View Full Version : Found on road-blood on muzzle, blinking, moving a bit

05-19-2011, 12:02 PM
Hi. Please help? I've found a live squirrel and brought him/her home. There's some blood on his muzzle. None anywhere else that I can see. I've only really gotten a look at his left side. When I moved him from the road, he scratched the left side of his face/head/shoulder? a little. When I gave him some diluted generic pedialyte, he first took a few drops and then next time, maybe ten minutes later, he jumped a bit at my offer of more. By the time I got him back to the house, he had gotten himself onto his belly and hunkered into the corner of his box. His breathing is kind of shallow, in my estimation. Now, he's hunkered in the corner of the box, covering his face with his tail. Seems to just be resting. Breath is pretty shallow. In the middle of my typing this, I got a call back from a wildlife biologist in Gainesville. Says if there's paralysis, she would only euthanize if the spine is severed. Says there would be 48 hours of observation initially. I'm thinking I'll end up taking him there, unless you guys think he would likely end up euthanized. So please give me some feedback if you can. I'm around Clay County, FL, but can travel if there's a rehabber who can take him. Thanks so much. I'll be here for a bit.tinfoil