View Full Version : Update on Ziggy

06-19-2011, 09:27 PM
Update on Ziggy

Ziggy has been free for going on 9 nights tonight. The last time we saw him was yesterday afternoon when he came home to eat and mess around in our yard. Up until that point, he would come down around 8 every night and say hi to me and me alone. He would jump on my shoulder and play with my hair and then after about 10 15 minutes, he would go back up in the tree to bed. This is the second night that he has not done that since the release. Does this mean its over? Does anyone have any experience they can share to make me feel better?

06-20-2011, 12:19 AM
I've got a grey that I released 2 years ago that still either climbs up or jumps onto my shoulder from the tree. Of course the expectation is that I have a nut to give her when she gets there. She gets quite perturbed running from shoulder to shoulder if I don't have a nut to give her. Sometimes she sits there and eats one nut quickly so she can get another - mostly she just jumps down and goes to a safe spot to dine.

So keep coming out with nuts in your hand and I'm sure Ziggy will keep coming back assuming that's what you want - although Lucy can disappear for a couple of days at a time (Of course I then get worried), but she always returns

Milo's Mom
06-20-2011, 05:23 AM
Awwww, Tazzy, it's a big big new world for Ziggy and he's got some exploring to do...you know - learning his new surroundings. It is also mating season so he might be visiting a special little lady friend??? is he old enough?
If I were you, I'd keep placing fresh foods and water out for him, just like you have been and always keep a few nuts in your pocket.
Keep your chin up...I KNOW it's hard...BUT you raised him to be a squirrel and that is EXACTLY what he is doing. (would be nice if they wrote home once in awhile though):shakehead

06-23-2011, 10:38 PM
WEll we have had a few "ziggy sightings this week:) That makes me happy. I just want to know he is doing okay. He pretty much comes home to eat and check out the yard and then he is gone again. He has a little girly that hangs out with him:D

Thanks again for all of the great advice on here!!!!!:thankyou

Best Life
06-24-2011, 12:17 AM
WEll we have had a few "ziggy sightings this week:) That makes me happy. I just want to know he is doing okay. He pretty much comes home to eat and check out the yard and then he is gone again. He has a little girly that hangs out with him:D

Thanks again for all of the great advice on here!!!!!:thankyou

THRILLED to hear you have been seeing him! (He probably sees a lot more of you, than you do of him). That's adorable that he has a little girlfriend already! :Love_Icon

island rehabber
06-24-2011, 06:29 AM
Great job, Tazzy!! :thumbsup:alright.gif Ziggy's out in the world, being a squirrel -- that's what it's all about! (And doing well with the chicks, too.....:D)

Milo's Mom
06-24-2011, 07:12 AM
There may be some possibilities for some Ziggy Jr.'s and some Ziggette's in the future!! And then you become a grandsquarent!!

07-05-2011, 10:48 PM
Great job, Tazzy!! :thumbsup:alright.gif Ziggy's out in the world, being a squirrel -- that's what it's all about! (And doing well with the chicks, too.....:D)

I do believe that he is up in his nesting box that we hung in the tree, although no one has ever seen him go in or out but we see him climb that tree daily. I miss him something feirce, but I am so happy to see him free:D and yes doing well with the chics!