View Full Version : FOllow up on Chip & Dale

05-18-2011, 01:11 PM
Hello there TSB: It's been a while since I've been on last. I've been extremely busy with the demands of my babies, work, and college. Chip & Dale are lovely, and have lots of energy. The feeding issue is resolved, I had no choice but to buy more Esbilac b/c they just weren't eating. So their diet now consists of Esbilac, FV, heavy cream and yogurt. They are now 7.5 weeks and would welcome any and all advice for whats to come. They have so much energy, I give them lots of play time. The cutest thing is when I come home and go to their room and look at those tiny faces, I call them out by name and they WAG their tails. That is AMAZING! They are so adorable I want to squeeze them.. I give them lots of hugs and kisses and hope that they enjoy their first vacation next week in North Carolina (Duck). Thanks again for all of your support and please don't stop! I could def not have done it without you all!!!!!!! Smooches!:grouphug

05-18-2011, 02:44 PM
Hello there TSB: It's been a while since I've been on last. I've been extremely busy with the demands of my babies, work, and college. Chip & Dale are lovely, and have lots of energy. The feeding issue is resolved, I had no choice but to buy more Esbilac b/c they just weren't eating. So their diet now consists of Esbilac, FV, heavy cream and yogurt. They are now 7.5 weeks and would welcome any and all advice for whats to come. They have so much energy, I give them lots of play time. The cutest thing is when I come home and go to their room and look at those tiny faces, I call them out by name and they WAG their tails. That is AMAZING! They are so adorable I want to squeeze them.. I give them lots of hugs and kisses and hope that they enjoy their first vacation next week in North Carolina (Duck). Thanks again for all of your support and please don't stop! I could def not have done it without you all!!!!!!! Smooches!:grouphug
I will PM my phone number if you wish to talk...Are you thinking of releasing?

As far as weaning I use the BooBalls or a variation BBv...you can give them HHBs or rat block. The wildlife centers soak the block in water and then out it in a bowl with formula poured over it....yummmm NOT :D
check out the Nutrition Forum and healthy diet...sunshine is required for proper bone growth or calcium and vit D3.

Squirrels are SO MUCH FUN!

05-19-2011, 09:08 AM
so glad they're doing better.....

it's very important to maintain a good diet with them... so ... follow the nutrition section....

give them formula until you release them..it's insurance against mbd....

start giving them (clean/unsprayed etc..) wild foods like dandelion and maple branches etc... lots of reading for you in the nutrition section....

the saddest thing i know is that from when they stop their formula they're at risk for mbd.... because formula has calcium but when they stop ... they're not eating enough (because they're fussy or the owners don't know) ..and the next thing we hear is 3 - 5 months later that something is wrong with the squirrel....

it's so common that i'm now expecting it to happen ....it's a preventable, killer disease....

they might be able to recover from mbd (many can't) and of those that do they're unreleasable....

i can't urge you enough to read on nutrition and prevent mbd now that you can ... the first foods squirrels eat will be their preferences for life ...and if you start them on junk foods like nuts .... then that's what they'll be addicted to....

4swerlz has said it best .. that in order to digest nuts the body leaches calcium from the bones.... scary stuff....

i prefer hhbs for them... but a good rodent block is good too.... just put it in their cage ...and for now maybe they'll just pee on it... but they'll get used to it and eventually start nibbling on it.....


05-19-2011, 10:39 AM
Hi! Thanks for your advice. In addition to the FV formula they are eating Kale, and a variety of vegetables and their henry blocks (they love it). I do not give them peanuts. I do give them only one each of acorn, walnut, and pecan with the shell, just to keep them busy or they go stir crazy. They don't know how to open them yet so it keeps them occupied for some time. I think I've been following great advice which is beneficial for their wonderful future. I don't think that they will be in danger of MBD as I am taking all precautionary measures to avoid that. They like the veggies, spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, cabbage, sprouts, etc., which is great! Today, I plan on making boo balls for them- fun stuff! Thanks again!! :crazy I do have a question, are they going to be mates when they get bigge or will they separate from their dens? They are sibling and was wondering if I should make 2 homes for them outside or just one? I suppose I will look through the TSB forum on release guidelines.
so glad they're doing better.....

it's very important to maintain a good diet with them... so ... follow the nutrition section....

give them formula until you release them..it's insurance against mbd....

start giving them (clean/unsprayed etc..) wild foods like dandelion and maple branches etc... lots of reading for you in the nutrition section....

the saddest thing i know is that from when they stop their formula they're at risk for mbd.... because formula has calcium but when they stop ... they're not eating enough (because they're fussy or the owners don't know) ..and the next thing we hear is 3 - 5 months later that something is wrong with the squirrel....

it's so common that i'm now expecting it to happen ....it's a preventable, killer disease....

they might be able to recover from mbd (many can't) and of those that do they're unreleasable....

i can't urge you enough to read on nutrition and prevent mbd now that you can ... the first foods squirrels eat will be their preferences for life ...and if you start them on junk foods like nuts .... then that's what they'll be addicted to....

4swerlz has said it best .. that in order to digest nuts the body leaches calcium from the bones.... scary stuff....

i prefer hhbs for them... but a good rodent block is good too.... just put it in their cage ...and for now maybe they'll just pee on it... but they'll get used to it and eventually start nibbling on it.....


05-19-2011, 10:49 AM
:thumbsup if they get along now ... they'll probably be fine later but 2 nest boxes is good.....

i've had mine stay together for a few months... siblings ... especially over the winter....

but mine are all wilds.....

i'm so glad about the veges.... but unless you plan on them raiding your neighbours gardens or the grocery store ...they need to learn about wild foods too.....

05-22-2011, 07:39 AM
Sorry to hop in this late, but just wanted to let you know that spinach and kale and some other goitrogenic veggies contain oxalates that bind with calcium and prevent the body from being able to absorb/digest it. Turnip greens, mustard greens are good, and dandelion greens are the ideal leafy green for many animals. Romaine has really minimal nutritional value (for people too) as well.

Definitely great that you are working so hard to give them the best start, good luck :)


05-22-2011, 10:56 PM
Keep them together, if they do not fight now. There may be little spats at times but they are sibs. Have been together in the womb. Should be released together. Mine stay together for almost a year or so. At least until the female gets pregnant. They love each other.:Love_Icon :Love_Icon They love to snuggle together,nuzzle,and feel each others heart beat. Keep us up dated.

Marty, Licensed Maryland Master Wildlife Rehabilitator

05-23-2011, 09:29 AM
Thanks Marty! I tried taking them outside yesterday. I opened their carrier case and let them smell the soil and the trees. They were a bit afraid at first. Chipella was the first to lead out of the carrier and smelled the soil, picked it up, chewed on it and ran up the tree. She looked at us, ran back and forth and back on my shoulder she landed. She didn't want to leave my side. Dale walked out, smelled the grass, and ran up my leg. I then placed them on the branch to see if they would play so we walked away and they ran and followed our feet and jumped back on us. So we carried them back to the house and they were more happier in the house than outside. (weird). When it's feeding time, they hold the cage with their little hands just watching me and when I open the latch of their cage they hop right up on my and sit near my chest for their feeding. I am so touched that they are so attached to me and have grown to love them so. I hope they have fun on our vacation coming up this Wed..:Love_Icon
Keep them together, if they do not fight now. There may be little spats at times but they are sibs. Have been together in the womb. Should be released together. Mine stay together for almost a year or so. At least until the female gets pregnant. They love each other.:Love_Icon :Love_Icon They love to snuggle together,nuzzle,and feel each others heart beat. Keep us up dated.

Marty, Licensed Maryland Master Wildlife Rehabilitator

05-23-2011, 09:31 AM
Jill, thanks for the info. I bought Kale bc it was on the nutrition list... I will swap that out for something else. Thanks again. Nidia
Sorry to hop in this late, but just wanted to let you know that spinach and kale and some other goitrogenic veggies contain oxalates that bind with calcium and prevent the body from being able to absorb/digest it. Turnip greens, mustard greens are good, and dandelion greens are the ideal leafy green for many animals. Romaine has really minimal nutritional value (for people too) as well.

Definitely great that you are working so hard to give them the best start, good luck :)
