View Full Version : Does he have mange/pox?

05-09-2011, 03:13 PM
My youngest (almost a year old now, wow) has sores that are spreading and getting worse. I've spoken to someone familiar with it already, but they weren't positive from just a few pics. Jr loves playing with me inside, but I'm not sure I'll be able to keep him in for too long. Plus I'll be out of town tomorrow, so I don't want things to get worse fast! He's been playing outside for a cpl months, sleeping there for a cpl weeks. I'm trying to get him to eat "healthier" right now, but it's not working yet. I've reintroduced Esbilac, I've got echinacea (not sure of dosage), clindamycin (25mg/ml, I think it was used in a study) 22.7mg Baytril, and 400mg Amoxitabs (used in a study as well?). I know I'll prob only need the two of those, but that's what I have available. I don't really know much other than info from a thread here and there. I'm just hoping to get all the help/info I can.

I have to post one pic at a time. There are a few on his face in one, and the other shows a small sore on his chest and a huge sore against his testicles. I'll try to get a better picture.

05-09-2011, 03:15 PM
And I'm sorry, I'm not sure how to size on here!

05-09-2011, 03:21 PM
A better pic of the big one...

05-09-2011, 03:27 PM
This is not mange.
Could be pox or bot flies.
Either way, needs immediate attention.
Do you have a vet?
If you need advice on treatment or vet care, check with Jackie in Tampa.
She's right near you and experienced with either.
Squirrel pox is highly contagious so please practice safe handling and quarentine him for the time being.

05-09-2011, 03:29 PM
Here's 2 of your pics resized, the first I can't get to open correctly.

05-09-2011, 03:35 PM
I'm sorry, I know the sores aren't mange. His ears are getting crusty, and he's starting to lose hair there and around his eyes. I've looked into bot flies as well. The sore on his stomach has increased in diameter, but it doesn't appear to be raising. No holes or oval shape. At least not yet. From what I can tell (and I'm by no means an expert!) it's not bot flies.

I've called around, and the THREE exotic vets I know around here are out of town today! I've actually spoken to Jackie a few times today. She says she can't be sure, but I don't know what to do in the meantime. She said there was a thread that would give me all the info I need, but I've only found bits and pieces... I'm not sure how he would handle a trip, either. I'm the only person he comes to, and even I have gotten some pretty severe bites if anybody else comes close!

05-09-2011, 03:36 PM
And he's extremely itchy! I can't take his mind off of it. This is all happening pretty fast, I just didn't want to waste any time.

05-09-2011, 03:38 PM
Thank you! The first one just showed another red sore on his chest, but the big one lower was somewhat out of focus. thanks, you rock. :)

05-09-2011, 03:46 PM
I have no firsthand experience with pox.
It could be that or even pockets of infection.
Any chance he'd have any puncure wounds, albeit small in the past?
They can always abscess and rupture.

05-09-2011, 03:47 PM
He could have more then one thing going on. Crazy itchy is USUALLY mite related. But generally don't see actual 'sores' with them (at least not that I have ever seen). I always worry about pox, thankfully have never dealt personally with it, but the sores don't look 'right' to me for pox just from pics I have seen.

05-09-2011, 03:48 PM
the sores are definitely not mange - consult with Jackie in Tampa, as djarenspace suggested. She has experience with both, bot flies and pox.

As for itchiness and increasing crustiness - he might be getting mange as well.
They usually start succumbing to mange when their immune system is compromised. Given those sores, it is very likely that his immune system got weakened, fighting those sores, whatever they are. So, he might be getting mange on top of that.
Mange can be treated with a drop of Revolution between his shoulders, once a week for three weeks, or every two weeks - check the exact frequency with your vet.

But those sores definitely need immediate attention.

05-09-2011, 03:51 PM
No, I've always protective when the other squirrels were being bullies... I've never seen any. These just started popping up, and fast. He's got a few on his mouth, the one under his eye looks much worse today. None on any limbs, as far as I can tell. He's got a handful on his underside, two of which are red and irritated, and I can feel another several on his back. Those are pretty small and new.

I'm going to have to let him out soon, he's mad that I cleaned the big one... I'm trying to entertain for as long as I can, but I have a feeling he doesn't feel sick enough to hang out inside...unless I rub his head the whole time. :shakehead

05-09-2011, 03:54 PM
Now, from your description, it does sound like pox. Speak to Jackie, she has lots of experience with pox. And I agree, he sounds like he has mange on top of whatever else is going on. Poor guy.

Jackie in Tampa
05-09-2011, 03:54 PM
heres a link to a thread with the pox faqs sheet, it will not copy paste into one post...
meds needed are
acyclovr suspension
nystatin cream or ointment
nystop/nystatin powder optional but prefered
and immune boosters/echinechia or prefgered Shaklees Nutriferon..
I am saying these are what I can say we have used and tried with good results..
I have shared the link to sharon gardners keys pox epidemic
others have used other treatment s...

Jackie in Tampa
05-09-2011, 03:58 PM
Now, from your description, it does sound like pox. Speak to Jackie, she has lots of experience with pox. And I agree, he sounds like he has mange on top of whatever else is going on. Poor guy.
I advise against treating the mange..too much stress on internal and attitude
the other meds will take care of the mange..
others will give you an entirely different protocol...revolution etc...that protocaol is for those that do not have access to good meds and choose to not handle the sqs.
You have a good relationship with your sq and this can get bad fast...
my advise is to treat with the protocol I have shared with you using the meds listed.
either way good luck:Love_Icon

05-09-2011, 04:02 PM
Thanks you guys. I've read about their comorbidity in the past, and I unfortunately treated for the mange a few weeks ago (I've had a problem here or there in the past, and it's always cleared right up). Bad idea, now that I've seen the sores! The crustiness started to dissipate, then it came back bringing the sores. I'm sure I made it worse, but there were no other symptoms when it was just the one problem.

Pappy, I'm glad you say that! I've seen a few that resemble what he's got, but the majority of cases I've seen (online) are pretty severe.

Thank you astra. She's not sure, and I don't want to stress or infect by bringing him to her. Until one of my vets comes back (a couple days, yuck!), I might just have to try and boost his immune system. I just wanted to see if anyone else had an idea, or saw something we didn't.

It seems that the little man is done waiting for today, though. He's moved from chewing on my arm to biting my neck. My squirrel suit is not match for him, and it's dang hot!

05-09-2011, 04:06 PM
Hey Jackie! I know of them, I just couldn't find any dosage info. And the only thing I found in the kitchen is Baytril. Could I use this in the meantime, and just wait to see a vet for the other two? If nobody was sure, I didn't want to jump the gun and make things worse. If you get a chance, please call! He's not letting me type. :)

05-09-2011, 04:07 PM
Sorry, I fell behind. I'll catch up now, thanks!

05-09-2011, 04:13 PM
That's the info I was able to find earlier, but I don't see dosing on Baytril. I may just be blind. I'll check again; he's grown tired of biting and he's now falling asleep on my chair...

Jackie in Tampa
05-09-2011, 04:13 PM
ABs need to be fresh to be effective...
Can you weigh him in grams?
I will get some stuff together for him...

05-09-2011, 04:17 PM
Baytril is from beginning of November, last year. Let me find my scale...

Jackie in Tampa
05-09-2011, 04:24 PM
anyone local have nystatin ointment or cream????

Jackie in Tampa
05-09-2011, 04:25 PM
Baytril is from beginning of November, last year. Let me find my scale...
tablets or suspension?
tablets would be iffy , but suspension fronm November would not be advised..shelf life is short, not worth having faith in it...

05-09-2011, 04:25 PM
Wow, he was very good... was. 470 grams.

05-09-2011, 04:26 PM

05-09-2011, 05:05 PM
He wanted out, darnit. :( At least he knows where his food comes from, so we can go through the thing all over again. He was just getting too squirrely. Yeah, it was a poor attempt at humor, I know.

Thank you, everybody, for you help and concern. I'll be glued to my laptop, but I probably won't have any news until tomorrow. He might punish me tonight by staying away. Jackie, steps will still be taken tmro to give him an immune boost, but I'll not be around midday and he wouldn't appreciate that. Wednesday I plan on bringing him in and seeing if I can't calm him enough to stay inside. I'm worried about stressing him out too much.

05-09-2011, 05:17 PM
oh, Jackie is back! You are in great hands now!:thumbsup

05-09-2011, 07:57 PM
:wahoo I'm hoping to be proactive in the morning; hopefully I can find something by then... I feel bad nagging people, but I don't want him to get as bad as the cases I've seen!

Mrs Skul
05-10-2011, 01:23 AM
:wave123 Have you started dosing the water with Echinscea Extract yet? That is what I used for my out side Pox Squirrels. You can find it at the GNC. :thumbsup
I tried the Wal-Mart brand and the Squirrels stopped drinking the water. The GNC bottle taste like tea. The Squirrels had no complaint. :D
They are drinking it again right now. It sure helps when you can't catch and treat the wilds. It is a great Immune Booster! :thumbsup3
Good Luck JessicaLynn

Have you noticed any of the Wild Squirrels showing up with the Bumps / Sores. Some times when healthy Squirrels get Pox. They will show up with missing hair spots on the back, face, checks, and feet. Not all the time will they look Horrible Poxy Bumpy Lumpy, Swollen Ears and Toes. It might be 1 spot above the eye. On the ear, A big toe, Start watching the wilds out side and see if you have anything like this going on. Treating with Echinacea Extract will not hurt any of the Animals or Birds out side. 1 capsule to 1 gal of water.

05-10-2011, 07:16 AM
I'm doing that now, Mrs Skul. I haven't seen any myself, thank goodness, but I was told that there was a "patchy" squirrel around about a month ago. It was just noticed that there were some sores and bald spots on his back, but I haven't seen it myself...

I finally found my old vet, Dr. Kelley. He's helped me with everything in the past. Unfortunately, he's now at an animal ER in Palm Harbor, ao timing and distance are affected. :(