View Full Version : Can Stubby survive in the wild?

05-18-2011, 07:53 PM
Hi all! I was watching Stubby today while he was playing out of his cage. Stubby was adopted as a 5 1/2 wk old when his nest was cut in half by a chainsaw. mom abandoned him and his sibling (who was killed). He is now around 14wks. I have every intention of releasing him when he is about 7 mo old. My question is this, Stubby has less than half a tail. It is only about 3, maybe 4 inches long. (hence, the name....) I notice when he is leaping about, he "misses" quite often, landing on the floor, or whatever is under him. I know they use their tails for balance. Will he be okay when he is finally released? Will he survive safely without his full tail? Or will he be the one "falling" from the trees? :dono :sanp3

island rehabber
05-18-2011, 07:59 PM
At 14 weeks he should be getting pretty coordinated with his jumps, but even 20-24 wk olds miss sometimes, in my experience. Keep a close eye on him, though. If he really is missing his jumps a LOT there may be something else going on.

05-18-2011, 08:04 PM
thanks, I was just starting to worry that he would be Non releasable because of his tail. He completes most of his jumps though!! Especially the ones on my head!!!!:thumbsup

05-18-2011, 08:15 PM
He completes most of his jumps though!! Especially the ones on my head!!!!:thumbsupHow about the ones he plants on your FACE? :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

05-18-2011, 08:19 PM
At 14 weeks he should be getting pretty coordinated with his jumps, but even 20-24 wk olds miss sometimes, in my experience. Keep a close eye on him, though. If he really is missing his jumps a LOT there may be something else going on.

Follow IR's advice, give him a little extra time too. Most of all go with your gut feeling. I do think that since squirrels use their tails for balance he may just need a little more time to learn to cope with the stubby tail. Keep us updated.


05-18-2011, 10:24 PM
Yes, the ones that get my face are always the bloody best!!! funny how he seems to NEVER miss those!!!:flash3