View Full Version : Empty Nest Syndrome

05-12-2011, 10:20 PM
I have had a very successful release of Rocki. She is doing great and I am so happy! But I literally have empty nest syndrome. I look at the curtain and think about how she used to sit up there and look at me. I find things she chewed and miss her. I still find nuts in all kinds of places. I love that girl so much. The great thing is, even though she won't come to me anymore, she will come down her tree and chatter at me. So she still interacts, but is happy to be in the wild. I worry about her all the time, but she is doing great! I'm glad I was able to save her and nurse her back to life and give her a good life in the wild!

A few of my favorites!



05-12-2011, 11:11 PM
Bless your heart for saving her!!! :thankyou
She is a beauty.:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Don't worry...I was also afraid of never being able to care for any more(selfish as it may be).....BUT....wasn't long and I had my hands full of babies once again.:osnap
Once a squamma always a squamma!!!:squirrel1

05-13-2011, 05:56 AM
Awwww, the pain of letting our children go out into the real world.......I have four downstairs I wintered over.....they will be leaving very soon (just waiting for a break from rain....gggggrrrrrrr), and I have my three little ones from this year whose eyes are now all open......and Pinkie, my big girl from last year, she is still here....well, outside, but she comes up to the feeders almost every day. She is on her second set of babies (she is preggers again....lol), so the circle of life continues. And you will most likely have another little one that needs you come into you life. They have a way of doing that, once the 'gate' has been open....lol Love her hanging on the large screen tv.....lol

05-13-2011, 06:31 AM
It is SOOOOOOOO hard to let them go. I cry every time. But in my heart I know it is right. I do it for them. It is the ultimate unselfishness.
I know that exact feeling of empty nest. I started looking at pet rats, hedgehogs, ferrets, etc. Just to fill the nitch. I resisted it though as I knew there would be some babies that need me this spring. Sure enough. I have two that I have been tending to for 6 weeks now. They will also be released.
You just can not help all the worry and emtyness, but it goes away in time and you are just left with all the silly squirrel memories. They sure do make you smile! It is all part of the process, but it is so rewarding to know you helped save a live. These babies had a zero % survival without us. Look what we have done for them!
I feel your pain, but we are doing the right thing. Hang in there.

05-13-2011, 06:33 AM
It is SOOOOOOOO hard to let them go. I cry every time. But in my heart I know it is right. I do it for them. It is the ultimate unselfishness.
I know that exact feeling of empty nest. I started looking at pet rats, hedgehogs, ferrets, etc. Just to fill the nitch. I resisted it though as I knew there would be some babies that need me this spring. Sure enough. I have two that I have been tending to for 6 weeks now. They will also be released.
You just can not help all the worry and emtyness, but it goes away in time and you are just left with all the silly squirrel memories. They sure do make you smile! It is all part of the process, but it is so rewarding to know you helped save a live. These babies had a zero % survival without us. Look what we have done for them!
I feel your pain, but we are doing the right thing. Hang in there.
:goodpost :goodpost :goodpost

05-13-2011, 02:09 PM
there will be another squirrel who will need your love and care. i am sure did you great job with rocki!! bless you for helping her and caring for her!! once a squirrel mama....always a squirrel mama!!

05-13-2011, 05:27 PM
Ugh - I feel you pain - I had my Rocky for 9.5 months and took him to a rehabber (out in the country) for release last weekend. He has been with her for a week and I cry everytime I go in his room - yes he had a room in our house. He was so frail and tiny when I found him, dehydrated and bleeding, but he is a big, healthy, handsome "teenager" now - ready to leave momma's house for the great unknown. I tell ya, sending 2 daughters off to college was tough - but at least they called and brought me their laundry at least once a month! I can only hope that Rocky will visit Nancy and let her know how well he is doing!
Hang in there - God will use your expertise again - at least I am hoping so!!

05-13-2011, 05:51 PM
:grouphug To all of us. :grouphug

This will be my first release and I am quite sad. I've had my little Grayson ["Gracie and Grayson"] since the end of August. He is totally sweet and hasn't wild-up yet, but he's spending his first night tonight in his outside cage. Boo hoo! :( My living room feels so empty. Don't know how all of you do this every year. Sniff.

05-13-2011, 10:23 PM
It is hard and I still cry over every release, 11 years later. I know they deserve to have a squirrel life but I do miss them also. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

05-14-2011, 06:45 AM
Heck, I am crying just reading all the posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just know that feeling. It is a huge bundle of emotion. Some of it is sadness, some of it is pride, some of it is joy, some of it is worry, etc. No wonder it is so bittersweet!
But they deserve this release. I try to do my best with release in a safe place, away from busy streets, etc. Then they are on their own. A slow, safe , soft release. BOOOOOO, sniff.

island rehabber
05-14-2011, 07:11 AM
at the risk of "tooting my own horn" which I'm not, I wrote a poem a few years ago that might help...


05-14-2011, 07:17 AM
That's a really beautiful poem, IR. Really beautiful.

[Funny, my head knows and embraces all these things, but my heart does not. :shakehead ]

:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

05-14-2011, 09:13 AM
i still have so many babies in my house it is crowded. i look forward to release day!! i have at least nine babies that come down the trees everyday looking for peanuts {aka squirrel crack}. i just walked outside and had to run back in...i was getting barked at for not having any treats with me. dont know what i was thinking. you will get another baby soon.....sounds like you did a great job with the one you had.....and you did the right thing by releasing. they belong in the wild, free.

05-14-2011, 12:30 PM
I know how you feel. I let my little girl go last year and I still miss her so much. She visits every now and then, but I really do miss having her in the house. They are such neat and personable little animals.