View Full Version : Baby flyer questions...

m&bs mom
05-31-2011, 07:39 PM
I was wondering what type of wheel to get for a baby flyer? She isn't in her cage during the day...she is down my shirt. We ususally put her in the cage around midnight but would like to get her a wheel.

Also, she doesn't seem to be gaining as much weight as I would like to see her gain. She was found 2 weeks ago, a cat caught (along with her brother who sadly didn't make it). She weighed 21 grams and is only at 32 grams now. She eats 32/40 every 4 hours from 6 am until about 10 or 11 pm. She usually takes 3cc sometimes a bit more sometimes a bit less. I have had her throw up a few times right after eating but I assume from eating too much.

She is very active. She pees and poops well...she seems very content. This is my first time with a flyer and I love this little gal sooooo much!

Mrs. Skul has helped me out so much when I was trying to pull the other one through...such an amazing lady! I don't want to keep pestering her so any imput would be great!

PS...we named her Maya :)

05-31-2011, 08:38 PM
I bought a Stealth Wheel for mine, that seems to be the one everyone else uses from what I can tell. Its large enough for a flyer, tail safe, and you can buy a Trim Trax attachment for it that trims their nails as they run on it. They're fairly expensive though, wheel is about $40 and trimmer add-on is $8 or $9. Some flyers won't use a wheel, mine refuses to go near it unfortunately.. :shakehead Hopefully yours will.

How old is Maya?

m&bs mom
05-31-2011, 09:00 PM
Hi Jester

We do not know for sure on her age but we have guessed about 6 weeks. Eyes were opened and had fur when we got her 2 weeks ago.

I will look into that wheel...do I need to order or does Petco or Petsmart have them? We added a few bird type toys, pouch and a hammock for her...she still prefers the shirt!

I should also say that along with the 32/40 I do add full fat yogurt and heavy cream. She has blocks that she will sometimes much on. I have also tried some dehydrated mealworms...she wouldn't touch them.

She will be eating again in a hour or so but I just put her on the scale and she weighed in at a whopping 35 grams. I will try to get picts posted tomorrow...I think she is beautiful. A nice round tummy and happy eyes! I can't keep my lips off from her!

05-31-2011, 09:27 PM
Several months after getting my little guy and I still feel the exact same way. :D :Love_Icon

I've only seen the wheel online. I'm not sure the age they normally begin eating bugs because my guy was a few weeks older when I got him, but if you're looking for something to fatten her up, live waxworms can be quite fattening. She would probably enjoy them much more than the dried mealworms too. I also find them slightly less gross than the mealworms because they're pretty much little white caterpillars. You can usually buy them live at any pet store, they keep them in the back refrigerated so you've just gotta ask for them. :thumbsup

05-31-2011, 09:38 PM
The Stealth or Wodent Wheel should work well for the Flyer. :thumbsup

05-31-2011, 10:35 PM
Hi everyone, I am new here! :) I have just adopted two little flying squirrels... from two different people who couldnt keep them for different reasons... anyhow, I LOVE these lil guys... now I am having a really hard time with their gender... can anyone help??? The ons I got first is a boy FOR SURE! You can clearly see testicles there... the other one doesnt have those at all.... but its got a little pink thing on its belly... is that just its belly button?!?! LOL I don't know! anyways... Would he/she have a package like the other one if it was a boy?! Thank you! :):D

05-31-2011, 10:46 PM
Please do not repeat your post....... and Welcome to TSB :wave123

Sexing Flyers

05-31-2011, 10:56 PM
whoops! Sorry... I'm just figuring this whole post thing out! :) And thank you! :)

06-01-2011, 09:18 AM
Judging from weight, she is right about five weeks old.:)

m&bs mom
06-01-2011, 10:12 AM
Thanks Skul! We figured between 5 and 6 weeks. They have eyes opened and fur way befor the reds or greys. Having never done or even seeing a flyer before we just guessed!

m&bs mom
06-02-2011, 06:41 PM
I have a couple more questions.

When should I start giving Maya solid foods? She has rodent block in her cage that she nibbles on. Should I wait until she is eating that better? What are some good first foods for her? She takes FV 5x a day about 4cc each feeding.

Also at what point do I put a water bowl in her cage? I don't want to stop formula I just want to make sure that I am doing everything that I am supposed to!

I have yogurt drops made by gerber...the reds and greys love them. We also have an organic blueberry type cereal (for babies) that the other kids like. Do I start her on these or start the veggies first.

Maya is between 5-6 weeks. She weighed 40 grams earlier today if this helps.
