View Full Version : pox meds

06-21-2011, 10:05 AM
I'm a foster squirrel mommy for a local wildlife center and have an adorable squirrel about 10 wks old with pox. Any suggestions? He is playful and eats well. Thanks- scampersmom:)

06-22-2011, 12:09 AM
I am sorry it has been all day and no one has replied to you thread yet.... have you looked over the Specific Ailment Section yet?


06-22-2011, 03:42 AM
You need acyclovir - preferably the pediatric variety used with chicken pox that is already in a syrup suspension. Does the center have access to a vet?

island rehabber
06-22-2011, 06:32 AM
I had good luck (but only once, so no guarantees) with acyclovir in the form of Valtrex, generally prescribed for either shingles or genital herpes in humans. I dissolved a 500mg tablet and made a solution that I gave to the poxy squirrel 4x a day for 7 days. It worked beautifully.

06-25-2011, 02:00 PM
You need acyclovir - preferably the pediatric variety used with chicken pox that is already in a syrup suspension. Does the center have access to a vet?

Thank you so much for the advice! We do have access to a vet, and he has been on acyclovir TID for over a week. He started with 3 pox and now he has 10-12. His right arm has 2 large pox covering the whole arm. I am keeping him happy and playing with him since he is by himself. I feel so helpless and wish that there was more that I could do. For some reason I would think that an anti- inflammatory would help. I'm going to find out what the vet thinks Monday. This year has been the worst year for us for pox :(

06-26-2011, 07:27 AM
our Curby, has squirrel pox. we have had him to the vet twice, he has been on baytril, then we used collodial silver applying them to his pox, putting drops of same in his eye, and orally a dropper a day.
we are now giving him a solution of nutriferon (a shaklee product) crushing tablets and mixing with water. we give this to him as his drinking water and also 3 droppers in his goat milk which we still give him 2 times a day now instead of 4. we wash all his pox with an iodine solution before applying an antifungal powder called nystop which we got from the vet last thursday. before we apply the powder we put a drop of mineral oil in his left eye as he has two small pox in the corner of that eye and one very large one on the side of his nose. we do this once a day. last night for the first time we also sprinkled him with gold bond powder.
this has been going on for several weeks and its breaking my heart because he is only getting more and more pox. i havent counted but he must has 50. he is so playful and full of life and strong! he loves to play and has a great appetite. I understand that these tumors can also internalize and i dont want it to get to the point we he is unable to function properly our be in any kind of pain, yet i dont want to stop trying to save him. we have tried every thing that has been suggested and more according to the timing. we were given him when he was already about 5 wks old (just a guess) and already had the two small pox in the corner of his eye. unfortunately then, we didnt know what we were dealing with. thats what prompted the first trip to the vet who tested for ringworm, dewormed him, and started him on the baytril.
I think its time to make a decision, which is prompted by the area rehabber who will take him, try to save him herself by pumping him with antibiotics and if that doesnt work, gently put him to sleep.
My husband and I love him so much and feel so helpless, can anyone offer any suggestions?

06-26-2011, 07:46 AM
You need acyclovir - preferably the pediatric variety used with chicken pox that is already in a syrup suspension. Does the center have access to a vet?
our curby has squirrel pox and its getting worse. we have tried a host of cures. my question to you is does the acyclovir need to be started within a certain amount of time from the onset of his horrible disease...our little guy has had it for several weeks now. we are running out of options....curbys mom