View Full Version : Baby Wild Rat on the way

Best Life
05-19-2011, 05:23 PM
I could use advice on caring for baby rat, furred, eyes closed. Please see the thread listed in the other critters section. Thank You!

05-19-2011, 06:38 PM
They can take the same formula a squirrel would. heat is needed too.

05-19-2011, 07:33 PM
Formula, warmth, etc, but I will mention that the best thing I have found to nurse a baby rat with is a 1 ml syringe with the attachment that comes in a tube of animax ointment. I know that might be hard to find, animax is just a general purpose antibiotic ointment but it comes with a very fine pointed applicator that just happens to fit perfectly on the end of a 1 ml syringe. Just clean it out well and you will have a feeder the perfect size for tiny rat mouths. I save any I get for that purpose and have actually bought a tube off the shelf more than once or twice just to get the applicator. It's a prescription but if you told them you need an applicator they might have a spare or sell it to you anyway, it's basically a topical triple antibiotic so if you have a good relationship with a vet that has it that'd probably be your best bet.
Also, a baby rat that's furred well is a good bet. I've nursed many litters to completion at this age. The eyes will open within a week and once they do it will start to pick at small pieces of lab block or very low protien dog kibble broken up. And tho rat's as adult's don't need seedy foods I do sprinkle a little bird seed or millet around in the bowl just to give them something small and easy to start out with until they get the hang of the other stuff. A baby rat is weaned fully by 6 weeks. Good luck!

Best Life
05-19-2011, 08:12 PM
Thank you! See "Picking Up Baby Rat" in the 'other critters' section to see a picture of the baby. She's really beautiful!