View Full Version : Sneezing

06-06-2011, 11:04 PM
Hey gang... Well this is my first time here.. hope you guys can help me.. I belong to another board but it's always good to get as much info as possible from as many people as possible.
My little girl is about 10 weeks old now.. Her eyes were closed when I got her May 6th and opened up three days later.. She is doing quite well.. other's have told me they don't like how lanky she looks but she's doing much better now. I originally started her with the scalded milk solution but recently changed to Fox Valley formula. I won't get into everything right now but she is VERY active and just doing wonderfully except the sneezing. Originally when I got her she was cold and had the sneezing at my house at first. What is odd and I just thought of it now is that I just brought her home to my house rather than my girlfriends and she is sneezing again.. I thought she may have caught a cold from the trip in the night from my girlfriends. While I was writing this now I just thought of this unique difference. She is VERY, VERY active.. she eats just fine and plays just fine and explores just fine.. she doesn't have any breathing issues.. when she is sleeping no wheezing, no sniffles, nothing.. sleeps well!!! Perhaps allergic to something in my house.. But my house is VERY clean.. It's very old house but my house is very clean.. I don't use any sort of chemicals in my house.. Her eyese are clear and look fine.. her nose does not seem dirty or crusty.. and the sneezing is outward.. as she is trying to clear it.. not sucking.. Her teeth look ok.. although I need to look again.. but they are not too long.. and she has an appropriate animal teething rock that she naws on.. Anyone have any ideas???


06-07-2011, 02:22 AM
Wanting to clarify....... Are you saying that she ONLY sneezes when she is at your house?
(possible mold) (any pets) (cologne / after shave) (house spray for smell good) :dono

Jackie in Tampa
06-07-2011, 06:40 AM
we do not recommend dryer sheets, pesticides, incense, wood shavings.
Do you have her on a heat source?
If it is a respitory issue, 3 days of SMZ-TMp would help...
if lower incisors are too long, they have been known to pierce the palate...just thinking out loud.
It took 8 years before I ever saw a sq witrh a cold...but I do believe they can have one.
Hope you find solution.
:Welcome :wave123 Welcome to TSB!
we love pics!

island rehabber
06-07-2011, 06:53 AM
Are you sure it's sneezing? Squirrels have a little "pfffft!" thing they do when they are smelling and exploring things; many folks have mistaken this for sneezing. Watch when she does it: is it always at the same time that she's sniffing or exploring something? Could be a "pfffft!". :)

BTW: Good work, switching to FV!! You've probably saved her life. :thumbsup :bowdown

06-07-2011, 08:27 AM
Thanks guys & gals... :) I noticed she did it less this morning.. :) She was exploring.. I used to have air fresheners in the rooms but I have since trashed them all and they are in the garbage outside.. I opened the windows yesterday to bring in fresh air. We also have had a bad allergy season.. She has a heating pad under the bottom of the metal cage.. It actually warms up the bedding which is cloth bedspreads.. it is good enough that she doesn't get her nails caught up in it. And the warming of the sheets is just right.. she also has other areas to escape to should she not want warmness. I learned very early on to stay away from perfumed linen or anything with some sort of smell added by cleaning.. I clean everything with water well.. no soap and try to keep everything I would say "granola" if you know what I mean.. "whole foods people"... :P
She is a very strong little one!!! She is awful lanky but she eats.. and I feed her plenty as well as these "booballs" that I got from another board. I give her all different veggies.. and tried many fruit but she's partial really to apple. I can't possibly tell you everything in a few postings.. She also get's pecans, walnuts, etc...
I just HATE leaving her at home all alone in her cage.. she has a big cage and plenty to do.. she just climbs and wants to come out when I am home.. she misses me.. (damn work!!) Well talking about work.. I just got in and have to actually do some..

Take Care..

Jackie in Tampa
06-07-2011, 08:49 AM
Sounds like she has it made!:thumbsup
Cannot speak for the booballs as they have never been analysed....but there is another squirrel food, HHBs, Henrys Healthy Blocks, which have been certified and approved by rat nutritionists, ...and are recommend for sqs in captivity, all natural and no preservatives, for you granola people:D and your sqs!:Love_Icon
We have a nutrition forum with lots of good info to insure the best diet possible!
Glad you found TSB!:wave123
:poke we love pics!!!!

06-07-2011, 09:53 AM
Thanks everyone!!! It's nice to be here... The other board can be a little critical... And I won't mention anything but when your a first timer you do the best you can and you go with your heart. I persued a lot of what Clarissa recommends and a lot don't like that but my choice. I since then have moved to Fox Valley as she doesn't bash that really and Nick is great and I believe it is a good product. Now that little black cloud over the Esbilac on some ingredients I am not willing to risk with my little girl.. I understand that things may have changed but I'll stick with the Fox Valley it has a lot of good reviews. I have rodent blocks they are KayTee I think.. she doesn't mind them.. I have to find a store that has those other everyone speaks about but I don't know where. I am working on making sure she gets all the right nutrients she needs. I also make sure she gets her sunlight daily as well. I just feel sooooo bad leaving her at home.. I turn the TV on in the other room so she hears voices.. :) She is just so cute.. I am starting to teach her bad things to chew on like cords.. I am in the dicipline stage with her on that.. (naturally won't ever leave her unattended ever!) but she needs to learn...

Again thank you and nice to be here!!! I am not in SC.. I didn't want to post where I am at until I get to know everyone...


06-07-2011, 10:26 AM
Thanks everyone!!! It's nice to be here... The other board can be a little critical... And I won't mention anything but when your a first timer you do the best you can and you go with your heart. I persued a lot of what Clarissa recommends and a lot don't like that but my choice. I since then have moved to Fox Valley as she doesn't bash that really and Nick is great and I believe it is a good product. Now that little black cloud over the Esbilac on some ingredients I am not willing to risk with my little girl.. I understand that things may have changed but I'll stick with the Fox Valley it has a lot of good reviews. I have rodent blocks they are KayTee I think.. she doesn't mind them.. I have to find a store that has those other everyone speaks about but I don't know where. I am working on making sure she gets all the right nutrients she needs. I also make sure she gets her sunlight daily as well. I just feel sooooo bad leaving her at home.. I turn the TV on in the other room so she hears voices.. :) She is just so cute.. I am starting to teach her bad things to chew on like cords.. I am in the dicipline stage with her on that.. (naturally won't ever leave her unattended ever!) but she needs to learn...

Again thank you and nice to be here!!! I am not in SC.. I didn't want to post where I am at until I get to know everyone...


Sounds like you're doing a great job! One thing you will NOT find here is criticism. :osnap The lovely people here are always supportive and understanding. They have all been in the same place at one time or another! In my opinion: there are no such things as mistakes when you have your babies best interest at heart, just learning experiences.

As far as Esbilac. There is such a fan base for both FVN and Esbilac that it can be confusing. Personally I used Esbilac on some of my babies and lost them to horrible diarrhea and dehydration which I am convinced was because of the Esbilac change in ingredients. I use FVN on all my wilds and love it! Nick is wonderful!!!

But go by your own experience. It is wonderful to have experienced rehabbers advice, but always go with your best opinion. You want whats best for your baby and thats what matters.

I am going to agree with island rehabber. Sounds to me like an exploring sneeze. Puppies and kittens do the same thing when they are younger. If there is no discharge or adverse symptoms then I wouldn't worry about it.

Good luck and:Welcome to TSB!!:jump :jump

09-08-2011, 10:07 AM
Just thought I'd post some new pics of Sophie (i did on the other board a while ago...)... She's doing so well... :) And she's got a new cage... she loves it.. :)

Also here is a youtube video of her..

