View Full Version : 6 Weeks Old Squirrel

06-12-2011, 12:46 PM
Hi All,

This is my first time posting on Squirrel Board and I am so thankful I found this site. I found an infant squirrel a little over 6 weeks ago. I believe she (Stevie) was about 2 weeks old. I followed most of the necessary nutritional requirements and she is doing extremely well. She now has her upper and lower teeth but I am a bit concern with how they are they suppose to grow. How long are they suppose to be? Should I do something to help maintain its length? What about alignment? Should they be aligned properly? If not, what will happen if they are not? Any suggestion at this point it helpful.


06-13-2011, 11:42 AM
Give her fresh, tender branches to chew on (also rodent block). Upper incisors are shorter than lower ones (lower incisors often look much longer than top ones). If they are not aligned, they cannot wear down properly and continue to grow. Unless she had major head trauma or a genetic problem, she prob. won't have misalignment problems. I'm sure there's thread here on malocclusion (sp?).