:18 PM
I think there are plenty of people in this forum that could help you. Maybe you should post a new thread for this. But sometimes if I give my squirrel too many acorns her pee turns red. On the other side, if this is not the case the red might be blood and that could be dangerous. Please post a new thread so other can tell you their thoughs. Good luck.

06-30-2011, 08:52 AM
Too much calcium in her diet. If she eats the HHBs she is all set - does not need the additional calcium.

If you have a vet, ideally you get the urine checked for crystals.

Yes! NEVER ADD SUPPLEMENTS OF ANY KIND TO THE WATER! And no supplements should be given with HHBs; they have all the nutrients they need.

I'm so happy you found a good vet and Ardilla is recovering. Yes, you definitely want to watch her weight. No more nuts, treats, fruit, etc., until she slims down. Two HHBs plus healthy veggies and wild foods is all they need anyhow. More playtime and exercise will help too. Good luck!