View Full Version : Baby loon/bird found.

06-02-2011, 08:19 PM
Hi guys, i found an orphaned baby loon & nowhere he can go is open..
I don't know what and how to feed him.. i do have meal worms and such.
Please tell me how to get him to eat and everything i need to know for the night.

Tickle's Mom
06-02-2011, 08:46 PM
I'd Pm psychobird......she knows what to do to help. She helped me with my lovebird. Thanks for taking the loon in and caring for him/her. They sure are cool. :thumbsup

I sent her a PM too

06-02-2011, 11:07 PM
NaturesGift has been helping me out with the baby bird I took in as well. I'll let her know about this thread, though I know she has another animal issue going on at the moment.. I do know she told me to feed mine some dog food soaked in water to get mushy, finely chopped boiled egg, yogurt, calcium powder or a crushed tums, and some gerber chicken baby food..

06-02-2011, 11:10 PM
Also you want to feed every 20 min or so, but only from sun up to sun down. Apparently night feeding is unhealthy for this which I did not know until earlier today! Interesting, huh?

06-03-2011, 07:47 AM
Wow! A loon. That would be such an interesting experience to raise. I know nothing about them so I don't have any advice. Hopefully there will be someone on here soon that can help you.

BTW, Charlie is doing great. He still doesn't want to use his hind foot much but is doing great otherwise. He shed his winter coat and now has a nice slick spring coat. He is a handsome little guy.:Love_Icon

06-03-2011, 07:51 AM
I made a thread on the Rehabbers forum in the bird section with a link to here. Hopefully that will get you some help sooner. Good luck.

06-03-2011, 10:24 AM
I am pretty sure that loons just eat fish, even as babies. Maybe get the little goldfish if he is really small.

06-03-2011, 02:33 PM
Hi so sorry I didn't notice I had a pm till just now!
Yes loons are very different than songbirds
I would feed fish and I would tube him a fish slurry
3% to his weight 4 or so times a day
Vit b (thiamin) must be added if the fish are dead, you could even shove chunks down his throat or whole small live ones
This bird must go to a facility that is set up for water birds
A kiddie pool will not be good enough his feather will suffer
But please oh please post pictures first!

06-03-2011, 03:27 PM
You shouldn't get the typical "we're full" crap either - loons are protected - up here in Maine they rope off entire islands to keep boats and people away from the nests. I think pretty much any rehab place would kill to get their hands on him.

06-04-2011, 07:39 PM
I agree with Crittersmom. It shouldn't be too hard to get him placed somewhere. They are not as common as squirrels and raccoons. Birds can be tough too. It is best to get him placed with a pro. Sorry. SOmeday you will find a baby you can keep. WHen you do we will all be here for you with all the answers and advice that we can give. It is baby squirrel season so you never know you might just find one.

Charlie is doing great but he doesn't want to share his nest box with Lumpy. At the moment they both want the one on the top level. Lumpy keeps trying to go in and when he does Charlie little hands come flying out swatting away! I have noticed one thing. Charlie never seems to bite. Not that I am willing to test that theory.:D I find that he tends to just swat and scratch. Thats ok with me. Much better than bitting!!!!!

06-06-2011, 05:30 AM
I rehab a baby loon and a horned gab you will need a kids pool about 4' Dia. and and about a dozen minnows a day they won't eat them if they are dead so you will need a airator from a fish tank and get ready for the fun watching them chase the minnows under the water