View Full Version : help needed! mystery death contagious?

05-11-2011, 11:43 AM
my boyfriend got me a flying squirrel yrs ago from a pet store, I named her critter and have had no health issues from her. last week i noticed she hadn't been eating much so i kept an eye on her, I came home yesterday and noticed her eyes were gunky so i picked her up and knew something was wrong, her heart was pounding so i put her on my bed and watched as she walked in circles, i was panicked so i thought maybe she needed some calcium since she hadn't been eating much, i tried tums but nothing, 5 min later she curled up against me and died. I read on here something about bacterial infection and how it could be contagious for other squirrels, I have 2 others who seem to be doing fine, i just switched there diet to henrys blocks and have been making boo balls for them. i looked at them and the one seems to be breathing harder than the other, im not sure if im just overly paranoid now because of the sudden death of critter or what. I read something about Enrofloxacin transdermal gel twist dose, and i was wondering where i get it, if i need a prescription, and if they dont have the bacterial infection, if it would hurt to give them some anyway just in case? any help is greatly appreciated.

05-11-2011, 11:46 AM
I'm so sorry about the death of little Critter. It's so hard when they pass with little warning like that. I'm not a rehabber so I don't have any info for you, but maybe one of the rehabbers will be here soon to offer some comments. Hopefully this was nothing contagious. Rest in peace little Critter :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

05-11-2011, 11:49 AM
I am very sorry for your loss. Can you please tell us what her diet has been like before she passed? Flyers need a great deal of protein, it is not just about the calcium.

05-11-2011, 12:11 PM
thanks everyone! I gave her 8-in1 drops in her water and feed her sunflower seeds, fresh fruit ( apples, grapes, and orange pieces 2x a week) sweet potato pieces, henry's healty blocks, but she only ate about a half a block a day then was done with it, some exotic nutrition squirrel diet, and muzuri rodent blocks. she usually only picked out the pine nuts and pumpkin seed out of the squirrel diet, ate half a block a day of the henry blocks, chewed some on the muzuri, and tore up every pc of sweet potato i put in her cage. she also ate the apples and oranges with no problem. i was putting leafy greens but she would never touch them, so for my other 2 im going to try flax seed and see if they eat it. i was giving them meal worms but not this week.

05-11-2011, 12:15 PM
o and some yogurt a couple times a week, and they always have pear branches in there cage if that makes a difference. I also gave them baby food, not meats but fruit and veggies

05-11-2011, 12:27 PM
You need to up the animal protein in their diet. try come plain cooked chicken, or some scrambled eggs (with a tiny bit of cheese, might make it more paletable for them). Go to petsmart and get Canyon Creek Ranch Poppers and Prime Taste Treats freeze dried chicken breast, both are in the dog treat section. Make sure to only get the plain chicken, nothing else. I switch these up. Mine took right to them, but the freeze dried one you can leave in the cage for a few days if they don't eat it at first. Cut out the baby foods, if possible. Get the seeds/nuts out. They will stash them and choose to eat just them. Lots of sunflower and pumpkin seeds are not good for them (but they will choose them if they can). Make it so they have to eat good things. Limit nuts/seeds to a hand feeding treat, after they have eaten the good things. Get waxworms, they usually love them, too. Fruits should be a smaller part of their diet, more veggies after the protein. I know they 'refuse' things, they are very much like a little kid....put broccoli and chocolate out, which do you think they will choose (unless it is my daughter, who LOVES broccoli...lol) But I think you get my point. I would try to get some fox valley formula and mix some of that in with yogurt and a little heavy cream. What kind of greens are you offering? Flax seed is good, but I wouldn't use it all the time (it can entice them to eat greens, but I don't use it all the time, maybe a few times a week, tops.) In regards to the chicken, do chicken bones, they really seem to like them (and marrow is good).

05-11-2011, 12:44 PM
thank you so much that is so helpful. can you tell me the schedule of what you feed yours and how much? im always worried they'll get to much or not enough of one thing. what do yours have in there cage at all times? how many and how often should they get wax worms fox valley and chicken? what should there main diet be, boo balls?

05-11-2011, 12:47 PM
what type of fox valley formula should i get? they are adults. sorry about all the questions

05-11-2011, 01:00 PM
I, personally, use the 32/40, even when they are older. Jett, my youngest, will still take it from a syringe if I offer it but will gladly eat it mixed in with her yogurt and a little heavy cream...lol I agree, stop the drops.

05-11-2011, 01:07 PM
i stopped the drops and cooked some eggs up, im just waiting for them to cool now. i ordered the ranch poppers and prime treats now i'm gonna order the fox valley. I know that my male (lelo) will drink from a syringe, but how much fox valley do i give them a day, and what else should they be eating with it?

Jackie in Tampa
05-11-2011, 01:27 PM
Good advise...great diet pappy..
I also offer dry oatmeal...and when I get cream cheese, I share..
I also offer almond or peanut butter, all natural, same with applesauce,
I feed superworms from worm lady, and wax/grubs from my wood pile.
Lots of fresh tree branches because like yours, mine aren't big green leaf eaters:dono
I will say that with over 40, they can eat a salad that would feed a family of four, in 10 minutes tops...:) crazy...
I do give seed, not alot...and I also give nuts...sometimes in the shell, sometimes not.:peace
Mine devour an avacodo...but most important is the all mighty magical mushroom!!!! gotta have that D...yogurts not enough...

Not sure what may have been the problem with your flyer..gunky eyes are associated with many illnesses I would think.
If you are able to get the other two to a vet, that's what I would do, if not I would certainly ck for hydration and look into upping their calcium as others have advised.
Thinking maybe Private Message Muffin Squirrel or Mrs Skul...although you are getting great advise...
hope we can help get to the issue soon.
I agree with 4Skwerls, I never add anything to their water...
and never anything species generic or multi vitamined...
Are they holding body temp?
If they appear cold, you may want to add low heat their sleep area if possible..I know it's hard with flyers.
Rice buddies do great though other than having to reheat them every couple hours.
I hope our smart and knowledgable peeps can help you.
I am very sorry about your loss.:Love_Icon

Enjoy heavenly freedom little squirrel:Love_Icon

05-11-2011, 01:37 PM
i'm so very sorry.....:grouphug

flyers are closer to being carnivores than any other squirrel.....

a tree squirrel diet is not for flyers....

mrs skul is our best flyer expert ....

i'll pm you her phone number .....

but the idea of upping their protein is the best one for now.....

when flyers are wild they're constantly catching insects and eating bugs...

some flyers prefer less protein and others seem to have an unlimited need for it ... depends on the flyer ..... :grouphug

(ps: not saying that jackie and pappy aren't excellent, wonderful squirrel experts too.... :thumbsup )

05-11-2011, 01:42 PM
lildragon... you can't receive pms right now... here's my email address and i'll forward you the information that way.....
