View Full Version : 3 month old squirrel went downhill in 24hrs-

05-31-2011, 05:50 AM

As I have spent the majority of my life raising squirrels and then once weaned bringing them to either a rehabber, or knowledgeable person to release my raised babies- I am having a horrible heartbreaking time right now.

Baby was found, eyes still closed, I raised him on formula, the formula I usually purchase was no longer available at this one feed store I goto every year.

I looked online purchased (sounds like similac- but isn't) its in the kitchen :/ and raised him on that- eyes opened, both had cataracts, he was in terrible shape when I got him- extremely dehydrated, and 2 scratches on his back thigh at which he lost alot of hair there.

all was fine- he moved onto veggies, fruits nuts, and monkey biscuit.

3 days ago WHAM falling over, weak, didn't want to eat- NOTHING.

Nothing was changed in his atmosphere or diet-NOTHING.

I made him a bowl of his formula- he refused the bottle so he was off that for the most part, I sprinkled in some powdered calcium I got at the pet store, he lapped up the whole bowl.

10-012hrs later- WORSE. Got a reptile lamp- set it up- nada.

Read on these boards and rushed and did the tums mixture- he would not eat them outright- so I had to mash it up liquidate it and either syringe into his mouth slowly, AND made the paste. Let him be on the heating pad, did it throughout the day for past 2 days.

He is SLIGHTLY better- and when I say slightly, compared to the total lump of nothingness he was, now he moves some, but is weak- I have been mixing tums into pedialyte for him, and giving it to him w syringe.

I DO know of a vet that does wildife obviously, now that the holiday is over I am going to beg for an appt this morning. He looks AWEFUL. He responds to me, and is better than prior to findiing this board about the metabolic/calcium deficiency.

I have NEVER in all my YEARS EVER had a single problem, this year, idk.

It could be him (not blaming him) BUT he truly was in terrible shape the first day I got him, not even believing he'd make it thru the nite. Now here we are 2 months later- and my poor baby is aweful. He was always 'off' with alot of neurological problems, and w the cataracts when his eyes opened, I assumed nutritional deficiency causing his neurological problems, and they did fade ALOT the cataracts. Even thou he was never 100%, I told myself if he did not pull thru enough to be releasable I would just keep him if the case may be.

HELP? Anyone? Questions? Ideas???
He seemed to go downhill when my mom was over, she said to try and give him some peanut butter on a carrot- and therafter he did not do well, that is why when I read about the calcium I rushed and did the tums- it seems to be the problem BUT never prior in ALL my years of fostering babies, have I ever ha such a problem- and now I am afraid I am going to lose him.

He's right on the cusp of potentially getting better- OR the small wave of better- before animals crash.

I have been up all night with him. I will be calling that vet I've brought other wildlife to this morning starting at 8 hoping she is open that early.
Thanks for any help.

05-31-2011, 05:58 AM
Ahh I cannot edit my post-
he did fall 13 feet or so it was told to me by a kid who found him- he had been abandoned- considering the shape he was in- he had nothing for quite awhile-

That is where the neurological comes into play-

he either had neurological from the fall- OR the deficiency (or both) as the cataracts in his eyes when they opened. I read it would go away over time if nutritional OR stay from neurological damage from his fall.

The cataracts did fade for the most part. He was always alittle off, but slowly improving- so it was a wait and see type of thing with his neurological end of things.

island rehabber
05-31-2011, 06:24 AM
Welcome rosespetal, but of course I'm sorry you're here under such dire circumstances. Was it Esbilac you were feeding? (If so, that's ok --it probably is not a nutrition issue in that case.) When you say he has other neuro issues, can you be a bit more detailed? (Does he stargaze, tip over, have seizures, tilt his head, etc.)
Can he have become dehydrated for some reason? Is his water bottle clogged? (I know, dumb question but you'd be surprised how often that happens to the best rehabbers :). Is his fur flat or sticking up all poky?
Sorry for all the questions, but it may help us to help you :)

Jackie in Tampa
05-31-2011, 06:25 AM
:Welcome Hi glad you found TSB...let's hope we can help...
I have seen cataracs many times in wilds, I agree most times it's bad nutrition. Blue/white eyes...
I have seen it in siblings too, so I feel you are right about that, but maybe due to trauma, idk for sure.

I would continue to push calcium...do you know how many miligrams are in the tums you are using?
most are 750's...yes crush and dilute with water and syringe feed.
the idea is to slowly, over a 24 hour period give 500 ml, some will say more.

It would help if we knew what formula you used?
Has the sq been weaned?
Is she/he 3 months old?
can you post a pic and get a weight in grams on her?
what is her daily diet? and what solids?
If you are feeding seeds, corn or scalded milk...this could be the issue.

Keep her hydrated and offer a heat source, a rice buddy will make her feel good...have you seen any seizures?
sorry so many questions, but it helps the rehabbers to advise.

I am so sorry she is crashing...hope she can be turned around...:grouphug

Most vets can and will give a calcium injection if they suspect that's the problem, but remember that is a very temporary fix and is only helping the sq immediately...
sometimes the vet will prescribe a calcionate syrup {Rugbys}...
believe me when I say...it does not have as much calcium in the syrup as thought...and too much sugar...
if vet does recommend it, ask him specifics.
When using rat requirements, which is all we have to go by, a daily recommendation of calcium would be 330mgs a day in a healthy sq...

If you haven't seen any seizures and are thinking low calcium...keep pushing the calcium\{ do not use human calcium with D}

It very well maybe nuero disorder...
but I would push the calcium, it cannot hurt, go slow...

Thank you for reaching out and helping her...
someone will be on soon...

05-31-2011, 06:32 AM
Hi TY for the quick responses idk how to post a pic http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.104020819612449.8413.100000135942093#!/photo.php?fbid=223280227686507&set=a.104020819612449.8413.100000135942093&type=1&theater

that is the only way I have- this is him before he crashed last week.

this was him when I GOT him- http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.104020819612449.8413.100000135942093#!/photo.php?fbid=215521165129080&set=a.104020819612449.8413.100000135942093&type=1&theater

Yes he was on esbilac- he never got seeds totally- I offered some sunflower seeds but never even saw him liking those- he ate broccoli and green beans mostly were his favs. Carrots. he loved apple slices- and peaches. and Walnuts.

Neurologically, he was advancing slowly, fall over, twitch like a shake head to toe quickly, then some seizures here and there, but they were lessening and not long, with the head tilt back, then they advanced ALOT now he is not having them- but is weak- he is moving when I hold him- not holding himself up- but- his arms and he looks at me, blinks etc, yesterday he was LIMP so- we are lingering in this, he is a tad better but- me saying that is not anything to be excited about he is so not out of the woods yet.

05-31-2011, 06:34 AM


05-31-2011, 06:39 AM
It would help if we knew what formula you used? ESBILAC
can you post a pic and get a weight in grams on her? IDK HOW :(
If you are feeding seeds, corn or scalded milk...this could be the issue.-NO

Sorry, I tried posting the pics but didn't work- when I got him his ears were curled, eyes closed, had fur, now he is fully furry except for the bald spot where the scratches were- and the hair is growing in now finally, he scales the cage and branches, top and bottome teeth are in, tail beginning to be bushy sometimes sits up to eat but not often (think neuro end) he falls over- always has here and there

Milo's Mom
05-31-2011, 07:00 AM
if you e-mail me the pics, I will post them for you.
my e-mail address is...

05-31-2011, 07:00 AM
The tums are 750s I am not getting a whole one in each day- but- we are getting there w the pedialyte mixing w it- he likes the berry pedialyte was the only type I could get in him when I first got him- he'd get some each day along w his bottle to get him back from being so dehydrated.

Jackie in Tampa
05-31-2011, 07:02 AM
awe poor little one...
sigh, it does sound as if she may have nuero disorders going on...
head tilt, seizures, twitches, falling over...ugh, all indicators.

I would keep her in a smaller cage with well padded bottom, keep her with a heat source...both nueros and MBD sqs have a hard time holding their body temp and tend to burn too many calories trying..

PS...maybe in the future you can use syringes for feeding...we don't recommend bottles, aspiration is too easy using them.

I cannot help with pic postings...
you can email them to me and I can try to get them posted..
{via someone savy}

There are treatments for nuero disorders, yet if she is that weak, I seriously doubt a vet will prescribe phenobarbitol until her health is better...however If you have a vet, I would def take her for his/her diagnosis. I am not sure of legality in NJ.

please continue with the calcium/tums if you are seeing any improvement,
nutrition is key to any health issues...
gotta be healthy to get better and feel like getting better, if that makes sense.

edit, Milosmom..I wasn't sure you were awake...I was hoping someone could post them...TY!

Jackie in Tampa
05-31-2011, 07:06 AM
just a heads up..
I am very slow typer...
too much pedialyte will be counter productive due to too much sodium...
I would use plain tap water to dilute the tums...
we recommend to never never use pedi for more than 24 hours consecutive..

05-31-2011, 07:17 AM
Ok- when we first started- I did water- then pedialyte, I've alternated, but I will try more straight water- he's truly just hanging on :( when I first got him, he'd only sleep on my chest- other than that he'd cry non stop - thinking he liked my heartbeat LOL he's been special since we got him- now he's just curled in a ball in the same spot laying on me- he's not well at all :( we just gotta make 45 more minutes and i can call the vet, not sure what she will do- but- maybe she's got something up her sleeve to help him :'( I got him the day I came home from carpel tunnel surgery, and now am going thru a 2nd surgery and my arm is all splinted - :/ he and I have been troopers together :(

05-31-2011, 07:18 AM
and TY so much I sent you the pics of him MilosMom

05-31-2011, 07:26 AM
I will see what the vet can do- I've brought her a few things in the past, either myself, or a rehabber or similar told me where to go to bring them- so I will go there today asap for him. :( I've brought her geese, raccoons, and birds, and she knows I do squirrels. Just pray she can do something for him. This is why I DONT release, and let someone else do it, because I don't want all the hard work and sleepless nights to be for nothing if not released properly.

I gave one of the rehabbers a starling once, with stress marks on his wings, she was shocked that I brought him back from where he was.

I work hard on my lil critters, REALLY HARD. I rarely EVER lose one, EVER. The last one I lost was a seagull with a fishing lure stuck thru his leg, and the line wrapped around his beak so he couldn't eat, and he walked RIGHT to me in the park the day we were picnicing and sat right below my chair LOL they always come to me, it's amazing.

Uhh. :( ALWAYS on a Sunday, or Holiday- ALWAYS

Keep your fingers crossed for our lil "Twitch". TY for this board and for your help.

Jackie in Tampa
05-31-2011, 07:30 AM
:grouphug :grouphug
thank you for doing and giving your alll...:bowdown
sending good vibes to both of you...:Love_Icon
sorry I called Twitch a she!:D

Milo's Mom
05-31-2011, 07:31 AM
here is a pic from this morning...she sent 3 pics, first 2 did not come through, asked her to send again.


05-31-2011, 08:20 AM
Oh my goodness..prayers for that little beauty! You have great peeps here advising you. If anyone can help they can!:grouphug

island rehabber
05-31-2011, 08:28 AM
Poor sweetie definitely does not feel well....hope the vet can shed some light on this. Please keep us posted!

05-31-2011, 09:03 AM
TY he's at the vet, they said very dehydrated, I explained it all to them, plus he's been given pedialyte and water w a syringe for a day and a half- he's pooping at least. They said they don't know that he's going to make it :/ I will call in alittle while. I did send her his other pics but she didn't get to post them- he totally turned, sat day finiky didn't want to eat, sat nite- alittle weak, yesterday BAM doomed and limp hardly moving, I worked with him all yesterday and all night, and he's moving at least and responsive, very weak - lets hope some fluids and whatever shot he needs can bring him back out of it :( my poor honey.

Jackie in Tampa
05-31-2011, 09:06 AM
:grouphug praying for Twitch!

Milo's Mom
05-31-2011, 01:35 PM
sorry for the delay, went to my moms to help her with sewing. cannot rezise pics here, but here are the 2 other pics...

this is first day pic

this is 2 weeks ago

05-31-2011, 01:47 PM
:( I haveto wait til 2:30 to c/b and get an update. Been waiting since 10am....

they said he's got mange, I said no he doesnt he lost hair from the scratch he had etc- they insist is mange- I said fine test it- (its not) under my breath.

Will let u all know how my love is doing.

They said didn't look hopeful when I dropped him off. I told them just fix him n I will pay whatever.

Jackie in Tampa
05-31-2011, 02:01 PM
If mange...the ears and eyes are ALWAYS crusty first...
I hate to think they give ivermectin if not needed...hoping if the baby does test positive with a skin scrapping they use revolution...
Vets are smart though, so we must allow them to treat if they do discover mites!
Are you sure they will give the baby back?
Will they put him down or give him to someone else?
I am not familiar with the laws in each state...
florida is accepting of sqs being seen by vets...

Oh dear, now i am worried about his future.

edit...he is so precious...thank you

05-31-2011, 02:06 PM
They won't give him back to me I doubt, I got the 'it's illegal' speech- I then let them know I've done this for 10yrs, was a vet tech for 7yrs, etc. AND that I have already brought them geese, raccoon, and birds, TOLD BY THE REHABBER to bring them to them before I head to rehabber- whether that day, or few days later w me treating. WHATEVER. They got alittle nicer after that.

BUT idk what is going to happen to my honey. If he needs to be put down then so be it- if they can't help him. He doesn't have mites- he's got nothing. He's got hair loss from his scratches, and some from the milk and my wiping his messy face cuz he eats like a pig.

They work with other rehabbers than who I know, so IF he pulls thru- he will go there at least. She is a wildife and reg vet, one that I like. I brought our 9yo house sparrow I raised from 3hrs old someone brought to the vets office I worked at. she lived til 11yrs old. passed away late last yr.

We will see how he's doing soon. :'(

Jackie in Tampa
05-31-2011, 02:09 PM
I will wait with you...:grouphug hoping for good news.
sending prayers that he will be ok.

05-31-2011, 02:32 PM
Ok he's on IV fluids and now stable they say :thankyou not out of the woods but- getting there at least- said was very dehydrated- which I can't understand considering I was giving him fluids via syringe non stop for over 24hrs as much as he would take without aspirating him. Poop was normal, no diarrhea- Uh. I don't get it AT ALL but my honey is stable for now so that is good.

I will call later before they close or first thing (and) tomorrow morning.

I will take 'stable'. I can handle that. Been crying all morning.

Tickle's Mom
05-31-2011, 02:34 PM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

05-31-2011, 03:07 PM
Praying for this little one. :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug