View Full Version : Hello!

05-15-2011, 01:45 PM
Hello, I am so glad pappy1264 told me about this board. My son's friend found a baby squirrel outside his apartment after a MAJOR thunder & wind storm on Friday. He tried to get the baby to go back to its tree, but it continued to follow him and eventually came up and sat right on his boot. At that point, the friend was a "goner" and couldn't resist the little squirrel. Apparently the nest was destroyed during the storm. My son told me about the baby yesterday and brought it home to me last night.

I have always been a squirrel lover, to the point that my sons are embarrassed by my husband and I singing "We love squirrels, we love squirrels! Yay for squirrels, we love squirrels!" on a frequent basis :crazy In addition, we have a very large collection of squirrel stuffies, figurines, etc.

Okay, so back to the baby. From what I have read, I have deduced that the baby is about 6 weeks old. It is a fox squirrel and weighs 199 grams right now. I have placed an order from Fox Valley already and in the meantime, I am feeding the goat's milk/yogurt formula.

I do have a LOT of experience in hand raising small mammals - sugar gliders. I have owned gliders for over 11 years now and have become considered an expert in the "glider community" on the subject of hand raising gliders. Based on that fact, pappy1264 feels that I should be able to handle hand raising this squirrel. My husband is busily, and happily, building a cage and nesting box out in our garage right now. I plan to keep the baby squirrel in a separate room of our house so that it can have the peace and quiet it will need, until it is ready to start the "soft release" process. So far, it is eating well and its feces is firm, but not too hard.

So, my question is... How do I determine its gender? I don't see an obvious scrotal sac, but didn't know if it would be obvious at this age yet or not? (Determining the gender of a glider is very easy, but not so with this squirrel :dono

05-15-2011, 03:30 PM
Hi Suz! Glad you made it! Even without a visable scrotal sac, you will see a penis (if it has one) up higher, not quite mid lower belly. A female will not have anything up high, her 'plumbing' will be down right next to her anus. I think you have a little girl, because you can't miss 'outdoor plumbing'...lol

And on a side note, Suz has helped me tremendously over the years with my gliders and she has tons of handfeeding experience. I think she will fit in quite well here!!!

05-15-2011, 04:08 PM
I suspected she was a girl, but just wanted to make sure. Thanks! Now we have to come up with a name for her. David (who is 20) & his friend were calling her Craig, but that's just not going to work :rotfl

05-15-2011, 04:14 PM
:Welcome I am sure that one of the first things Pappy told you was that photos are an absolute must, right?:)

05-15-2011, 04:55 PM
lol....well, figured you guys would tell her....:D I already seen the cutie and OMG......so sweete your teeth are gonna hurt!!! lol

05-15-2011, 05:06 PM
Hi sgs....You've come to a wonderful community..And yes...we are addicted to pictures....

05-15-2011, 05:10 PM
:Welcome This place is awesome for sharing - and yes, I too am addicted to photos - post away!!! Thanks for rescuing!!! And sugar gliders too - I love them!!!

05-15-2011, 05:33 PM
Hello & :Welcome !!!! I love sugar gliders and squirrels. Can't wait to see pics!!! Thank you for helping the little girl!

05-16-2011, 04:55 AM
:thankyou for the warm welcome, everyone. I'll be happy to post pictures of her... I just need to know how to do so ;)

05-16-2011, 09:18 AM
Suz, when you open a page to reply, scroll down, you will see the 'manage attachments' bar, click on that and another drop down screen will appear. You can download 10 pics per post. They have to be resized, of course. It is just like GC. How is the little one today? Any name yet?

05-16-2011, 09:26 AM
Hello & Welcome................ :wave123
(is this no sew Suz from GC?)

you can always use PhotoBucket.com to post PICS as well.

05-16-2011, 10:24 AM
Yup, the one and only!! lol

05-16-2011, 02:38 PM
:Welcome cant wait to see pics of your new little one!!

05-17-2011, 05:39 AM
Yup, it's me.. "No Sew Suz" :rotfl Okay, I am going to see if I can add a few pictures of my little Sunshine. I haven't quite decided on her name yet, but I'm debating between Sunshine and Kaileigh.

Hmmm... can't find a "manage attachments" button... maybe it hasn't been activated for me yet? I am still waiting for full activation :dono (And silly me, I can't seem to remember my Photobucket password right now :shakehead )

05-18-2011, 06:11 AM
Okay, here are a few pictures of Kaileigh the Squirrel :Love_Icon




05-18-2011, 06:13 AM
Ohhhh she is so pretty!!!!

Jackie in Tampa
05-18-2011, 06:17 AM
I found your site, NO sew, eons ago and have been posting it here forever!:wott
Great ideas and instructions! COOL!!!
:Welcome :wave123
Your little foxer is awesomely precious...more pics...maybe going to need some daily...no foxers in Tampa!!!:D

05-18-2011, 07:56 AM
NO NO - I want the FOXER........ I have wanted a FOXER ever since I hand raised my first Squirrel "Max" almost five years ago.
Think I can Smuggle your little girl into Florida - :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl