View Full Version : Adult Paralyzed Squirrel in Belmont, MA
06-19-2011, 09:37 AM
I am visiting friends in Belmont, MA and we found an adult squirrel with apparently paralyzed hindquarters. I don't know if she was clipped by a car or fell from the phone lines directly above the sidewalk. As I am only visiting I cannot care for this squirrel. I have it in a box in a shed (to protect it from a very agile hunting dog) Are there any rehabbers close to Belmont, MA? I do not have a car and would have to prevail upon friends to drive me there and I am unsure whether they have the time do this so it would have to be nearby.
Her front half is active and her breath appears strong though her eyes do not remain fully open so perhaps there is a head injury as well, though there are no obvious injuries anywhere. She was not well enough to protest being moved to the box.
Thanks very much,
06-19-2011, 09:50 AM
Hang on we are looking for someone close to you. Thanks for helping this girl.
06-19-2011, 10:08 AM
Thank you! I hope you find someone. I just checked on her and it seems she is possibly a little more alert. I put in a few very small pieces of chopped apple and she sniffed but didn't eat.
Fingers crossed there is someone nearby. The family I am staying with--one has thrown his back out and is flat on the floor whenever possible and the other has an active toddler so I can't really ask them to go far.
Thanks very much again for your efforts. They are truly appreciated.
06-19-2011, 10:11 AM
Ann we are still working on it.
Apple is good or a little bit of water is ok. Quiet and safe is all you can do right now.
06-19-2011, 11:00 AM
Have you called Tufts? The number is 508-668-5454. They have a 24 hour emergency clinic. They will be able to access this squirrel and treat it. They are located at 525 South St in Walpole. I have put calls out to other rehabbers that may be closer to see if they can help. I will update when I hear back.
06-19-2011, 11:06 AM
I am sorry to say that I cannot help in this situation today. Please always ask me though as if it is possible I will always help.:grouphug :grouphug
06-19-2011, 11:22 AM
Thank you very much for the suggestion but unfortunately Walpole would be a 90 minute round trip and too far to travel for the family I am staying with.
Thanks again though for the suggestion though.
Have you called Tufts? The number is 508-668-5454. They have a 24 hour emergency clinic. They will be able to access this squirrel and treat it. They are located at 525 South St in Walpole. I have put calls out to other rehabbers that may be closer to see if they can help. I will update when I hear back.
06-19-2011, 11:30 AM
Here is a vet you can get help with today...Dr. Flinstrom 978-407-9925. He is in Lunenburg Ma (109 Mass Ave, off Rt 2, which I believe isn't too far from you.) He is on call today, that is his emergency number (the regular number is 978-345-2623. He is very good with squirrels. I was given his name by another rehabber.) Hope that will work for you! (just mapquested from Belmont to Lunenbrug, it is about 38 miles, approx. 1 hr. That is much closer then Tufts!)
06-19-2011, 01:15 PM
I hope she comes back on....this vet can help today...but I have no way of reaching this person so I really hope she checks back in!!!
06-19-2011, 03:06 PM
Thank you for this information. Unfortunately I was not able to get a car for the required 2 hour round trip. I really do appreciate the time you have put into gathering this information.
The best I can do is keep her safe in a box with strawberries and apples and water available overnight. Tomorrow morning my friends will check with their local vet (the one they use for their dog) and see if he has any in-town options. She seems to be about the same really.
Again thanks. It's difficult being out of town with no car. When I have run into this situation before at home I have simply taken to the Wildlife Rescue department at the University of Illinois Vet Clinic. They're really good and very kind. But I'm not in Illinois....
Again many thanks,
Here is a vet you can get help with today...Dr. Flinstrom 978-407-9925. He is in Lunenburg Ma (109 Mass Ave, off Rt 2, which I believe isn't too far from you.) He is on call today, that is his emergency number (the regular number is 978-345-2623. He is very good with squirrels. I was given his name by another rehabber.) Hope that will work for you! (just mapquested from Belmont to Lunenbrug, it is about 38 miles, approx. 1 hr. That is much closer then Tufts!)
06-19-2011, 03:15 PM
I wish I were closer, I hate to think of this baby in pain. I could not find anyone closer that could help.
06-19-2011, 03:24 PM
Can anyone help with the dosing of a medicine [NSAID] for pain and inflammation? Something like ibuprofen, etc.? It would stand that any pain relief and reduction in inflammation would be useful for this poor baby. Though of course it might be hard to find something he likes to put it in/on, unless he is willing to take some med via a dropper or syringe...
06-19-2011, 03:51 PM
I need a number someone can reach you at...I am at work so my hands are tied but I'm attempting to contact someone in arlington and wilmington.
06-19-2011, 04:18 PM
Arlington would be great. I could maybe take a taxi...
As I am new to the board I don't think I can Personal Message you and I'm a little uncomfortable posting my phone number to an open board.
If you wish, you can email me at calder68@yahoo[dot]com
and I'll send my number directly to you.
PS I have to go offline for the next hour to fix dinner for my friends but I will check back as soon as I can.
I need a number someone can reach you at...I am at work so my hands are tied but I'm attempting to contact someone in arlington and wilmington.
06-19-2011, 04:43 PM
I'm on the west coast, but sending prayers your way that you can get help for your sweet squirrel. Thank you so much for taking the time to help her and finding TSB.:grouphug :grouphug
06-19-2011, 06:52 PM
I did phone and leave a message for the woman in Arlington but no response yet. I would drive to Wilmington where someone kindly said they would take in the squirrel but I can't drive stick and that's the only car I have access to. Arlington I can cab or bus to.
I promise to let everyone know how things turn out. Thanks for your help.
06-19-2011, 07:10 PM
Was it Joann you tried to call? I already spoke to her today, she was going out for the day and could not help (she is the one who gave me the vet info, actually, if it is Joann you are speaking about.)
06-19-2011, 07:14 PM
Yes. That was one of the numbers I received. Thanks for the update.
Was it Joann you tried to call? I already spoke to her today, she was going out for the day and could not help (she is the one who gave me the vet info, actually, if it is Joann you are speaking about.)
06-19-2011, 07:16 PM
I just called her again and left her a message as well. Hopefully she will get it soon and get back to you (or me). I told her if she could at least let you bring it to her, she could give it pain meds and tomorrow I could see if I could get it to a vet to get it checked out. I will let you know if I hear anything (I could not go anywhere today as my hubby was gone for the day and I could not leave my kids.)
06-19-2011, 09:15 PM
Even after what must have been a long day, Joanne drove over in the dark to pick up the squirrel. The squirrel is very hurt but at least now she has the benefit of a caregiver who can help her with her pain. And she did seem to enjoy her strawberry that I held for her so perhaps there's some hope.
I can't thank her and the members of this board who put me in touch with her for your kindness. Thanks to everyone who helped.
I understand that there are a great many bad things in this world but it seems to me that the people who spend so much time and love looking after the smallest and most vulnerable are one of the clearest signs that there are still a lot of good things in this world, too.
Thanks again (and again)
06-19-2011, 09:17 PM
Good to hear Joann came and got her (Thank you, Joann!) And thank you for taking the time to find help for this baby. Whatever happens, she will be safe and taken care of.
06-19-2011, 09:30 PM
Wow , what an effort. You all are amazing. :thankyou for an incredible rescue :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown Prayers for this sweet squirrel :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
06-19-2011, 10:43 PM
Good to hear Joann came and got her (Thank you, Joann!) And thank you for taking the time to find help for this baby. Whatever happens, she will be safe and taken care of.
:thankyou :thankyou
Jackie in Tampa
06-20-2011, 06:04 AM
:thankyou rescuers:bowdown
good luck sweet squirrel:Love_Icon
island rehabber
06-20-2011, 06:05 AM
Beautiful work, MA members! :bowdown :grouphug :bowdown :grouphug calder68, you are so one of us, even if you don't quite know it yet. Bless you for rescuing this little squirrel. :Love_Icon
06-30-2011, 09:29 AM
I spoke to Joann the other day and thought I would update this post. Sadly, this baby was actually paralyzed from the neck down, most likely a break higher up. She ate for Joann and drank, Joann gave her pain meds and she snuggled up in a big pile of fleece and quietly passed during the night. Not the ending we had hoped for, but she was warm, fed, and not in pain, so at least she did not die cold and alone outside or by a predator. RIP little one. And thank you to those who took the time to help her.
What a shame.
Sleep well little one.:grouphug
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