View Full Version : Any NY area rehabbers out there??

island rehabber
05-26-2011, 10:25 PM
This is a shout-out to any NY metro area rehabbers who "might"..."maybe"....."possibly?" have room for three baby squirrels aged 3-5 weeks? They are victims of last weekend's awful storms. I have reached critical mass here: every table, countertop and inch of floor space is taken up with cages and there is just no way I can fit more in. They are in a temporary situation with an experienced rehabber but she cannot keep them to release age.

So please: if you've been lurking or 'guesting' or whatever and you are within 50 miles of here and willing to help, let me know! I will provide syringes, formula, fleece, whatEVER. These babies deserve as much good care as all the others. :tilt

05-27-2011, 06:58 AM
I just pm'd Nancy. Hopefully she can take them. I don't know how close she is.

island rehabber
05-27-2011, 07:26 AM
Nancy has her own babies and is quite far from me, SF, but thank you! I may have one option so far -- otherwise we'll just have to make do!

05-27-2011, 07:47 AM
How far is Woodstock? I have amazing friends [husband and wife] who are very much devoted to animal rights [literally] and have done light rehabbing of many animals there. They are very educated, help the local shelters and sanctuaries, and have expressed interest in helping squirrels.

If you'd consider them [you will LOVE them if you ever meet], I'll ask them.

Milo's Mom
05-27-2011, 08:09 AM
IR, I am not a licensed rehabber and I am slightly more than 50 miles from you, but I've got the room and the love they need. You may use me as a last resort and I can come pick them up if you need me too. Or stuff them in your bra and take a train ride!! LOL!!!
The Fuzzy Five will soon be moving outdoors and being unemployed at the time allows me the time at home, and if I do need to go away for the day, I have my baby travel kit all set-up...The Fuzzy Five perfected it.

If you'd prefer not, it's okay, I will not be offended. If you need me, I'm there/here/where ever you need me. Got it?!!:D

05-27-2011, 08:22 AM
How far is Woodstock? I have amazing friends [husband and wife] who are very much devoted to animal rights [literally] and have done light rehabbing of many animals there. They are very educated, help the local shelters and sanctuaries, and have expressed interest in helping squirrels.

If you'd consider them [you will LOVE them if you ever meet], I'll ask them.

Just a tad more info, they've rescued and rehabbed birds, kittens, raccoons, fawns, and surely more. And they live on a large very wooded lot. They come into the city regularly too. :) Options.

Tickle's Mom
05-27-2011, 08:42 AM
What about Katherine? Isn't she close to you and she always takes in critters, and has an awesome vet :thumbsup