View Full Version : Gabby is not grooming herself...

Milo's Mom
06-21-2011, 06:00 AM
Gabby, one of The Fuzzy Five, is not grooming herself. I've been noticing that she seems dirty (her belly is not white like the others), but during an escape attempt this morning while I was trying to obtain the food dish so I could refill it I grabbed her. She is sticky. Her tail does not fluff anymore, cause it's all stuck together, her belly is tan versus bright white. And I do mean that she is actually STICKY when you touch her.
Do I need to give her a bath? If so, I'd rather do so sooner than later. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

island rehabber
06-21-2011, 06:32 AM
hmmmm....I noticed this with one of mine once, and it turned out that he was not sleeping in the nest box with the others -- he was sleeping UNDER the nest box (it had 3" feet underneath) and he was always grimy looking. Could this be the case? otherwise, could she have gotten something on her like tree sap from branches, etc.?

Milo's Mom
06-21-2011, 06:59 AM
hmmmm....I noticed this with one of mine once, and it turned out that he was not sleeping in the nest box with the others -- he was sleeping UNDER the nest box (it had 3" feet underneath) and he was always grimy looking. Could this be the case? otherwise, could she have gotten something on her like tree sap from branches, etc.?

No, she IS sleeping in the nest box with the others. They all sleep in the box and only come out once in awhile to cool off. The nest box is mounted at the top of their indoor cage so there are many many inches under it.
Tree sap...I guess some of it could be sap, but I think most of it is just food filth.

Milo's Mom
06-21-2011, 04:42 PM
The more I think about it the more I do not think that it is tree sap. Unless the tree sap is evenly spread all over her entire body. Guess I have to show her how to groom herself...there is no way any daughter of mine (fuzzy or not) is leaving this house looking like that!!! :rotfl

06-21-2011, 05:03 PM
As long as she's eating well and not showing other signs something is wrong sounds like a bath time is in order...

Milo's Mom
06-21-2011, 05:39 PM
She is eating and drinking and doing her normal b*&^%#ing. I just gave her something to b*&ch about...she just had a bath!! She was not very happy about it, and she did not like the hair dryer, but after I wrapped her in a towel and only exposed one small part of her body to the big mean noisy hairdryer at a time, she has been fully fluffed and is back in the cage with the gang. They were all over her when she got back from her trip to the spa. Sniffing, grooming, etc. I did not use soap, just very nice warm water and a wash cloth. The water was almost muddy when we were done, she was really dirty. And she also smelled like pee...I think that the pee was the majority of the dirt on her. She is now starring at me as they await the arrival of their dinner. It's 30 minutes late!!!

06-21-2011, 10:35 PM
She is eating and drinking and doing her normal b*&^%#ing. I just gave her something to b*&ch about...she just had a bath!! She was not very happy about it, and she did not like the hair dryer, but after I wrapped her in a towel and only exposed one small part of her body to the big mean noisy hairdryer at a time, she has been fully fluffed and is back in the cage with the gang. They were all over her when she got back from her trip to the spa. Sniffing, grooming, etc. I did not use soap, just very nice warm water and a wash cloth. The water was almost muddy when we were done, she was really dirty. And she also smelled like pee...I think that the pee was the majority of the dirt on her. She is now starring at me as they await the arrival of their dinner. It's 30 minutes late!!!

Don't you just love it when you go out of your way to take care of them, clean up after them, change their bedding, wash their dishes, etc, etc, ...they still have the nerve to get pissed at you! :rotfl

rusty's mom
06-22-2011, 10:41 PM
If she is sleeping in the nest with others and has a bottom spot be sure that one on top doesn't have a urinary infection and isn't controlling there bladder. It would explain the peed coat.

island rehabber
06-22-2011, 11:01 PM
If she is sleeping in the nest with others and has a bottom spot be sure that one on top doesn't have a urinary infection and isn't controlling there bladder. It would explain the peed coat.

Yes, and there doesn't even have to be one with a UTI; it could just be that somebody has a habit of peeing in bed and who cares if their sister is underneath.....:shakehead :tilt

Milo's Mom
06-23-2011, 05:48 AM
They seem to pee on each other all the time. If they gotta go, they just stop what they are doing and go...does not matter if they are on the top or bottom of the cage. Their new little game is trying to pee on me.
I have been sprayed in the face so many times I've lost count. As soon as I am done scrubbing and scraping the floor and walls surrounding their cage, they hang on the side of the cage and pee everywhere.
The cute Fuzzy Five have morphed into the Ferocious Five. My babies are little monsters and they should do just fine out in the world...as long as they continue to aim & shoot their pee!!

island rehabber
06-23-2011, 06:32 AM