View Full Version : why does my baby want to bite me

05-20-2011, 06:25 PM
my baby is 15 weeks today, and about 3 weeks ago she started biting me, the only thing that changed 3 weeks ago is my husband had to feed her while I went to the doctor, and she bit him. Could it be she is mad cause I wasent here to feed her, sometimes when she bites she brings blood. Just wondering if anyone else has problems biting.

05-20-2011, 06:29 PM
She's just being a squirrel...lol They bite! :jump

05-20-2011, 06:34 PM
She's getting wild. That's what they do. Squirrels generally make lousy pets.

05-20-2011, 06:47 PM
Your child is wilding up telling you she wants to be free.

If you need help with her release send me a pm (private message) with your location and I will see if I can help.

05-20-2011, 06:52 PM
i tried to release her, she goes outside during the day but when she wants back in she will come back to the door.

05-20-2011, 06:56 PM
I hate to admit it but I believe everyone is correct. I think your baby is beginning to show signs that she is becoming what she was intended to be ... a wild squirrel. Pat yourself on the back for the great job you did raising her. She will be ready to face the world because of your love and care.

This is a bitter sweet time for you. My heart is sad for you and yet happy for her.

Kelly Brady
05-20-2011, 08:14 PM
i tried to release her, she goes outside during the day but when she wants back in she will come back to the door.

Hi be571,:wave123

You are doing a great job.:multi They sometimes let go just like your baby. A little at a time. There will be a day soon that she does not want to come in at night. We have all been through this. Tear

Usually a wooden nest box is hung in a tree for her to use as her night time safe place until she gets the hang of making a nest.
Find a nice place to lay her food outside everyday at around the same time and she will no doubt come to visit her Mommy for a long long time.

You should be proud. Stay strong and Congratulations! You gave your sweet squirrel the life she was born to have:grouphug

Keep us posted :)

05-21-2011, 12:35 AM
Yep, he is at the age of becoming an adult squirrel that will be ready for WILD FREEDOM before you know it and in the mean time be aware that he will probably become a one person squirrel and you the mom and feeder of the food will most likely be the one person the squirrel will allow around him. BUT dont let your guard down as this parental fact will not protect you from being bitten - especially if you come between him and his precious nuts.

05-21-2011, 08:27 AM
When they start biting out of anger....And you know the difference...It's time to fly Robin fly....Squirrels bite...And they bring blood BUT there is a HUGE difference in a bite from playing or a bite from leave me alone and a bite out of anger.....A angry squirrel is a free squirrel:jump

05-21-2011, 01:43 PM
When they start biting out of anger....And you know the difference...It's time to fly Robin fly....Squirrels bite...And they bring blood BUT there is a HUGE difference in a bite from playing or a bite from leave me alone and a bite out of anger.....A angry squirrel is a free squirrel:jump

Oh ... I couldn't agree more. My hubby just got bitten today by the brother in the brother/sister duo. I figured they were about 2- 4 weeks away from a soft release but after 4 major bites this morning the duo is taking a road trip to Anne's tomorrow for the beginning of soft release.

Poor hubby got it bad. He is bandaged and in pain. There is a bite through his fingernail (the quick), the forearm, the middle nuckle, and thumb.

Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, goooood byyyyyye! :wave123