View Full Version : Squirrel lover, Indonesia

05-28-2011, 07:35 PM
hello im iwan and Im a squirrel lover from Indonesia :Welcome

My first squirrel, I have it for 7 years before it died in an incident, and it only died a few minutes after I took it (the accident happened 2 days before) as if it want to say farewell to me :(

in indonesia it called 'tupai kelapa' (coconut squirrel) because they love to eat coconut



he likes to immitates me... one day Im pursuing a homeless cat who often stealing food in my kitchen and I saw my squirrel pursuing the cat next days!!

I plan to keep another one probably next 2- or 3 months...

it eat everything, avocado, rice, soy-chili (Yeah!), biscuit, various kind of fruit.. it very bored animal lol... he will love one kind of fruit for a weeks or so and then he get bored and ignore it so I have to buy different fruit... and other than fruit juice it enjoy drinking tea too :D

05-28-2011, 07:51 PM
:Welcome What a beautiful squirrel! Very good pictures too, so glad you were able to include them. It doesn't look like your buddy missed a lot of meals by being a picky eater.
I am so sad that he died, we all love our squirrels so very much. You didn't tell us his name-the one you called him. You must miss having him around, so glad the cat ran from him.:D
I hope you will enjoy our forum here and be here for a long time. We would all like to know more about Coconut squirrels. In the future when another squirrel becomes your friend, we can help keep your squirrel healthy and happy.

05-28-2011, 07:55 PM
Welcome! So much to learn here and so many different types of squirrels too. Now we can add your squirrel! I hope you enjoy being a part of the Squirrel Board!

05-28-2011, 08:01 PM
The coconut squirrel is a very handsome squirrel. Thank you for sharing the pictures. How big do they get? Would love to learn any more information you can share about them. Are squirrels common as pets in Indonesia? I'm sorry you lost your first squirrel.


05-28-2011, 08:25 PM
The coconut squirrel is a very handsome squirrel. Thank you for sharing the pictures. How big do they get? Would love to learn any more information you can share about them. Are squirrels common as pets in Indonesia? I'm sorry you lost your first squirrel.


not very popular...because squirrel is squirrel and they more a cute devil than nice pet animal :D... it destroy may handphone, my 100 dollars carved wooden panel, my best computer speaker... I forgive-and-forget him everytime :D

most popular pet here is hamster because they are cheap and small and everyone even primary school girl could keep them...and there is no risk of they are being pest as hamster are weak animal here that even local rats would love to eat them.

Indonesia brown squirrel if it a male then every months or two it got horny and it become a bit fierce and it will bite...when it horny it wil be very loud skreeching all the day and i have to put it in its cage for several days..... :nono

05-28-2011, 08:29 PM
oh forgot, and our brown squirrel have a long memory and can recognize ppl...
they love who they love and hate who they hate
my friend who also have a squirrel says that his squirrel are avengeful, always attack one of his friend who once treat it harshly in every chance so when his friends come to his house he will cage his squirrel first....

05-28-2011, 08:34 PM
here is my 2nd squirrel...
I have it only for a short time last year
someone steal it from the cage (I lock the cage and go sleep... the door is opened when I wake up and the squirrel is missing)... :(


05-28-2011, 09:21 PM
:Welcome Enjoyed your pictures, glad you joined us...

05-29-2011, 01:09 AM
:Welcome What a beautiful squirrel! Very good pictures too, so glad you were able to include them. It doesn't look like your buddy missed a lot of meals by being a picky eater.
I am so sad that he died, we all love our squirrels so very much. You didn't tell us his name-the one you called him. You must miss having him around, so glad the cat ran from him.:D

I called him 'toopi'.
he is a little too fat even if he is picky... because my kitchen is his kitchen so he have a lot of thing to choose and pick :D

05-29-2011, 02:26 AM
:Welcome please tell us more about your squirrel.:)

island rehabber
05-29-2011, 06:20 AM
welcome iwan! I love your pix and descriptions of coconut squirrels. They are beautiful!

My favorite part of your post so far is this:

...not very popular...because squirrel is squirrel and they more a cute devil than nice pet animal :D... it destroy may handphone, my 100 dollars carved wooden panel, my best computer speaker... I forgive-and-forget him everytime :D

I think every member here on The Squirrel Board who has kept a squirrel for any length of time can agree with you....COMPLETELY! :jump :icon_devil ( <<<<cute devil)

05-29-2011, 10:09 AM
:Welcome Iwan! What beautiful squirrels you have there. I love your description of when your squirrel is feeling 'frisky' for girl squirrels :jump and you have to cage him :rotfl We love lots of pictures here and stories. I can't tell you how many things my squirrels have torn, chewed and destroyed, goes with the territory, right? :grouphug

05-31-2011, 04:24 AM
. I can't tell you how many things my squirrels have torn, chewed and destroyed, goes with the territory, right? :grouphug

I got impression they do it on purpose on my favorite stuff.... coz afterwards he will come to me with innocent yet happy looks :dono

06-03-2011, 09:05 PM
more photo of my 1st squirrel....
energetic squirrel are, when they are not jumping around they can looks melancholic with their deep-all black eyes :)
