View Full Version : Sick Squirrel In Back Yard

04-28-2011, 06:11 PM
We have a squirrel in the back yard that seems to have many open wounds on him/her. I am attaching pics to see if anyone knows what this is and what I should do.

Jackie in Tampa
04-28-2011, 06:25 PM
Hi Judy:wave123
appears to be fibroma, sq pox.
I believe mosquitos and fleas carry the virus. Feeding wilds healthy food will help....
adding an immune booster to their water bowls is a good idea...they need lots of quaility food. No seeds.
There are many threads here full of info, use the search box..
I would help more but have to feed. Others will be on soon. Trapping causes stress and in a wild immune compromised sq that is a death sentence. IMO> Been there, done that.
I do not trap unless to save from preditors, treating in the wild is possible..otherwise best to ammend their daily treats to the best money can buy, veggies and REAL tree nuts, seed and peanuts are not so good in this instance.
Provide lots of water and I know you do, i have seen your back yard..I know you and DH love youir fuzzies...
search the m,ember squirrelcharmer in the keys, she followed a protocol I was involved in, no real cure, but we learned a wee bit about this virus...Our protocol is in Sharons thread, Sq Charmer...

also we have a forum with specific aliments
you will find fibroma there also...gotta run, will ck later.:wave123
poor little fuzzy butt...i hope he can make it!:grouphug