View Full Version : Quinoa???

05-19-2011, 05:57 PM
Can I feed Chip & Dale raw or cooked q:dono uinoa?

Calorie Information
Amounts Per Selected Serving%DV
Calories626(2621 kJ)31%
From Carbohydrate437(1830 kJ)
From Fat92.9(389 kJ)
From Protein96.0(402 kJ)
From Alcohol~(0.0 kJ)
Amounts Per Selected Serving%DV
Vitamin A23.8IU0%
Vitamin C~ ~
Vitamin D~ ~
Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol)4.1mg21%
Vitamin K0.0mcg0%
Vitamin B60.8mg41%
Vitamin B120.0mcg0%
Pantothenic Acid1.3mg13%

Read More http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/cereal-grains-and-pasta/5705/2#ixzz1MqG86gYz

05-19-2011, 08:58 PM
It's a fabulous seed grain...I do believe that it has to be boiled to remove the outer bitter part that is high in Oxalates? Not sure...
I will have to revisit that aspect. I do know that it has complete protein.
Considered using it myself.

05-19-2011, 10:39 PM
Between this and the chia it seems like both could be beneficial to our critters and ourselves. :) Both seem worthy of some further study.

05-20-2011, 09:45 AM
it's a really easy grain(seed) to use... as quick and easy as white rice....

the packaged grain is already pre rinsed but depending on the brand ..some are a little bit more bitter than others....

very high in protein.

easy to digest.

not sure about squirrels.

we have a gluten free diet... and i use quinoa flour in baking .... easy to use.

(rinsing removes the bitterness)

05-20-2011, 09:53 AM
The thing you want to look out for is the glycemic load, since quinoa, while being really healthy and high in protein, is also a grain, hence a carbohydrate, hence will have a glycemic load. In the wild, squirrels eat pretty low carb - not Atkins (!!) but they are not naturally grain eaters.