View Full Version : Will my head trauma baby....

05-09-2011, 10:24 AM
Hi everyone, I am back to hopefully get some of your input!
I attached pictures of Will...he is about 7 -8 weeks old now, he has been on anti inflammitories, traumeel, BHI for tummy gas, which seems to be helping. He cannot eat more than 3-6 cc's of formula at a time, so I feed him every few hours. Eyes opened, but likely he does not see at all, doesn't open them much.
He is much smaller than he would normally be. His head trauma was at around 4 weeks, large hematoma on his head, he seemed to come along fairly well until his body needed to develop. He can sit without falling, but mostly rolls around, he can pull himself up and around, likes his mommy!:flash3 Arches his head back sometimes. Always suckling for food, bites my finger.

Anyhow, instead of going on and on, any advice, or have any of you had a squirrel like this that grew out of some of the brain damage? Thankfully no seizures yet.
Thanks in advance

Jackie in Tampa
05-09-2011, 10:41 AM
:grouphug I will say you have been blessed and Will has too.
He will teach you, be open/receptive to what you are seeing...
take each day at a time...some nueros never have seizures ...some live long happy lives with us! Good nutrition is the best advise...
Is he in pain currently??
the back arching has me somewhat concerned...
allow him the option of heat, yet do not overheat him and make sure it's his option to be on the heat...allowing plenty of non heated areas..
a short yet big cage is advised...no height.
Where does he sleep?
on the ground of cage or in a hanging hidee?
I love Wills pics..he is adorable...Ilove baby bellies!:Love_Icon

05-09-2011, 11:43 AM
Hi Jackie!
He sleeps in a small carrier right now, on blankies, heat provided, although he does roll himself off and gets very cold.
I am honestly not sure about his pain, he seems willing to move around, but does do the arching, no crying, only cries to eat. He is always wanting to nurse.
He is precious, I am just worried about him not having quality of life, its not fair....
I have never had one this severe, can they grow out of this somewhat?

05-10-2011, 10:08 AM
I am not positive but i have heard the head arching can have something to do with their glucose levels. Have to research on this subject more. he is blessed to have you though:grouphug Best wishes to you and your baby. :Love_Icon

05-10-2011, 12:59 PM
I wish I had something helpful to add to this thread, but my experience is limited and I haven't personally dealt with any neuro cases. I wish you both the best - Will is just precious. Whatever the outcome, I know you will do what is best for him. Give the little guy a smooch for me :Love_Icon

05-10-2011, 07:04 PM
:grouphug I will say you have been blessed and Will has too.
He will teach you, be open/receptive to what you are seeing...
take each day at a time...some nueros never have seizures ...some live long happy lives with us! Good nutrition is the best advise...
Is he in pain currently??
the back arching has me somewhat concerned...
allow him the option of heat, yet do not overheat him and make sure it's his option to be on the heat...allowing plenty of non heated areas..
a short yet big cage is advised...no height.
Where does he sleep?
on the ground of cage or in a hanging hidee?
I love Wills pics..he is adorable...Ilove baby bellies!:Love_Icon

God Bless This Great Woman and Her Knowledge and Jackie, I love their bellies so much too... copiecatter!!! HaHa!

05-10-2011, 07:12 PM
No advice, but wanted to say God bless you for helping this sweet baby. He is just the most adorable little thing. Please keep us posted as to his progress. Give him a big hug and kissy from me :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug