View Full Version : Pine Nuts??

06-08-2011, 10:01 PM
I know I read somewhere that pine nuts were really high in fat but I was curious if they could be given just occasionally as a treat? The reason I am asking- I used to use them often in my own cooking but have recently removed them from my diet, and I have a fresh bag sitting in the pantry...Pretty sure it would be a SIN to waste nuts in this house if avoidable :)

06-08-2011, 10:42 PM
They are fine as a treat every now and then!! :thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
06-09-2011, 06:10 AM
they are very high in phosphorus...
and soooo expensive!
excess phosphorus interrupts the absorbtion of calcium...
just a head's up:)

Mickey's Mom
06-09-2011, 08:15 AM
My rehab squirrels never seem to care much for the pignolis or shelled pine nuts. But they go absolutely WILD for pine nuts in the shell, and I feed them as a treat. You can buy them from Nuts Online in 1 or 5lb bags. They're frightfully expensive (about $10/lb) but it's like nirvana for squirrels. mjs

06-09-2011, 12:53 PM
they are very high in phosphorus...
and soooo expensive!
excess phosphorus interrupts the absorbtion of calcium...
just a head's up:)

Good to know JIT! I have been concerned with their calcium intakes just for the simple fact that they have weaned themselves from formula. They do eat their rodent block, but I am unsure how much they need to eat daily in order to get enough. I always keep a supply available in their cage so they can have as much as they want. I do feed BooBalls as well, but sometimes Pistachio just seems to "shred" them rather than eat them.

I know they are VERY expensive, which is why I wanted to give them to the sqs rather than waste a fresh bag :D . If it is going to block calcium though, I will keep them VERY limited.

06-09-2011, 01:51 PM
Good to know JIT! I have been concerned with their calcium intakes just for the simple fact that they have weaned themselves from formula. They do eat their rodent block, but I am unsure how much they need to eat daily in order to get enough. I always keep a supply available in their cage so they can have as much as they want. I do feed BooBalls as well, but sometimes Pistachio just seems to "shred" them rather than eat them.

I know they are VERY expensive, which is why I wanted to give them to the sqs rather than waste a fresh bag :D . If it is going to block calcium though, I will keep them VERY limited.

Chop them up with a couple handsful of basil leaves, a handful of parmesan cheese, a little garlic, and mix with enough olive oil to make a runny paste, dump over pasta and Voila! Pasta with Pesto!