View Full Version : Help, Squirrel killer next door.
06-19-2011, 05:12 PM
I have several squirrels that live in my back yard. However, they also inhabit my neighbors yard as well.
Today, when we got home I saw a man with a blow-gun standing in my neighbor’s yard. I went out and asked him what the hell he was doing. I saw that he was sneaking up on a Squirrel. I said, don’t think about killing that squirrel and he said back “I will” I told him I would call the police, he said go ahead. I did.
Just for perspective, I live in a subdivision. A subdivision full of kids and other wildlife. NOT the country! It’s typical Florida. The police came and come to find out he was my neighbor’s redneck son. They talked to him and came back to tell me that the neighbor is having problems with the squirrel’s climbing on her house and her screen. They gave him the O.K. to kill them!
One squirrel has just had babies and there are several others that climb in the tree in their yard. I am also pretty sure that I heard him get one last night. I heard a squirrel scream and the scream (slowly) died down. What can I do?
06-19-2011, 05:26 PM
This kind of mentality will always be a horror! And no supporting legal recourse is an injustice to all living things. :shakehead
Sometimes trap and relocate is the only answer to avoid destruction of a species regardless if it's just a few or many.
06-19-2011, 05:44 PM
Just venting here, but wouldn't it be nice to just ONCE trap and relocate the problem--the redneck son--say to a dirt road in Vermont--in his tighty-whities. Um--isn't there still the issue of a moron with a blow gun in a neighborhood with CHILDREN? What don't the police get about that?
06-19-2011, 06:12 PM
This is a heart breaking situation. I would accidentally get hurt by the blow gun or act like it anyway. Then bye- bye moron neighbor. By the time my lawyer finished with him I would own his house. :D
06-19-2011, 06:23 PM
This is a heart breaking situation. I would accidentally get hurt by the blow gun or act like it anyway. Then bye- bye moron neighbor. By the time my lawyer finished with him I would own his house. :D
Thats what I would do. Try to get ahold of one of his darts. Call the Stupid police officer that gave him permission to shot the thing, and tell him he is now shooting in your yard and since he is the one that gave him permission, you will be going after him also if anyone gets hurt. :D
06-19-2011, 06:24 PM
This is a heart breaking situation. I would accidentally get hurt by the blow gun or act like it anyway. Then bye- bye moron neighbor. By the time my lawyer finished with him I would own his house. :D
:goodpost :thumbsup :goodpost :thumbsup :goodpost
this is, actually, a very good idea - to "act like it", or even get mildly hurt (I would even consider to "hurt" myself mildly so as to appear to have gotten hurt by his gun). You could, probably, do some property "damage" in addition to that.
Jackie in Tampa
06-19-2011, 06:30 PM
trapping and relocating AND killing...CREATES A VOID...
a void leaves the territory open to new does not help at all.
What jerk uses a blow gun...a redneck!:soapbox
If his dog barks, I would call the law..
video him on you the 9 news....errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
06-19-2011, 08:39 PM
I didn't know rednecks were smart enough:dono
Accedental fires happen all the time.
06-20-2011, 12:22 AM
Just venting here, but wouldn't it be nice to just ONCE trap and relocate the problem--the redneck son--say to a dirt road in Vermont--in his tighty-whities. Um--isn't there still the issue of a moron with a blow gun in a neighborhood with CHILDREN? What don't the police get about that?
You got a moron with a blow gun AND a moron with a badge. :shakehead
06-20-2011, 04:13 AM
I saw on another squirrel killer thread that there were suggestions and some use of urine to deter squirrels away from the dangerous area? Maybe it was dog urine? Some people joked (maybe only half joked? maybe weren't joking at all?) about using supersoakers to get it over into the neighbor's yard while they're asleep/away.
Y'know, my dad suggested to me that twirly garden ornaments (like spinning sunflowers or birdies with wings that spin) will scare squirrels away. Can anyone else confirm that? If it's right, maybe you could suggest those to the (a55h0l3) neighbor or even buy some for him. Or an owl statue?
Very best of luck to you.
06-20-2011, 04:47 AM
1) Alright, do you have any cracked or damaged property to show that could be caused by his blowgun? If so, simply report the incident and put the blame on his reckless shooting.
2) Can you track the officer's name, cause I would and would report to his superior. Who the hell says shooting in a children packed place is ever Okay.
3) You can say he nearly shot you with his awful aim. Report that you are worried what harm may this man do to you and family, and property. And friends.... and pets (if any)
Lets get him!
06-20-2011, 07:12 AM
Call the local news stations and describe the animal cruelty taking place legally in your neighborhood. They love stories like this, and it will bring embarrassment to your neighbor to have the news crews knocking on their door and standing outside their house with cameras. That's what it takes to change city hall.
Best Life
06-20-2011, 10:31 AM
I totally agree with contacting a superior officer, and with filming and posting on youtube and contacting local news and pet/wildlife protection groups. Please check laws on filming neighbors first. :)
I'm trying to find a good link for the Florida Laws and Regulations on (guns) Firearms and the Taking Of Wildlife. It's such a pain to pick thru and I need to go tend to the critters for now.
If these Florida Laws/statutes have not been changed recently, you have very good legal grounds for getting this stopped. I find it impossible to instill morality in morons, so getting them in the pocketbook or with the law is more likely to work.
to summarize:
I believe blowguns are included in the definition of "Guns" in Florida (any device mechanically propelling an arrow, spear or other projectile)
(FAC 68A-1.004)
IF a dart were to land on your property, (is that what he's got in the blowgun?), it would qualify as "Criminal Trespass" all by itself, as defined by "propelling of potentially lethal projectiles over or across private property without authorization", meaning authorized by the property owner; NOT the local yahoo. This law was written to PROTECT PETS AND PEOPLE.
IF he wanders onto your property for any reason WITH HIS BLOWGUN, (which is classified as a "gun") it is a Felony. (trespass with firearm or gun)
(FS 810.09) Definitely want that one on film.
I hope this sends you in the right direction. Keep in mind that they could just get a licensed trapper to catch them all (ya, right) and do whatever they do with them.
My new neighbors had live traps put out ALL OVER THEIR YARD AND ON THEIR ROOF when they moved in. Somehow, in their idiot minds, they thought they would catch all the squirrels in the neighborhood and have them all hauled away. Most people have lived here for 20 years +, and we all feed the squirrels and whatever. They also put metal and cement stakes with little notes "Keep Off" on the property line between our houses so our back yard gate would not swing over their lawn. No lie, I'll take a picture of that one. :rantonof
...and the worst part... He is a Hillsborough County Sheriff, and she is a paralegal. :frustratedx
Best Life
06-20-2011, 10:41 AM
Still trying to find the individual link for reference, but this is specific:
The term gun means a shotgun, rifle, pistol, revolver, air gun, gas gun, blowgun, or any device mechanically propelling an arrow, spear, or other projectile. Crossbow or bow and arrow shall be included in the meaning of the term gun. (FAC 68A-1.004)
Would love to turn the tables on even JUST ONE of these situations. Best of luck to you. Hope you are able to find orphans if there are any.
Best Life
06-20-2011, 10:48 AM
I saw on another squirrel killer thread that there were suggestions and some use of urine to deter squirrels away from the dangerous area? Maybe it was dog urine? Some people joked (maybe only half joked? maybe weren't joking at all?) about using supersoakers to get it over into the neighbor's yard while they're asleep/away.
Y'know, my dad suggested to me that twirly garden ornaments (like spinning sunflowers or birdies with wings that spin) will scare squirrels away. Can anyone else confirm that? If it's right, maybe you could suggest those to the (a55h0l3) neighbor or even buy some for him. Or an owl statue?
Very best of luck to you.
I remember the Urine reference... Human urine would have to do, as getting any other type of urine would be inhumane. (think about it)
Squirrels are so smart, I've never heard of any deterrent that worked for any length of time, but anything is better than what's going on now.
06-20-2011, 10:54 AM
Information I found a year ago regarding the killing of nuisance squirrels:
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) currently does allow squirrels to be trapped and killed. The FWC requires that traps that are placed on private property have to be checked more often than every 24 hours and any animals found inside have to be released or euthanized within 24 hours. Otherwise, the resident could risk animal cruelty charges. Squirrels that are trapped cannot be moved to a different property.
Folks, I just called the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission to ask them point blank and while it pains me to report this, this is what I was told:
Squirrels are considered by the state of Florida to be a nuisance animal and if they are on your property you are allowed to shoot them year round if you are allowed to shoot a gun on your property. I think she was referring to if you are legal to shoot a gun (licensed and zoning code allows).
Also, squirrels are considered small game and it is legal to hunt them during small game season. Small game season would depend upon what managment area you live in.
I asked if someone traps a squirrel in a trap, what does the state consider to be a humane method to euthanise them and was told to shoot them.
I think if you live in a neighborhood or even city limits, there are probably zoning laws that prevent the discharge of a firearm.
I feel sick now.
06-20-2011, 11:11 AM
I think if you live in a neighborhood or even city limits, there are probably zoning laws that prevent the discharge of a firearm.
Nice :thumbsup
keep us update on latest of the situation...
Best Life
06-20-2011, 11:11 AM
Thank you for making the call, Michele. I know it was a tough one. (I think Mommy should take some cuddle time with her fuzzbutts for solace!)
Yup, Firearm implies the use of explosion to propel any projectile. Blowguns are just considered "guns", but are still regulated to some extent as far as endangering others pets and people.
Hopefully the guy is too stupid to call FWC, and thus make his own interpretation of what is humane. I think I'd rather see them be 'taken out' in any way except stuck in a trap.
06-20-2011, 11:20 AM
Thank you for making the call, Michele. I know it was a tough one. (I think Mommy should take some cuddle time with her fuzzbutts for solace!)
Yup, Firearm implies the use of explosion to propel any projectile. Blowguns are just considered "guns", but are still regulated to some extent as far as endangering others pets and people.
Hopefully the guy is too stupid to call FWC, and thus make his own interpretation of what is humane. I think I'd rather see them be 'taken out' in any way except stuck in a trap.
I know, I am still tearing up. The thing the original poster, mikeydon1969, has going for them is that they said they live in a subdivision and mentioned calling the police, not sheriff's dept. so they probably live in the city of Tampa and I would imagine that it is illegal to discharge a firearm. Heck, it is illegal to keep bees in the city of Tampa!
I am going to try to find out what the management districts are and what are the hunting seasons in each. I don't see that we can change the FWC thinking on squirrels as "small game" but perhaps if we find that any of the state sanctioned hunting seasons overlap with baby season(s), we could start there and get them to make some changes there. Baby steps. Feels like working with the enemy but change has to start somewhere I guess!
06-20-2011, 11:28 AM
trapping and relocating AND killing...CREATES A VOID...
a void leaves the territory open to new does not help at all.
What jerk uses a blow gun...a redneck!:soapbox
If his dog barks, I would call the law..
video him on you the 9 news....errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Good point!
I have personally only trapped to relocate a few segregated animals that were in danger of being killed by either the redneck mentality or uneducated sources.
When I had squirrels on my roof it was because I had a hole in the eves with a birds nest and they were robbing the nest. I fixed the problem!
My neighbor had the problem and cut back his trees to eliminate the squirrel traffic. Some people are willing and know how to co-exist.
I suspect (if) squirrels are hanging off the screen door it is because someone in that household has fed them and now that they expect it they
are being deemed a nuisance, you can't fix stupid!
I agree with the majority on the public exposure and I would be armed with a camera every time I saw this fool with any kind of weapon in hand.
06-20-2011, 12:16 PM
Good point!
I have personally only trapped to relocate a few segregated animals that were in danger of being killed by either the redneck mentality or uneducated sources.
When I had squirrels on my roof it was because I had a hole in the eves with a birds nest and they were robbing the nest. I fixed the problem!
My neighbor had the problem and cut back his trees to eliminate the squirrel traffic. Some people are willing and know how to co-exist.
I suspect (if) squirrels are hanging off the screen door it is because someone in that household has fed them and now that they expect it they
are being deemed a nuisance, you can't fix stupid!
I agree with the majority on the public exposure and I would be armed with a camera every time I saw this fool with any kind of weapon in hand.
If the original poster wasn't concerned about payback, they could prepare a flyer to be distributed to neighbors about the dischage of the blowgun and how it is illegal and a possible harm to anyone who gets in the line of fire, including neighborhood children and pets. The flyer could go on to explain JIT's point about how eliminating the squirrels creates a void that will be filled again so the original problem is not solved. Then perhaps some pointers on how we humans can co-exist with wildlife. The do's and don't's. Also remember, if the hole if big enough for a squirrel to get in your attic, then think about the BEES that can take up residence there, building their honeycombs and expanding their colony! It is just easier to secure your home to prevent wildlife from taking up residence.
06-20-2011, 12:38 PM
Just for clarity....
(When I had squirrels on my roof it was because I had a hole in the eves with a birds nest and they were robbing the nest. I fixed the problem!)
I removed the (empty) nest and replaced the board... twice! The second time I clad with metal siding. Squirrels are not a problem in my book, man is!
06-20-2011, 01:29 PM
the Florida wildlife and environmental websites are clunky to get around, but I also found this, which seems to question the legality of firearms in a residential area~~ also the legality of night-time hunting (requires a permit):
"How can nuisance wildlife be taken?
Nuisance wildlife may be taken using live traps or snares, or, where allowed, firearms during daylight hours. All traps and snares must be inspected at least once every 24 hours. The discharge of a firearm is prohibited in most cities and residential areas, check with local law enforcement. BB guns and pellet rifles are not allowed for taking wildlife. (my bolding) A permit issued by the FWC regional offices is required to use steel traps to take destructive mammals (excluding species prohibited by the FWC). A Gun and Light at Night Permit and a hunting license are required to use a firearm and a light at night to remove nuisance armadillo, beaver, bobcat, coyote, fox, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, or hog causing destruction of crops and/or livestock."
full webpage:
06-20-2011, 02:06 PM
Just for clarity....
(When I had squirrels on my roof it was because I had a hole in the eves with a birds nest and they were robbing the nest. I fixed the problem!)
I removed the (empty) nest and replaced the board... twice! The second time I clad with metal siding. Squirrels are not a problem in my book, man is!
Exactly!!! If you don't want critters in your house take the initiative to keep them out. Don't blame them for wanting shelter!
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