View Full Version : Thank You Squirrel Board!!

05-21-2011, 03:09 AM
Just want to give a great big Thank You to everyone here!! There is nothing else like this online. An amazing forum with wonderful people!! Dont know what I would've done without the help I recieved tonight!!:thankyou

05-21-2011, 04:22 AM
As long as you realize you are not done. Get Rosie away from her brother - this may be why he was beating up on her; she is ill. She will need extra calcium and magnesium for many months if she has MBD. Sher should be on supplemental heat with a heating pad, too. And you will need to address diet on both of them because if she is ill and they eat the same, he is too - you just haven't seen symptoms yet. Please stick with the board so we can help - not just with emergeccy stuff but with the day to day process of fixing MBD. We have been pretty successful - with folks that stick around.:thumbsup

05-21-2011, 04:36 PM

it will take months for them to get their bones built back up again... until then one break and they'll become unreleasable...so pack them in cottonwool....

the hhbs are excellent but they must eat them and not stash... they'll go moldy (no preservatives)...they're not meant to be stashed.


i think you may also need to look at other complications... if it's done this to bones... their other organs may be damaged...

but mrs skul/4swerlz/crittermom/island rehabber/jackie/mugs/anne/natures gift/ squirrels&bunnies too etc... ...lol... anyway just listing knowledgeable people (off the top of my head) to talk to .... (i'm not one of them... :D)