View Full Version : bird help. mourning dove. teenager.

06-19-2011, 07:17 PM
not moving.

semi alert...sleepy.....

green slimy poop.....

wild ... am not sure if i can catch it......

but has been sitting on my patio all afternoon ....


06-19-2011, 07:24 PM
You can't do anything unless you can catch it. If you do, dark, quiet, heating pad (cardboard box will work well with holes). Sent email to Jodi. Can you see any obvious injuries?

06-19-2011, 07:27 PM
got it ...barely moving... dying....

can i syringe a honey water mix into it's beak?

what dose of honey?

it's all i got ...and sugar ... no karo


If the bird does not start to eat and drink within a day, then forced feeding may be necessary. To start with I often use a weak honey and water solution. I have also used Gatorade. Vriends (4) recommends using a Karo Syrup solution of one drop of syrup to an 8 oz. cup of water.. There are also commercial preparations of glucose that can be purchased. For emergency feeding we use a commercial baby bird formula. For a bird that is very weak we use the thinnest preparations that are prescribed for newly hatched babies. Feeding can often be accomplished by dipping the birds beak in the warm solution or if necessary by using a small syringehttp://www.diamonddove.info/bird17_Sick.htm

06-19-2011, 07:30 PM
is this a baby or one that is old enough to eat on its own?

I am not a bird rehabber but if he is able to eat on his own I am willing to give him a try.

06-19-2011, 07:31 PM
teenager.....let me get a photo....

06-19-2011, 07:40 PM
here... regular cat carrier... never had cats...only rabbits.

06-19-2011, 07:42 PM
heating pad underneath the carrier right?

can i give it some honey/water mix?

06-19-2011, 07:45 PM
No, if he is that weak, you could kill him doing that. I hope Jodi will get her email and get on (she is loaded with baby ducklings right now). Yes, heat underneath.

06-19-2011, 08:00 PM
ok heating pad has warmed the carrier... and i've set it on low/half side only.....

either she's getting better or worse....

is twisting head to turn around to either see what i'm doing or dying... don't know.....

06-19-2011, 08:07 PM
looks like it's having a hard time breathing... breathing through beak...open and closing ....also still twisting head....

we had a really cold night last night... maybe that contributed....

06-19-2011, 08:48 PM
I'm sorry gs1 it doesnt sound good. Keep him warm and quiet.

Can u feel its keel? (breast bone) describe it to me? Is it boney is it Plump?
When u open his mouth does he have stringy spit?

06-19-2011, 09:12 PM
:( she died... was expected.... thanks everyone......:grouphug

06-19-2011, 09:12 PM
Sounds like the poor thing is trying to pass away
If your going to give her fluids u have to take a 1cc syringe and slide it all the way down her throat into her crop ( tube would be better)
Mourning doves are high stess birds
Stress alone can kill them
So whatever your going to do, do it quickly and leave her alone
Keep her dark, warm and quiet
If she makes it thru the night we can asses further
If she is twisting her head upside down she could have pmv, be poisoned or even a head injury
For tonight I would try to get some electrolytes into her and let her be
Resist the urge to check her all the time
I would only give her 2-3 cc's of fluid every couple of hours if you can get it directly into her crop
If she is neurological don't put a dish of water in there with her she may drown, cover the whole kennel with a blanket

06-19-2011, 09:21 PM
Sorry Silvanna! :(

06-19-2011, 09:58 PM
Aww, I'm sorry, we posted at exactly the same time

06-19-2011, 11:33 PM
So sorry, gs1. Poor pretty birdy. :(

06-20-2011, 01:18 AM
:grouphug thankyou.....

i think she was too far gone and i was too inexperienced to think she was in trouble....

the doves often sunbathe and don't move for the longest time ...even if i walk near them.... i just thought she was waiting for her mother.... I wish i could have caught her this afternoon ... maybe she would have had a better chance....

all day except for the 20 mins before she died she looked like a normal, happy mourning dove... no neck twisting ...no weakness... no droopy wings... i wish i knew what happened.... :grouphug

06-20-2011, 06:00 AM
Don't blame yourself, birds are masters at hiding illness and injury
By the time you can catch them it's allready too late
If you wanted to check her body she may give you some clues
Check her over for injury, her weight by feeling her keel bone
Her throat and mouth, doves and pigeons can get this prozea called trichomoniasis, it looks like cheese in their throats, very common with them, and they can also have it inside where it can't be seen
They are beautiful birds