View Full Version : Non squirrel pinks RIP :(

06-18-2011, 11:10 AM
Yesterday morning I took in 3 virginia opossums from a DOR mom...they were around 8 grams....anything less than 20 is next to impossible...but we tried. They tubed and fed well....they just faded away :dono Also have a WT fawn who is giving me fits. She was hit by a car...She has a spinal injury....she is making a sloooooow progress....This has been a sucky week! On a good note, my mentor sent me a singleton starling who is a non release. I LOVE starlings and I'm enjoying him being here. Sorry for the non squirrel related post, just hadn't shared anything in awhile and it had been a rather eventful week! :shakehead

06-18-2011, 08:27 PM
I am sorry you are having such a terrible week. It really is hard to lose any babies. So helpless. You tried your very best. They died loved, safe, warm and fed. What a wonderful thing you did for them. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon Keep us updated on the fawn and your precious Starling. They are sweet, aren't they?

06-18-2011, 09:18 PM
I'm so discouraged....or more just sad about the fawn...she presented with rear paralysis and it was pretty doubtful she'd do any good...but we decided I didn't have much else going on so we decided to give her a few days...she actually regained feeling in both rear legs and started to move them, making progress every day....THEN...at the point of impact, right over her behind...an abscess formed!!! Since then she hasn't done the greatest and it's becoming apparent that there may not be much else I can do. Her prognosis at best right now is guarded....as for the starling... I DO love them! He's the one positive thing this week and I'm enjoying him. He's probably a couple months old....still drab grey...I'll have to remember to post pics when he get's his "stars".

06-18-2011, 09:38 PM
I'm so discouraged....or more just sad about the fawn...she presented with rear paralysis and it was pretty doubtful she'd do any good...but we decided I didn't have much else going on so we decided to give her a few days...she actually regained feeling in both rear legs and started to move them, making progress every day....THEN...at the point of impact, right over her behind...an abscess formed!!! Since then she hasn't done the greatest and it's becoming apparent that there may not be much else I can do. Her prognosis at best right now is guarded....as for the starling... I DO love them! He's the one positive thing this week and I'm enjoying him. He's probably a couple months old....still drab grey...I'll have to remember to post pics when he get's his "stars".
Can the abscess be drained and/or started on antibiotics? Since Chronic Wasting Disease was reported in MD we have to have a deer/fawn license to rehabilitate them now. I have had fawns in the past, but I would usually take them to other rehabbers who do them more often. They can go down hill fast, as you know. Keep your courage up. Things will turn around. :grouphug Would love pics of the Starling. :poke

06-19-2011, 11:12 AM
Actually the abscess did open and drain a few day's ago...the issue is this...bear with me while I try to explain...the abscess was directly over her rear parts....so basically after the abscess opened and drained and the skin sloughed...she is left with nothing back there....she is still peeing ok but her pooping has slowed down...we thought maybe it would heal and scar and she would still be ok but still she just seem's to be fading on me. In the beginning we tried to get her in with our local deer guru but she was full and basically said that she'd have to euth her but if I didn't have anything else going on it wouldn't hurt if we wanted to give her a few days. She's getting antibiotics and also fluid thereapy as needed....but I feel come tomorrow I will be making a very tough decision. She's been in good spirits all this time but today not so much..she didn't poop the last day or so and I worry about bloat...I promised I wouldn't let her keep on if she didn't feel ok. I really feel at this point I am fighting a battle already lost.