View Full Version : Winthrop Harold Winthorp

06-05-2011, 01:28 PM
On May 1st my sister and I decided to eat lunch at the park. It was extremely windy and cold, and this baby squirrel at the pavilion slowly made his way over and used us to shield him from the wind. He was scrawny, couldn't climb anything, and ended up literally following us to my car and jumping up in the wheel well when we decided it was time to go.

We drove home very slowly, flashers on, and when we got home he was still huddled up there. Try as we might we could not convince him to come out. All night we kept waking up and checking on him to make sure he was alright, and he was still there unharmed, but he hadn't drunk or eaten a thing the entire time. In the morning he was no longer there.

Wrong. I turned to tell my neighbor that I wasn't a crazy loon that looked under her car on the hour every day and heard a familiar clicking noise. He was on the back tire! He proceeded to come right up to me and hop on my shoulder.

My sister and I have done quite a bit of research and are feeding him plenty of the recommended vegetables and shelled nuts. We're learning he's a picky eater. The only thing we've had trouble with is finding a place that sells this rodent block which is supposed to be good for them.

However, here he is in all his glory!


06-05-2011, 01:34 PM

There he is. I don't know why it didn't work in the last one.

Jackie in Tampa
06-05-2011, 02:10 PM
:Welcome :wave123
He's {??} adorable...
looks very young, probably should be having formula twice a day too..
The recommended formula is Fox Valley.
you will need syringe to feed him with.

and yes Rodent/rat blocks...NOT SEED, no corn either.
You can usually find the rodent blocks at most pet stores...I think the recommended retail brands are Kaytee, Oxbow and Mazurri.

Have you cked to see if he is hydrated?
have you seen urine or poops?
something must have happened to his mother...if you can get back to where you found him, chances are there may be more baby sqs.

Here's a link to help you with supplies

and here's a link to help age and sex your little one...
also first step info...all the way to release!

Thank you for finding TSB...
If you would like we will help you get him to a rehabber,
or we can walk you thru releasing him back to the wild in a few months..


Kelly Brady
06-05-2011, 02:43 PM
:Welcome to TSB !!!! This is a great place to help you through with the little one that chose you to take care of him.

More pictures would be wonderful.

06-05-2011, 06:03 PM
:Welcome :wave123 Glad you found found TSB . Your little one is sooooooooooo darling.