View Full Version : Mouth Rot? / IDK - HELP!!
06-14-2011, 02:05 PM
I tried to release two of my Squirrel yesterday "they did not want to go" so it will be nice and slow with these two..... Edward & Bella (My Vampire Squirrels) - they are 5 months old and have been outside in their release for almost 2 months now and I notice that the female has some thing WRONG with her MOUTH and it looks sunken in from the outside and wet like - not sure what it is but the first thing that came to mind was MOUTH ROT (not that I know what that is, but that's what my mind and two eyes came up with).
The Male seems to have a slight case of this too..... they were fine when I had them inside the house with me, but they did come to me WILD and in ROUGH SHAPE at about 2 mouth old.
These are two of the squirrels I got from Karen in Orlando..... some one was trying sale them and had them a trap in the bath tub on a diet of sun flower seeds & peanut butter - poor things were scared to death for the first entire month I had them, I had to feed them burrito style and wear thick gloves for my own safety.
But after I got them home with me they were raised on FV & HHB..... along with fresh veg / fruits and the best nuts money could buy - and lots of wild plants.
So now you can understand why I am confused to what could be wrong with them...... :dono
:worthless :poke :worthless
I KNOW I KNOW ...................... so WAIT here they come. :rotfl
------> see GRASSHOPPER is LEARNING - :D
06-14-2011, 02:07 PM
Here are 3 PICS of BELLA...... she is the WORSE
06-14-2011, 02:24 PM
Wow, thats interesting... poor critters! It almost looks like blood, but its hard to tell. Do their mouths stink? Talk about living up to your name, eh? :rotfl
Nancy in New York
06-14-2011, 02:56 PM
Just a little resizing...
06-14-2011, 03:26 PM
Could they have just gotten too hot and they were slobbering??
My Annie did that one day when the heat index shot up, she was really wet around her mouth. Brought her in, cleaned her up and she was fine.
Are they eating/able to eat o.k.?
06-14-2011, 03:33 PM
No their mouths do NOT stink and No it is not blood as I can still get with in a good three or four inches of them and can tell.... It is a dark brown and dry, but looks wet & icky - :thinking :thinking
I want to make sure this is not some thing I need to be concerned about or treat before I go and released them.... I did not open the cage door today as I am waiting the ADVICE of OUR EXPERTS.
No, slobbering.... I first noticed signs of this about a month ago, it was just not as bad.
Eating, Drinking, Playing are all OK - No Changes (everything seems fine)
06-14-2011, 03:39 PM
I have 3 other SQUIRRELS (had 6) outside in Release Cages and they are ALL OK - :thumbsup :thumbsup
06-14-2011, 03:54 PM
:dono i am no expert by any means, but what came to mind is the "lipstick" they get after eating fresh walnuts (and, maybe, some other stuff?)
I know, this is not a season for fresh walnuts, but, maybe, they are eating something that gives them this "lipstick"?...:thinking
Hope, this is nothing serious
06-14-2011, 04:09 PM
Their main NUTS are Almonds and Hazelnuts (shelled) - they get Walnuts & Pecans (shelled) as an occasional treat.
.... they eat every thing that my other 3 outside squirrels eat and that my three inside babies eat.
Nuts come from here - but once again ALL my Squirrels eat the same NUTS!! - :dono
06-14-2011, 04:16 PM
I know, this is not a season for fresh walnuts, but, maybe, they are eating something that gives them this "lipstick"?...:thinking Your Question made Me think........ Blueberries :thinking They do eat Blueberries now
Could those be doing this to them..... or would Blueberries leave a BLUE COLOR on them? :dono
island rehabber
06-14-2011, 04:55 PM
Black walnuts give them black lips & tongues, BIG TIME.
Cherries, raspberries and blueberries can also do it.
06-14-2011, 05:03 PM
Never use black walnuts, they only get regular walnuts..... but they do eat blueberries (so do the other 6 squirrels and they are fine)
- but never the less I WILL CUT the BLUEBERRIES OUT of Edward & Bella's DIET for REST OF WEEK and see if THINGS CHANGE.
06-15-2011, 11:50 AM
24 hours with out any Blueberries and while Bella's mouth area still looks a little strange
the wetness does not appear to be there at the moment - still watching.
In the mean time ENJOY these PIC...
Bella gets a DRINK - Edward eats some FOOD
06-15-2011, 12:20 PM
24 hours with out any Blueberries and while Bella's mouth area still looks a little strange
the wetness does not appear to be there at the moment - still watching.
In the mean time ENJOY these PIC...
Bella gets a DRINK - Edward eats some FOOD
Rhapsody, your Bella and Edward are so cute! Seeing Edward sitting in the food bowl brings a question to mind. Do any of your squirrels pee in their food bowl? Mine that live alone do not, but where I have multiples, it seems that after they have pretty much eaten their meal, one of them will pee in the bowl on the remainder of the food! They have the stainless steel bowls that sit in the metal holder so it is up a bit. I just wondered if anyone else sees this and if you think it is something that just happens or if you think one of them is doing this on purpose!
Jackie in Tampa
06-15-2011, 12:21 PM
I am thinking they may have been drooling{sp}...
Florida is hot hot hot...
they may need to be watched carefully today...and if there are dogs or anything to upset them, that can contribute to them being over active during peak temps...
just thinking "what was that???' on BOTH of their faces???
do they have a roof over the release cage? even if they are in a shadey area, I really think we need covers on our release cages in FL...
I am currently using fans too, keeps them cool, and the skitters away.
When it's really hot, I use a mist'r and let them get a wee bit wet...not wet wet, just damp fur ...helps to cool them down...
I feed blueberries often...have never seen anything like that from any type food.
another sq mystery...:sanp3
:poke when is marvin coming over????
06-15-2011, 04:17 PM
Will they let you handle them, or get close enough to clean their mouths with a wet cloth?
06-16-2011, 01:59 AM
Do any of your squirrels pee in their food bowl? Mine that live alone do not, but where I have multiples, it seems that after they have pretty much eaten their meal, one of them will pee in the bowl on the remainder of the food!
I just wondered if anyone else sees this and if you think it is something that just happens or if you think one of them is doing this on purpose!YES!! YES!! SAME HERE!! - I wonder IF one of them is trying to CLAIM (scent marking) the BOWL? :thinking :thinking :thinking
BTW - EDWARD..... Never and I mean Never sits in His BOWL (he generally grabs his food and jumps back on top of the smaller cage to eat) - that pic was 100% a Photo Opportunity for his Dear Old MOM - :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
06-16-2011, 02:07 AM
do they have a roof over the release cage? even if they are in a shadey area, I really think we need covers on our release cages in FL...
I feed blueberries often...have never seen anything like that from any type food.
another sq mystery...:sanp3
:poke when is marvin coming over????Yes.... I have wooden tops (covers) over all my release cages, a towel/fleece in their cage for wiping their precious little faces on after eating..... and a GOOD SHADE TREE or TWO near by. :thumbsup :thumbsup
Funny YOU ask about Marven... I was just talking to Brandon today asking IF he was available to drive me over this weekend..... YOU Available Saturday?
- as Sunday is Father's Day and I got 3 Dad's to Entertain with an Awesome Homemade Lasagna Dinner and Cherry Cheese Cake.
06-16-2011, 02:14 AM
Will they let you handle them, or get close enough to clean their mouths with a wet cloth?Not really...... they have been very skittish from the get go and Bella is a super scardy cat - but I did just add a towel/fleece to their cage for wiping their precious little faces on after eating.... and strange as it sounds NEITHER Edward or Bella have had these weird wet icky marks on or around their mouth areas since I stopped the Blueberries two days ago...... but they do still have the recent darkening coloration around the bottom mouth area and I am now thinking this is probably just their personal markings as far as color goes. prob? :dono
06-16-2011, 02:21 AM
When it's really hot, I use a mist'r and let them get a wee bit wet...not wet wet, just damp fur ...helps to cool them down...Sooooooooooo - are you saying I should take the Spray Bottle (to one we tried to use to keep the cats off the kitchen counter - :rotfl ) out with me when I feed the Squirrels and Give them a little Squirt or two?
Mrs Skul
06-16-2011, 03:05 AM
:wave123 Rhapsody
What kind of shad trees? Could it be the sap? I know my wilds when eating pine cones will look wet and sticky around the mouth.
I know a certain time of year one tree will drip sap all over the cars and the ground. It is very sticky and if dirt gets on them look out. :D
In the 1 picture where one is laying on the nest box. Look at the rear end by the tail. :thinking It almost looks like it's the same wet look.
They are both very pretty Squirrels.:Love_Icon
06-16-2011, 03:22 AM
:wave123 Rhapsody
What kind of shad trees? Could it be the sap? I know my wilds when eating pine cones will look wet and sticky around the mouthNo Sap - No Pine Cone. They have an Oak Tree over them and while we do have a Pine Tree on the other side of the yard that I feed to my squirrels these two DO NOT like them..... go figure.
BTW - Benny & Cecil are in a Release Cage just 5 feet from Edward & Bella and they are fine...... hence why I was concerned - there are other squirrels (rehab, released, wild) that are all with in the same area of these two squirrels and no other squirrels have the same look, wetness, or sunken in mouth area..... but maybe I am just being overly concerned being Squammy and ALL - but better Safe than Sorry.
06-16-2011, 03:34 AM
This is their general area...... trees are BIGGER now (more shade)
This is their Double Release Cage.... shade from 2 pm on
Jackie in Tampa
06-16-2011, 08:01 AM
call me friday...:thumbsup
I try to go to the farmers market saturday mornings and hit all the tag sales between here and there, usually home noonish...
do you need nuts from there? do you want to split a 50 pound bag of mixed nuts? or almonds?
Are bella and edwards mouths back to normal...whatever it was, I hope it never comes back...weird huh?!
Spice is inside and causing a ruckus as usual...
she slithers all over everything in this house, rubbing her sweet little belly on everything as if to say...
this is mine, this is mine, that's mine, this too!:osnap
crazy little girl! Gotta love The Spice!!:Love_Icon
Jackie in Tampa
06-16-2011, 08:10 AM
I gotta ask...
why do you have a small cage inside the big cage?
it seems they would have more space to play and hop and pop without it.
I would hang that nest box on the outside of the big cage secured well, so it doesn't take so much room too, and add a shelf mid way up from the bottom! Squirrels like to sleep high...:thumbsup
hang a JIT boa and a hammock...oh lala!
well, that's what I would do...not saying it would be right..:tilt
I guess you are going to build an entire structure there...I see your poles etc..that's a great idea and size...:alright.gif
do like I did/do and start junkin' surprised what building materials you can recover!
I know you cruise Craigs list...are you a member of's a bonus!:wott
Hope top see you saturday if no crisis between now and then!:crazy
Marvins visit is my reward...
the pie and lasagna sound good too!:D
06-16-2011, 10:54 PM
I gotta ask...
why do you have a small cage inside the big cage?
Simply Answer..... When I first got the cage off CL I was informed by TSB that the bar spacing was to wide apart to be used as an outside Release Cage, but over time I thought other wise, so I placed a smaller cage I was using as a back up cage in the Release Cage for extra protection for when our local Possums come sneaking around at night (and they do) - - - the Squirrels run into the smaller cage and then into their Nest Box and are safe from their would be eaters until the hounds are turned loose to chase the predators off our property.
:thumbsup this set up has been working for GREAT for 7 months so far :thumbsup
I guess you are going to build an entire structure there...I see your poles etc..that's a great idea and size...:alright.gif
do like I did/do and start junkin' surprised what building materials you can recover!
I know you cruise Craigs list...are you a member of's a bonus!:wott Never heard of IT - but I DO NOW!! ---Thanks.
Hope top see you saturday if no crisis between now and then!:crazy
Marvins visit is my reward...
the pie and lasagna sound good too!:DBrandon and I (with Marven and New Squ Pinkie Friend) will be there RAIN SLEET or HURRICANE..... :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
---say around our usual time of 3 PM?
---no lasagna & pie until Sunday - :D
06-16-2011, 11:05 PM
do you need nuts from there? do you want to split a 50 pound bag of mixed nuts? or almonds?
Are bella and edwards mouths back to normal...whatever it was, I hope it never comes back...weird huh?!Yes, I am starting to run low on NUTS..... How much $$$ is HALF for a 50 lb BAG of Mix Nuts?
Edward & Bella mouths were doing GREAT the 3 days I did not give them any Blueberries, but as soon as I added them back into their diet the wetness returned to the bottom of their mouths..... I am wondering IF this might just be the fruit juice getting on them? :dono ---as their little mouths are not formed like my others squirrels mouths are (poss birth defect?) and the juice from the blueberries could very well leak out.
06-16-2011, 11:31 PM
Rhapsody, this reminds me of something Meemor would do: he'd nibble a blueberry a little and then open it like a book. Then he would eat out the center before moving on to either side. The Blueberry Book's 'pages' would be smushed on each of his cheeks while he ate the center out, nose right in there. And of course, his cheeks and chin would get messy and sticky from the juice. He'd always discard the I'm assuming he ate the blueberries like a Book Nerd because he didn't like the pages...err, skins. :D
Your blueberries are bigger and juicier down south, I imagine. So I could see your kids doing something like this and really getting their little mouth area all a sticky mess. :dono
Anyway, hope all is well over there. :)
06-17-2011, 03:43 AM
Up for 4 am feeding (back to every 2 to 3 hr feeding) for Marven's Friend the New Pinkie Squirrel I just got in
Thursday after the BIG HAIL STORM we had in Lakeland on Wednesday..... thought I would post a PIC.
Here is Ponyo (pawn yo) --->
Weighing Ponyo - 10 grams
:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
06-17-2011, 06:53 AM
Glad we seem to have decided it is the blueberries!
Ah PINKIE PONYO! I'm assuming Ponyo as in the Miyazaki movie about the little girl/fish?? If so, woo! :D
06-17-2011, 07:09 AM
Glad we seem to have decided it is the blueberries! That's what I am looking at atm - but dont close the thread just yet..... I want to give it another week to make sure.
I'm assuming Ponyo as in the Miyazaki movie about the little girl/fish?? If so, woo! :DYEP..... The One and ONLY - Just watched the Movie last weekend with My Granddaughter...... :thumbsup :rotfl :rotfl
06-17-2011, 07:13 AM
HEY JACKIE!! - WE will be bringing PONYO along with US on SATURDAY...... so YOU will get to MEET & KISS on HIM as well...... :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
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