View Full Version : Almond milk?

05-15-2011, 10:23 AM
Anyone ever offer this to their squirrels? I was pouring some today and Ed was very interested...its non dairy so no issues like cow's milk, and calcium fortified too :D

Edited to say: I don't think it would have much more sugar that vanilla yogurt, and I wouldn't give him a lot but thought about mixing some with his ground rodent blocks as a change of pace.

05-15-2011, 10:43 AM
Good Morning---from Costa Rica....
Hmmmmmm ...I have considerd Almond Milk for me--to avoid ther dairy I am so used to-
-BUT its $ 2,400 / colones/ quart = $ 5.00 qt....= $ 20.00 gallon...That is NOT an option for me...
But if Rama Rota needs it---I'll find a way...Ha ! >>>>>ain't that the truth...

################################################## ##################
Stosh >>> Keeper of Rama Rota ( the KING of Costa Rica )

Visit the KING at :


05-15-2011, 09:57 PM
Yum yum yum. I always have almond milk - I wonder if my to-be-released would like as a treat?

05-16-2011, 07:09 AM
Thanks for the replies. I did give him a tiny splash in his dinner last night and he chowed down :Love_Icon

I wouldn't make it a daily thing, but a treat. It does come in a plain unsweetened variety as well. And the vanilla flavored one might make a good vehicle for getting meds in, if someone needed an idea of how to get meds into a squirrel.

island rehabber
05-16-2011, 07:11 AM
Thanks for the replies. I did give him a tiny splash in his dinAnd the vanilla flavored one might make a good vehicle for getting meds in, if someone needed an idea of how to get meds into a squirrel.

I've never tried it, but i do know another rehabber who uses it to get squirrels to take their icky Baytril :thumbsup.

09-13-2011, 07:50 AM
I use almond milk with no soy or lactose,,,,I mix it in with their formula and they do wonderful,
I use esibilac 50 % goat and 50 % regular with 25 % almond milk, it has good calcium content and my squirrels are doing great.

09-13-2011, 08:43 AM
One important thing to remember if you use almond milk as anything other than an occasional treat:

Almond milk has only about 1 g of protein per serving, while
Cow's milk and goat's milk have about 8 g of protein

09-19-2011, 12:11 AM
I make almond milk, and don't add any sugar to it at all. I get (real) raw almonds (most "raw" almonds in the store are actually pasteurized) and soak them overnight, changng the water out a couple of times. Then I blend almonds and filtered water in my blender, and strain it. I also put the almond paste in my dehydrator to make almond powder. But there's no sugar or anything else, and it's a lot less expensive than buying.