View Full Version : Can’t stop wee wee sucking- please help

04-26-2011, 08:01 PM
I’m feeding Chip and Dale 3 times a day. Chip doesn’t eat as much as Dale does and am not sure why. He is playful and seems content eating smaller amounts but in shorter time periods. I have to feed Chip every 2 hours and maybe 3cc or 4 if he is up to it. They are 5 weeks old and very loving, smart and full of energy. Dale eats way more than Chip and eats more and more each time. My issue is that Chip keeps sucking on Dale’s wee wee.. I have to put on it b/c it looked like it was getting infected. With the treatment he is better, just don’t know what to do to stop the wee wee sucking..I added yogurt and heavy cream to the milk but it doesn’t stop. What should I do? Also, I’ve noticed that they both are chewing on their blocks and sticks, should I incorporate solid foods to their diet? And what should I start giving them? I want them to have a happy and healthy life. Thanks for your time. Nidiamjs

04-26-2011, 08:46 PM
You can try putting A &D diaper rash ointment or other bad tasting preparation like Thum or YUK on his penis and hopefully the taste will deter the other from suckling.

It's pretty common and can get to be a bad habit.

04-26-2011, 09:05 PM
Thum will REALLY burn! Try putting him in a sock to sleep--maybe a kids sock. That'll keep the little sucker away--or yeah--Yuk--or a diaper rash ointment that tastes REALLY bad. Might want to ointment him up BEFORE putting him in a sock. Boy I bet that smarts. Somebody needs to make a squirrel size pacifier.

04-26-2011, 09:22 PM

all i can offer is really basic....

feed more often ....

make sure the formula is warm enough otherwise they won't drink....

watch penis to make sure it doesn't scab over and stop pee flow... that's really dangerous ... then you'll have to soak it and gently try to remove the scab and put neosporin on it.

also do a search on penis sucking (etc...) it's one of the most common problems apart from bloat and clicking in lungs....


ps: also make sure the squirrel is warm enough .... they have a heating pad half on /half off underneath their box?

all the best....:)

04-26-2011, 09:28 PM
this is an old post from 2009 but it has good info ...as long as you disregard the puppy formula stuff...


04-26-2011, 10:56 PM
At this present moment I am dealing with three brothers that are having the same issue and I had to separate all three of them from each other...... their penis heads had become red, scabbed over and the smallest one was starting to have problems peeing, therefore, I had to use the pillow ideal for a week with two of them and now they are back together with out the pillow and doing fine, but we are still working on the third one after two weeks of being apart from his brothers as he just refuses to give up the sucking no matter how full his tummy is.

Neosporin was applied 4x a day

04-27-2011, 08:55 AM
Thanks for the advice, I will try as you suggested! Greatly appreciate your time in responding.:crazy
At this present moment I am dealing with three brothers that are having the same issue and I had to separate all three of them from each other...... their penis heads had become red, scabbed over and the smallest one was starting to have problems peeing, therefore, I had to use the pillow ideal for a week with two of them and now they are back together with out the pillow and doing fine, but we are still working on the third one after two weeks of being apart from his brothers as he just refuses to give up the sucking no matter how full his tummy is.

Neosporin was applied 4x a day

04-27-2011, 08:55 AM
Thank you , will check it out. Nidia:)
this is an old post from 2009 but it has good info ...as long as you disregard the puppy formula stuff...


04-27-2011, 08:56 AM
Thanks, I'm taking all steps as you suggested. Appreciate your itme. Thanks and regards. Nidia:thumbsup

all i can offer is really basic....

feed more often ....

make sure the formula is warm enough otherwise they won't drink....

watch penis to make sure it doesn't scab over and stop pee flow... that's really dangerous ... then you'll have to soak it and gently try to remove the scab and put neosporin on it.

also do a search on penis sucking (etc...) it's one of the most common problems apart from bloat and clicking in lungs....


ps: also make sure the squirrel is warm enough .... they have a heating pad half on /half off underneath their box?

all the best....:)

04-27-2011, 08:58 AM
This sounds like a GR8 idea. I will definately try this, it just might work!!! Thank you, never thought of it. I did however, put him in a hammock on the top level, but his brother always seems to find his wee wee... OMG.. the rash ointment just might do the trick b/c the neosporin isn't. :sanp3
Thum will REALLY burn! Try putting him in a sock to sleep--maybe a kids sock. That'll keep the little sucker away--or yeah--Yuk--or a diaper rash ointment that tastes REALLY bad. Might want to ointment him up BEFORE putting him in a sock. Boy I bet that smarts. Somebody needs to make a squirrel size pacifier.

04-27-2011, 09:01 AM
didn't think I can use A&D ointment! I will pick some up from CVS today.:thankyou You can try putting A &D diaper rash ointment or other bad tasting preparation like Thum or YUK on his penis and hopefully the taste will deter the other from suckling.

It's pretty common and can get to be a bad habit.[/QUOTE]

04-27-2011, 12:35 PM
I had this problem with my last batch of babies and I too asked for help here, it seems to definitely be a common problem.

I had to separate mine until they got a bit older, but for healing purposes I used Lanisoh, a lanolin ointment for nursing mothers with cracked nipples. It is thick and coats them really well and it sped up the healing way more than anything else I tried. Plus if they ingest it I didn't have to worry about toxic effects.

Good luck :)

04-27-2011, 01:51 PM
the rash ointment just might do the trick b/c the neosporin isn't. :sanp3The Neosporin is used to heal the penis after the damage is done.... thats why we have to separate them so the Neosporin can do its job. :thumbsup
if you keep them together the Neo will not get a chance to work.

04-27-2011, 02:45 PM

Mrs Skul
04-27-2011, 04:37 PM
:wave123 leenidia
How long have you had these babies? What formula are you feeding? :dono
We recommend FV! It is made just for Squirrels. I would be feeding every 4 to 5 hr and see if that stops it. They are usually hungry.
Feeding them 3 times a day is what I feed my older Squirrels just as they are starting to wean. ( 10 weeks old and up.)
If it does not stop then you need to separate them just till they are old enough to start eating Squirrel Block and Vegatables.:thumbsup
I hope this will help you. :thumbsup

Be careful putting the Thumb and Yuk stuff on them.
It will burn them.
Some bad tasting stuff to us.
It might taste good to them.:D
You can use Neosporin.
Hear is a few cites where you can buy the FoxVally.
You will wont the 32/40 for Squirrels.

04-27-2011, 06:26 PM
Hello! I don’t want my baby to feel pain. I will continue the neosporin like I’ve been doing for 3 days now. Currently they are eating Esbilac about every 3 hours, their eyes opened up 4 days ago, according to the growing schedule that would make them about 5 weeks. I will get some FV soon. thanks, Nidia:crazy

:wave123 leenidia
How long have you had these babies? What formula are you feeding? :dono
We recommend FV! It is made just for Squirrels. I would be feeding every 4 to 5 hr and see if that stops it. They are usually hungry.
Feeding them 3 times a day is what I feed my older Squirrels just as they are starting to wean. ( 10 weeks old and up.)
If it does not stop then you need to separate them just till they are old enough to start eating Squirrel Block and Vegatables.:thumbsup
I hope this will help you. :thumbsup

Be careful putting the Thumb and Yuk stuff on them.
It will burn them.
Some bad tasting stuff to us.
It might taste good to them.:D
You can use Neosporin.
Hear is a few cites where you can buy the FoxVally.
You will wont the 32/40 for Squirrels.

04-27-2011, 06:33 PM
All along I thought Chip was a boy but he is actually a girl (I think)… I just learned that the boys penis is high on the belly and a sack below, which Dale- Chip’s brother has. However, Chip’s genital is very close to the rectum and is kinda like a v shape. Can Chip be a girl vice boy….:dono

04-27-2011, 08:37 PM
All along I thought Chip was a boy but he is actually a girl (I think)… I just learned that the boys penis is high on the belly and a sack below, which Dale- Chip’s brother has. However, Chip’s genital is very close to the rectum and is kinda like a v shape. Can Chip be a girl vice boy….:dono

Yup, Chip's a Chic!

04-28-2011, 03:54 AM
From the pic just a few comments above.

Chip is a BOY!!!

Look again.

Definate male parts.
Do I have to unzip the pants fer this?

squirrely pearly
04-28-2011, 04:45 PM
I started putting cheerios in mines cage and it stopped the sucking..I tried everything too. more solids for them to "gum" or chew on is really the only thing that helped besides feeding them more often..for the one that was sucking I would take the nipple off the syringe and hold my finger over the other end and let him suck on it for a whle after he was done w/milk..seemed to help his anxiety. just have to make sure they don't get air ..good luck! I know it's stressful:thinking

04-28-2011, 08:48 PM
Chip is a Chic, not a boy..138088 anyone care to check to see if this is true?
From the pic just a few comments above.

Chip is a BOY!!!

Look again.

Definate male parts.
Do I have to unzip the pants fer this?

04-28-2011, 09:06 PM
:rofl4 :rofl4 Dang, I was looking at the wrong picture.
Never mind me.:rotfl

04-28-2011, 09:15 PM
lol, I was gonna say.. how bout pulling those pants off.. lol.. thanks.. so whats the verdict? is he a she..? she is Chipetta now..
:rofl4 :rofl4 Dang, I was looking at the wrong picture.
Never mind me.:rotfl