View Full Version : Hello!

05-13-2011, 02:37 PM
Hi Everyone!

I sort of introduced myself in the wrong area (Non-Life Threatening Help Needed), so I do apologize. It was a lengthy post, so I will not repost the entire thing here.

I am the "mom" of a 8 mo. old Fox squirrel who is my life. Chuck is his name and he has been nothing less than a god-send for me (see full story and post in other thread). Long story short, Chuck was raised by me from the age of 1-2 weeks after he fell from a tree and was not successfully reunited with his mom. Chuck sadly can not be released and resides with myself, my husband, and our other fur-babies. And, just like our other fur-babies, we will do ANYTHING for Chuck.

I look forward to meeting everyone and discussing all things squirrel related (and not). This is a fantastic community and I am so thrilled to now be a part of it!

I can't wait to chare photos of my buddy! :thumbsup

05-13-2011, 03:19 PM
Hi Everyone!

I am the "mom" of a 8 mo. old Fox squirrel who is my life. Chuck is his name and he has been nothing less than a god-send for me (see full story and post in other thread). I look forward to meeting everyone and discussing all things squirrel related (and not). This is a fantastic community and I am so thrilled to now be a part of it!

I can't wait to share photos of my buddy! :thumbsup

PHOTOS--PHOTOS--We need them...
WELCOME to TSB....You need not look any further.... FOR: Nutrition, emergency help, local resources, and good cheer--- We are ALL OWNED by squirrels on TSB...
I have a Costa Rican Variegated Tri-Colored Tree squirrel---named Rama Rota.
He thinks he is a KING so we treat him as such...
There are sooooo MANY great squirrels to meet here and great stories of rescue and re-hab on TSB...
Pour the coffee---and start reading....

Did I mention--we need to see your PHOTOS !!!############################################### ##################

Stosh >>> keeper of Rama Rota ( the KING of Costa Rica )

Visit the KING at :


05-13-2011, 04:01 PM
As soon as I'm unrestricted, I will post photos like crazy. I love sharing photos and videos or Chuck and the other squirrels in the neighborhood. I do a lot of wildlife photography when I have the chance and have MANY pictures of ground squirrels, tree squirrels, etc. I'll post them all as soon as I'm "allowed" :D .

Can we post videos too or is it strictly photos?

Can't wait to share and learn more about everyone and their squirrels! I’m restricted from viewing Rama Rota’s page, but did google what type of squirrel he is and think I found some pictures of him. OMG is he not only adorable but look at those colors!!! What an amazing little guy!!! :Love_Icon

05-13-2011, 04:04 PM
:Welcome WolfDancer :wave123

05-13-2011, 04:07 PM
:Welcome :) I believe you can only post videos through links from other sites like photobucket or Youtube. Someone correct me if I am wrong but that is how I do it.
Any welcome again and I am also looking forward to pics and videos!

05-13-2011, 04:25 PM
As soon as I'm unrestricted, I will post photos like crazy.
Can't wait to share and learn more about everyone and their squirrels! I’m restricted from viewing Rama Rota’s page, but did google what type of squirrel he is and think I found some pictures of him. OMG is he not only adorable but look at those colors!!! What an amazing little guy!!! :Love_Icon
OK...somebody HELP this person.... he needs to be able to Visit the KING !!!
Once you are a member--shouldn't all threads be accessible ???

05-13-2011, 05:20 PM
:Welcome Glad to have you along.....looking forward to you pics.

05-13-2011, 05:31 PM
:Welcome to TSB :wave123 We are all pretty nutty... I mean nice , yes that's it ... nice :rotfl Glad you are here. :rotfl

Marty, Licensed Maryland Master Wildlife Rehabilitator