View Full Version : Wild Grey with abcess???

05-24-2011, 09:36 PM
I have a large female grey that has (I think) an abcess. I noticed her on Friday and started her on baytril tabs, (1/2) once a day. The swelling is less now in her neck area but I took these pictures today and not sure how to proceed. I think, like the other post, that this is a nursing female. Maybe you can tell better. She had this same problem last winter and overcame it. Here's a couple pictures that I took today. She's moving well and eating a soaked monkey biscuit with the baytril, or avacado, she also eats peanuts but can't get her mouth open very wide. Please let me know. Thank You, Squirrel Board!!!

05-24-2011, 10:02 PM
I have a large female grey that has (I think) an abcess. I noticed her on Friday and started her on baytril tabs, (1/2) once a day. The swelling is less now in her neck area but I took these pictures today and not sure how to proceed. I think, like the other post, that this is a nursing female. Maybe you can tell better. She had this same problem last winter and overcame it. Here's a couple pictures that I took today. She's moving well and eating a soaked monkey biscuit with the baytril, or avacado, she also eats peanuts but can't get her mouth open very wide. Please let me know. Thank You, Squirrel Board!!!

Looks like it's draining whatever it is...What dosage is the Baytril tab?
Is it the chewable?

05-24-2011, 10:17 PM
Poor baby girl! I know how painful these can be.

05-24-2011, 10:33 PM
The bottle says "Baytril (20) Tabs." Then it says "(2.50 TAB)" on the other side of the label. I had them from my vet for Chumpy one time when her teeth trimming didn't go so well. The dosage for her was 1/4 tablet by mouth once a day. It says, give with food/yogurt.

05-24-2011, 10:34 PM
The bottle says "Baytril (20) Tabs." Then it says "(2.50 TAB)" on the other side of the label. I had them from my vet for Chumpy one time when her teeth trimming didn't go so well. The dosage for her was 1/4 tablet by mouth once a day. It says, give with food/yogurt.
Why are you giving this one half?
Was Chumpy a lot smaller?

05-24-2011, 10:41 PM
Oh, my, yes. Chumpy is much smaller than this grey. She's been around for a long time and she's a big one!! I have a lot of big females around here. The males are real thin and muscular... they look very young.

05-24-2011, 10:48 PM
Oh, my, yes. Chumpy is much smaller than this grey. She's been around for a long time and she's a big one!! I have a lot of big females around here. The males are real thin and muscular... they look very young.
What do you think she weighs based on Chumpy's weight?

Jackie in Tampa
05-24-2011, 10:51 PM
I have never seen a baytril 2.50:thinking

22.7mg tablets are normally prescribed for small animals

thinking it is a 22.7mg
making 1/4 tablet a decent dose for a one pound sq...
needs to be done twice a day for 7-10 days
yes baytril is safe in lactating mothers:thumbsup
poor girl...she will feel so much better when it drains...
the pressure and yucky feeling associated with that...:shakehead
and her vision is funky too..

she's really sweet looking...ty!

05-24-2011, 10:53 PM
I have never seen a baytril 2.50:thinking

22.7mg tablets are normally prescribed for small animals

thinking it is a 22.7mg
making 1/4 tablet a decent dose for a one pound sq...
needs to be done twice a day for 7-10 days
yes baytril is safe in lactating mothers:thumbsup
poor girl...she will feel so much better when it drains...
the pressure and yucky feeling associated with that...:shakehead
and her vision is funky too..

I was thinking that half sounded like too much...was in the process of looking it up.

05-24-2011, 11:33 PM
I would think that the grey is 3 times the size (weight) of Chumpy. Jackie, I have been giving her 1/2 once a day for the past 5 days and it looks a lot better than at first. Her neck was so swollen you couldn't see any definition. Today, it looked like she had something draining under her chin towards her chest. Don't know if it shows up in the picture or not. How much should I give her now??

05-24-2011, 11:36 PM
I would think that the grey is 3 times the size (weight) of Chumpy. Jackie, I have been giving her 1/2 once a day for the past 5 days and it looks a lot better than at first. Her neck was so swollen you couldn't see any definition. Today, it looked like she had something draining under her chin towards her chest. Don't know if it shows up in the picture or not. How much should I give her now??

I can't find that tab anywhere are you sure that's what the label says? was that info written by hand?

05-24-2011, 11:38 PM
No, the label was generated at my vet's office.

05-24-2011, 11:39 PM
If it's working why fix it unless we discover it's too much:thinking
how long are you planning to give it to her?
7-10 days?
yes the pic looked like drainage... a good thing

05-24-2011, 11:52 PM
If it helps I just read that if needed a double dose is ok 1 x per day. Info from Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook. I have done this for wilds but mostly prescribed 2x per day.


05-25-2011, 12:16 AM
I need to get to the vet and get some more baytril... I was thinking 7 to 10 days?? Whaddya you think?

Jackie in Tampa
05-25-2011, 05:47 AM
If it were me I would shoot for the double dose once a day and absolutely do the full 10 days...
abcesses can re occur and re occur if not completey treated

avacodo and peanut butter are great decoys, loaded with meds and stuffed into empty peanut shell and easy to pitch to the sq,
just how I do it
Fred will coat the pecan half with the stickey meds and after they eat it they clean the meds from their hands
whatever works
good luck

Been told our greys are smaller than the northern greys, so as I posted earlier, 1/4 tab BID OR 1/2 tab SID for a 1 pound sq...

Remember...anti biotics need to be fresh

also ...if you have vet that will prescribe meds without seeing the sq, ask for a paper script and at Walmart Ciproflaxin 500mg tabs are 30 days for $4...
that's 15,000 mg of meds for $4
at my vets office a 22.7 mg tab is $2.73
so for same miligrams of med almost $200:eek:

05-25-2011, 08:05 AM
She looks like she is on the right track, great job! Hopefully the one on her face will drain quickly so she can go back to being a normal mommy again.

05-25-2011, 08:35 AM
Another rehabber just had a gray with an abcess looking exactly like that. It took over 2 weeks to go away and had to be drained twice a day. The antiobiotics used were baytril and clavamox together which seemed to have a much better result than the baytril alone. Remember with baytril or cipro do not give within 2 hours of any dairy products. Good luck!

05-25-2011, 08:44 AM
Yes, abscesses can be very hard to clear. It might be draining but it kind of looks to me like she has wounds on her chest and going down her arm, and not so much drainage. Good to hear it is looking smaller though. Certainly looks like a cut under her neck.

Poor baby.

05-25-2011, 08:51 AM
Another rehabber just had a gray with an abcess looking exactly like that. It took over 2 weeks to go away and had to be drained twice a day. The antiobiotics used were baytril and clavamox together which seemed to have a much better result than the baytril alone. Remember with baytril or cipro do not give within 2 hours of any dairy products. Good luck!

Please don't take offense...this is my humor here
I got a giggle out of the mental picture...handing the squirrel a glass of milk a cookie and a pill...silliness on my part...
Have to to say it's not a big concern in this unless given with formula:thinking
Dairy is advised for some and blocks others
here you have two opposing methods
'cillins WITH
Enrofloxicin WITHOUT

I am still WONDERING WHAT THAT BOTTLE SAYS...purely out of curiosity...I wonder if the vets office printed the label wrong as far as the drug concentration...2.5 PERCENT is oral solution...:thinking

anyway...MAKE SURE YOU GIVE 10 DAYS...this abscess is NASTY and recurring...knock it out while you can:thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
05-25-2011, 09:08 AM
I have pics of most meds...genuine and generic
can you post a pic of the tablets...
or call the vet back and ask?
wish you were closer...I have meds out the wazoo...fresh.

I am currently treating two wilds with abcesses...even hauled one to the vet and I lanced an abcess on his back the size of a globe grape...:shakehead
just needed her iso...
no drain was inserted, just a 1.25 inch slit and betedine flush everyday accompanied with ABs...
but ya gotta get'em in the house:peace and that can be tricky!
Believe it or not...he now loves me...
and one of my releases had a pinocchio nose{large abcess}...it burst within three days, just not enough skin to stretch another day...
in the neck area, the abcesses can get very large due to soft skin and as Pierre has noted can spread down the arms and chest area...they are actually draining internally in some cases..others are large encapsulated infections running amok/amuk...
and yes , sometimes two ABs are needed ...depending the resistance factor and the type bacteria...
once it bursts...she will feel better...ABs will help expedite healing...
again, baytril is safe in lactating mothers...please research before adding anything else to the protocol.
still so worried about her obscured vision and preditor factor too.

05-25-2011, 09:23 AM
It may even be some type of formulary med the Dr has made up?

Remember those chewables on another thread?

BabyBleu is up north I'm thinking...those blacks are not southern as far as I'm aware.

Jackie in Tampa
05-25-2011, 09:31 AM
If the meds were compounded/formulated ...they came with a big price tag..
i paid $60 to have two doxycycline tabs compounded by a pharmacy, never again...20 cents worth of AB...oye...:shakehead
chewables come in a foil package...so thinking with the dose the vet gave her to use with Clumpy, it PROBABLY is 22.7mg tablet...but who knows!?!
I would call vet for verification myself...

Only blacks here were brought here...
I think they are black due to temps in the region where they are commonly found, black absorbs heat sorta thing...no natural blacks in florida...just the ones that have been napped/imported and released...
there is a community of black morphs in St.Cloud Florida...Starfairy updated info on them... released in 73 I think??? or 93??/:thinking
I had one for several hours, head trauma...
Rest In Peace sweet baby squirrel

05-25-2011, 09:41 AM
If the meds were compounded/formulated ...they came with a big price tag..
i paid $60 to have two doxycycline tabs compounded by a pharmacy, never again...20 cents worth of AB...oye...:shakehead
chewables come in a foil package...so thinking with the dose the vet gave her to use with Clumpy, it PROBABLY is 22.7mg tablet...but who knows!?!
I would call vet for verification myself...

Only blacks here were brought here...
I think they are black due to temps in the region where they are commonly found, black absorbs heat sorta thing...no natural blacks in florida...just the ones that have been napped/imported and released...
there is a community of black morphs in St.Cloud Florida...Starfairy updated info on them... released in 73 I think??? or 93??/:thinking
I had one for several hours, head trauma...
Rest In Peace sweet baby squirrel
That's right STAR!
I thought that was weird...a black in FL
Can't save em all

I will go into the archive and check the Chumpy Mumps thread see what I can find
As far as the label she has...if the techs print those off then it could be anything.
I am inclined to say if it ain't broke don't fix it kind of thing...
We just want to make sure she is getting enough and/or not too much
Either scenario is bad news...especially if it becomes antibiotic resistant.

05-25-2011, 10:01 AM
Yes, I am in the middle of Michigan. Jackie, you mentioned Cipro. I have some here that are 500 mg. What would the dosage be for a 1 lb squirrel?? I don't have any more of the baytril here or I would post a pic or look it up. I'll find out when I call the vet today. Thanks so much for all your help, guys. You are all definately life savers!!

05-25-2011, 10:01 AM
Soooo..... is there any chance to catch her, lance, drain, and clean the abscess, and then let her go again??? Then the baytril you are giving her will have a much easier time completing the healing. You said this is a relapse already.

It is so hard to clear a big abscess like this with just AB's. It can be done, but is harder and takes longer. The reason is that there is no blood supply in the abscess. No blood supply means no medication getting into that "ball" of infection. It can only affect the margins [outer edge of the "ball"] where there is a blood supply. See what I mean? A slower way to kill all the bacteria.

05-25-2011, 10:05 AM
Oh, my, I don't think I could do that myself... I'm pretty squeemish on that kind of stuff. Haven't seen her yet this morning but I'm sure she'll be around. I do have a wildlife rehabber in the area but I'm not sure about capturing and treating, as I'm not sure if she has babies or not. I'll post later on if it's better or not. She is rubbing her face on the tree after she eats, maybe she opened it up.

05-25-2011, 10:17 AM
Usually they flush and pack that 'pocket' with antibiotics. It's a pretty long process...
I will look up the dosing on Cipro, BB...I have an old tab a neighbor gave me but it's OOOLLLDDD
tell me what how many MG the Cipro is and I can calculate it for you if needed...problem with that is that it will have to be crushed given in solution. I don't know how you will get it in her

05-25-2011, 10:31 AM
the cipro I have is 500 mg. I have been crushing the baytril and diluting it with water and then soaking a monkey biscuit with the solution. She's been eating it like no tomorrow.

Jackie in Tampa
05-25-2011, 10:34 AM
Yes, I am in the middle of Michigan. Jackie, you mentioned Cipro. I have some here that are 500 mg. What would the dosage be for a 1 lb squirrel?? I don't have any more of the baytril here or I would post a pic or look it up. I'll find out when I call the vet today. Thanks so much for all your help, guys. You are all definately life savers!!
use 1/2 of a tablet...
so 250mgs
add 5ccs water
making each 1ml/cc equal to 50 mgs
recommended dose is 10mg/kg
so for one pound sq the dose would be 0.1mg/cc bid or .2mg single dose daily
store in fridge for 14 days max...
make sure the cipro is fresh...
good luck!

Jackie in Tampa
05-25-2011, 10:37 AM
Usually they flush and pack that 'pocket' with antibiotics. It's a pretty long process...
I will look up the dosing on Cipro, BB...I have an old tab a neighbor gave me but it's OOOLLLDDD
tell me what how many MG the Cipro is and I can calculate it for you if needed...problem with that is that it will have to be crushed given in solution. I don't know how you will get it in her
mix with avacodo or peanut butter and fill a peanut shell... it works!
it's a minut amount...
cipro/baytril tastes terrible...peanut butter hides alot of the taste...

05-25-2011, 10:37 AM
I do have a wildlife rehabber in the area but I'm not sure about capturing and treating, as I'm not sure if she has babies or not.

Well you wouldn't keep her, just treat and release. I know it could be hard to do, especially without help. Perhaps your local rehabber can help you. :thumbsup

05-25-2011, 10:38 AM
Thanks for the dosage info. I called the vet and the baytril is 22.75. Guess it wasn't labeled correctly. Hope this answers your question and stops you from wondering, Mugz!!

05-25-2011, 10:42 AM
I'm not understanding the dosage for the cipro. Do I give her the whole 1/2 of the cipro at one time or what. I'm not real good with cc's or mg. Can you make it simpler for me?:dono

05-25-2011, 10:48 AM
Well you wouldn't keep her, just treat and release. I know it could be hard to do, especially without help. Perhaps your local rehabber can help you. :thumbsup
Actually the bigger centers may even have someone come out and trap for you

05-25-2011, 10:50 AM
Thanks for the dosage info. I called the vet and the baytril is 22.75. Guess it wasn't labeled correctly. Hope this answers your question and stops you from wondering, Mugz!!

That is scary! Hope you mention that to the VET not the staff

05-25-2011, 10:52 AM
I'm not understanding the dosage for the cipro. Do I give her the whole 1/2 of the cipro at one time or what. I'm not real good with cc's or mg. Can you make it simpler for me?:dono

half the tablet and 1 teaspoon of water

1tsp=5ccs or ml

05-25-2011, 10:55 AM
half the tablet and 1 teaspoon of water

1tsp=5ccs or ml

okay...you need to draw this up in a dosing syringe...theyt are marked...what do you have?

05-25-2011, 10:59 AM
okay...you need to draw this up in a dosing syringe...theyt are marked...what do you have?

Most syringes are marked in CCs
the 1 mark is 1cc
the little lines in between represent increments of 2 ...typically...you will have to check.
.1cc twice a day and .2cc once a day is not much...a big drop

05-25-2011, 11:11 AM
I just talked to my local rehabber and I'm going to send her pics of fatface and the mange girl. She's going to determine if it's necessary to capture and treat or if I should stay on the same protocol. She wants to sub-permit me, too, which would be great since I'm not in a squirrel friendly state.
Mugz, I have a syringe with ml and tsp but I'm going to try to get another one today at Walmart to make it easier.
I just don't know if I am supposed to give her the whole 1/2 cipro or just a portion of it.

05-25-2011, 11:27 AM
I have 1/2 ml/cc insulin syringes for my diabetic dog. Will this work???

05-25-2011, 11:34 AM
I just don't know if I am supposed to give her the whole 1/2 cipro or just a portion of it.

not half a tab that would give her her atomic diarrhea!!!

because of the tiny amount required you need to put it into solution. That's the only way you can dose it accurately.

the 5cc=1teaspoon is for a visual reference only...the actual dose is far less
2 tenths of one cc which contains one fifth of the original 250mg/ml...I hope this makes sense...I'm being mauled by a baby raccoon at present ... so not the best here

Jackie in Tampa
05-25-2011, 12:06 PM
I will pm my number if you would like and I will walk you thru it...I am lousy typer...but I can talk!:thumbsup very colorful person, so I have been told!:) :D

I would not trap...unless she can be hand caught...the stress is hard on wildlife in captivity...especially compromised adults...

if she is a regular and it sounds like she is..I would treat both sqs on location...JMO.
Not saying to NOT have a rehabber involved...because any help and advise on the scene is probably better than US at a distance...:tilt
besides...sub permitted will get you in....and helping sqs will become easier!!!!!:bowdown yeah!

05-25-2011, 07:23 PM
Got some more baytril, dosing syringes but haven't seen fat face or the mange girl. Haven't been home but weather's been rainy and they're all snuggled in.

05-26-2011, 10:12 PM
Saw my FatFace today and she looks soooo much better!!! Her abcess must have popped yesterday because her face is much less swollen. I am continuing the baytril for the next couple days just to try to knock it out for good... (yeah, right) and got another dose into her today. Looks like we're on the road to recovery.

05-26-2011, 11:21 PM
Saw my FatFace today and she looks soooo much better!!! Her abcess must have popped yesterday because her face is much less swollen. I am continuing the baytril for the next couple days just to try to knock it out for good... (yeah, right) and got another dose into her today. Looks like we're on the road to recovery.

Sounds like a very sound plan. Without surgery it may come back. At least you have given her comfort and a far better chance at survival :bowdown