View Full Version : Need help with gender!!!!! :)

05-31-2011, 10:39 PM
Hi everyone, I am new here! I have just adopted two little flying squirrels... from two different people who couldnt keep them for different reasons... anyhow, I LOVE these lil guys... now I am having a really hard time with their gender... can anyone help??? The ons I got first is a boy FOR SURE! You can clearly see testicles there... the other one doesnt have those at all.... but its got a little pink thing on its belly... is that just its belly button?!?! LOL I don't know! anyways... Would he/she have a package like the other one if it was a boy?! Thank you!

05-31-2011, 10:44 PM
:wave123 :wave123 :wave123 :wave123 :wave123 :wave123

Sexing Flyers

05-31-2011, 10:55 PM
Thank you so much Seeing the pictures was great... although... This is a tough one... they are both about 8 months old, but the baby in question (Squeak) doesnt have anything hanging at ALL... but... there is still what looks like a penis up higher than it should be I think..... grrrr! lol.... man, wish i had one of you here right now to look for yourselves! lol

05-31-2011, 11:06 PM
Could you post some pics for us of yours?

06-01-2011, 07:51 AM
sure thing! if i can figure out how! lol:thankyou

06-01-2011, 08:16 AM
ok! Got the pics... now how on earth do i post them?! lol

06-01-2011, 08:29 AM

ok lets see if this works... see the problem is... that she/he does NOT have testicles AT ALL.... its TOTALLY flat.... I can't even feel anything inside if i feel around... BUT.... the poopoo hole and peepee are way far apart.... i dont know.... what do you guys think?!?!

06-01-2011, 08:31 AM
man! didnt work... can anyone tell me how to post the pic?

06-01-2011, 09:11 AM
Whoa it did work! Sorry its so big guys! I didn't know how to make it smaller... anyhow... can anyone help me figure out what my baby is?!?!! :):wott

06-01-2011, 09:13 AM
First, please resize the image to around 800-900dpi.
Then, in the board, you would hit reply as always.
Below the area where you type the msg, look for the "manage attachments" button.
Hit that, which will bring up a seperate window.
Click on the top "browse" button.
Find the file you want to attach...click (or double click) on it.
Add more if you want.
When finished, hit "upload", and wait for it to do so.
After the upload is done, go back to the message window.
Above the message box area, look for the little paperclip looking thing.
Click on that, then hit "insert all" if more than one, or just click the one.
The file/s will then be imbedded in the body of the msg.
Hit submit, and you're done.

You probably have two boys. One much younger than the other.

06-01-2011, 10:43 AM
If you would like me to resize and post it for you, you can PM me and I will give you my email address!

06-01-2011, 11:02 AM
i can see the pic...can you guys see? and it cant be that he is younger... he is 8 months old for sure maybe more... and my other is 7 months and it is clear in him... man am i confusedered! LOL :sanp3

06-01-2011, 11:03 AM
i can see the pic...can you guys see? and it cant be that he is younger... he is 8 months old for sure maybe more... and my other is 7 months and it is clear in him... man am i confusedered! LOL :sanp3

I can not see it, no..

06-01-2011, 11:11 AM
oh stink! i cant pm you either, it wont let me because I just joined a few days ago... :dono

06-01-2011, 11:51 AM
cat282ahc at nctv dot com

06-01-2011, 12:42 PM
oh man! I just spoke with a breeder and she said it looks like I have a steril male! Poo! I thought I had a girl and a boy... now I have two boys! sigh... now I have to figure out how to get a girl! :(:osnap

06-01-2011, 01:22 PM
PhotoBucket.com is GREAT for POSTING PICS - :thumbsup :thumbsup

06-01-2011, 01:59 PM
Like Rhapsody said, Photobucket is great, and also Imageshack.us is great too. Imageshack you don't need to register for, you can just upload a picture and it gives you the links to it and they give you the option to resize it. :)

06-01-2011, 02:13 PM
I hate to disagree with the breeder you spoke with but my male flyer didnt have his testicles descend until he was three years old and I introduced a female. Rest assured there was nothing wrong with him and his never went back up again. They just got bigger two times a year when he was in season. When he was in season his testicles were bigger than his head and thats no kidding. Stacey .

oh man! I just spoke with a breeder and she said it looks like I have a steril male! Poo! I thought I had a girl and a boy... now I have two boys! sigh... now I have to figure out how to get a girl! :(:osnap

06-01-2011, 06:55 PM
What Raygel said.
We have seen the same.

06-01-2011, 11:29 PM
really??!! wow... well now I dont know what to do! lol... I don't know if I should get 2 girls or if hes never going to have babies or what... maybe I will take him to a vet and ask their advice? will they know if he is sterile? also, has anyone ever heard of a girl with part that are farther apart? only asking this because I see a couple of pink srots where nipples should be and I'm wondering if its at all possible that its a girl with a far away peewee? lol:D

06-01-2011, 11:38 PM
I would strongly advise against getting a female.
I know the thought of having babies is cool...
However, you must then find responsible owners to care for them.
Please, by all means, reconsider getting a female.