View Full Version : Moms in Distress
12-10-2006, 11:05 PM
The day finally came Buddie-Ann is free. She did finally chew a whole through the wire of her release cage. I was watching her this morning in her cage because the big squirrel was on a stump right by her cage and she went right through a small whole that she had been working on they met jumped up at each other, had a few words and went there own direction. I panicked and went out after her, she had climbed up a big tree but eventually came down and climbed up on me. I brought her in and put some markings on her because I want to be able to know it's her, I think I will but when she was out there was another squirrel her size way up in a fir tree and I didn't know if it was her or not. So I loved her up for awhile and then I bravely took her back out to her cage, knowing she will probably leave again, I also opened up the top of her release cage as well. She did in fact go out the whole she made and went through the backyard exploring then into a neighbors and then another....I have cried most of the day as I am now...She meant the world to me even though I tried really hard not to get attached. I went out tonight to the area I last saw her and I called out to her but it is really dark and raining...she an swered me briefly a few times and that was all. So needless to say she won't be in her nest box tonight and I probably won't sleep. I know it was the right thing to do and she really wanted to be out or she wouldn't have chewed through the metal wire. I know alot of you have been through this and with out you I wouldn't be able to. Please say lots of prayers that she will be okay tonight and if she doesn't return that she is safe wherever she may be. As much I say she might come back she went so far from her cage and the yard I don't see how it is possible that she could find her way back. I thought about putting up flyers in case someone spotted her they could let me know she is okay but I suppose that is silly....Any words of encouragement would be welcome..I sure could use them :(
Boy do I know what you are feeling. Each time I open that release door and watch my babies play in the trees for the first time is my greatest joy. But I am always holding back tears as I return to the house. Sillly me doesn't want them to see me cry. And I worry. Just as you are doing. I go each day and put food out. ( The bluejays love me. ) Some come back for the food when they need it, some I never see again. I hang onto the joy, cross my fingers and trust.
She may surprise you and be in her nest box tomorrow night. Often it takes time for them to find a new shelter. Keep her cage open and don't mend the hole just yet.
12-11-2006, 12:44 AM
I will be praying for you. She is doing what she is supposed to be doing. She is being a free squirrel. I know its not easy for you. I will be going through the same thing in the spring and I am already worrying. Please try to rest. I will be thinking of you. :grouphug
Alaskan Squirrel Cam
12-11-2006, 01:50 AM
It's hard to set them free, I certainly understand as I have gone through it myself. Have faith, that she is doing what she is meant to do. Being a Squirrel.
12-11-2006, 03:09 AM
Believe me, as for as being to far from home and not finding her way back, unless she is in the next county she can find her way back if she so desires. They have an uncanny sense about directions home and they can smell home from about 5 miles away and usually eventually return to "their" territory. The cage being her territory for now. But my heart does feel for you and your heart. Hope that you get some rest before you wake up at the crack of dawn to do checking on her. I know that you will just have to want you.
12-11-2006, 05:57 AM
Squirrels are like men. the way to their heart is through their stomach. Leave out lots of food and hopefully she will smell it and come back to eat. Perhaps drawing her back home this way will let you see her again and thus soothe your fears away.
She is so well fed, she may be gone a few days. But, as soon as her stomach starts to rumble, she'll know where to come for food.
When I released mine earlier this fall, I kept the food out and the door open. The food disappeared, from chipmunks for all I know. Now that the weather is cold there a few that are back using the nest boxes. I recognize one because his previous owner cut his tail off about halfway down so he could tell them apart.
Momma Squirrel
12-11-2006, 08:47 AM
Yelp been there, we didn't leave the house for days when we had our first group that we released. We followed them around every minute of daylight, scared to death they were not going to be able to find their way home, they didn't even leave the yard, shoot they didn't go more than 30 feet from their release home and each time they climbed a tree our hearts would be 100 times faster. DUH they are squirrels but you just can't help but worry about them. The bigger more experienced squirrels would come around, we really got worried, we would try to lure them away with food, which worked most of the time. But in most cases they stay pretty close to home, even if it is several days before you see her she will return home again when she needs comfort and food. Keep us posted as to the sightings of our little Buddie Ann, Aunts and Uncles gotta know what is going on too :crazy
12-11-2006, 09:30 AM
I also can sympathize with you. The most painful part is realizing they dont need us as much as we need them. Aside from predators dont worry about her not finding her way home. I agree with squirrel friend, she'll be back when shes hungry. Storms can sometimes delay their return.
I also agree with Mama I didnt leave the house either after releasing for weeks. (except for work) It's a painful process but when you see her for the first time running and exploring everything in the trees, a joy will come over you.
They are very hesitant to new things so you can imagine its gonna take a little bit to get everything sniffed and inspected by her little nose. Also take into consideration they are very slippery shady characters, they could be looking at you..& you wouldnt even notice them.
That is a good thing for their protection.
Untill you see her, give yourself a pat on the back. Its gets better, you have done a good job.
12-11-2006, 10:00 AM
I've only read your original post to this, but this is what I do...
I simply BELIEVE they will be ok. I don't care if it's an ignorant stance. I just choose to believe. And I also know that the chances of survival are pretty good for rehabbed squirrels... Granted, sooner or later their little lives have to come to an end, just like ours do...but until then, I choose to believe that all is right in the world when that little critter gets to do what it was designed and created to free and LEAP through the trees with the breeze on thier bellies and the scent of the wind in their noses. I'm sure it's an incredibly liberating, amazing and incredible feeling the first time they are free...really, truly free... I think it's something we humans will never get to experience...
I hope that Buddie-Ann is doing well. I'm sure she's having the time of her life.
:grouphug to you. You did a great job!! She's PERFECT! :thumbsup
12-11-2006, 11:00 AM
She will be back Buddie-Ann, when she finish exploring the new country, she will probably get tired and hungry and return home.
12-11-2006, 12:51 PM
Thank you all so very much...I knew when I got to work this morning you would all be there with words to get me through the sightings yet but I will keep you posted one way or the other. That's all I can say for now, I don't want the faucet to start running again :) We'll talk soon.
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