View Full Version : Advice needed on protein isolate powder

06-14-2011, 08:49 AM
I make the home made HHB's. Messed up and I've run out of protein isolate. Not time to order from Henry's before I run out of blocks. 1 batch lasts us 2-3 days.

So my question today is I am trying to figure out the differences in whey protein isolate powders.

How do I know what to buy and not to buy?

And if in a real pinch could I use wheat flour instead for a batch?

Jackie in Tampa
06-14-2011, 09:09 AM
the health food stores carry it...I always buy the NOW brand, unflavored...no problem...
the groocery store ONLY carries the whey protein that is flavored and other stuff added to make POWER SHAKES, I do not use these as they have OTHER stuff and so would NOT BE BALANCED,,,,
my son has tons of money tied up into these as he uses them to hulk/bulk up when working out. YUCK, dirty word, WORKING OUT!

HI lili...today...I am going to attempt to replace my water heater ALONE...
I figure my neighbor Bob will create more havoc than if I wing it...BOB is clueless, yet he feels he needs to help...oye...
him helping is scarier than me doing it myself...:shakehead
there is more to the story...:sanp3
I bought a water haeter that is bigger than my old one...and because my house is a remodel, Fred squeezed the last one in...
so cross your fingers ...
JIT with power tools...I have to sawzall out the original lead plumbing coming from the slab in order to fit this new bigger model in...
I took a really good bath last night, {I carried 20 gallons of boiled water to the tub}...but I am squeaky clean...just in case it takes me a few days...OYE!
OK...here goes GIRL POWER!!!!! I hope...
we can gamble on how many days and how many trips to Home Depot!!!!:osnap :rotfl :jump :rotfl :osnap

and how many bandaids and how I really look when it's all over...
praying I do not have to call in a REAL plumber to get me outta trouble....:rotfl :rotfl
will I still be sane????

Good Luck with the Whey...
wish me luck too, I think I am going to need it!:D

06-14-2011, 09:54 AM
Jackie with all the squirrels to help why would you need a man to assist?:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

If Bob shows up send him on errands. Make sure you have your phone handy in case you get in trouble.

Good luck. Think hot shower!:thumbsup